Ordinary Me

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Ordinary Me Page 12

by June Sproat

  What? Who was she talking to?

  That’s when I realized we weren’t alone. Someone stepped out from behind one of the hanging banners and into the light.

  Roger Dawson!

  I froze; the hair on the back of my neck almost stuck out straight. Both Steve and I jumped up.

  Steve stepped toward me and slid a protective arm in front of me, which I grabbed because, well, I’m no fool!

  As Roger walked over to us, I looked at Steve. His eyes darted back and forth around the room like he did when he played basketball. Like he was looking for someone to pass to; only this time, there was no one to help him out.

  “You see Roger it wasn’t that hard to get her here,” she said over her shoulder to Roger, never looking away from me or Steve. “And now if I may have the pendant, please?” she stretched out her hand.

  “Wait, you mean you knew about this the whole time?”

  “Of course, my dear.”

  “And you let me ramble on about how I was worried you were in danger?”

  “Yes, well that was very sweet of you, now, if you please, the pendant.”

  I raised my hands to remove the chain.

  “Wait!” Steve said, “why should she give it to you?” he held my hand and stopped me from removing the necklace.

  “Because it belongs to me,” Mrs. Montgomery answered.

  Then I realized where I heard her name before.

  She was the owner of the safety deposit box that was robbed. The one where the paper didn’t mention what was taken. But why?

  “Are you the same Mrs. Montgomery that was mentioned in the Munday Courier?” I asked.

  She nodded yes.

  “And Roger stole this from you?” I rested my hand on my throat where the pendent hung.

  “Well, let’s just say he stole it for me.” She smiled.

  “But if you owned it, why steal it?” I blurted out.

  “Well, so no one would know I had it, of course!”

  Chapter Twenty Four

  “I wish the school would do away with the Valentine mum day.”

  — This note added by special request at the last minute.

  If I thought I was lost before, that was nothing compared to what I was hearing from Mrs. Montgomery.

  “You see, my husband didn’t leave me as well off as I wanted. He left half of his estate to this insane project of nurturing art within smaller communities.” She shook her head at the floor. “Bringing culture, such as this exhibit, in the form of art to areas that have no means of acquiring it by any other way except by donation was his life dream.” Mrs. Montgomery waved Roger forward.

  “This, however, was not my dream, nor was it Roger’s,” she continued, looking down her nose at Steve and me.

  “You see, Roger was the unfortunate result of one of my husband’s numerous affairs and was conveniently neglected in the inheritance.”

  “So the two of you hooked up? For what?” Steve moved slightly so he was almost in front of me.

  “You see, together we could halt this whole fiasco by eliminating the exhibits. Roger would remove the art pieces and the insurance company would pay handsomely to cover the thefts. Then if we happen to sell them…well that would be even better.” Mrs. Montgomery’s lips curved at the corners.

  “You, however,” she glared at me, lips no longer curved, “caused a major kink in our plan.”

  “W-w-what did I do?” I was trying to keep them talking. I figured Bob had to be somewhere, and the longer they were talking the better the chances were that he would find us…at least I hoped he would find us.

  “Well, my dear, you caused Roger to get caught, and then you stole the necklace.”

  Roger stepped forward and reached for me. Steve stepped up to block him.

  “Gentlemen, please!” Mrs. Montgomery stood and pushed Roger aside. She turned to face me and took a step forward.

  For being a frail old woman, I was surprised at how quickly she moved.

  “Kate, may I have the pendant, please?” she asked, almost childlike, which was pretty weird seeing how nasty she really was.

  I looked at Steve. He nodded yes and I slid the chain over my head to hand it to her.

  Her bony, claw-like hand closed over the pendant. She closed her eyes and stood there for a minute just holding it. She stepped back to the table and removed the pendant from her neck. We, well I, stepped closer to the table, but since Steve was still acting the part of my protector, he moved with me. I wanted to see what she was doing. She removed the chain from each pendant and laid them side by side on the table. She worked her boney fingers, twisting the circles until the wavy lines of each pendant seemed to weave together perfectly.

  “You see, the pieces merge together to form a specific design.” She held them up and looked at them.

  “And when these are placed in a particular spot…well, let’s just say the doorway of opportunity is endless!”

  “What do you mean?” Steve asked.

  “Well, this little trinket opens the way to our future. Roger’s and mine.”

  “You mean it’s like a key?” I stared at the gold circle she held in her hand.

  “Exactly,” she answered.

  “When my husband designed the exhibit he took extra precautions and had the Security Company design an extra safety feature. When the security system is on, only this ‘key’ can unlock it. I would not have even known about it if it weren’t for Roger. He had an acquaintance that worked for the company and was able to, persuade the information out of him. Of course, this isn’t the only key. The security company has one as well; this one is, shall we say, an extra one for our benefit.”

  I swallowed hard. I had seen first hand how Roger persuaded people.

  “Why come after Kate?” Steve asked.

  “The little witch had the pendant.” Roger jumped in with his two cents.

  “But how did you know I had it?” I asked.

  “Well, I wasn’t sure at first. I only knew I had it before I hit your car and I didn’t have it after that, so logic told me to check there.” Roger frowned at me.

  “So, the Driver’s Ed car…you smashed the window?” I asked.

  “Yeah, only it wasn’t there, was it?” he moved closer to me.

  “And my locker…did you…” I started to ask and then swallowed hard. I didn’t like being so close to him; the memory of his hands on my throat was all too fresh.

  “I did.” It was a blunt statement.

  I snuck a look at Steve. His eyes were focused on Roger. Oh why did I get him involved in this? Of all my stupid ideas, this had to be the most stupid of all. It’s one thing to get myself in trouble, but to drag in an unsuspecting, all-around nice person, and one as hot as Steve, well that was really wrong. And where the hell is Bob? He is so going to get an earful when I see him again!

  I hope I see him again.

  “Roger, that’s enough. We have what we want,” Mrs. Montgomery said.

  “So, now what?” Steve asked still standing by me, his arm protectively in front of me.

  Why is it that he is always the hottest looking when it is the most inopportune moment? Really, this is not exactly the time I should notice just how hot he is. I mean we are in a storage area with two crazy people and my so called security guard has completely disappeared, although at my request. But he’s being so darn protective of me, even though it’s totally my fault he’s in this mess, I can’t help but think about the hotness factor.

  “Well, now we wait until later and take care of our business. Unfortunately you two will not be able to stay. Roger, please show our guests out the back way.” Mrs. Montgomery instructed as she slipped the pendants into her pocket.

  I turned to Steve and grabbed his arm. “I am so sorry, I had no idea…”

  “Shhh. It’s okay, stay with me.” He slid his arm around my waist.

  Roger started toward us.

  “I don’t think so.” I heard a voice come from behind Roger.

bsp; I knew that voice! BOB!! It was BOB!

  I nearly jumped in the air. I have to say I was never so happy to see anyone in my life!

  But it wasn’t just Bob. It was all the guys from my house. They were all coming in to save us!

  Roger lunged at me.

  I screamed as he grabbed for my arm, but Steve was faster. Before Roger could touch me, Steve pulled me away, tossed me to the floor and kicked Roger right in the stomach!

  Then chaos!

  There were guns pointing, Roger was on the floor and Mrs. Montgomery fainted, well probably faked it, but still. Then there was shouting and feet everywhere! I curled up to try and not get stepped on.

  Then I saw a hand.

  It was a hand I knew. One I recall pointing out Chemistry problems, rubbing my back and most recently protecting me. I grabbed it. Steve pulled me up and stared at me with those brown eyes.

  “Why do I always end up on the floor when you save me?” I smiled.

  “I don’t know, just lucky I guess.” He smiled back.

  As Roger and Mrs. Montgomery were led out, Bob came over to us.

  “Great job!” Bob stuck his hand out toward Steve.

  “It was a little tense for a minute or two. Think you got it all?” Steve asked.

  “Yeah, it’s good. Sorry we had to wait so long, but we had to make sure it would stick. You did really well.” Bob slapped his hand on Steve’s shoulder.

  “Um, what’s going on?” I stared in total confusion.

  Steve looked at me and slowly began to unbutton his shirt. I looked around in shock; was this really the place?

  Then I saw it. There, taped to his chest was a wire. He had been taping the whole conversation.

  “So this was the guy stuff you were discussing?” I questioned.

  They both nodded positively. I felt heat creep from the top of my head down to my cheeks. I narrowed my eyes into tiny slits and looked back and forth between the two accomplices.

  “So, you let me think this whole time we were alone? And yet Bob was listening and ready to help us.” It was more a statement then question.

  “Now, Kate,” Steve started to say

  “No, don’t you now Kate me! I can’t believe you let me stand here scared half to death thinking that not only did I get myself into real trouble, but worse, that I got you involved, and the whole time you knew nothing was going to happen to us?” I yelled. If it were possible, steam would be coming out of my ears!

  Steve turned to Bob, his lips curved slightly,

  “Pay up.”

  Without question, Bob pulled five bucks and slapped it into Steve’s hand.

  “And you bet on it, too?” I fumed.

  “I really like that I can depend on that hot head of yours.” Steve smiled down at me and shrugged his shoulders. “You have no one to blame but yourself. Bob wanted to tell you, but I said no way. I knew that stubborn pretty head of yours would get the best of you and then you’d blow the whole thing. I didn’t want to risk your safety.”

  Did he just say my head was pretty?

  “And I promised your parents nothing would happen,” Bob added, “I told Steve if it became too dicey, I would end it without alerting anyone to the situation. You kids did a great job. We should be able to put them away with this,” Bob said holding the wire.

  So even my parents knew about this! I didn’t know if I should be angry or relieved.

  “But Roger got out before, what makes you think he won’t get out again?” I asked, ever the pessimist.

  “Well, this time he doesn’t have Mrs. Montgomery to help him from the outside anymore. We knew he was getting help, we just couldn’t place it. Now we have proof,” Bob said. “Listen, you kids have had a long night, I think you can go. If we need anything from you, we can get it tomorrow.” Bob turned toward me, “did you want me to take you home?”

  “I think I have a ride. That is if you’re willing?” I looked at Steve.

  “Hey, I’ve got five bucks; want to stop for some ice cream?” Steve winked at Bob.

  “Sounds great,” I laughed.


  We sat in a booth at Dairy Queen and ate chocolate sundaes.

  Steve hadn’t said anything since we sat down and I began to wonder if he was mad at me again. “You know,” I broke the silence, “you could have told me you were wearing a wire.”

  “Um, no offence but you would have totally blown it.”

  “Yeah I guess I would’ve.” I wondered when he got to know me so well.

  “Um, I think I understand now why you called me a snob.” I said.

  Steve jerked his head up, “I thought you would’ve forgotten about that by now. I’m sorry I called you that.”

  “No, I deserved it. It’s just at the time I thought you were being a jerk; I didn’t know it was coming from experience.” I stared down into my sundae.

  “You’re right, it was coming from experience, but you still didn’t deserve it. And, as I found out from Becky, you really weren’t one anyway.”

  Now it was my turn to be surprised. “Becky?”

  “Yeah, Becky. I guess you didn’t know she lives across the street from me, did you? She was one of the first people I met when we moved here and we’ve been friends ever since. I asked her about you and she filled me in.”


  “She had a class with you and said she would check you…”

  “She was checking me out?” I interrupted suddenly connecting Becky’s sudden interest in me in cooking class.

  “Well, not checking you out, checking you out, just kind of letting me know what you were really like.” He shoved a scoop of ice cream in his mouth, which was good thing because if he hadn’t, I was about to!

  “And what was the final judgment?” I asked not sure I really wanted to know considering my feelings for bimbolina.

  “That you are the real thing.”


  Steve’s truck pulled up in front of our house. I really didn’t know what to say. I mean how do you thank someone for saving your life more than once? I started to open the door.

  “I’ll walk you up,” Steve said.

  I started to open my mouth to object, but then I listened to my heart and closed it quickly. “Um, that would be nice, thanks,” I said.

  Steve came around as I opened the door. He took my hand and helped me down; when I was on the ground, he didn’t let go of my hand.

  We walked to the door. Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God…what was he going to do? Is he going to kiss me? No, of course not, get a grip, why would he do that? Get real. I mean, it’s not like this was a date or anything. My heart was pounding so hard and I would just die if he could hear it.

  “You know, Kate, I was thinking. How would you like to do this again sometime, only I pick the place and we don’t bring any cops with us? Oh yeah, and let’s leave out the convicts and the crazy old broads, too?”

  We stopped at the front porch.

  “Um, yeah, that would be nice.” I turned to face him, wondering if I should snatch my hand back, or was I the only one conscience of the fact that he was still holding my hand!

  “Steve, I…well, I want to say…well, thanks. I mean you really put your neck on the line for me, more than once and well…I can’t thank you enough…I,”

  “Oh, I think you can.”

  Steve let go of my hand, raised his hands to my jaw and tilted my head back so I was looking in his eyes. Then he bent his head down and came closer, closer until…he kissed me. He actually kissed me. ME! Kate Sterns, kissed by the hottest guy in school! Jodi is so not going to believe this! Heck, I don’t even believe it!

  He stopped kissing me and backed up. That was the best kiss I’d had in my entire life, aside from the fact that it was the only kiss I’d ever had. I was afraid it had all been a dream. Thankfully, it wasn’t.

  “Well, I better get going. I’ll see you tomorrow and we can plan out next caper.” Steve laughed and left me standing on the porch in a

  “Um, sure,” was all I could manage to say. Then he was gone.


  My mom and dad were waiting up for me. Apparently when he and the guys came back to the house to pick up the surveillance equipment, Bob informed them of the news that Roger was no longer a risk. They had endless questions and even though I should be upset they didn’t let me in on the whole wire secret thing, I wasn’t. I did my best to answer their questions, but really all I could think about was the kiss. It had to be the most wonderful thing that happened, ever could happen in my pathetically ordinary life. If I died tonight, I could die happy!

  But I didn’t die and the next morning I wish I had because I couldn’t even get out of my house without reporters shoving microphones in my face (okay, so there were three people with notepads and tape recorders, but it sounded better with the whole microphone thing). Also if I thought the attention at school was bad when Roger Dawson was caught the first time, I found out that that was minor compared to what Steve and I faced now.

  The minute I walked into the caf, my ordinary life as I knew it, was definitely over, again. Steve sat in his usual place at the jock table with Becky, no longer bimbolina in my book. I really have to straighten that one out with Jodi. The rest of his friends were hanging on his every word. He looked at me and stood up. I froze. If he came over and kissed me again I swear I would…I would, well, probably do nothing and just let him.

  I didn’t have to worry about it though, because when he got up, everyone turned to me and, well, applauded. That’s right. They stood in the caf and clapped. Clapped for me, and for Steve.

  Jeez, it seemed like they were just clapping to clap. Which I have to say is just weird.

  A few pats on the back later I was sitting next to Steve, at his invitation, of course, and he shoved the paper, with me on the front page, in my face.

  I couldn’t help but wonder if he liked doing that, shocking me with the paper I mean.

  We sat in the cafeteria reading the story in the Wainscott Gazette:



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