Kiss and Tell

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Kiss and Tell Page 11

by Sandy Lynn

When he didn’t move to take her wrist Willow began to grow more concerned. “He won’t take it. What, my blood isn’t good enough now?”

  “Both of you need to leave, now,” Seth said. His voice was a bare whisper.

  “Maybe we should listen to him,” Jason told her. He inched away from his friend.

  “Why? I’m not afraid. He’s taken my blood before and never hurt me.”

  “Then why did you go running out of here dressed in just a shirt?” When she looked at him, Jason rolled his eyes. “Yeah, he told me about it.”

  Willow’s face burned with embarrassment. “That’s none of your business.”

  “Vampires don’t react to hunger the same way we do,” Jason told her, ignoring her outburst. “They tend to get mindless and uncaring of who they hurt until they get enough blood.”

  “Well, I’m not going anywhere. Do you happen to know, in your immense knowledge of vampires, how I can make him bite me?” Willow couldn’t control the sarcasm in her voice. She was tired of the other man acting like an expert but refusing to be of any actual help.

  Jason cleared his throat. “Stimulation is a…um…is a very good way,” he stammered.

  “Stimulation? Like what, rub his teeth? Oh… Wait, do you mean stimulation or stimulation?” Willow didn’t think her face could become any redder. “Can’t you just go to the kitchen and get me a knife? I can cut my wrist and stick it in his mouth. Wouldn’t that work?”

  “Probably. But I don’t know if he’d be able to stop. I mean, if he’s as hungry as I think he is. I’ve never actually heard him get so hungry that his stomach growled before.”

  “Great. Just great. I didn’t want to go out tonight, but no, Roxy throws a tantrum and out I go. Then you have to come over to my table, where I was sitting quietly, not bothering anyone, and minding my own business. You just had to ask me to at least give vamp-boy a chance to explain. And like a fool I listen. Dammit, I stopped sleeping to avoid him. Now, here I am stuck with a vampire, that I broke all contact with, who will probably drain me dry, and my friends are probably wondering where I’ve disappeared to, again. And now, to top it off, I have to stimulate him. Could tonight get any weirder?” Willow was ranting as she began to pull her own shoes off. As she began to move over to unbutton Seth’s jeans she looked at Jason, still standing in the room. Already furious, she didn’t try to control her tone, a tiny piece of her glad to have an outlet to take her anger out on. “What, now you’re going to watch?”

  That seemed to have an effect because Jason turned around and walked out of the door, closing it tightly behind him.

  “Okay, Toothy, you owe me big for this,” she told him as she parted his jeans, uncaring of whether or not he heard her.

  When his thick, beautiful cock came out, Willow’s mouth watered. Her body seemed to scream to life. Lord, she had missed it—had missed him.

  “Willow, you should go while you still can,” Seth whispered.

  “Not until you’ve eaten…drank, whatever,” she told him before leaning down and licking a drop of precome from the tip. Taking him fully into her mouth, she watched him ball his hands into fists as he groaned.

  Up and down, she caressed his cock, her tongue swirling around the tip as she lifted, almost removing it from her mouth. When his hips began to move with her, she took it as a good sign.

  Sticking one wrist up near his mouth she was surprised when he didn’t immediately bite her.

  Increasing her movements, she rolled his balls with her free hand. Cupping them in her palm, she rubbed them when he was completely buried inside of her mouth. His hips flexed, meeting her mouth with more force. Sticking her finger into his mouth, she tried to feel around, attempting to find out if his teeth had become fangs yet.

  She moaned around his cock as he sucked on her finger, his tongue stroking the digit.

  Pulling her finger out of his mouth, she increased the speed of her mouth. She sucked on him harder, lost in the sheer pleasure of his response. Twisting her head, she tried to move from his touch as he fisted his hand in her hair, attempting to pull her off of him. But she would not be denied. She’d wanted to feel him inside of her mouth since that first night. Growling, she continued to take him into her mouth until she felt his balls tighten.

  She greedily swallowed every drop of come that he released into her mouth, enjoying his taste. Giving one final, gentle suck on the head, her tongue flicked against the tip as she licked all lingering traces of liquid from his flesh. Resting her head on his thigh she lifted her wrist to his mouth once more. But still he didn’t bite her.

  “What’s wrong now? I know you were stimulated.”

  Seth shook his head and chuckled slightly. “Wrong stimulation,” he whispered weakly.

  “So, what kind of stimulation do you need?” She sighed as she sat up. She didn’t want to think about how much she had just enjoyed what she did. It was supposed to be a gesture of help, not for her own pleasure.

  “You should go. Really, you don’t have to do this,” he told her, visibly fighting another cramp as he automatically began to cradle his stomach with his hands again. He curved his body as though trying to shift into the fetal position.

  “I’m not leaving until you feel better. So you may as well just tell me.” Moving to the side of the bed, closer to him, she stared down at his face.

  Seth’s mouth was set in a firm line. He obviously wasn’t going to tell her. She got off the bed. Well, if he wasn’t going to help her, she would just have to cheat…

  Storming out of the room, she quickly found Jason. He was sipping one of the soda’s Seth had bought for her as he lounged on the comfy sofa and watched television.

  “Hey, I thought he didn’t have a TV,” she complained.

  “Oh, he has them, but he doesn’t watch them. Did you, ah… Is he…”

  “Better? No. He said I gave the wrong stimulation,” she sulked as she sat beside the man on the couch. “Let’s be blunt, shall we? What exactly is the kind of stimulation that he needs?” Willow reached over and snatched the remote from Jason’s hand and turned the television off.

  “I was watching that,” he whined. When her expression didn’t change, he sighed. “Well, he needs to want to bite you…” Jason hedged.

  “Okay… Can you be a little more specific?”

  “What I mean is he needs—he needs to…”

  “Are you always this articulate?” Her sarcasm grew with her annoyance. This man had walked in while she was naked but for a sheet and laying in Seth’s bed—knew that she’d just performed some erotic deed with him—and still he acted modest around her.

  “Are you always this much of a bitch?” he shot back.

  “Actually, no. I’ve been told I have a very sweet disposition. But I can be rather nasty when I’m worried,” she admitted grudgingly.

  “What do you care if he gets better?” Jason turned on the couch to face her. “I’m not trying to be a dick, but the last I heard, you wanted nothing to do with Seth. And you said that what, twenty, maybe thirty minutes ago? All night, the entire time we’ve been trying to help him, you’ve just complained and made sarcastic remarks. You’ve made it clear you don’t want to be near him, that he disgusts you, so why bother sticking around to help him?”

  “Because, I want to help him,” she admitted. “Look, I’m not sure how I feel about him being a vampire. And I sure as hell have more than a few problems with the fact that he didn’t tell me and drank my blood without my permission. And even more questions about that. I don’t know if I could ever date a vampire. But that doesn’t mean I want to see him suffer either. I want to help him, Jason. I’ll worry about the why’s later.”

  “Fine. Look, I can’t tell you what you need to do. I don’t know exactly, since he’s never drank from me. And, truthfully, I’ve never heard of him needing to be forced to feed. My best advice to you, just think of the times when he bit you before. Now that you know what he was doing, it should be easier for you to figure out what he
needs to entice him.” Jason took the remote back from Willow and cut the television back on, instantly channel-surfing once more.

  Let’s see… He bit me the morning he left a hickey, but I didn’t really do anything. And I know he took a taste the night I bloodied my knuckle… But I put that wound there. And Jason already said he might not be able to stop himself if he’s as hungry as we think he is. The last time we were making out… Should I go in and try to make out with him? No, he’s in too much pain and it might take a while to get him to that point. I need something that will work almost instantly…

  Willow looked down at her legs, praying for inspiration. When she looked at her thigh, it hit her and she wondered why she hadn’t thought of it before.

  Without a word to Jason, she stood and walked back to the closed bedroom door. Once inside, she stripped out of her jeans and climbed on the big bed. She left her thong on, hoping she would be able to present him with her thigh and that it would be enough. She sent up a silent prayer that she’d decided to wear underwear that night.

  Funny, never thought I’d ever hope that a guy didn’t want to eat me. Especially since that is exactly what he needs to do. She shook her head at the contradictory thoughts. No, he doesn’t need to eat me, he needs to drink from me, she reminded herself, feeling much like she imagined a human sacrifice felt before they were placed on the altar.

  Taking a deep breath for courage, Willow climbed on top of him and sat on his chest.

  “What are you doing?” Seth asked without opening his eyes.

  “Whatever I have to,” she told him truthfully. “Now you can be a good boy and bite me, or I can make you bite me. Which will it be?”

  “You can’t make me bite you,” he told her. She sat still, waiting for him to open his eyes. When he did, he lifted his head and looked at her, or more appropriately at her barely covered pussy. She could feel the moisture gathering between her legs from his stare.

  Keeping her legs positioned just so, she made certain he had a tempting view of her, knowing her lace thong barely concealed anything from his vision.

  Groaning, Seth closed his eyes as his head fell back to the pillow.

  “What’s it gonna be? Are we doing this the easy way, or the hard way?” She refused to allow him to block her out of his mind.

  Instead of answering her, Seth turned his head to the side.

  She decided to take the motion as a challenge. And she loved a good challenge.

  Rising to her knees she repositioned herself at his shoulders. When he continued to stubbornly look away from her, she moved forward again. In this new position, when he looked at her—and she was sure he would look at her—his chin would brush against her clit.

  She smiled when she saw his nose flare as he smelled her arousal. But still he refused to bite her.

  A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.

  Closing her eyes, Willow remained on her knees, practically straddling his face. Reaching down, she clasped the hem of her shirt, slowly tugging it off, she allowed it to fall to the floor beside his bed. The bra quickly followed.

  Well, here’s another thing I never thought I’d ever do. Practically straddle a vampire’s face, begging him to bite me, wearing nothing but a thong. But oh wait, the best is yet to come…

  She smiled as an appropriate pun popped into her head.

  “Alright, just so you know, since you refuse to cooperate, I’m taking matters into my own hands.” Her hands behind her head, she released her hair from the tight ponytail she’d put it in and closed her eyes. Seth could watch, or not, but she would lose herself in a fantasy. The better to tease you with, my dear…

  She tilted her head back until she knew the silky strands of her hair would be tickling his chest. Then she slowly brushed her fingertips down her neck and chest to her breasts. Eyes still closed, Willow circled her nipples with her nails then tugged on them lightly. In her mind—her fantasy—it was Seth’s hands teasing her body.

  She couldn’t stop the low moan as her nipples tightened deliciously. Tugging on the tight buds the same way he had when he teased her, a jolt of pleasure zoomed straight down her body to her open pussy. She almost whimpered when she felt Seth’s chin brush intimately against her as he finally turned to watch.

  Releasing one nipple, Willow brought her hand up to her face. She used a single finger to stroke her mouth, tracing her bottom lip before she sucked it into her mouth. Willow made certain to get her finger nice and wet, before lowering it to her nipple once again. The combination of the moisture from her finger and the cool air against the taunt bud had her once again moaning. With a slight smile on her face, she repeated the gesture with the other side.

  She knew Seth was becoming more involved in watching her when he reached up, caressing her hips and ass. She decided to allow him the small gesture, but nothing more. He had, after all, chosen to do things the hard way. And, she smiled a wicked smile, I did give him every opportunity to cooperate.

  She continued to tease her breasts for another minute or so, then slowly trailed her fingers down, under her breasts and over her stomach, working her way ever lower. At her navel, she stopped to circle it, teasing it as he had seen her tease her clit. Beneath her, Seth’s breathing grew harsher, slightly more rapid, giving her the confidence to continue.

  A sound of pleasure came from deep in her throat and she made no move to silence it. She smiled as she remembered him telling her how much her moans aroused him.

  Willow allowed her nails to skip over her skin, following the curve of her underwear, across her thighs and back up. She enjoyed the feeling of them scratching her skin lightly.

  Seth used his hands in an attempt to bring her closer to his face.

  “Uh-uh,” she purred, her voice husky. Opening her eyes, Willow looked deeply into his. “You don’t get to play until you eat.”

  His hands froze.

  He wants to try to play hardball, does he? Well, I’ll fix that. At least he didn’t release me completely, so I must be getting to him. Time to take this game a little further.

  Pulling her underwear to the side, she made sure he had an unimpeded view of what she was doing. Sliding her finger across her wet slit, she never took her gaze from his face as he watched her finger hungrily. Parting her nether lips, she teased her clit, her smile growing larger as he began kneading her ass. She brought herself close to orgasm, growing wetter because she knew he was watching every movement of her fingers.

  Bringing the finger she used to tease her clit to her face, she smelled it, moaning. Waving it under his nose, she was rewarded with a growl.

  “You know, I don’t know about anyone else, but I really like the way I smell.” She brought her finger up to sniff it, once more lowering it to tease her body.

  This time as she began to circle and tug her clit, her hips moved in time with her fingers.

  Once again Seth tried to pull her closer to his mouth, lifting his head slightly as well.

  “Tsk, tsk, what a bad boy. You know the rules, show me your teeth. Let me feel them against my skin,” she coaxed.

  Again he fell backward, still trying to refuse his hunger.

  Well she wouldn’t let him. It was time to play dirty.

  Leaning down, Willow slipped her finger deep inside her soaking wet pussy. Just feeling his breath against her sensitive flesh after denying herself twice had her poised and ready to come. She swirled her finger deep inside, making sure to get it nice and juicy. Pulling it out, she waved it under his nose.

  “Is this what you want? Do you want to taste me on your lips, on your tongue? Maybe the reason you can still resist my temptations is because you’ve forgotten what I taste like?” Sliding the digit over his lips, she smiled as his tongue darted out for the slight taste she had left him. His eyes grew dark, filling with passion and raw hunger.

  Pushing her finger back inside her dripping pussy, she determined to tease him again. This time she slipped the digit between his lips, moaning deeply as he s
ucked the juices from it, his sharp teeth grazing her skin. Deciding her finger was clean enough, she pulled it back out of his mouth, ready to tease him with another small taste. After she played a little longer, that is.

  But Seth had different plans. Faster than she could have believed possible given his earlier weakness, he lifted her, threw her on her back on the bed, and put his head between her legs. Before she could utter a syllable, he’d ripped her underwear from her body and threw the ragged pieces of lace across the room.

  He lowered his head to her pussy. Clamping her thighs together tightly, Willow allowed her hands to grab fistfuls of his hair, stopping him. She refused to give in, no matter how badly she wanted to. This was a game she would win.

  “You know the rules.”

  Growling deep in his throat, he glared at her. Ordinarily the sound would have scared her. But right here, right now—with him—it only made her wetter. His nostrils flared, as though he could smell the increase in her arousal.


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