The Look of Love

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The Look of Love Page 11

by Crystal B. Bright

“Your look. Why did you change it so dramatically?”

  That question hit her out of left field. She stopped combing and rinsed off the comb as she collected her thoughts to answer. “I thought I looked good until Mrs. Pratt made that comment.”

  “I don’t get your need for the fake hair. Your natural hair, from what I remember, was so full and healthy on its own.” He attempted to turn around to look at her, but Eboni stopped him.

  “Time to rinse your hair. Lean back into the sink again.” She patted his back and helped guide him down.

  She took her time rinsing the conditioner from his hair in hopes that he would forget his question about her hair.

  “I think all the conditioner is out now.” Gunnar opened his eyes.

  “Who’s doing the hair here?” To tease him, she sprayed water in his face.

  He jerked his body and sat up. “You’re going to pay for that one.”

  Eboni covered his head with a towel and patted his hair dry. “Just remember. I’m doing your hair.”

  She picked up a blow dryer and got his blond hair dry. After a few passes to the back of his head, she noticed something green and blotchy on his scalp.

  “What’s that?” Eboni attempted to part his hair to look at it.

  “Hey, dry the hair, okay? It’s nothing.”

  Gunnar’s serious expression clued her in that it meant something more. Eboni wouldn’t push him. He’d revealed so much already.

  As his hair dried, she noticed how soft it became. She used a round brush to give him a slight curl.

  “Really?” Gunnar gave her a sideways glance.

  “You’re supposed to trust me, right?”

  Once done, she put her styling tools down and used her fingers to fluff out his hair.

  “Can I see it?” He tried turning his chair, but she held the back of the chair.

  “Not yet.” Eboni needed this time to touch him without remembering his vanishing act.

  “By the way, I agonized about coming back home.” He lowered his voice. “My decision wasn’t easy.”

  “Why?” She stopped styling to concentrate on his words.

  “I couldn’t face how I failed the most important people in my life.” He stared at her. “You think it was easy for me to come here?” He shook his head. “It wasn’t. I was afraid of what you would say to me. I think I would have rather you slapped me or kick me than tell me I’m a loser. I know that I am. I can’t take it if I hear you say it.”

  Eboni couldn’t break her stare from Gunnar until he tried to stand. She spun his chair around so he could see his reflection. “Okay. Now you can look.” She fluffed his hair. “What do you think?”

  Gunnar looked at his image. He turned his head from one side to the other. Then he stared at Eboni. “Looks okay.”

  “Okay?” She plucked the back of his head with her finger. “I made your hair look healthier and softer.”

  “Softer?” He cringed as he stood up. “Not a good way to describe a fighter.”

  “I think you should keep your hair like this. It makes you look--”

  The word sexy got caught in her throat.

  “Look like what?”

  Eboni remained quiet. She mustered enough courage to speak again. “Not like a loser.”

  Gunnar stalked toward her. “What do I owe you?”

  “Um, just keep working here and that’ll do it.”

  “That’s one way.”

  Eboni’s back met with the counter. He stood directly in front of her.

  “Here’s another way.” Gunnar cupped her cheek.

  As though happening in slow motion, he lowered his head and pressed his lips against hers. The initial contact felt like nothing she remembered from their kisses in the past.

  His breath offered her a bit of sustenance as he leaned in more to capture her mouth. As soon as his tongue slipped into her mouth, she wriggled away from him.

  “This is a mistake.” She ran to the reception desk to get her coat and purse.

  “Wait. Let’s talk about what happened. Let’s go to dinner.” He followed her around.

  “No. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She ran from the salon and slipped and slid the entire way to her car.

  Her heart pumped faster than her feet could carry her. Eboni hadn’t expected to kiss Gunnar. Worst yet, she’d liked it. Loved it. To feel his warm lips on hers felt familiar. Her body still tingled as she thought about it while speeding home.

  “What he must think now.” Eboni shook her head.

  She had been so firm on her feelings for him, or rather against him. He had walked away from her to pursue a career and hadn’t looked back. Now her body fought with her mind.

  Eboni pounded her fist on the steering wheel as she waited at a traffic light. Frustration overwhelmed her senses as she thought of ways to explain her actions. Maybe she would tell him that she’d kissed him because she thought he had been so sweet with that little girl earlier. Her mind tripped over thoughts of him caring for their daughter.

  “Damn, snap out of it, girl.”

  A car horn blared behind her to prompt her to move when the light turned green. Instead of going to the center like she usually would after work, she headed home. She arrived at her apartment and nearly sprinted to her unit.

  As usual, Craig and Tryna occupied the couch. Aunt Bettie, who sat at the glass-top kitchen table, busied herself putting together a jigsaw puzzle.

  “You’re home earlier than I thought you would be.” Her aunt looked at her with her light brown eyes.

  “Decided to come straight home instead of going to the center.” Eboni left out the part about Gunnar.

  A knock sounded at the door.

  She glanced at Craig. “Expecting anyone?”

  Craig shook his head. “You’re standing.”

  “Such a gentleman.” Eboni strolled to the door and peered through the peephole.

  The person standing on the other side kept their head down. She saw the top of a hat but nothing else.

  “Who is it?” she asked through the door.

  A pause lingered before the person said, “Eboni, open up, please, so we can talk.”

  Eboni’s heart stopped and dropped to the floor. Gunnar had followed her home.

  “Who is it?” Craig asked from the couch.

  Eboni ignored him. She whispered into the door. “Go home. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “No. We need to talk right now.”

  Eboni heard something rustling behind her. By the time she turned around, she saw Craig in his pajama pants and a different basketball jersey stomping up behind her.

  “Move out the way.” Craig grabbed the doorknob.

  “Don’t open the door.” Eboni grabbed her cousin’s arm and tried pulling him back.

  No such luck. Craig opened the door. She watched him blink as he stared at Gunnar. It took her cousin a hot second before Gunnar’s identity registered.

  “I can’t believe you have the nerve to show up to my home.” Craig adopted a fighting stance where he stood with his feet apart, his fists raised and his head bobbing back and forth. He looked ridiculous.

  “I came here to talk to Eboni. You and I have no business together.” Gunnar stood his ground. Once he made his statement to Craig, his full attention returned to Eboni.

  Eboni couldn’t look into his eyes. Each time she did, she remembered the kiss that turned her insides into mush.

  “If you’re bothering my cousin, it’s my business.” Craig took a step forward.

  Gunnar didn’t move. “Cousin?” He brought his stare back to Eboni. “I didn’t know you two were related when--”

  “Go home, Gunnar. We can talk tomorrow. I have to take care of my aunt.” Eboni nodded behind herself.

  “Shut that door. Y’all are letting the cold in.” Tryna threw a blanket over her bare legs.

  “Yeah, that’s all that’s getting in here. Go home, man. And don’t you ever
talk to my cousin again.” Craig started to close the door.

  “I think the last time you tried telling me what to do, it didn’t go so well for you.” This time, Gunnar did take a step forward. “Like I said, you and I have no business together.” He gazed at Eboni. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Craig managed to slam the door in Gunnar’s face before Eboni could respond. “I can’t believe he came here like anybody would want to see him.” He lumbered back to the couch. “Now that old boy has some money, I should say that he hurt me bad in that fight so I can collect some of his dough.” He laughed along with his girl.

  “Not funny, Craig.” Eboni put the chain on the door and turned the deadbolt. “Drop it. It was a long time ago.”

  “Have you dropped it? I didn’t see you running into his arms like you’d missed him.”

  If Craig only knew.

  “You don’t get it.” Craig plopped down on the couch. “Yes, it was years ago, but we fought hard. That dude was trying to kill me over what? Some dumb-ass comments about his brothers and shit? If I’d had one more minute with that fool, I could have knocked him out. I could have ended him and you wouldn’t have anything to worry about now.”

  “Stop talking.” Eboni rubbed her temple. “I’m so tired of hearing about this old grudge.” Too bad she didn’t mean the one between Craig and Gunnar.

  She hid herself in her bedroom. Now Eboni had an entire night to run over arguments to keep from kissing Gunnar again. As it stood, Gunnar had managed to lower her defenses.

  Chapter 8

  “I hear you’re going to be able to come home today.” Gunnar held his mother’s hand.

  He’d gotten used to visiting her before going into the salon. Today, he really needed to talk to her.

  “Yes, darling. I’ll get to come home finally until it’s time to do that awful surgery.” His mother patted his hand.

  Gunnar stared at the floor. He couldn’t get the kiss with Eboni out of his mind. Following her to her home had been a knee-jerk reaction to wanting to get an explanation. Did she like the kiss as much as he had?

  “What are you thinking about?”

  Gunnar snapped out of his thoughts and brought his gaze up to his mother. “Nothing. Thinking about salon stuff.”

  “You know I can always tell when you’re lying. Tell me the truth.”

  Gunnar sat up straight. He took a deep breath before speaking. “I kissed Eboni yesterday.” He glanced at his mother to check her reaction.

  Elizabeth remained stoic.

  “She freaked and ran home. I wanted to talk to her, but she wouldn’t even let me in her apartment.” He squeezed his mother’s hand.

  “So go to work today and ask her out to dinner tonight.”

  Gunnar shook his head. “I’ve been asking her out to dinner since I got back. She’s turned me down flat.”

  Queen Elizabeth picked up her nurse call button and pressed it frantically.

  A beep sounded before a voice came through a wall speaker. “Yes, ma’am?”

  “I’m feeling a little flushed. I think something is going on.”

  Gunnar stood. “What?”

  “We’ll be right there.”

  “Ma, what’s wrong? What can I do?” Feeling helpless, Gunnar fluffed up her pillows and tried to make her comfortable until the nurses showed.

  “You want to help me? Act like I’m sick so I can stay here another day.”

  Gunnar blinked. “What?”

  “You need a day to spend time with Eboni without me being there to cramp your style.”

  “Ma, I--”

  “Quiet.” She winked at him. “Get your girl.”

  When the nurses arrived, Queen Elizabeth put on a show, clutching her chest and putting the back of her hand to her head in typical swooning fashion. Although the EKG didn’t support her claims, the nurses and doctor all agreed that she would have to stay another night for observation.

  Thanks to his mother, Gunnar had an extra night alone. Could he get Eboni to the house? If he did, what would he do in a confined space, especially now that he knew she wanted him for more than just a fund-raiser or a business owner?

  * * * *

  For the first time since working at Press ’N Curl, Eboni contemplated calling in sick. She couldn’t get any sleep just thinking about Gunnar’s firm lips. God, that kiss. It ignited feelings in her that she hadn’t experienced in years, not since before Gunnar left for training.

  She waited for as long as she could before stepping into the salon. As usual, Gunnar had already opened the place. He had the coffee going. He’d opened the blinds to allow the sun to stream inside. As soon as his gaze fell on her, he stopped moving.

  Eboni opened her mouth but nothing came out. She wanted to tell him to stay in his spot and not get closer to her. Gunnar started walking toward her until the back door opened. He stopped when Tillman entered the room.

  “Another day, another dollar.” He patted Gunnar on the back as he headed to his station.

  Tisha came through next, being as quiet as a mouse as usual.

  Eboni put her purse and coat in the office. By the time she turned around, she found Gunnar blocking the doorway.

  “We need to talk. Go to dinner with me tonight.” Gunnar didn’t ask.

  “We shouldn’t.”

  He started to move into the office when the back door slammed again. Eboni saw a hand on Gunnar’s shoulder. He turned around to reveal Monica standing behind him.

  “The diva is out in her car.” Monica nodded her head behind her.

  “Who?” Gunnar asked.

  “Shay?” Eboni suspected who Monica meant but wanted to be sure.

  Monica nodded. “She won’t talk to me. Maybe you two can do something with her.”

  Eboni started toward the door but Gunnar stopped her.

  “I got this. This is part of my responsibilities, right?” Before Eboni could answer, Gunnar walked out.

  She breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that Shay’s drama would give her a little break from the tension between them. She would just have to figure out a reason she couldn’t go to dinner with him.

  * * * *

  Gunnar walked out to the back parking lot. As soon as he caught Shay sitting in her red sedan, she turned her head away from him. He came up to the window, trying hard not to show his irritation.

  He’d had Eboni cornered. Gunnar had felt her starting to melt, starting to yield to him. Now he had to deal with some temperamental employee.

  Gunnar knocked on the window. “Come on out, Shay.”

  Shay kept her face away from him. “Go on back in to the salon. I’ll be in there in a minute. I just need to get myself together.”

  Gunnar sighed. This must be the internal problems Eboni had alluded to when he asked her about the salon and the staff. He really didn’t have time for this. As he thought that, his mother’s words rang through his head. She would have told him to get to know each person.

  “Shay, what can I do to help you get out of the car?” He crouched down next to the window.

  The fact that she wore sunglasses made her look like a diva. “I told you I’m fine. Go in the salon. I’ll be in there in a minute.”

  Gunnar looked at his watch. He really didn’t have time to play her games. “If you aren’t in there in five minutes, I’ll be back out here again.”

  Shay put her hand up to the window. “Whatever.”

  Gunnar stood and went back into the building. He noticed Tillman leaning against his station.

  “Couldn’t get her out of her car?” Tillman asked.

  “Does she do that often?” Gunnar went directly to the coffeepot to get something to warm himself up.

  “Every once in a while.” Tillman dropped his gaze to the floor. “Not in a long time though. Just recently.”

  Instinct told Gunnar that Tillman knew more than he had revealed. “Do you have any appointments this morning?”
/>   Tillman glanced at Monica. “Anything on the books?”

  Monica glanced at the computer screen. “Nope. Free as a bird until after lunch.”

  “Waiting for walk-ins.”

  “Want to catch some breakfast? My treat.” Gunnar grabbed his jacket from the office.

  “For real? Hell, uh, heck yeah.” Tillman slipped on his jacket and walked out the back door with Gunnar. “Queen never did this with us.”

  “I figured this will be a good way to get to know you.” Gunnar glanced at Shay, who remained in her vehicle.

  She turned her head as soon as she spotted him.

  “I’ll drive.” Gunnar unlocked his rental.

  “Is this Hummer your ride?” Tillman jumped into the vehicle.

  “I’m renting it while I’m in town.” Gunnar got into the driver’s side and started up the vehicle to warm it up as fast as he could. “Is the Providence Restaurant still open?”

  “Yeah. I thought you would want to go somewhere fancy.”

  Gunnar shook his head. “I’m not that kind of guy.”

  Gunnar drove over to the small restaurant at the end of a shopping strip close to the hair salon. The waitress sat them in a booth in the corner. After they’d received their drinks and placed their orders, Gunnar started in with his questions.

  “So how long have you been working for my mother?” Gunnar took a sip of his jet-black coffee.

  Tillman blinked. “Man, it’s still wild to me that Queen is your mom.”

  “I’ve been getting that most of my life.”

  “Yeah, I can imagine. I’ve been working at the salon for only six months. It’s cool. I didn’t go to barber school, so most barber shops wouldn’t give me a chance.” Tillman leaned back against the bench in the booth and chuckled. “I remember I had lied to your mom about my experience. I knew how to do hair because my grandma and my mom did it out of their homes for years.”

  “So you learned the same way I did.” Gunnar smiled.

  Tillman nodded. “No one would hire me without some piece of paper saying that I could style. Queen interviewed me and I told her that I went to cosmetology school. Of course, she asked me which one. I lied again and made up some place so that she couldn’t do any research, but your mom is smart.”


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