Love All Out - Part 1 (A Stepbrother Romance)

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Love All Out - Part 1 (A Stepbrother Romance) Page 9

by Ward, Alice

  I stormed out of the ballroom without giving Bradley a chance to respond.


  Matt whistled. “Damn! You told him! I can’t believe that asshole. Bradley’s always seemed like a nice, even tempered guy. He had some nerve talking to you like that.”

  It was Sunday morning and Matt and I were having breakfast together at the main house. I’d called and asked him to come in early so I could tell him about my argument with Bradley. I had a horrible hangover, but the pancakes and coffee were helping immensely.

  “I thought he was a nice guy too,” I agreed with a nod. “Turns out, he’s just really good at hiding who he really is. I swear Matt, his arrogance was so thick I almost choked on it.”

  “Do you think this will cause problems between Cole and Dale?” Matt asked as he loaded his fork with scrambled eggs.

  I shook my head. “I was so pissed off last night. The moment Daddy got to the truck, I told him exactly what had happened. He was appalled by the things Bradley said to me and promised he was on my side.”

  Matt looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “You told him everything? Including what Bradley said about you and James.”

  “Okay, maybe I left a few details out,” I confessed. “But there was no reason to mention James. Daddy finally told me that he has feelings for Renee. James and I dating… or fooling around… or whatever would just make things more complicated than they already are.”

  “I don’t know,” Matt said in a sing song voice. “I think James’s feelings for you go beyond fooling around.”

  My heart leapt to my throat and I dropped my fork into a sticky puddle of syrup. “What makes you say that?”

  “I’ve hung out with him a couple of times this week,” he replied with a shrug. His tone was much more casual than the news called for.

  “What! When? And what did he say?”

  “Renee’s been worried about him. She was running back and forth from the barn to the cabin to make sure he was taking his medicine and not over exerting himself. I offered to check on him a couple of times to give her a break. I think he’s been lonely in the cabin. We’ve hung out, shared a few beers. James is actually a pretty nice guy, if he doesn’t want to sleep with you. And unfortunately for me, I fit into that category.”

  I was stunned. “How am I just hearing about this?”

  “This is the first time we’ve had a chance to talk alone. He’s asked about you a couple of times. I told him he should just call you, but he seemed hesitant to do it.”

  I thought about what Renee had said at the hospital, how she’d explained that James was afraid to get close to anyone.

  Maybe he does have feelings for me. Maybe that’s why he’s been so distant since he got here. He cares about me, but he doesn’t want to because he’s afraid he’ll get hurt.

  “I was going to make dinner for him tonight,” I told Matt. “Daddy’s worried that Renee is working to hard so he’s taking her to dinner and a movie in town.”

  “Perfect! That will give you four or five hours alone together. What are you going to cook?”

  “Nothing fancy, just vegetable beef soup… Renee says it’s his favorite.”

  “Well, you know what they say. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. You have to call me as soon as you get home tonight and tell me everything that happens.”

  “I will,” I promised. “Do you really think he has feelings for me?” I asked nervously. I was encouraged by what Matt had told me. But I didn’t want to get my hopes up, only to be let down like last time.

  “He certainly seems too. Whether or not he’s willing to admit it is another story. Just be patient with him, Willow. Let the relationship evolve naturally. Don’t force him to talk about his feelings and don’t let him talk you into doing anything you don’t want to do. If it’s meant to be, it will happen.”

  “That’s awfully Zen of you,” I teased.

  “What can I say?” Matt smiled. “I’m calming down with age. I’ve also been thinking you might be right… about me getting out and meeting people, I mean. James offered to introduce me to a guy he knows from the rodeo. His name is Lucas. He barrel races, and he and James have done some team roping together.”

  “Really? So James is completely… tolerant?”

  The world in general had become more progressive, but our tiny hometown was still stuck in the dark ages when it came to homosexuals. I never knew who was being nice to Matt because it was “politically correct” and who actually accepted him for who he was. It made me incredibly protective of my friend.

  “Yes, James is down with the rainbow. There’s not a homophobic bone in that boy’s body.” He paused and rolled his eyes. “Unlike Bradley, who I’ve always suspected tolerated me because anything less would have pissed you off.”

  “It sounds like you and James are becoming real friends. When is he introducing you to Lucas?” I asked. My head was still pounding and I poured myself another cup of coffee, hoping to stave off a full blown migraine.

  “There’s a rodeo down in Aztec next weekend. James is hoping he’ll be well enough to go.”

  “He’s not thinking about riding?” I gasped.

  Matt laughed. “Of course not, Willow. Not next week, anyway. I think he just wants to get off the ranch… though he does seem determined to get back on a bull, eventually. Anyway if he goes to the rodeo, I’m going to join him. You should come too.”

  I shook my head. “After seeing James torn and bruised in that hospital bed, I don’t think I could ever watch bull riding again. I don’t care who’s doing the riding. I’m glad Lucas sticks to roping and barrel racing. We’ve got to talk James into following his example.”

  “Good luck with that.” Matt finished his coffee and carried his empty mug and plate to the sink. “I’m going to get down to the barn. Are you coming?”

  I shook my head. “I think I’m going to take the day off.”

  “It’s about time,” Matt said with a satisfied smile.


  “Willow… this is a surprise,” James said after opening the cabin door. “Come on in.”

  He turned and walked back into the living room, taking a seat on the worn leather sofa. The black and purple bruises on his face had faded to soft shades of green and yellow. The stitches had been removed from the deep gash on his face, leaving a bright pink scar on his otherwise tan skin. I’d worried that the cut would ruin his good looks, but if anything, the battle scar made him even more attractive.

  “I thought you might be hungry,” I explained as I walked past the living room and set the soup ingredients down on the kitchen counter. “Your mom was worried about leaving you alone tonight, so I volunteered to check in. You look much better than last time I saw you. How are you feeling?”

  James joined me in the kitchen and surveyed the contents of my basket. “My face has stopped throbbing. So has my right side. The broken ribs are still a bitch though. Are you making what I think you’re making?” he asked with a grin.

  I nodded. “Vegetable beef soup… I know it’s early, but I thought I should get started. It will need to simmer for a few hours after I get everything in the pot.” I rummaged through the cabinets and found a cutting board, a knife, and a thick bottomed stock pot. James watched in silence as I went about my work. I chopped the vegetables, browned the stew meat with garlic and onions, and dumped the rest of the ingredients into the pot. I set the stove burner to low and turned to James.

  “I brought a couple of movies… I thought you might be tired of the ones you already have.” I pulled a small CD case from my purse and handed it to him. I wanted to stay, but I didn’t want to force my company on him. I nervously shifted my weight from leg to leg and looked to the door. “I’ll be at home, if you need anything.”

  “Why don’t you stay and hang out for a little while?” James suggested before I could even take a step in that direction. “I’ve been a little lonely. I’d appreciate some company… and maybe a little affection
?” He raised one eyebrow and gave me a hopeful smile as he leaned back against the kitchen counter.

  “Company, I can do,” I told him. “But I’m not so sure the affection is a good idea…” I couldn’t bring myself to look him in the eye, so I circled around the counter and took a seat on the living room sofa. James followed me.

  “Look, Willow. I know I’ve been an ass,” he said. He sat down next to me and placed a gentle hand on my thigh. “That morning on the mountain, I jumped to conclusions about the way you felt. That was a mistake. I’ve been an arrogant, conceited jackass and I’d like a chance to make it up to you.” His touch sent sparks of excitement through my body, but I played it cool.

  “You didn’t want me to get the wrong idea, I understand,” I told him. “I’m not upset about that morning.” I slid to the edge of the sofa, just out of his reach. I wanted nothing more than to climb into James’s arms and kiss his still healing face. But I couldn’t ignore the awkward fact that our parents were out on a date.

  “If you’re not upset about that morning, why did you just move away from me?” he asked. “If you’re afraid of hurting me, don’t be. The bruises look worse than they feel.”

  I took a series of deep, calming breaths as I studied his face. “It’s not that, either,” I confessed. I’d promised Daddy I wouldn’t say anything about his feelings for Renee until James was back on his feet. But I couldn’t help myself.

  “I was right about our parents,” I told him. “At least, I was right about the feelings my dad has for your mom. I think she feels the same way about him. They’re out on a date right now, James. You and I can be friends… I want us to be friends… but anything more would just be too awkward.”

  “Fuck them,” James replied boldly. “They’re two adults and if they want to be together, we can’t do anything about it. But we’re adults too, Willow. What happens between us is no one else’s business, not even our parents.”

  I opened my mouth to argue, but James pressed on.

  “I’ve been in this cabin for weeks. It’s been driving me crazy, being so close to you and not being able to see you,” he confessed, his eyes looking at me tenderly.

  His words sent my pulse racing.

  “I told you to call…” I reminded him. “My phone never rang.”

  He let out a deep breath and nodded. “I know. I was embarrassed.”

  His reply surprised me. “What in the world were you embarrassed about?”

  I drew in a deep breath and blew it out. “I was embarrassed by the way I treated you… that morning on the mountain and that afternoon in the stables. And I was embarrassed by my feelings for you. I’ve never felt like this before, not about anyone. And I guess I haven’t handled it very well.”

  “Your feelings for me?” I asked. “Since when do you have feelings for me?”

  James slid across the sofa, put one arm around my shoulders, and used his other hand to turn my face to his. “Since I realized that you’re not like all the other women I know. When your dad brought me here, I expected you to be beating down my door, trying to play nursemaid,” he explained. His face flushed pink and he looked down with a sheepish grin. It was the first time I’d ever seen him look anything less than completely confident.

  “The idea annoyed me, at first,” he confessed. “But then you didn’t show up… and I was disappointed. The longer I went without seeing you, the more I realized how much I wanted to. I’ve missed you, Willow. More than I’ve ever missed any woman in my life.”

  Maybe Matt was right… he said to be ice cold and I’d have James eating out of my hand… I guess it worked.

  James leaned down and planted a soft kiss on my lips. I cradled his face gently in my hands as I kissed back just as softly. I felt his hand slip under my t-shirt and I pulled away.

  “But… our parents…” I whispered.

  “Our parents… are away for hours,” he said as he traced a trail of kisses up my jaw line. “They are not worried about us… let’s not worry about them.” His lips hit the soft patch of skin behind my ear. That was my magic spot. I trembled in James’ arms and let my head fall gently to his shoulder.

  “I’ve missed you too,” I whispered. “That night on the mountain… it’s all I’ve been able to think about.”

  “Then let’s give you some fresh memories,” he replied. James pulled away and lifted my shirt over my head. “You’re going to have to do most of the work,” he warned as I slipped out of my jeans. “I’m healing, but I’m still not supposed to exert myself.”

  He stood in front of me. I pushed down his pajama pants and he stripped off his t-shirt. James sat back down on the sofa, his feet planted firmly on the floor. I added my bra and panties to our pile of discarded clothing and crawled onto James’s lap, careful to keep my weight off of his injured torso. I was already dripping wet with anticipation.

  “There’s a box of condoms in the drawer of the end table,” James told me between kissing my breasts. “Matt dropped them off on his way home… I thought it was strange. I guess he knew you were coming over...”

  I laughed and leaned over, opened the drawer, and grabbed the box. I ripped the top off, retrieved a condom, and made a mental note to thank Matt as I rolled the rubber down James’s cock. It was even bigger than I remembered.

  “Let me know if I hurt you,” I said as I lowered myself on to him. James let out a sigh of pleasure as I took the full length of his shaft into my eager pussy.

  “Just go slow,” he warned, repeating the request I’d given him our first time together.

  With my knees planted on either side of him, I slowly moved up and down. James leaned back against the sofa and I put my hands on his shoulders for balance. His ribs were still wrapped and I did my best to avoid them.

  “Oh, Willow,” he moaned. “You feel so good. Perfect.” He gripped my ass firmly as I bounced up and down. With each downward motion, I felt his cock hit the pleasure center deep within me. I fell against his chest and James cried out in pain.

  “I’m sorry… I’m sorry,” I repeated quickly. I sat motionless, waiting for the look of agony to pass from his face. I hoped the pain wouldn’t kill his erection. I squeezed my pussy muscles around him and waited for him to respond. Finally, James opened his eyes.

  “It’s okay,” he gasped. “God, what you’re doing feels incredible.”

  I gripped him tighter, but I was still hesitant to move. I didn’t want to get carried away and hurt him again. Suddenly, I was struck with an idea. I climbed off of James’ lap, turned away from him, and lowered myself back down. I planted my feet on the floor between his and started moving up and down again.

  “Oh God, Willow…” he moaned and returned his hands to my ass. “This is some view.”

  I realized that he was watching himself move in and out of me, and it turned me on even more. I increased my speed and lengthened my thrusts, allowing all but the tip of his cock to slip out of me before slamming onto him again.

  “Oh God… you’re going to make me come,” he warned. James teased my clit with his right hand and grabbed a handful of my hair with his left, holding it the same way he gripped his bull strap. His fingers teased me over the edge and I cried loudly as the orgasm overtook me. James rocked his hips into me roughly and then fell back against the sofa. As I regained my breath, I felt his cock soften within me.

  My legs felt like they were made of Jello as I climbed out of James’s lap and collapsed next to him on the couch. He threw an arm around me and kissed the top of my head.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you,” I said again.

  “It’s okay… it was worth it,” he assured me. “I hate to kill the mood, but we should probably get dressed. Too many people live on this place…”

  I nodded. Everyone knew that Daddy and Renee were away for the night. The last thing I wanted was for a well-meaning employee to come over to check on James and find us naked on the sofa. We reluctantly pulled on our clothes and settled in for a romantic dinner and movie.


  The next week passed in a haze of romance, sex, and work. Daddy and Renee were no longer trying to hide their relationship and the extra alone time they took gave James and me plenty of chances to be together. We took long walks on the ranch and made love under the stars. As Matt had advised, I didn’t press James to talk about what was happening between us. I knew I was breaking through his walls and that he’d talk about it when he was ready.

  Saturday rolled around, and I was surprised when Matt announced that he was meeting James and Lucas at the Aztec rodeo.

  “What?” I asked, dropping my horse brush. Clementine was startled by the abrupt stop in her grooming and blew at me impatiently.

  Matt looked at me over the stall door and raised one eyebrow. “James didn’t tell you he’s going to the rodeo?”

  I shook my head. “He said he was moving his stuff home tonight and that he’d call me tomorrow.”

  Matt looked like a deer trapped in headlights. “Uhh…” he stammered.

  “What’s going on, Matt?” I demanded. I retrieved the brush from the stable floor and stroked Clementine as I impatiently waited for his answer.

  “Well… moving his stuff should only take one trip. I’m sure he’s already finished. I saw him drive off the ranch a couple of hours ago. He texted me and told me to meet him at the rodeo… he didn’t tell me not to tell you about it. That’s a good sign at least, right?”

  I stared at Clementine’s coat as I searched my brain for a reason James would lie to me.

  He knows Matt’s my best friend… he’d have to expect Matt to tell me about meeting a new man… I bet he just didn’t want another lecture about staying off of the bulls.

  I looked back at Matt. He studied me with a concerned face, waiting to see how I’d react to his news.

  “I’ve been trying to convince James to quit the rodeos all week,” I told him. “I’m sure that’s why he didn’t tell me he’s going tonight. I hate that he felt like he couldn’t talk to me.”


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