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Transformer Page 60

by Victor Bockris

  as beginning of punk-rock movement 309

  trio 483, 486

  Metallica 493–4

  methamphetamine hydrochloride 93, 248, 268

  see also speed

  methedrine 92, 178, 258

  as male aphrodisiac 119

  Method acting in song 81, 318

  MGM/Verve 139, 148–9, 176

  breakup with 178–9

  Miles, Milo 411

  Milstein, Phillip 75, 427

  Mishkin, Richard 44, 45–6, 49, 60–1, 63–4, 67, 87–8, 107, 130, 247


  as constant problem 86, 259

  from touring 160–1

  mood swings 1, 11, 33, 327

  see also personality changes

  Morales, Sylvia 334–53, 412, 421–5, 432, 434, 435, 439, 443, 445

  attempts to reunite Reed family 338–9

  divorce from Reed 449–51

  marriage to Reed 342–3, 427

  Morrison, Jim 197

  Morrison, Sterling 26, 37, 42, 89, 91–2, 161, 171, 172, 173, 180, 208, 272, 324, 427

  alienation from Reed 168, 174

  death 449–50, 451, 452

  Velvet Underground reunion 431, 434, 435, 438

  Morrissey, Paul 101, 104, 120, 394

  Morton, Roger 446

  Moscowitz, Karen 487

  mother’s love 6

  see also Reed, Toby

  Mueller, Andrew 418

  Myddle Class 99, 100

  Myerberg, Michael 101

  Naked Lunch (Burroughs) 68, 495

  Name, Billy 113, 117–18, 151, 172, 177, 403, 430

  Narcotics Anonymous 349–50

  NASA 476

  Nazi memorabilia, interest in 257

  Needs, Kris 486

  Nesin, Jeff 345

  New Sensations album 370–1

  release of 372

  New York album 399–402, 406, 442

  release of 400

  New York University 19–20

  Newman, Bobby 44

  Nico (singer-actress) 104–34, 204, 205, 259–61

  continuing tensions between Reed and 126

  death 398

  emerges as superstar 146

  harsh treatment of 261

  singing solo 144

  9/11 attack 474–5

  1969 Live album 271, 272

  Noel, Terry 148, 328

  Norris, Rob 99, 100

  NYC Man (compilation) 479–80

  Oakfield Music 186

  O’Brien, Glenn 190, 206–7, 213, 280, 335, 343

  obsessiveness 370

  Ocasek, Ric 428

  O’Connor, Sinead 419, 420

  O’Donnell, Frank 280–1

  oedipal fantasies 11

  O’Hagan, Sean 401

  Ono, Yoko 453

  “Ostrich, The” (song) 77, 78, 79, 80

  Palmer, Robert 168, 270, 366

  paranoia 83, 142, 173, 179, 182, 276, 302, 438

  of amphetamine addict 268

  paranoid depression 64

  Parker, James 498

  Paris, Reed in 204–5

  Pass Thru Fire (collected lyrics) 457, 482

  Payne Whitney psychiatric clinic 20

  Peel Slowly and See (box set) 449, 451

  Pennebaker, Don 234

  Perfect Night in London, A album 464, 480

  Perry, Doane 360

  personality changes 248–9, 276

  see also mood swings

  peyote 40

  Phantom of Rock 218, 223, 232

  Phillips, Anya 335, 336, 343

  Phillips, Terry 74, 77–8

  Philosophy of Andy Warhol, The (book) 290, 291

  phoneaholic 197, 357, 443

  Pickwick International 73–6

  Placidyl 64–5, 72–3, 138

  Podell, Johnny 292

  Poe, Edgar Allan 3, 105, 323, 477, 478

  poetry 118

  homosexual indications in 13

  writing 192–3, 410–11, 475

  POEtry (play) 477, 478

  Polk, Brigid 184

  Polygram Records 429, 434, 444, 451

  postshock treatments 20

  pot smoking 27, 40, 46, 49, 68

  Powers, Ann 435

  prescription drugs 267–8, 277, 300

  probation, academic 49

  psychiatric drugs 190

  Punk magazine 305, 306–7, 309

  punk rock 26, 194, 283, 304–11

  Punk Rock Hall of Fame Award 319, 320

  Q Magazine Award of Merit 412

  Quantick, David 489, 498

  Quine, Robert 175, 354–81

  discontinues collaboration with Reed 371

  as reminder of Reed’s inadequacies 374

  Rachel (drag queen) 263–4, 269, 272, 275, 286, 287, 294, 298, 302, 303

  breakup with Reed 314–15

  Ramone, Johnny 310

  Rathke, Mike 399

  Raven, The album 479, 480

  RCA 196, 198, 199, 202, 206, 212, 222, 223, 231, 233, 258, 280–1, 290, 356–7, 399

  end of Reed’s commitment to 297

  financial support from 286

  record collection 127–8

  Reed, Elizabeth 40

  Reed, Lewis (Lou)

  accepting Warhol’s control 105

  advertising contract 382–3

  aftermath of Warhol’s death 430–3

  arrest of, in Germany 325

  arrest of, in Riverhead, Long Island 251

  breakdown of marriage to Bettye Kronstad 230

  childhood 5–13

  comeback trail 192

  at his commercial peak 231

  as control freak 111

  death 503–5

  development as writer 410

  as a director 42

  divorce agreement with Bettye 245

  electroshock therapy 1–4, 17, 35, 64

  end of relationship with Shelley 60

  finding a coconspirator 31

  first band at Syracuse 43

  first college girlfriend 30

  first public appearance in New York 195

  gay life at Syracuse 41–2

  graduates from Syracuse 70

  image change 115–6

  imitation of Andy Warhol 362–81

  as improvisational lyricist 100

  inner rage of 10–11

  interest in becoming poet 27

  interviews Romero 486–7

  literary career 48

  in London 201–4, 214–17, 232

  new and positive 354–81

  at New York University 19–20

  as one of five best new poets in 1977 315

  parents’ rejection of his success 340

  in Paris with Cale and Nico 204–5

  passion for sound quality 468–9, 486

  at peak of his career 170

  personal and professional rebirth for 334–53

  problems after acquiring dog 59–60

  rebellious side of 10, 15

  as rock-and-roll Frankenstein 222

  schooling 8

  self-inflicted exile 186–200

  sexual preferences 265

  at Syracuse University 20–70

  tentative entry into political arena 384

  transition from cult-group figure to solo artist 206

  Reed, Sidney 1, 5, 9–15, 38

  refusal to recognize son’s talent 39

  sense of humor of 9

  Reed, Toby 1, 5, 9–11, 38

  as overbearing mother 9

  refusal to recognize son’s talent 39

  rejection 188, 451, 470, 496

  family 73, 340


  bonding 177

  collaborative 257, 454, 475

  constructive 31

  employer–employee 288

  family 83

  gay 41

  incapability of maintaining 62

  love/hate 6–7, 120–1, 153, 179, 253, 278, 379–80

  secret 51

>   transformational 453–61

  Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) 23–4, 26, 87

  Reynolds, Simon 415

  Richards, Keith 28, 279, 348, 401

  Rimes/Rhymes (book) 502

  Rinpoche, Mingyur 502

  riots 275, 276

  Ripped and Torn (fanzine) 311

  Rita, Rotton 270

  Riverhead, Long Island, arrest in 251

  Robinson, Lisa 194, 199, 203, 224, 297, 447

  Robinson, Richard 194, 196, 198, 204, 212–13, 266, 306, 312

  Rock, Mick 263, 264, 295, 300, 344, 502

  Rock Against Drugs (RAD) 390

  rock and roll 25–6, 40, 44, 93, 170, 180, 224

  as career 66

  early interest in 13–14

  expansion of 159–60

  first bona fide band in 44

  growth of business of 138

  in London 202, 215

  realities of life in 79

  records born out of tension 218–21

  writing lyrics for 66

  Rock and Roll Diary album 348

  Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (1996) 452

  Rock and Roll Heart album 298–301

  Rock ’n’ Roll Animal album 252–3, 255, 256, 277

  Rockwell, John 236, 279, 282, 303, 304, 318, 441

  role-playing 116

  Rolling Stones 93, 168, 211

  Romero, Roderick 466–7, 468–9, 480, 486–7, 504

  Ronson, Mick 215, 216, 218–19, 220

  Rothchild, Charlie 136

  royalties 131, 160, 430

  Rubin, Barbara 101, 106, 109, 150

  Ruskin, Mickey 144

  St. Ann’s Warehouse 481, 482

  Sally Can’t Dance album 258, 265–7

  Sanders, Ed 109

  Saunders, Fernando 360, 367, 373, 376, 377

  Savage, Jon 309

  schizophrenia 186, 445

  Schnabel, Julian 396, 456, 481, 482, 503, 504

  Schnabel, Lola 481

  Schunke, Manfred 312

  Schupak, Donald 44, 74, 350, 353

  Schwartz, Delmore 1, 53–7, 64, 85, 332, 343

  death 142–3

  as educated hater of homosexuals 57

  Sedgwick, Edie 101

  Selby, Hubert, Jr. 411, 477

  Sesnick, Steve 150, 153, 154, 157–8, 160, 161, 170–1, 174, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, 187, 272

  Reed’s lawsuit against 193–4

  Set the Twilight Reeling album 457, 458–60

  sex 40, 265

  confused feelings about 196

  detached view of 116

  experimenting with 60–1

  quixotic/demonic relationship to 10

  see also homosexuality

  Seymour (dog) 59–60

  Shelby, Hubert 66

  Shepherd, Eugenia 77

  Sigma Alpha Mu 23, 29

  Sims, Jimmie 74

  Sinatra, Frank 254, 391

  Sire Records 399–400, 443, 444

  “Sister Ray” (song) 156

  Slater, Nelson 26, 299

  Sloman, Larry 295

  Small Town (Sky Cries Mary) 486–7

  Smith, Jack 84, 93, 96

  Smith, Patti 271, 305, 310, 311, 318, 452

  Snow, Matt 368, 437

  sobriety, bid for 377

  Solanas, Valerie 145, 165

  Songs for Drella album 290, 398, 403–5, 416, 433, 453

  songwriting 52–3, 66–7, 75–6, 171, 193–4, 198

  changing lyrical content in 352

  credits 93, 193, 360, 404

  despairing tone in 16

  effects of drug use on 249, 269, 280

  about family 11

  for theater 461, 462

  sound quality, passion for 468–9

  Spector, Phil 74

  speed 93, 241, 243, 244, 249, 267, 277, 328, 337–8

  convulsions from 276

  effects of chronic use of 248, 258, 264–5

  effects of intense consumption of 268–9

  New York speed scene 246–7

  see also amphetamine

  spiritual awakening 415

  Springsteen, Bruce 307, 314, 413

  Spungen, Nancy 319

  Stein, Alan 451

  Stein, Seymour 400

  Stern, Howard 419

  Stipe, Michael 428

  Stoecker, Karl 37, 47

  Stooges, The 205

  Street Hassle album 314, 315–16, 317

  release of 315

  Stone: Issue Three, The album 483, 488

  Stuttering John (radio interviewer) 419–20

  Suchorsky, Michael 301

  suicidal depression 73

  suicide 141, 230, 232

  Surf, Bobby 412

  Swados, Elizabeth 31, 409

  Swados, Lincoln 31–2, 33, 47, 48, 58, 62–3, 93, 410

  death 409

  reemergence of, after psychiatric rehabilitation 88

  Sweeting, Adam 417

  Syracuse University 20–70

  creation of proto-punk rockers at 26

  first band at 43

  graduation from 70

  homosexual activity at 41–2

  tai chi 341, 375, 480, 502

  Take No Prisoners album 318, 321–2, 324

  Talking Heads 305, 310

  Television (group) 305, 310

  Theater of Eternal Music 78, 92

  Three Prong (publishing company) 193

  Three Screaming Niggers (singing group) 44

  Time Rocker (play) 461, 462–4

  Timmins, Margot 448

  Tots (band) 207, 217, 222


  Amnesty International 388–90

  Berlin 482 488

  Conspiracy of Hope 388, 390

  drug use on 241, 242, 243, 244

  in Europe 238–44, 261–2, 275–7, 488

  in France 276

  in Italy 275

  in Japan and Australia 284–6

  in London 212–7

  money from 160–1

  pre-tour ritual 499

  riot-torn 275, 276, 279

  Velvet Underground reunion 429–48

  world 372, 374–81, 480

  Transformer album 211, 217, 218–21, 222–5

  marks end of Bowie–Reed collaboration 221

  release of, in U.S. 224

  sexual content of 219

  success of 222

  transvestism 116

  Trident Studios 218

  Tucker, Jim 26, 37, 47

  Tucker, Kyle 278

  Tucker, Maureen 98–9, 101, 142, 167, 171, 175, 178, 181–2, 184, 272, 399, 427–8, 444–5, 446

  turpenhydrate 41

  Ulrich, Lars 493, 494, 499

  Ulysses (Joyce) 55

  underground-film scene 96–7

  underground jazz 67

  Unisom 358

  Van der Kamp, Bert 240, 302, 319

  Van Zant, Steven 386

  Vance, Jerry 74

  Velvet Underground 93, 97, 278, 427, 429–30

  audience reaction to 100

  banning of, from radio 316

  breakup of, following reunion 447–9

  breakup of living situation 157

  complete control of, by Reed 168

  deformation of 170–85

  effect of pressure on 126

  first job 99–100

  losing rights to name 194

  mainstream press reviews of 129

  most manic, abrasive, and powerful album of 156

  in New York 122–5

  and Nico 104–34

  performing peak of 149

  recording of second album 155–6

  reunion of 429–48

  Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (1996) 452

  as second most influential rock band of 60s 170, 387

  terms of contract with Warhol 139–40

  Warhol and 104–34

  weird and raucous performances of 101

  Velvet Underground, The album 175, 179, 469

  Velvet Underground and Nico, The album 131, 133, 140

  on hold 145–6

  poor response to 153

  poorly timed release of 147

  “Venus in Furs” (song) 99–100

  Verlaine, Tom 310

  Verve Records see MGM/Verve

  Vicious, Sid 342

  Vivid Sydney festival 488

  voyeurism 62, 116

  VU album 429

  Wagner, Dick 232, 239, 253

  Waits, Tom 461, 464

  Walcott, James 295, 310

  “Walk on the Wild Side” (song) 194, 221, 223, 224–5, 227, 230, 467

  Warhol, Andy 101, 223, 290–1, 360

  Cale’s memorial for 396, 397–8

  death 394

  death-squad entourage 122

  Reed’s imitation of 394–405

  renewed interest in Reed 251–2

  shooting of 165–6

  split with Reed 135–52

  Velvet Underground and 104–34

  Warlocks 89–90, 92, 96

  Warner Brothers 444, 449

  Wasserman, Rob 391, 399

  Waste Land, The (Eliot) 53, 54

  Weaver, Blue 233

  Wedekind, Frank 491

  Weiner, Merrill 503

  Weisbrodt, Jörn 492–3

  Weiss, Nat 150

  Whent, Christopher 430, 441

  White Light/White Heat album 49, 144, 155–9, 502

  Wilcock, John 166

  Williams, Danny 141

  Williams, Paul 266

  Williams, Richard 91

  Willner, Hal 468, 469, 471, 478, 481, 493, 502

  Wilson, B. J. 232

  Wilson, Robert 454, 455, 461, 462, 477, 491, 501

  Wilson, Tom 139

  Winwood, Steve 232

  women’s liberation movement 177

  Wood, Peter 379

  Woronov, Mary 114, 124, 164, 177–8

  Wylie, Andrew 487

  Young, La Monte 78, 80, 92, 105, 403

  Young, Neil 413, 425

  Yule, Doug 171–2, 174, 175, 179, 181, 184, 187, 192, 275, 285, 322

  Zanetta, Tony 199, 212, 215, 221, 234

  Zappa, Frank 137

  Zeitkrafter 483, 486

  Zorn, John 488, 497, 498

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