Eiffel's Tower
Page 41
Jewish Question, The
Jockey Club
Johnson, Miles
Johnstown Flood
Journal Illustré, Le
June, Jennie
Kasper, Shirl
Kidd, Jim
Kills Plenty
Kirkwood, Edyth
Kitiyahara, prince of Siam
Kitson, Monsieur
Klumpke, Anna
Knoedler, Mr.
Koechlin, Maurice
Labiche, Eugene
Lafayette, Edmond de
Lafayette, Marquis de
Lane, Robert
Langtry, Lillie
Larson, Erik
Last of the Buffalo, The (Bierstadt)
Last of the Mohicans (Cooper)
Laurent, Méry
Lavett, John
Lerolle (artist)
Le Roux, Hugues
Lesseps, Charles de
Lesseps, Ferdinand de
Lincoln, Abraham
Little Ring
Livingstone, David
Livre d ’Or
Lockroy, Édouard
Louis-Philippe, king of France
Lukas, George
Lytton, Lord
McCullough, David
Mackay, John W.
McKinley, William
McLaughlin, James
MacMonnies, Frederick William
Madame X (Sargent)
Magnard, Francis
Mallarmé, Stéphane
Manet, Édouard
Manet, Eugene
Marconi, Guglielmo
Massenet, Jules
Mathilde, Princess
Matin, Le
Maupassant, Guy de
May, Caroline
Meissonier, Ernest
Melchers, J. Gari
Menabrea, General
Mercier, Monsieur
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Meux, Henry
Meux, Valerie
Mexican Joe’s (western show)
Micas, Nathalie
Michaelvitch, grand duke of Russia
Miles, Nelson
Miller, Mary
Millet, Jean-François
Mills, Darius Ogden
Monet, Claude
Montagnac, Monsieur
Montesquiou-Fezenrac, Robert de
Morgan, J. P.
Morice, Charles
Morisot, Berthe
Morning After the Ball, The (Anderson)
Morning News
Mounet-Sully, Jean
Munch, Edvard
Munster, Count
Nansouty, Max de
Napoleon III, emperor of France
Nasir al-Din, Shah of Persia
Eiffel Tower visited by
Wild West show visited by
Nationalists (political party)
National Phonograph Company
Nature, La
Négresses (Gauguin)
Nelson, Bronco Bill
New York Herald
New York Herald, European edition
Boulanger boom and
core readership of
creation of
culinary reports of
debut issue of
indecent-ads controversy and
promotional stunts of
in World War I,
New York Sun
New York Times
New York Tribune
New York World
Nicholas II, czar of Russia
Noblemaire, Gustave
No Neck
North-West Rebellion
Nouguier, Émile
Novarini, Amelia
Oakley, Annie
Broadway musical based on
childhood enslavement of
on Cody
death of
Edison’s visit to
free-time activities of
French lawsuits and
later career of
in opening Wild West performance
proposed purchase of
Queen Victoria and
in return to Wild West show
O’Connor, Richard
Offenbach, Jacques
Olympie’ (Manet)
Omar Toussoun, Prince
Otis, Charles
Otis, Elisha G.
Otis Brothers and Company
Paine, Ira
Panama Canal
Panama Canal Company
Angelus auction in
brothels of
Edison on
Edison’s return to
Eiffel’s domicile in
Haussmann’s redesign of
tourism in
Twain on street life of
U.S. colony of
Paris Electrical Exposition of 1881,
“Paris Local” (column)
Paris Municipal Council
Paris World’s Fair of 1867,
Paris World’s Fair of 1879,
Paris World’s Fair of 1889,
American Corn Palace in
art exhibits and controversies of
attendance at
Bolivian Pavilion in
Central Dome of
closing ceremonies of
colonial exhibits of
diminutive railroad of
Edison’s exhibit in
Edison’s visit to
Egyptian exhibit in
final days of
foreign exhibits of
Forestry Pavilion of
fountains of
French national pride and
French Pavilion of
Gallery of Machines of
History of Habitation exhibit in
inaugural festivities of
Indians’ outing to
Javanese dancers in
Kirkwood’s report on
monarchic states’ reaction to
Moroccan Pavilion in
Nicaraguan Pavilion in
one-week extension of
opening ceremony of
opening day of
Paris tourism and
Pavilion of the Equator of
prizes awarded in
publicity gimmicks and
restaurants of
Shah’s visit to
size and layout of
success of
transportation in
U.S. exhibit in
U.S. reaction to
Vogüé on
Paris World’s Fair of 1900,
Pasteur, Louis
Pasteur Institute
Pawnee Bill’s Wild West
Pawtucket Chronicle
Pender, John
Périvier, Samuel
Persian Monarch
Petit, Pierre
Peugeot brothers
Philadelphia Centennial Exposition of 1876
Phonograph Works
Pissarro, Camille
Planat, Paul
Poix, Comtesse de
Pony Express
Posno, Martin
Powers Tower
Pravita Chira, prince of Siam
Proust, M. Antonin
Pulitzer, Joseph
Rabi, prince of Siam
Rastignac (columnist)
Rebours, À (Huysman)
Red Shirt
Reeves (engineer)
“Refusé” (pen name)
Rehan, Ada
Reid, Elizabeth Mills
Reid, Ogden Mills
Reid, Whitelaw
at Edison’s banquets
Fourth of July celebrations and
Sioux land deal and
tariff issue and
Reinbach, Baron de
Remington, Frederic
Renoir, Claude
Resistance of the Air and Aviation, The (Eiffel)
euter, Paul Julius Baron de
Revue des Deux Mondes
Revue Illustrée
Richard, Monsieur
Richmond, Frank
Riel, Louis
Rivière, Henri
Rocky Bear
Rodin, Auguste
Roger, M. E.
Roi Carotte, Le (Offenbach)
Rothschild, Baroness Adolphe de
Roulin family
Rousseau, Henri
Rousseau, Théodore
“Roving American” (reporter)
Ruskin, John
Saale, S.S.
Said Pasha, viceroy of Egypt
Saïd, Prince
St.-Jacques, Monsieur
Salis, Rodolphe
Salisbury, Lord
Salles, Adolphe
Salles, Claire Eiffel
Salsbury, Nate
Sand, George
Sarcey, Francisque
Sargent, John Singer
Sarniguet, Lucien
Sauvestre, Stephen
Scagliotti, Angelo
Schuffenecker, Émile
Scientific American
Secrétan, Hyacinth
Sedelmeyer Gallery
Sells-Floto Circus
Sérusier, Paul
Seurat, Georges
Seventh Calvary, U.S.
Sherard, Robert
Sherwood, M. E.
Signac, Paul
Simmons, Edward
Simon, Jules
Sitting Bull
Smithsonian Institution
Society of British Artists
South Fork Club
Sower (van Gogh)
Spuller, Monsieur
Stanley, Henry Morton
Starry Night (van Gogh)
Statue of Liberty
Stocking, Pattie Miller
Studebaker, P. E.
Suez Canal
Sullivan, Arthur
Sutton, Mr.
Swinburne, Algernon
Tailard, Monsieur
Tammen, Henry
Tate, Alfred O.
Taylor, Buck
Tedesco, Benjamin
Temps, Le
Ten O’Clock (Whistler)
Tewfik Pasha, Khedive of Egypt
Thayer, John
Theobald, Henry S.
Thirty-six Views of the Eiffel Tower (Rivière)
Tholozan (physician)
Thomas, Chauncey
Tieb, Bey of Tunis
Times (London)
Tirard, Pierre
Tissandier, Gaston
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de
Trevithick, Richard
Trilby (du Maurier)
Tucker (Buffalo Bill’s horse)
Twain, Mark
on Paris street life
Une Visite à l’Exposition 1889 (Rousseau)
United States
France and, see Franco-American relations
Sioux lands treaty and
United States Commission for the Universal Exposition
Upton, Francis
Upton, Margaret
Valentin (toreador)
Vanderbilt, Cornelius
Vanderbilt, William K.
Vanderbilt family
van Gogh, Jo Bonger
van Gogh, Theo
decline and death of
Gauguin’s correspondence with
Vincent’s correspondence with
van Gogh, Vincent
death of
Gauguin’s sojourn with
Theo’s correspondence with
Victoria, queen of England
Vie Errante, La (de Maupassant)
Vingtistes (avant-garde group)
Vogel, Robert M.
Vogüé, Eugène-Melchior, Vicomte de
Vollard, Ambrose
Volpini, Monsieur
von der Marwitz, Georg
Voyage en Syrie et en Palestine (de Vogüé)
Walters, Henry
Ward, Susan Hayes
War Department, French
Warren, Louis S.
Washington, George
Washington Monument
Washington Post
Watkin, Edward
Webster, Clarence
Weir, J. Alden
Whistler, Beatrix Godwin “Trixie,”
Whistler, James McNeill
gold medal awarded to
later career of
Legion of Honor awarded to
marriage of
withdraws art works from World’s Fair
White, Stanford
Whitney, William
Whittaker, “Mother,”
Wickham, P. B.
Wilde, Oscar
Winchester Company
Wladimir, grand duke of Russia
Wolff, Albert
World War I,
World War II,
Wounded Knee, massacre at
Xau, Ferdinand
XX, Les
Yellow Hand
York Weekly Post
Young, Art
Ziem, Felix
Zola, Émile