Kanda's Alien: A Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 2)

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Kanda's Alien: A Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 2) Page 12

by Pixie Moon

  When he’s settled at a table and eating very slowly, the bastard, I lean in and whisper. “Damn, I don’t think he’s going anywhere anytime soon.”

  Humph. “I agree. We might as well finish what we were doing since this guard dog is not going to let us check out that soulful noise.”

  Megan adds one more cookie to the extra-large pan and then puts it into the otho. Once the door is closed, she turns to me and tilts her head. “What is a practice unit?”

  I can’t help myself. I bounce in place. “Oh-ho-ho. It is a thing of beauty. It trains you to survive on other planets as well as fulfill missions on them.”

  Her cute face scrunches up. “That sounds a little scary to me.”

  “It is, but it’s also fun and you get to see some beautiful as well as spooky things.” I go into to great detail and watch as Megan’s face changes from wonder to fear to excitement over and over again.

  I stop talking as Megan opens the door and pulls out the golden cookies. They smell divine. As soon as possible we break a cookie and sample it. I smile and give her two thumbs up.

  I glance over at Trilom. The warrior is scanning something on his forearm unit. Even from here it is obvious that he is deep in thought. I’ve noticed this more than once about him. I wonder what goes through his mind.

  I take another bite of cookie as I swing my gaze back to Megan. These are really good. I’m lucky that she’s here and loves to cook.

  “Now if we could find chocolate on a planet we’d be set,” Megan says as she wipes crumbs from her fingertips.

  As Megan removes the casserole from the otho, Klimen and Hilam stroll in and look the cookies over. When they turn to Trilom and go over to him my heart races. We didn’t do anything wrong. Especially with Mr. Electric Blue Eyes watching over us. He can’t tell them anything.

  When Trilom leaves and then Klimen and Hilam come over I decide to go straight to the heart of the matter. “What was that noise?”

  A strange gleam lights Klimen’s eyes. “Nothing for you two to worry about. The situation is under control.” His gaze travels over the cookies.

  Damn, I know I’m not going to get anything more out of my tight lipped alien.

  Drandok and Zefrom enter and walk right over to us. They eagerly scan the cookies.

  “What do we have here, sweet one?” Hilam asks Megan.

  “Cookies. They are a sweet snack. Try them out,” Megan replies with a proud grin.

  She has every right to be proud. The brightness in her eyes shows how much she loves cooking for the blokes. I’ll admit it is nice but not something I long to do all day every day.

  Appreciative groans fill the air. Blokes all over are basically the same. Feed them and they are happy.

  The word happy gets me to thinking. “Is Niya okay? That noise must have scared her.” I’d really like to see her. These blokes are generally good but their controlling side is not always appreciated by me and probably never will be.

  A chuckle comes from Drandok. “She’s fine. As soon as Rylem has her fully bonded you’ll start seeing her.”

  “Well I hope it happens soon,” Megan says. When Hilam gets another cookie she beams. “If we had some chocolate I could make some chocolate chunk cookies.” She looks expectantly at the blokes.

  “We’ll look into it,” Zefrom says as he snags another cookie.

  I look up at Klimen. “If you tell me where we are going next I could search for the chocolate on the unit and make a mission plan.”

  “Yeah, we could help you guys. We know what chocolate looks and smells like,” Megan chimes in.

  All four of the males’ faces turn hard.

  “Absolutely not,” Klimen states sharply.

  My hackles go up. “Why not? Both of us have lived in the bush. We can handle ourselves. Plus, we know what we are looking for. It will be faster if we go. Obviously you blokes can come along.” Do they think I’m cutting them out of the mission?

  Four handsome blokes are glowering down at us. I’m not liking my height disadvantage right now.

  “Missions are not for little humans that don’t even have claws,” Klimen says through his clenched jaw. He extends a claw and growls warningly.

  That just pisses me off. I growl back. When he blinks in surprise, I let him have it. “Just because you are taller than me doesn’t make you better in the bush than me. I’ve been exploring for most of my life. I should be allowed to go.” There. He should understand my value and strength now. The bush is a rough place.

  “Yeah, I’ve explored a lot too. I don’t want to go to a scary planet, but I should be able to go to a nice one,” Megan says with a huff.

  The blokes’ eyes change and all four growl softly. The hairs on my arms stand up.

  “We protect our little wet pussied humans at all costs. Do not speak of this again,” Klimen snaps and the rest agree.

  I’m still feeling a tad mulish. “I think we should be able to go. I think you are just being sour and mean because you want to control us.”

  “Yeah, mean and controlling,” Megan parrots softly.

  “It’s time for them to learn that they are no longer on Earth,” Klimen says in a voice that is scarily low. His eyes are churning with emotion—not a good sexy emotion but a possessive controlling one.

  “I believe you are right,” Hilam agrees.

  Oh shit! This can’t be good.

  Klimen and Hilam guide us to a table while Zefrom and Drandok stand by watching with solemn eyes.

  “What are you going to do?” Megan asks uncertainly.

  “You are about to find out, little human. I hope you never push me again,” Hilam answers and then leans down and kisses Megan.

  What? Klimen cups my face with his large hands and soon his mouth is devouring mine. Is public sex their idea of punishment? I can handle this. As his hands start exploring my body I think I might even pick fights with him sometimes.

  His drugging kiss and erotic touch light my fire. Megan’s moans escalate the lust building within me. As Klimen rolls my nipples and devours my mouth, I run my hands all over his taut back and shoulders. I don’t complain when he turns me and bends me over the table. Megan is panting as she is also draped over the table. Klimen spreads my legs and raises the sky blue material up and over my hips. I’m so hot for him that I don’t care who is watching. I need him desperately.

  I groan when he swats my buttocks a few times. The sting just makes me need him more. “Please,” I beg without shame.

  I look over my shoulder and into his rough ocean eyes. His heated look is filled with regret. When he spreads my nether lips wide and slides his thick crown into my wet core I shudder and rest my head on my arm. I moan as he fills me up. His thrusts are slow and gentle. I need more. What I wouldn’t give to have his rospet latched to my needy pearl right now.

  I wiggle my hips to encourage him. He slaps my arse again. I moan when the heat travels to my center. I reach back and try to grab his hips. He growls and pins my hands to my lower back.

  “I need more, Klimen. Please,” I beg like the desperate nympho I am for him. I can now hear the wet slurping noises of my channel as he glides in and out of me. I hear Megan’s wet sounds as well. She is begging Hilam for release. The tension is thick in the air.

  I’m going to explode in a bad way if I don’t get what I need. “Please, Klimen. I need you,” I pant.

  He growls deep in his throat and tightens his grip on my wrists. “What you need is to understand that you are no longer on Earth. Your old way of life is gone.”

  What!? I tighten my core and he shudders. I moan when he hits a good spot inside me. I gasp when he slaps my butt cheek again. This time it’s a hard hit.

  White hot pain blooms across my cheek and pulls me back from the edge I almost leapt over. Klimen growls again and slams into me two more times and then he snarls as he comes deep inside me. I hear Hilam shout and know he just came too.

  When Klimen slides out of me and then pulls me up dread fills
my belly. As he tucks his donger away I look around and see pity in Zefrom and Drandok’s eyes.


  “I see you understand your punishment. No pleasure for you, sweet star.”

  I don’t like his gruff tone at all but the hungry ache between my legs and my stinging arse keeps me from telling him off.

  He takes my hand and leads me from the room. I look back and see Megan looking sad as she’s being led away as well.

  Fuck! This shit sucks.

  “You are mine. Never cross me again, Kanda.” Disappointment drips from his stern tone.

  A part of me longs to shout about how unfair this is. How I didn’t really do anything wrong, but his tightly locked jaw keeps me from saying anything.

  Since my clit won’t stop aching, his seed is sliding down my thighs making them sticky, and my arse still hurts from being spanked the walk to our quarters is a long one. I don’t beg him to fuck me and I don’t promise him I’ll always follow his lead because I doubt I’ll be able to.

  At our door he motions me in. When he doesn’t follow I turn and look up into his stormy eyes.

  “Strip,” he barks the order.

  I hurriedly fling my dress off hoping to soften him up. I don’t like him being mad at me. Mates shouldn’t fight.

  “I’m going to the bridge. I want you to think about your lesson. You are not on Earth anymore.” His gaze softens. “Don’t clean up until I get back.” He looks pointedly at his seed on my inner thighs and then his gaze returns to mine. I feel my face heat up. “If you learn our ways and accept them you can have a very good life. The one I want you to have with me.” The emotions churning in his eyes makes my heart pound. He presses the panel and the door whooshes closed. He locks it. Controlling asshole.

  I press my ear to the door and barely hear his footsteps walking away. A part of me wants to scream but another part of me wants the good life he was talking about. If I can adapt I may be able to find a family here. My heart swells at the thought of having a family with Klimen.

  I go deeper into our quarters and plop down on the huge couch and then cringe when my abused cheek touches the golden material. That was quite embarrassing and somewhat painful. I’ll have to try not to fight with him in public again.

  When more of his seed slides out of me my heart swells again. This is my life now. I lost one family and one way of living and gained another of each. Klimen is my life now.



  ~ Kanda ~


  My sandals pad lightly as I walk down the corridor. I have to admit that I like the way my sky blue dress moves freely with each step I take. Living here is really not bad at all.

  At the junction of the corridors I see Megan heading my way. She looks pretty in a garnet dress. With my red hair I don’t like to wear red but it sure looks good on my blonde mate.

  Her smile is bright. “Hey, you want to try my latest muffins? They are sindot and repon mix. Someday soon the guys are going to have to start getting me new foods to work with.” At a look from me, she laughs. “Don’t act innocent. I know you haven’t totally given up on your plans to visit other planets and gather new foods and things.”

  She’s good. “I haven’t. I just don’t want to get you into any more trouble. Hilam could turn into a real mad-scientist at any moment.” I shudder at the thought of what all that bloke could do.

  Humph. Megan flicks her hand. “That was days ago. I can handle Hilam.” Mischief gleams in her eyes. “We just need to approach the guys differently when an opportunity presents itself.”

  I like her way of thinking. “Yeah, even if it takes a while I do plan on seeing some of these worlds and tasting new foods. With Hilam’s replicators we could end up with delicious foods, lots of interesting clothes, and stuff to make the craft a better place to live. Why not make life as interesting as we can?” I’m loving this idea and glad that Megan is onboard.

  We enter the kitchen and head over to the muffins. Megan’s eyes sparkle. “Looks like some of the guys have already found them. I love cooking.”

  After my first bite I nod at Megan. “Good on-ya. I’m glad you love cooking. Maybe one day I can plot a course to find more ingredients for you.”

  I peek over my shoulder to make sure none of the blokes have walked in and heard me. I catch a glimpse of flowing turquoise material and poke Megan. “Did you see that?”


  “Turquoise material. It was flowing like as in a long skirt kind of flowing.”

  “Niya,” we say in sync and then rush to the doorway.

  We get there in time to see a touch of the colorful material move down a corridor we aren’t supposed to go down.

  “Let’s go,” I whisper.

  We hurry down the corridor to the connecting one we saw Niya head down. She wasn’t alone so we covertly peek down the taboo corridor and then slowly creep down it. I gasp when a door suddenly opens and Drandok walks out. His icy eyes narrow as they take us in. “You two are not supposed to be here. From your guilty faces I know that you are aware of the rules.” He raises his arm. The one with the comm unit! “I can call for your males if you are looking for more punishment.”

  Shit! I raise my hands in surrender. “No, that’s not necessary. We just thought we saw Niya out and wanted to check on her. Is she in there?”

  He lowers his arm and stares us down. “Niya is fine. You have to trust Rylem with her care. He will let her around you two when he feels the time is right.” Drandok makes a shooing motion with his hand. “Now get out of here before you get caught by Klimen or Hilam.”

  “Fine,” I say as Megan humphs.

  As we head back down the taboo corridor and into the safe one I look back and see Drandok watching us. Damn watchful alien. No trust at all.

  “Do you want to come to my place? I’ll show you the practice unit. We can go on a mission.” I refuse to be bored.

  “I like the sound of that. We can see if it knows what chocolate it.” The enthusiasm in Megan’s tone lightens my spirits.

  In my quarters Megan sits down on the couch and runs her hand over the golden material. “This is a nice place. The dagrinians are good people. We are lucky to be here.”

  “Yeah, it is close to paradise. We are in serious need of an exercise room and entertainment that’s not just mission related though.” I threw that last part in for Megan’s benefit. I could plot courses all day every day.

  “We do need a larger ship with more corridors that we can go down.” The frustration dripping from Megan’s tone makes me laugh.

  “That would be nice,” I agree.

  A warm smile curls her lips. “I’ll stay with Hilam even if we can’t get a larger craft. He and the others have become my family…you’re my family now too.”

  My stomach flips and my heart swells. Family is special. “As crazy as it sounds for such a short time of being around all of you, I feel connected to you all. Rogan would love it here.” My heart will always ache for him, but I know I have to try to move on. My new family is helping me cope. I love them for it.

  Megan stands and gives me a tight hug. “Rogan would want you to be happy with a new family. The dagrinians are easy to love. Easy to become one with.”

  “You’re right. And I am happy to be here.” That’s no lie.


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