"You don't make the decisions around here. I have to find out if it works and I'm not leaving here until I know. Besides, I've grown quite fond of Emily while I've been keeping an eye on her."
Emily's skin crawled when his tone changed. He seemed almost benign, like a nerdy professor. But that made him even more dangerous, like a psycho with several warped personalities.
"I can't think of anything better than seeing her naked and wildly turned on," the weirdo added.
"It can't be used that way now," Nick said, obviously trying to reason with the nutcase despite his anger. "It's far too old and rough. It would hurt her."
"Do you think I care?"
Nick clenched his jaw. "If you hurt her, I'll kill you. That's a promise."
How could she disarm this nutcase? If only she could turn around, she'd smash her knee up into his groin.
The guy switched the gun from her head and pointed it at Nick two yards away. "Not if I kill you first."
No! Emily almost screamed the word, but controlled herself and remained silent. How could she help Nick gain the upper hand? She could hit the psycho's arm or the gun, but it might go off and shoot Nick. If the bastard had a crush on her, she might use that to distract him.
"I can kill you right now and get you out of the way," he told Nick. "Then I can do whatever I want to her. Jared took my wife, so now I'm taking his."
"Jared took your wife?" Nick frowned.
"Shut up!"
So, another woman Jared had screwed? Didn't surprise Emily. Nor did she care at the moment. She simply wanted Nick out of danger…and herself, of course.
"What's your name?" Emily asked, attempting to make her voice seductive, instead of terrified, as she was.
He glanced at her and she forced a sexy gaze and pouting mouth.
"Um…Ge—George. You can call me George."
"Okay, George," she breathed, knowing that probably wasn't his real name. But he appeared distracted simply from the words she'd spoken to him.
"The artifact does have paranormal powers, but it doesn't need to be used as a dildo for it to work," Nick said.
"What are you talking about?" George swung the gun back and forth between them.
"All a woman has to do is hold it in her hands, and she gets aroused. It could be worth millions. You can have it if you just leave Emily alone, take the damned piece of marble and walk away."
George shook his head quickly. "I have to see if it works first."
Nick's gaze darted back and forth between her and the creep. "Emily and I will show you it works."
"She'll hold the artifact in her hands, and when she gets aroused from it, I'll pleasure her and you can watch. You like watching, don't you, George?"
She glared at Nick. Was he out of his freaking mind? She didn't want this psycho watching her while Nick pleasured her. What was he planning to do?
"All right." Still wearing the ski mask, George waved the gun, then took the handcuffs and keys from the dresser. "Handcuff one of your hands to the footboard," he told Nick.
"Nick?" Emily tried to keep the fear out of her voice. Was he insane? How could he suggest this?
"It'll be okay, sweetheart. I won't hurt you." Nick cuffed himself to the bed.
"Yeah, sweetheart," the intruder breathed in her ear.
She recoiled. "Stop! You bastard!"
"Get on the bed." George shoved her forward, making her stumble and fall half on the mattress. He caught her ass and squeezed it.
"Get your filthy hands off me!" She kicked at him, wishing she could smash his nose.
"Get up there!" the idiot ordered.
"Nick, what the hell were you thinking?" Emily whispered, crawling to the opposite side of the mattress.
Damned if this wasn't killing Nick. He'd do anything for Emily, especially when she had such desperation in her eyes. But right now, he didn't have much choice. "I have a plan," he mouthed so the bastard couldn't hear him. "Trust me, Emily. You know I'd never hurt you, right?" he said aloud.
She nodded. The tears sparkling in her eyes made him feel as if someone had punched him in the stomach.
"Trust me," he urged. His plan would work only if she went along with it. "Please."
"Okay." At that moment, he sensed her profound trust as she locked her gaze onto his. And it meant more to him than he could ever express. He couldn't let her down. He had to keep her safe no matter what he had to do to accomplish that.
"Good." He helped her lie down, then leaned in for a kiss. Her lips were soft and sweet and so responsive to his. Her breathing changed, grew faster and shallower. She seemed eager for his mouth and tongue.
"Get going. Haven't got all night!" George ordered and held the stone phallus out to him. "Make her hold it. I want to see if it has any effect."
"Fine." He handed the object to Emily then glared at the psychotic bastard. "Give Emily some space. You've scared her. A woman can't get turned on if she's terrified, no matter what kind of paranormal powers this thing may have."
George backed up a few steps, the look in his eyes behind the mask shifting to contrite and his grip on the pistol less rigid. If Nick was guessing, he'd say this bastard was a porn addict.
"Is there some kind of legend that goes along with this object?" Nick asked, trying to buy some time.
"It belonged to some ancient Celtic tribe and was used in their fertility rituals. It is said to make a woman so horny she'll beg for it from any man." George's eyes gleamed with keen lust. And at the moment, that lust was directed at Emily.
Nick wanted to knock him on his ass now, but he had to be patient. "Why do you care so much about it?" If he knew that, maybe he'd know this guy's motive for killing Jared.
"That's none of your business. Now, get on with it!" The way George was staring at Emily's bare thighs, he was practically enthralled. That could only work to Nick and Emily's advantage.
Maybe George had committed murder because Jared had a fling with his wife. Didn't take much jealousy to inspire murder.
Nick turned back to Emily. Her eyes, wide with fear, urged him to do something. "Close your eyes and trust me, Em," Nick whispered. "I won't let him touch you. Pretend it's just you and me."
She nodded and did as he said.
"Do you feel the warmth?" Nick asked, observing the artifact in her hands.
"What are you talking about?" George asked.
"Emily says, when she holds the object, tingling warmth spreads from her hands and throughout her body."
"How are you feeling?" Nick asked her.
"Good," she breathed, her eyes growing darker. Her lips parted and her nipples hardened beneath her robe.
"You see? She's already showing signs of arousal," Nick said, hoping George would get so turned on by observing Emily, he would get careless. Then Nick could disarm him.
George nodded eagerly. "Touch her. I want to see if she's wet."
Damn him. Nick didn't want to expose Emily's crotch to the weirdo. But more, he didn't want the bastard touching her. That's why he'd suggested this.
He waved the gun. "Do it!"
Nick pushed up Emily's short pink robe, exposing her skimpy panties. Her legs were pressed tightly together and her eyes closed.
"Take her panties off," George ordered.
Hell, Nick hated that she had to go through this. He kissed her knee and spread her legs a couple of inches apart. He slid her panties down her legs and threw them aside.
"Yeah," George breathed. "Tell her to spread her legs."
Nick stroked a hand up the inside of her thigh, and she widened her legs.
Damn. Her beautiful sex lips glistened with moisture.
George blew out a sharp breath, his gaze locked on Emily's bared pussy. His gun hand was growing more unsteady and veering a little to the side. Not much longer and he'd be completely distracted.
Nick kissed her thigh. If he could get her wildly turned on, this wouldn't be so hard on her. And the more turned on she was
, the more distracted George would be.
She was luscious, her pink lips shiny with slick moisture. Resting on one elbow between her legs, he parted her pussy lips and licked between. "Mmm, that's good. So sweet."
Her back arched and she gasped. She was so juicy he ached to slide his cock inside her. But he couldn't do that now. He had to somehow gain the upper hand.
He glanced back at the perp.
"Do it again," he ordered, breathing hard. "Lick her."
Nick spread her legs wide and tongued her clit. It hardened and swelled. She moaned and writhed beneath him, breathing hard, her lips parted. She was so hot. He'd give anything to be alone with her right now.
He glanced back to see what George was doing.
The armed bastard was gaping at Emily's pussy with openmouthed wonder. Drool might drip from his lips at any moment.
"Fuck her," George said, his voice unsteady. Seeming to come back to his senses, he waved the gun.
"Are you insane?" Nick asked. "I'm not going to—"
"Do it, you bastard, or I will."
No way in hell was he letting the psycho touch her. Nick would kill him first. "I don't have a condom." Though it was the truth, he was trying to buy some time or get him to back off in his twisted demands.
"Do you think I care?"
Damn! Nick didn't want his first time with Emily to be at gunpoint with some pervert watching. But maybe if he could keep himself under control, it might work.
Nick unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans and his cock sprang out, ready for action despite the extreme danger. That's what Emily did to him.
"Yes, Nick, please," she whispered.
Her enthusiastic words made his cock jolt with need. He stroked the head through her hot, slick moisture and almost grew lightheaded. How could he possibly keep half his attention on the killer?
She lifted her hips and gasped. "Oh, Nick."
He stroked the tip over her swollen clit. "Yeah. Is that good?" How he wished he had a condom so he could at least protect her from pregnancy, but he had to admit, feeling her slick essence on his bare skin was so damned amazing.
"Um-hmm. More," she said. Her back was arched far as it would go, her legs spread wide. She was laid out before him like a virgin sacrifice. And he wondered if this was a replica of some ancient Stone Age fertility ritual.
"Fuck her from the back," George demanded.
"What?" Nick growled.
"Lie behind her so I can see."
This bozo was a porn addict. Had to be.
He wanted to kill the bastard so bad he couldn't stand it, because he was tainting the most precious moment between Nick and Emily. For their first time, he'd always imagined looking into her eyes while he drove into her, seeing her emotions written clearly on her face.
"I can't if I'm handcuffed to the footboard," Nick said.
"I'll unlock them, but if you make one move, I'll shoot you."
Nick nodded, thrilled the nut-job was so determined to get a live porno show that he'd release Nick from the cuffs.
Once Nick's hand was free, he lay behind Emily, wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him. She arched her back, rubbing her luscious ass against his cock.
In one hand, she held the stone artifact, and the other, she slid back around his neck into his hair. She turned her head and he kissed her lips.
"I'm sorry I don't have a condom," he whispered.
"It's okay," she breathed.
He wouldn't come. He had to keep his wits about him and incapacitate this bastard.
"What are you waiting for?" George demanded. "Slide it in."
Nick ground his teeth, hoping like hell he could keep his sanity once he was buried inside her. Emily arched her back and ground her ass against him. With his hand, he guided his cock to her drenched pussy. Once he felt the head slide between her hot, slick lips, he lost control and thrust into her. She cried out and he growled, the tight heat of her surrounding him and squeezing.
"Oh my god, baby," he said through clenched teeth.
She ground against him, taking him deeper. Almost lost to the pleasure, he groaned.
He never had unprotected sex. This was new for him and extremely erotic. She was scorching, tight and wet.
"Fuck her hard," George said, sounding like one of those obscene phone calls with heavy breathing.
Nick glared at the bastard, wanting to knock him out stone cold so he could enjoy Emily. He withdrew slowly and thrust back into her. Sexual pleasure almost overwhelmed him, but he had to stay alert to what the psycho was doing.
"Damn, you're so wet, Emily," Nick said, loud enough for the creep to hear, hoping he'd become so distracted Nick could disarm him.
Emily's body arched hungrily. She moaned, thrusting her hips back against him, her hand fisted in his hair.
God, she felt so good, he didn't know how long he could maintain control.
George made a choking sound, then grabbed his own dick through his pants.
Yes! Nick's plan was starting to work. Grinding his teeth, Nick thrust again and again, quickening the pace. "Yeah, you're so fucking tight," he growled next to Emily's ear, hoping his commentary would make the voyeuristic bastard lose control.
At that moment, Emily's body convulsed in orgasm, squeezing him so tight he thought he might come, too. No, dammit, he couldn't.
George gasped, lay down his gun on a nearby table and unzipped his pants. Only a few more seconds and Nick would give the sonofabitch what he deserved.
George ripped the ski mask from his head and sweat glistened on his red face. He then started masturbating frantically. Ha!
Nick took the stone phallus from Emily's hand and threw it hard at George's head. A loud whack sounded and the bozo dropped to the floor, groaning.
After withdrawing from Emily, Nick leapt from the bed, yanked his jeans up and handcuffed George's hands behind his back, then pocketed the keys. The nut-job would likely have a concussion, or at least one horrid headache, when he came to. To make sure George didn't escape while his head was turned, Nick tied his feet together with a robe belt. Thankfully, he appeared out cold.
Turning back to Emily, he found her on her knees on the bed. He lifted her into his arms, carried her down the hall to a guest bedroom and slammed the door. But she was all over him, kissing his neck, his face, his mouth.
His own arousal flamed up like an inferno and he wanted to pick up where he'd left off. Moaning, she opened her mouth, eagerly accepting his deep tongue kisses.
He laid her on the bed, holding her in place. "Wait right there while I call the police."
She moaned, widening her legs and stroking herself while he tried to concentrate on the call. He turned away, blocking out the mind-blowing, erotic image of her as he struggled to remember her address.
"Nick, please. I want you," she said when he hung up.
Chapter Twelve
"The police are on their way, sweetheart." Nick sat on the mattress beside Emily.
She rose to her knees, naked. "I don't care. I want you," she whispered in a desperate tone. Tears glistened in her eyes.
"Are you okay?"
"No. I need you again. I can't wait any longer." She unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, and idiot that he was, he let her. Was there a straight man anywhere who didn't want a woman to be hungry for him, especially a woman he was crazy about? Her trembling hands and frantic actions fired up his need.
"Slow down, baby."
"No. Hurry." She pushed at his jeans.
His erection had waned during the action, but now was back in full force, standing upright from his open jeans like an iron rod.
Without warning, Emily climbed onto his lap and impaled herself. "So good," she moaned.
Damn, he'd meant to go downstairs and get the one condom he had. But again, nothing separated them. Just her overheated, drenched pussy surrounding and squeezing his cock.
"Oh fuck," he rasped. "Emily?" His mind deserted him.
"Yes, please." She r
ode him, grinding down onto him, milking his cock.
He wouldn't last anytime if he didn't take control. He'd waited too damned long for this, fantasized about it for years. And now that he was experiencing it, crushing arousal overtook him.
He flipped her over onto the bed, their bodies still joined, and slid in and out once, twice, savoring her. Nothing had ever felt so astounding and perfect.
"Mmm, yes," she urged. "Faster."
"Emily, dammit, I don't have a condom."
"Please. Just once," she begged and sank her teeth into his shoulder.
He withdrew and slid in again, balls deep. Her pussy muscles clutched at him, the flutters driving him mad.
She cried out. "Harder. Please, make love to me, Nick."
Her words made his chest ache. How the hell was he supposed to say no to that? Because, yeah, as he'd always known, being with Emily wouldn't be a quick fuck; it was making love. Something he'd never experienced before, except in his imagination. He hammered her hard for several strokes, trying not to lose himself in the moment. Trying to retain control, but he was rapidly losing it.
"Oh my god, that's so good! More!" She locked her heels around his legs, holding him in place.
Hell, he had no choice but to give it to her. Give her everything she wanted. Everything he wanted. He thrust fast and deep, exactly the way he'd fantasized about since he'd first met her. Screw guilt. She wanted it. He wanted it.
She writhed beneath him, crying out, moaning and meeting each of his driving thrusts.
"Yeah, Em, that's it. Come for me."
He licked his thumb and stroked it against her swollen clit. She blasted off, screaming his name, her pussy squeezing him so tightly, threatening to wring the cum from him.
"Emily," he growled against her ear, inhaling her sweet scent, holding her tight against his chest. He couldn't believe he was inside her, as he'd wanted to be for so long, and that she was coming on his cock, drenching him in her sweet juices.
The orgasm shot through him like scorching lightning, his body shuddering, ecstasy smothering him, his cum shooting deep within her, filling her. He gave her all he had, physically and emotionally.
Moments later, when he could think again, he remembered he should've withdrawn, but he couldn't. Something within him wouldn't allow it.
Secretly Craving You Page 11