The Back Breaker (The Flesh is Weak Chronicles)

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The Back Breaker (The Flesh is Weak Chronicles) Page 1

by Caine, Kandii

  The Back Breaker

  By Kandii Caine

  The Flesh is Weak Chronicles

  Book artwork created by Kevin Foster

  The Back Breaker: The Flesh is Weak Chronicles Kandii Caine

  Copyright November 2013 @ Kandii Caine

  First Edition Electronic November 2013

  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, businesses, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All trademarks, service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only.

  All rights reserved under the Copyright. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Kandii Caine.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in Federal prison and a fine of $250,000.


  Thank God from home all blessing flow for all gifts and talents derive from his gracious bounty. I am so grateful each day that I work toward a new goal in writing. Thank you to all those people in my life who have lifted me up and supported my musings. I am blessed. Thank you Ko Ko and Kevin for walking with me along this path, may I lift and support you with the zeal and fortitude you’ve shown me. Dear reader please enjoy my version of kink and erotica…I hope it transports you and for a short while you are blissfully satisfied.


  Lena Mathewson was searching for a most satisfying experience. After going on a date with a guy she met on a popular website she was left unsatisfied…that is until she literally bumped into Silas. Tall, dark, handsome and British he might be the back breaking experience she longs for.

  Table of Contents



  The Back Breaker

  About the Author

  Coming Soon

  The Back Breaker

  Matthew 26:41 “Watch and pray to that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

  Lena Matheson watched her date as he paid for their dinner bill. She liked Henry Turney, he was sweet and safe and just a tad bit on the boring side. She smiled benignly at him as he sweated and apprehensively babbled most of the evening about his job and hobbies all of which held no interest to her. Lord, Henry was even more in need of companionship than she was. His tall lean frame walked nervously beside her as they exited the hotel that housed their restaurant.

  Lena had actually gotten excited when Henry drove up to the hotel. It was a five tier hotel that boasted two excellent restaurants and a night club. She had actually hoped Henry would turn out to be a bit of a rake and she might actually get lucky tonight. They had met on POD (Plenty of Dicks…for the people who have time to play and enjoy lots of action.) Lena was a member of several dating sites and had been disappointed on most of all of them. When her friend Monica had jokingly emailed her the site, she joined it right then. If she was disappointed trying to find love surely POD would be more rewarding. I mean the title said it all and Lena was in need of a deep hard fucking.

  Henry Turney was her first date on POD. He was in his early forties; single with no children or ex-wife, but a bit of an introvert. Their conversation was stilted at first until Lena mentioned hobbies and Henry came alive. All and all it was a very nice date, not what one would expect from POD. Lena thanked Henry for a delicious dinner and good conversation. She busied herself with finding her keys hoping Henry wouldn’t try and end the night with a kiss. Instead she felt his warm hand on her back and heard him ask in an apprehensive voice.

  “Lena, do you think we might try this again. I know I muddled things up because I’m a little nervous but I’d like to try it again.” Lena looked into his worried brown eyes and actually felt sorry for the guy. Why not she thought…she wasn’t in high demand lately.

  “Henry, let’s do just that. Call me and we can discuss our next outing.” Feeling over generous she gave him a weak hug and settled herself in her car. She watched him wave to her as she drove off stopping at the first light she thought to call her girlfriend Nyla and tell her about her date. Although it wasn’t a complete dud there just wasn’t that sexual spark she had expected to find on a date with POD. Henry was a very nice man. She should feel lucky he could have been a jerk with eight hands groping her all evening.

  She reached in her purse fumbling around for her phone and until she realized in horror she must have left it at the restaurant. Panic and anger at her forgetfulness warred within her as she made a hasty u-turn and returned to the restaurant. Once parked she all but ran back into the hotel nearly bumping into a tall man checking in at the concierge desk. Apologizing with barely a glance at stranger, Lena made a bee-line to the elevators and up to the rooftop restaurant. Her brained fired with memories of where she might have misplaced her phone and she prayed that it was still located at one of the locations she had been while in the restaurant.

  Lena made it to the restaurant after an interminable time in the elevator cursing under her breath at each stop on her ascent up to the top. She located the table and found that their dinner plates had been cleared away. Heart skipping, Lena frantically looked around for their waitress or hostess to ask if a cell phone had been turned in. Locating their server she was quickly ushered to an area where a manager met with her to advise no one had turned in a cell phone. Lena’s heart dropped her whole life was on that phone, she thanked the manager and walked toward the Ladies rest room to gather herself. ‘Well Damn!’ She cursed to herself and washed her hands with cool water. She didn’t want to have to buy a new phone.

  Reaching into her new purse for her lipstick Lena squealed with joy and relief as she located her cell phone. She must have tucked it into a different side compartment and she never thought to look through her purse before going back to the restaurant. Relief flooded her spirit as she held the phone closely and laughed at her own silliness. Checking herself out in the mirror she smiled at her reflection; high full breasts, nearly flat stomach, wide seductive hips leading around to a large round ass, topped off by a brilliantly smiling brown skinned woman with a cell phone clutched tightly in her hand. All and all it wasn’t a complete failure neither was it a complete success, she still needed her back broken but maybe Mr. Turney had a few surprises for her yet.

  Exiting the Ladies room for the elevator, Lena searched her phone for her messages and texted her friend Mara.

  Lena: Hey Lady, date’s over…no back breaker. Had a scare tonight, thought I lost my phone…it was hidden in my new purse.

  Mara: Not surprising Lena, you lost your phone one time when you were talking on it. LOL. So your date was a dud?

  Lena: No, he was a perfect gentleman really nice. Got a 2nd date with him…just not the back breaking experience I had hoped for.

  Mara: At least it was a decent date and you got to go out.

  Lena: True…call you when I get home.

  Lena walked toward the elevators head down focused on her phone when she ran into a hard wall of a man standing just in front of the elevators. Startled into awareness Lena began to apologize as she disentangled her from the stranger.

  “If I didn’t know better I’d think you didn’t like m
e personally…this is the second time tonight that you’ve ran into me.” The husky baritone man teased lazily. Lena took a moment to look up into the sexiest midnight gaze she had ever seen; she nearly dropped her beloved cell phone. She was so transfixed by the smooth deep chocolate skin, brilliant smile and body befitting any Greek statue of a God. She sputtered and stared at a man so fine he was a cross between Idris Elba and Djimon Hounsou including the delicious British accent. He actually held her close until her feet began to work properly and gently rubbed her shoulder in a soothing manner. Lena felt her vagina cream in reaction to this.

  “I’m so sorry,” she sputtered as she stared greedily at the Idris look alike. “I was in a hurry and I do apologize for running into you twice….you said? You were checking in when I bumped you, right? Really, sorry,” she ended embarrassed by now as his gaze never left her face nor hers his.

  “Well, you can make it up to me if you’re truly sorry. Let me buy you a drink and grace me with the company of a beautiful woman.” Lena stood up straighter holding her phone to chest as her heart beast maniacal rhythm in her chest.

  “You want me to buy you a drink?”

  “No, I want you to have a drink with me, this gentlemen does the buying.” Djimon/Idris grinned as he held out his hand in offering. “You just said yourself you were really sorry…you wouldn’t want to be rude and leave me to drink alone?” Lena smiled as his easy teasing manner and nodded agreeing to the request.

  “One drink?” She countered as she took his arm and crossed over into the waiting elevator.

  “Let’s start with one and see where that takes us. My name is Silas beautiful lady, what may I call you?

  “Lena,” she supplied as the heat of his body and the crisp earthy scent of man surrounded her in the elevator. Lena felt her clitoris throb and her nipples become erect with every British syllable he spoke. She felt suddenly very self-conscious by him as the elevator descended to a lower floor. He watched her intently but remained quiet. Unable to take the silence Lena quickly asked him a question.

  “How did you know it was me that bumped you at the front desk?” She looked into that midnight gaze and wondered if he could see her growing interest in him.

  One thick eyebrow rose as he gazed down at her. “One look at your backside and something that lovely was indelibly burned into my memory.” Lena definitely did feel her pussy cream this time and she found it hard to swallow her smile, so she lowered her eyes and focused on the carpeted floor. It was silent in the elevator for the next few moments until they reached his floor and then Lena took his offered hand as he ushered her out of the elevator and down the hall to his hotel room.

  “I thought we were going to the bar to get a drink?”

  “I have a bar in my suite, Lena.” She hesitated as he opened the door. “Are you concerned that I might invite you in and have my way with you?” Lena grinned and shook her head no and countered.

  “Maybe I’m afraid you won’t try.”

  He pulled her toward him and into his suite and closed the door the lock engaged immediately the sound was the only other thing she registered besides her wildly beating heart.

  “Then you have nothing to fear Lena.”

  They moved into a room that held a bar, living room area with sofa, chairs and television. There was an area for dining, a bar that held a tray with an assortment of food items. Off to the side of the complimentary tray she saw a chilled bottle of champagne sweating at the proper temperature on ice. He indicated for her to sit as he retrieved the waiting bottle of champagne and poured them a glass.

  “If this isn’t to your liking Lena, I’ll have room service bring anything you might like.”

  “This will do fine,” she said taking the offered glass of champagne. Silas didn’t move away from her as she had expected instead he held a large fresh strawberry inches from her lips.

  “Take a bite of this before tasting the champagne, it will bring out the flavor and make it a more enjoyable experience.” She bit into the juicy fruit her eyes glued to his lips as he spoke; she nearly forgot how to chew as she took a small sip from her glass. Her mouth watered as the delicious flavor awakened her taste buds as she swallowed the pulpy mixture. His eyes were transfixed on her mouth throughout the exchange. Lena watched as he bit into the remaining piece of fruit, watched as his tongue snaked out to catch some juice that escaped his broad firm lips and her sex pulsed in reaction.

  “Lena, I’m here for tonight only and I wish I could say I was never this bold, but I‘d never have the success in business if I meekly waited for the right moment. I make the moments right for me. I want you Lena. I want you in my bed or that couch over there, however I can get you. Are you interested?”

  Lena stared at Silas’ lips in disbelief as he said those words and she unknowingly began to back up as he advanced toward her with each passing word. She stopped abruptly when her back hit the solid unmoving surface of the bar. Her heart beat wildly in her chest as her mind searched for something to say. One sip of her drink and several moments later her mind caught up with her heart and shifted into high gear. This is what she had wanted from Henry Turney. Henry Turney whose palms were sweaty and was so nervous he endeared himself to her. Henry Turney who could never turn a phrase like Silas, ‘I make the moments right for me’. She couldn’t remember his last name. Did he ever tell her his last name? No, this transaction was a first name only qualifier and the tryst that she had hoped for was just in reach.

  ‘Slut.’ The good girl in her psyche admonished. ‘Go for it,’ screamed the naughty sister in her. None of that mattered to her now. It had been so long since she had felt the firm grip of a man as he held her hips immobile while his thick member delved deep into her sex. Oh, yes so long since she felt the firm muscled body of a man moving over her, behind her, in her. Lena’s sex creamed at the thought of Silas doing unknown countless naughty things to her and with her. She knew she was going to go for it all the way tonight.

  She looked up into Silas’s dark penetrating eyes and reached out to pull him closer. He came to her taking the glass from her hand just before their lips met in a hungry exchange of tongue and nipping teeth. When he pulled from her his head rested on her shoulder and her mouth was at his ear level.

  “Silas,” she whispered seductively.

  “Yes Lena?”

  “I want you to break my mother fucking back.”

  Silas let out a breath of air that was more like a groan than exhale. He lifted her over his shoulder potato sack style and headed to his adjoining bedroom. Lena was thrilled and titillated by the strength in his arms and shoulders. It had been a seriously long time since she’d been hoisted over anyone’s shoulder. The last time she could recall was in grade school. Her thoughts were interrupted when she landed on the soft mattress; legs splayed seductively. She watched as he quickly divested himself of his clothing and came for her.

  Strong hands pulled at her hips dragging her to the end of the bed where Silas pushed her dress above her hips exposing plump thighs and her sex clothed in a tiny black thong. He leaned down nipping at her plump mound and buried his face into her heat briefly before ripping the scrap of fabric from her body. Butterflies erupted in her belly as she felt the heat of his skin touching her. She arched her back as she felt the heat of his tongue spear into her moist inferno and failed to hold in her sigh of pleasure. Lena’s Legs wound trembling across his shoulders and back seductively as she rode wave after wave of spine tingling rapture.


  Silas dined equally on Lena’s sensuous whimpers as he partook of the sweet delicate essence of her body. He lifted her bottom higher increasing the tenacity of feasting buoyed by her cries and guttural demands. Securing both of her feet in each of his hands he bent her double splaying her lower body so crudely open to his salacious tongue. He enjoyed the scent and taste of her and had plans for her abundant back side. The moment she had inadvertently bumped into him she was his.

  Silas reveled
in each of Lena’s cries and whispers and vowed he would do just as she had bid him to break her back. American’s had such fascinating sayings but this one touched something base and primal deep within him. Silas wished he had more than these few hours to explore her body but he would make it work until morning. His tongue teased the delicate flesh as he delved into her oozing honeypot.

  “Lena, you taste so yummy. Hold your leg aloft for me.” He said this last part while releasing his hold on one ankle. Two thick fingers joined his tongue in tormenting her sensitive flesh. Silas delighted in her reaction, back arched in pleasure her posture morphed and changed with each stroke of his fingers. The room was pregnant with the scent of Lena’s essence and his cock grew to with each inhalation of her pungent scent and draft of her heated core. Lena’s earthy cries deepened with each flick of his tongue and every twist of his wrist until he could withstand the pull to bury himself deep inside her.

  Rising to his full height, Silas stood over Lena’s shuddering form briefly then climbed on the bed and hovered over her.

  “Ask me again Lena. Say the words you whispered to me earlier. Tell me what you desire from me.”

  “Yes Silas, break… my…back,” she taunted him further. “Fuck this pussy like you own it!” The latter she gave emphasis by slapping the thick mound of her sex. Heat burned in Silas at this last act as he surged forward and into Lena’s convulsing pussy. Her unexpected cry of pain and surprised nearly stilled his movement but she had asked for this back punishing fuck and he was determined to supply her demands. He was actually grateful for a woman who knew what she wanted and had the courage to express it. No need for pretty words and meaningless cajoling. This type of exercise he would enjoy with no regrets because he knew he would deliver.

  He could feel her sex tremble and quake around him as she struggled to accept all of him. No worries, she would be begging him for more by sunrise. Silas strained to gain deeper ground within her then pulled out of her shuddering heat. Penetrating deep strokes and long satisfying kisses later had him lifting her ass off the bed to meet his flesh in a smacking crescendo that could be heard lewdly throughout the bedroom. Enjoying the tight grip and slow release of her vaginal canal, Silas forced both her legs to one side and held her ankles to the side of her face with once hand as he bent over her and massaged her breast roughly. The look of absolute primal joy on her face gave little knowledge to the brutal pounding in her nether regions that had Lena’s body bouncing into and up from the mattress. Each exaggerated bounce of her body was accompanied by her guttural moans and whimpers. Silas could feel his scrotum tighten from excitement.


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