Love All Out - Part 1 (A Stepbrother Romance)

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Love All Out - Part 1 (A Stepbrother Romance) Page 3

by Ward, Alice

  “Daddy, I love you… but you’ve got to quit playing matchmaker,” I insisted.

  Daddy shrugged. “I don’t know why you’re so resistant to the idea. You and Bradley have so much in common. And it would do you good to spend time with someone other than me or Matt.”

  “Oh Cole, back off of the poor girl,” Renee said with a good natured grin. She put her hand on his forearm and I stared down at my coffee. “I’m sure Willow will date when she finds the right man. No young woman wants her dad setting her up. And once James is here, she’ll have someone to hang out with besides you and Matt. Honestly, Willow, I’m hoping some of your dedication and work ethic will rub off on my wayward son.”

  “I thought you said he’s doing well?” I asked, unable to stop the question from forming.

  “He’s doing well enough… but he has no direction. I always emphasized the importance of education, but after two semesters at the community college, he dropped out. Said he needed time to ‘find himself’. He’s winning just enough money at the rodeos to stay on the road. Bull riding isn’t a long term career choice, and I’m terrified that he’s going to knock up a buckle bunny and ruin his life,” Renee finished with a sigh.

  I blushed again at the thought of James hooking up with random rodeo groupies.

  He probably has a woman in every city… he’s definitely pretty enough. I wonder if the women know each other. I wonder if they care that they’re just one of many.

  I’d always thought James was hot, but I’d also known that he wasn’t the type of guy I could have a relationship with. He was too cocky, too sure that he was God’s gift to women. And from what I’d seen in high school, he thought his sex appeal entitled him to any woman he wanted. As hot as he was, the last thing I wanted was to be another notch on his belt.

  “We’ll get him straightened out, Renee,” Daddy assured her. “A few weeks on the ranch and he’ll be a new man.”

  “I sure hope so. I think you’ll be a good influence on him too, Cole. He’s been so lost since Gus passed.”

  “I’d be happy to take him under my wing.”

  Daddy and Renee grinned at each other like love struck teenagers and I had the overwhelming urge to escape.

  “It’s getting late… shall we get to work?” I asked.

  “Of course,” Renee agreed. She finished her coffee in one long gulp and carried her cup to the sink.

  I turned to Daddy. “What’s on your agenda today?”

  “The usual… I’m going to check the pastures for new babies and then shut myself up in my office. I may drive out to the Maxwell’s place after lunch. They’ve got a bull for sale that I have my eye on. Why don’t you two eat with me today? We’ve got plenty of Mary’s fried chicken left. Bring Matt too.”

  “I don’t know…” I hesitated. Daddy already seemed too fond of Renee. I didn’t want to sit around and watch him fawn over her while I tried to eat.

  “I doubt we’ll have time for a long lunch,” Renee replied. “I’d like to get trained as quickly as possible.”

  If I hadn’t been so annoyed by her, I’d have been grateful for Renee’s excuse. “Renee’s right,” I agreed. “We’ve got a lot of ground to cover and I’d like to have her trained before Glory foals. And she could go any day now.”

  “Oh how exciting!” Renee exclaimed. “This is why spring is my favorite season. I love all of the baby animals!”

  I studied Renee’s face for a moment, trying to figure out how she could possibly be so perky at eight a.m. I’d never met Gus, but it was obvious that James took after his father. With her blonde hair, blue eyes, and short stature, Renee looked more like me than her dark haired, dark eyed son.

  “Then you’ll love being on the ranch,” Daddy told her. “When you’re done for the day, I’ll take you for a drive and introduce you to Aces High’s newest residents.”

  “I’d love that!” Renee gushed.

  I cleared my throat. “So… are you ready to get going? We can drive down to the barn, if you’d like.”

  Renee waved off the suggestion. “Nonsense, what is it, half a mile?”

  I nodded.

  “Let’s walk it, I could use the exercise.”

  “Okay… see you tonight, Daddy.”

  “Have a good day, pumpkin, and take care of Renee.”

  “I will,” I grudgingly promised.

  When Daddy first told me he’d hired Renee, I thought he saw it as killing two birds with one stone: Matt and I needed help; she needed a job. But it was becoming more and more apparent that he had personal reasons for wanting Renee on the ranch every day.

  I left the kitchen and made my way to the front door. I didn’t bother to turn around and check if Renee was following me. I didn’t want to watch her and Daddy exchange goodbyes. She caught up to me on the porch steps and I turned to her with a frown.

  “Are you involved with my father?” I blurted out. “Is that really why you’re here?”

  Renee blushed. “I’m fond of your dad, Willow. He’s been a good friend to me during some very difficult times. But I’m not here for him, I’m here to work.”

  Unsure what to say, I stepped off the steps and started walking to the barn. Renee touched my arm and I stopped. “Cole warned me that you’re territorial about the thoroughbreds,” she said, her voice kind and gentle. “And I know that this was your mom’s specialty. I don’t want to come between you and your father, and I’d certainly never try to replace your mom. I’ve spent years cooped up in the clinic with its florescent lights and demanding patients. I miss being outside, working with livestock. All I want is to help with the horses. And if you give me a chance, I think you’ll find I’m quite good at it.”

  Why does she have to be so patient and understanding? This would be easier if she was a bitch. Then I’d have a valid reason for this resentment I feel for her.

  I studied Renee for a moment, trying to decide whether or not I could trust her. She stared back at me with kind eyes and I resolved myself to the fact that I was stuck with her, trust or no trust. I gave Renee a silent nod and then we walked to the barn to start her training.


  “Oh my God! I can’t believe that James Parker is coming to work here. How in the world are we going to get any work done with such a beautiful distraction around?” Matt asked.

  It was later that afternoon. I’d given Renee the keys to my farm truck and sent her to the feed store so Matt and I could have an hour or so alone together. We sat outside drinking lemonade that Mary had delivered to the barn.

  “He won’t be working with us,” I reminded him. “He’ll be on the trails. And I’m sure that he’ll get restless after a week or two and head back out on the rodeo circuit.”

  I hoped that James’s time on the ranch would be limited. I was certain that I’d make a fool of myself in front of him and I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life hiding in the thoroughbred barn out of embarrassment.

  “James may not be working with us, but Renee is,” Matt continued. “I’m sure they’ll ride here together. I bet we see him every day.”

  “Renee is doing a good job,” I said, trying to turn the conversation away from James. “I’m surprised by how much she knows.”

  Matt nodded. “It’s a shame that her family doesn’t breed anymore. It sounds like they had a wonderful program.”

  Renee had taken to the work quickly. I’d expected it to take a few days to train her, but all I really had to do was show her where we kept everything and explain our daily schedule. She mucked out the horse stalls without complaining and with the three of us working together, we’d finished the undesirable chore in record time.

  “I appreciate her help and I’m glad she trained so quickly, but I’m not sure I’m happy that she’s working here,” I confessed.

  Matt finished his first glass of lemonade and poured a refill from the thermos. “I know you’re having a hard time with this, but I really don’t think that Renee is going to try to take over. She probab
ly could… she seems to know enough. But she also seems respectful of the fact that you’re the boss.”

  “I’m not worried about her taking over the thoroughbreds. I know that Daddy was right, that we could use the extra help. And I’m actually looking forward to having extra free time. You saw how quickly we cleaned the stalls. We may actually finish our work at a decent hour today.”

  “Then why aren’t you happy that she’s working here?”

  I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I think something’s going on between Renee and Daddy… something other than a casual, boss employee relationship,” I confessed.

  “What?” Matt asked. The excitement on his face troubled me. I hated the idea of Daddy falling in love with someone new and I needed Matt to be on my side. He was my best friend after all, and that’s what best friends are supposed to do.

  “You should have seen them together this morning. I half expected them to kiss each other goodbye when she and I left. For all I know, they did kiss. I walked out of the kitchen pretty quickly and she didn’t catch up with me until I reached the porch steps.”

  “Maybe they are dating,” Matt said. “That would explain why he hired her without talking to you first. I agree that we needed the help, but I was surprised that he didn’t ask for your input before giving her the job.”

  “Exactly! And his story about not wanting anyone else hiring her doesn’t wash out. He has a cell phone. Even if he did need to make a quick decision, he could have at least called me first.”

  “But Willow, why would them dating be a problem?” Matt asked. “In all of the time I’ve known you, Cole’s never dated. Don’t you want him to find someone? Don’t you want him to be happy?”

  “I do want him to be happy,” I spat and then felt myself deflate with the lie. Matt put a reassuring arm around me as I considered my answer. “I’m not exactly sure why the idea upsets me so much,” I admitted. “My parents had such a wonderful love story. I don’t remember Mom, but knowing that Daddy’s never forgotten her makes me feel better. I do want Daddy to be happy, but I can’t stand the thought of Mom being replaced.”

  As I spoke, a single tear ran down my face. Explaining my feelings to Matt helped me understand the resentment I felt towards Renee.

  “Willow, no one could ever replace your mother,” Matt told me. He affectionately massaged my shoulder as he spoke. “And who knows? Maybe they aren’t dating. You could be getting yourself worked up over nothing. I wouldn’t worry about it until you’re sure of what’s really going on.”

  Confession time. “I actually confronted Renee as soon as we left the house, but she denied that they’re involved. I’m not sure I trust her though. Will you keep an eye on them when they’re around each other?” I asked. “Watch how they interact, see if you see the same things I did.”

  “Of course. I’d do anything for you, Willow, you know that.”

  “Thanks, Matt. You should come to the rodeo with us on Saturday. I know that Renee will be there. It will give us a chance to watch them outside of work. And you can help me avoid Bradley.” I picked a lemonade soaked horsefly out of my glass and poured myself a fresh drink.

  “Attractive, muscular men bouncing around on wild animals? Count me in,” he agreed with a mischievous grin. “Though I’m not sure I’ll be much help with the Bradley situation. I think the whole reason Cole and Dale have been pushing you together is because Bradley has real feelings for you. You know he had a crush on you in high school.”

  Matt and I had gone to school with Bradley since kindergarten. He was a good guy and we did have a lot in common, but I’d just never found him attractive.

  “If he has a crush on me, he needs to get over it,” I insisted.

  “I don’t know,” Matt argued. “I think the two of you would be cute together. And you know he’d be good to you.”

  I sighed and watched beads of condensation run down my glass. “That’s just it… he’s too good, too nice. Bradley’s never made a mistake, never done anything exciting. And he’s so old fashioned. The last thing I want to be is a farmer’s wife, stuck in the house all day raising babies.”

  Matt smiled. “We’re too alike, you and I. We both love the bad boys.”

  I was about to respond when I heard the sound of a diesel engine. I looked up and saw my truck rolling down the driveway.

  “That was fast, I guess the store wasn’t busy,” I observed. “We’d better get back to work. I don’t want Renee to get the wrong idea and think that we sit around all the time.”

  Matt stood up and helped me to my feet. “You start leading everyone to the walker, I’ll grab the dolly and help Renee unload the feed. And remember what I said, Willow. There’s no use getting upset about something that may not be happening.”

  “I’ll do my best,” I promised. I walked back into the barn, knowing that there was no chance of pushing my worries about Renee and Daddy out of my head.


  “Guys… Cole, Willow, over here!” Renee cried out.

  I scanned the crowd and spotted Renee and James standing near the concession stand. I hadn’t expected to see James until the rodeo was over so his presence caught me off guard.

  Damn it! I haven’t checked my hair, or my makeup… Jesus, why am I so nervous? He’s just a man… a man I don’t even like, not really. But God he’s hot.

  James was even more attractive than I’d remembered. His arms and chest had filled out since high school and his chiseled face was browned by the sun.

  “Just breathe,” Matt whispered out of the corner of his mouth. He took my hand and we followed Daddy over to Renee and James.

  “I’m so glad you could make it,” Renee told us as we approached. “You all remember my son, James, don’t you?” She smiled and looped her arm through her son’s.

  “Yes, of course,” Daddy replied. He shook James’s hand. “It’s so good to see you. You’ve certainly grown up since the last time we met. I’m sure your mother is thrilled to have you home again. You remember Willow and Matt? I think they were a few years behind you in school.”

  James was stiff and seemed bothered by our presence. “I’m not sure we ever really met,” he answered dryly. He looked me up and down, as if he was surveying merchandise. Part of me wanted to slap his face, but part of me was flattered he was looking at me at all.

  “Well, you were a couple of years apart,” Renee said. “But I’m sure you’ll all become fast friends now. James, Willow and Matt are incredible with horses. You should all get together and go for a ride sometime.”

  “Maybe,” he replied with a hint of disdain in his voice. “Right now, I need to get to the stables and check on Seven. The roping will start soon and I need to make sure he’s ready.”

  Daddy whistled. “I didn’t realize that you rope as well. You’re a man of many talents, that’s impressive.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Rogers. I hope you all enjoy the show.” James nodded his head in goodbye and set off for the barn.

  “I was just about to get something to drink and find our seats,” Renee told us. “Would you all like anything?”

  “Please, let me,” Daddy insisted. We walked up to the concession stand and each ordered a soda. My Coke was flat and watery, but I was happy to have something to do with my hands other than fidget. Matt and I followed Renee and Daddy into the arena and I was surprised by how small the crowd was.

  “A lot of people show up late,” Renee explained, as if she was reading my mind. “The bull riders draw the biggest crowd. People will trickle in as the night goes on. Now, where are we…?” She pulled out her ticket. “Box four… it should be down here near the bull chute.”

  “Wow, we’re in a box?” Matt asked. “I guess I should have looked at my ticket. I’ve been psyching myself up to sit on hard bleachers.”

  Renee shook her head. “James is my only child, Matt. I like to be close so if something happens, I won’t have to fight the crowd to get to him. Oh look, Dale and Bradley are alre
ady here.”

  I groaned, but Matt was the only one who seemed to notice. We made our way to Box four. Dale spotted us first and he and his son rose to greet us.

  “Hey guys, we were wondering when you’d get here,” Dale said. “Good to see you, Matt. Willow, you look lovely as always.”

  “Yes, you look amazing, Willow,” Bradley agreed.

  “Thank you,” I replied. I tucked a strand of my long blonde hair behind my ears and gave Bradley and Dale each a stiff hug. Daddy and Renee joined Dale in the front row of padded folding chairs while Matt, Bradley, and I filed in behind them. I settled in to my seat with Bradley to my left and Matt to my right.

  “I can’t wait for the action to start. What’s up first?” Matt asked.

  “Steer roping, I think,” Bradley replied. He leaned into my ear and whispered, “To be honest, rodeos aren’t really my thing. But when Dad said you’d be here, I couldn’t resist.”

  You should have just stayed home.

  “Really? I love rodeos,” I told him. I leaned away and draped my arm across the back of Matt’s chair, hoping that Bradley would take the hint. I’d never showed the slightest bit of interest in him, but that never stopped him from pursuing me.

  The announcer walked across the dirt floor to the middle of the stadium. In a booming voice, he welcomed us and gave a stern reminder that flash photography wasn’t allowed during the show. A longhorn steer ran in to the arena and the rodeo officially began.

  I didn’t pay much attention to the action in front of us. I was too busy studying Daddy and Renee. In my opinion, they were sitting too close to each other. As the cowboys rounded up the steers, Daddy made horrible jokes and Renee laughed much too enthusiastically. I’d forgotten that James was roping until the announcer called his name. I tore my eyes away from Daddy and Renee and turned back to the show.

  James entered the arena on one of the biggest horses I’d ever seen. Seven was a beautiful leopard Appaloosa, with thick legs and solid hindquarters. James looked completely at home on his back as they raced towards the steer. James had the animal roped and tied in what the announcer said was record time.


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