Always You: Prequel to Falling for Mr Wrong

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Always You: Prequel to Falling for Mr Wrong Page 7

by Joanne Dannon

  She didn’t know who the men were and she was unable to protest as every limb ached.

  The two young men lifted her to a standing position and on shaky legs she walked a few metres to their tiny hatchback. A few minutes later, they had her at a medical centre. Despite her protests that she could walk and was feeling better, one of the men carried her inside, while the other young man spoke to reception. Not understanding the foreign words, she closed her eyes and welcomed the coolness of the air conditioning.

  The two young men stayed with her, encouraging her to sip water while they waited for a doctor. She had no idea how long they’d been there, minutes, an hour, who knew?

  Fortunately, Doctor Cohen spoke English and explained she was dehydrated and had suffered heat exhaustion. After many questions, she realised she hadn’t drunk enough water over the day and barely had any food. Being summer, the temperatures soared over one hundred degrees and she’d stupidly not looked after herself. Even the tea she’d made in her room was sitting there, undrunk and cold.

  There was no hospital in Arad but they could organise transportation to another city. She shook her head, not wanting to leave.

  “You shouldn’t be on your own,” he said. “You need lots of fluids and to stay cool.”

  “But I’m just hot,” she protested, still unable to believe she needed medical treatment simply for not keeping up her fluid intake.

  “If you don’t manage heat exhaustion properly, it can lead to heat stroke,” Doctor Cohen explained. “Heat stroke is life threatening.”

  His answer made her head ache with the realisation of how dangerous the situation was. “I have a friend in Arad. Can I stay with him instead of going to hospital?” The idea of being transported elsewhere scared her, especially with her brother not available.

  “If you give me your friend’s details, I’ll have the receptionist contact him. In the meantime, I need you to drink more water, rest and I’ll check on you in an hour,” the older man kindly said.

  She lifted her hands which had been bandaged. “Thank you for looking after me. It was stupid of me.”

  “You’re lucky you didn’t hit your head when you collapsed.”

  She nodded. “I know.”

  “It’s very hot here compared with England. You must keep drinking the fluids,” he pointed to them.

  Relief threaded along her veins as she realised how fortunate she had been. “I’m very grateful to the two young men who brought me here. Can I see them?”

  “Yes, I’ll send them in.”

  “Thank you, Doctor Cohen,” she said.

  Her two saviours looked to be in their early-twenties and introduced themselves as Ami and Davi, twin brothers who were locals and had been on their way to meet friends.

  “Thank you for looking after me, I’m very grateful,” she said. “I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”

  They grinned in return. “We’re glad we could help you,” Ami said.

  “I’m hoping to have a friend come and pick me up,” she said.

  After reassuring them she was well looked after, Ami and Davi left and she leaned back on the bed, sipping her drink.

  Was there any way she could fix things with Ash? Talking with Amelia had made her realise there were opportunities and ways in which she could be more accommodating with Ash. He was right. It was time for her to fit in with him.

  Reflecting back a few days, she came to Israel to win back Ash, but she needed to be more understanding and accommodating. All she could do was try again.

  Bea’s eyes fluttered open and it took her a few seconds to work out she was in Ash’s bed. She remembered the fear of collapsing, the relief of the young men helping her out and the joy of Ash collecting her from the medical centre. Despite their argument, he’d been so patient and understanding with her that her heart had swelled with love for her man.

  The indentation of his pillow and bedding told her he’d slept next to her but she was alone in his room. Sitting up slowly, she noticed tiny silver stars dance before her eyes, so she sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for it to pass.

  “Ash,” she called out, wondering if he was at work.

  He strode in looking handsome despite him wearing boxer shorts, a T-shirt and two-day stubble. “What are you doing? You should be resting,” he said gruffly.

  “I-ah,” she didn’t know what to say. She wanted to plead with him for another chance but she also had to thank him for looking after her.

  “I’m sorry about yesterday,” she said.

  “Which bit?” Annoyance made his forehead crease. “I’ll make you a cup of tea and you need to drink more water.”

  “That would be good, thanks. Where’s the loo?” She looked around.

  He pointed at the nearby door. “Through there. When you’ve finished, come out here.”

  Ten minutes later, she walked on unsteady feet into a small sitting area that was sparsely furnished with a couch and a large TV. “Sorry to take so long, I just called Nate.”

  “Everything okay?”

  She nodded in reply before turning her head to look around the room. “This looks like a bachelor pad.”

  “I’m sharing with a bloke called Chris who’s from the US. We’re not around here much and besides, I’ll be moving on soon.”

  She noted two picture frames of his family, possibly taken at Christmas, where they were all smiling and seated around a dining table.

  On the comfortable couch, she gratefully accepted the large mug of tea he’d made. Taking an appreciative sip, she placed it in her lap, her hands cupping it, and faced him. Taking a deep breath of bravery she said, “Ash, I’m sorry about everything. I was wrong and you were right. I didn’t manage yesterday very well and I should’ve been more open to negotiation with you.” She bowed her head in shame. “I know you never wanted to see me again and I’m so glad you came to get me from the medical centre. I really didn’t want to go to a hospital in another city.”

  “I’m glad I could oblige,” he said before sitting down across from her. The tenderness of his gentle nature had been replaced with the English polite manner and she ached to have him comfort her with a hug and kiss.

  “I came looking for you yesterday. I walked around for hours because I had no idea where you lived. It was silly of me, but I didn’t realise how big this town was.”

  “I would’ve preferred a simple phone call rather than hearing that you’d collapsed,” he admitted. It was possibly meant to be light hearted and in jest but she felt even more despondent about her behaviour.

  “Ash, I want to say sorry and see if you’ll take me back?”

  His eyes opened wide at the incredulity of her question. “You’ve rejected me not once but twice. I want you here with me, not in London.” Shaking his head, he continued, “You won’t compromise and you want everything your way. I believed you when you said you’d changed, but you really hadn’t.”

  “After you left, I called Amelia,” she said.

  His brow arched in interest. “I’m glad you called her, but I can’t imagine how she could help. Perhaps you should’ve called me?”

  She ignored the sarcasm and continued. “I didn’t know that LifeWorks has a base here in Israel, in Tel Aviv. The support network I need is here. I can’t tell you how relieved I am to know that. It means, I can come and live here,” she announced with joy. “Isn’t that great?”

  Instead of a smile, a scowl marred his face. “I’m glad they’re here, but you don’t need to move to Israel for them.”

  Jitters in her belly made her stumble over words. “I’m not doing this right, let me start again?”

  He nodded, but there was a serious look stretched across his face.

  “I thought by coming here to be with you I’d be giving up everything. But you were right, I do need to compromise and now I can.”

  The scowl on his face deepened, creating crevices on his forehead and around his eyes. “You didn’t even consider this yesterday. Why
the sudden change?”

  “I can’t lose you again. We belong together. I love you,” she said in a fluster. “I can have it all by moving here,” she announced. “I haven’t had a chance to speak to the Tel Aviv office but what I hope to do is help out others and occasionally travel to Tel Aviv for their weekend seminars to assist.”

  “What about your job and your friends?” His hand rolled in the air.

  “I love my job, but I love you more. If I have to choose between the two, I’d take you every single time. I’m sorry that I didn’t see it yesterday, but I can see it now.” She took a deep breath. “You took a chance on me and now I’m going to do the same for you.”

  “What about during the day when I’m working?” he leaned forward, on his elbows, his eyes were full of interest with a sliver of worry.

  “I’ve come up with the best idea. I’m going to focus on my art and dress design. It’s what I’ve always wanted to do. But instead of working for someone else, I’m going to set up an online store. That way, whichever country we’re in, I can work. The business is portable.” She said, her eyes pleading with him to accept her and her life-changing decisions. “Please Ash, I know I’m not perfect and have made more than my fair share of mistakes over the years. But I’m stopping the blame game. You’re right that I’m lucky to have had second chances with my foster parents and Nate.”

  She watched him wrestle with his emotions.

  “You have every right not to trust me, but I promise you, Ash, that if you choose to accept me back in your life, I will show you how much I value you. You are the best thing that ever happened and I can’t believe that I lost you twice. But I’m begging you, please trust me when I say I will stay with you forever.”

  He inched towards her and removed her mug, placing it on the nearby table. “I want to believe you, I do. But I took a chance, did the flying leap with you, and you let me down. How can I believe you?”

  Tears pooled in her eyes, and she was scared of losing him again. An idea came to her and she grabbed onto it, hoping it would work. “Is your mobile phone handy? Mine is charging.”

  He reached over and grabbed it off the coffee table. Unlocking it, he handed it to her. In the Internet browser she typed a web page and after some fiddling around, she showed him the screen. “This is an online Bible and since we’re in the birth place of Jesus, I hope you’ll believe in my promise to you. I may not be religious but to me, this stands.”

  With the phone in her lap, she placed her hand on top of the screen and raised her other hand. “I hereby swear that I, Beatrice Morgan-Young, promise to love Nigel Ashworth and to never lie to him again. I promise to be a better person because he deserves it and that I will try every day to let him know how important he is to me.” She paused. “I solemnly swear to be more understanding, more gracious and more compassionate to my one true love. And I promise to never take him for granted, ever again.”

  He stood and lifted her to a standing position so they could stand face to face. “I don’t know what to say,” his voice croaked.

  “Tell me you want me to stay,” she pleaded.

  “I want you to stay.” He trailed his fingers down the side of her face. “I have loved you for so long but you have to be the most impetuous, boisterous whirlwind I’ve ever met.” He brushed his lips against hers.

  “Should I be offended or flattered?” she asked with a cheeky grin.

  “Both. You turned my world upside down and despite your brazen, hasty and often reckless behaviour, I’m happier when you’re around. You’re full of life and I love that I try new things when I’m with you.” He held her hand, carefully avoiding the bandages on her skin. “Because of you I’ve enjoyed films, foods and outings I would never normally do.”

  “I’m glad.” She ran her fingers up and down his bare arm. “I’ve told you how ruggedly handsome you are.”

  “Underneath that bold exterior, you are kind. I love that you want to reach out and help others, just the way that you were helped. You’re caring and gorgeous, and I’m glad you came after me.” He lifted her palm and kissed the pulse point on her wrist. “After my assignment in Jerusalem, we’ll move again but we’ll find somewhere we both like.”

  “It doesn’t matter where we go, just as long as I’m with you,” she said, placing her arms around his waist. “We’re a team. You’re the smart, sensible one whose body turns me on. You’ve managed to tame this wildcat,” she pointed to herself. “And I know how lucky I am to have you in my life.”

  “I love you, always have and always will,” he said in a low voice before he kissed her quite thoroughly.

  Her skin tingled with each kiss, and she hungered for the possessive touch of his hands, holding her close. “I love you, Ash. I’m sorry that it’s taken me so long to say that and also for me to let go of my insecurities and inconsistencies.”

  “It’s all worked out now.” He kissed her nose. “We’re together now, and I never want to let you go. I can’t wait for us to get married.”

  Her heart skipped over his words. “Was that a marriage proposal?”

  “It will come. I’ve already asked you once before but this time we’ve dealt with issues from our past, so now we can focus on our future.” He paused. “I want to do it properly and ask your foster father first. But just so you know, one day I will be asking you to marry me.”

  “I can’t wait. And just so you know, I’ll be saying yes,” she said, kissing him on the lips. “You’re the only man for me. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I’m just so grateful that we’re together at last.”

  “Me too,” he said, before gathering her in his arms and kissing her again.


  Dear Reader

  I hope you enjoyed Bea and Ash’s story in Always You. If you did, I’d love an honest review on Amazon or Goodreads, thank you!

  Wondering what happened with Nate and Tilly? Did he expose the Naughty Nanny? Want to read more? Head over and read Falling for Mr Wrong. If you enjoyed Always You, then you’ll love Falling for Mr Wrong.

  And if you want to keep up to date with my news, new book releases and opportunities to win free e-books, then sign up to my newsletter - . To say thanks, I’ll send you an e-copy of my romance, Bidding on Love.

  With love, Joanne

  Falling for Mr Wrong

  All Tilly Walker wanted was a bit of independence from her overprotective family and small town life in Australia. But her first job in London turns into an accidental disaster when her employer—a Member of Parliament—drags her into a sordid scandal. Hounded by the English press, Tilly hopes to throw them off the scent when she flees to a place they’d never think to look, to her great-aunt in Jerusalem. But the enterprising journalist who follows her is after something bigger than just the latest hot story.

  Political blogger Nate Morgan-Young has his own reasons for pursuing the woman the press has dubbed the Naughty Nanny. Tilly isn’t the misbehaving MP’s first victim. But when Nate finds himself on the run with Tilly and unexpectedly falling for her, truth and trust are the real victims. How can Nate convince Tilly he’s after more than just another smutty scandal? And for Tilly, why does it feel so right to be falling for Mr Wrong?

  “A handsome, mysterious Englishman; a feisty nanny and an exotic setting - what more could you ask for? Joanne Dannon delivers a sexy, emotional story with a relatable heroine and a hero worth falling for.” - Leah Ashton, RITA Award winning author.

  Books by Joanne Dannon

  The Alex Jackson series (steamy reads)

  1. Kisses under the Spotlight

  2. Wanting Mr Right

  3. Together At Last

  4. Forever Mine

  Holiday Romances (sweet/ clean reads)

  An Unforgettable Holiday

  A Magical Chanukah in New York

  A Magical Christmas in Jerusalem

  New York Romance

  Contemporary Romanc
es (steamy reads)

  Bidding on Love

  Always You

  Falling for Mr Wrong




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