Bar None (Aeon Book 3)

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Bar None (Aeon Book 3) Page 4

by Wendy Smith

  “Dirty girl. You’ll have to tell me all about it later.”

  I shake my head. “You are so not hearing about my love life.”

  He laughs. “It’s okay. I don’t really want to. I hope you had fun.”

  “I did.” Jackson. Such a big part of me just wants to turn around and go back to his place, but I have meetings tomorrow about the information leak we’re trying to trace within Mollab. It’s one of the most important projects I’ve ever worked on. And something I need to solve before I make any plans around even thinking about moving.

  My love-life will have to continue to take a back seat to everything else.

  “We’re leaving in an hour,” Mark says.

  I nod. “I’m just going to change and pack.”

  As I throw my things in my bag, the thought of leaving Jackson makes my chest ache.

  I’d give anything to be back at his place, back in his bed. But duty calls, and I can’t ignore it.

  I never have before.

  I hate flying with a passion.

  Being in the air isn’t too bad, but landing in particular gets me frazzled. And forget it if there’s turbulence. I’ll be the one trying to open the door to get out.

  The flight home isn’t too bad, but having my feet on the ground is the best feeling in the world.

  My phone starts buzzing as soon as I turn it back on in the Uber going home.

  Mom: How was Molly’s wedding? Meet any nice men?

  That text can go on the back burner for a while. What do I reply with? Yes, Mom, and it was the best sex I’ve ever had.

  I hold back a laugh at the thought of that. But it does mean going alone to my sister’s wedding is going to cause a lot of questions about my love life. I’m not quite sure what I can do about that.

  Another message pops up.

  Mom: I just ask because you don’t have a date for Leia’s wedding and there’s still time to find one. Love you.

  It’d be comical if it wasn’t so sad.

  I have three missed calls from Leia too. My baby sister is two weeks away from her wedding, and it shows. I’ll get back to her when I get home.

  She doesn’t have that much patience. My phone starts up about thirty seconds after I walk in my apartment door.

  I roll my eyes at the sight of my sister’s name on the screen.

  “Hi, Leia.”

  “Where have you been? I’ve tried calling and calling.”

  I bite down a laugh.

  “I’ve been on a plane. My phone’s been off.”

  “Oh. Did you go away?”

  I roll my eyes. Leia knows Molly’s wedding was this weekend. But I guess in the stampede to become bridezilla, she forgot.

  “Molly got married on Saturday. I just got home from the wedding.”

  “Ohhh. Did it go well?”

  I smile. “It was beautiful.”

  “I’m glad. I like Molly. She’s a little geeky weird, like you, and she’s nice.”

  I laugh, unsure whether I should take that as an insult. “Thanks.”

  “Is your dress made yet? I need a photo to make sure it’s like the others.”

  I sigh. “I gave the pattern to the dressmaker, just like you asked. I’ve got a fitting this week. It’ll be the same.”

  “Are you sure? Do you need me to come and look?”

  I fist my hand. “No, Leia. It’s fine. Everything will be fine. I’ll send you a photo from the fitting.”

  “Okay. But if it doesn’t look right, I’ll come and sort it out.”

  I give up. “You do that.”

  “While I’ve got you on the phone, are you bringing a date? I need to know final numbers for the catering and I’ve been waiting for you to get back to me. You know everyone else will want to know too.”

  Heaven help me.

  “Well . . .” Wait. Maybe I can invite Jackson. It won’t hurt to pretend he’s my boyfriend for a weekend. It’ll give us the chance to spend a few days together. He’s got the added bonus that none of my family know him. My sisters and parents have heard of the other guys I’m friends with, but not Jackson. And if they think I have a boyfriend, maybe they won’t be so annoying. “Yes. I’m bringing my boyfriend.”

  “You have a boyfriend?”

  “Don’t sound so surprised.”

  “It’s just . . . I can’t remember the last time you had a boyfriend.”

  Neither can I. “Well, surprise. Put me down for two.”

  Please let Jackson say yes.

  “Sure. You’ll have to cover the cost of the extra meal if you don’t bring him. And I wouldn’t blame you if you did because I know what the family’s like.”

  I slip my shoes off and sit on the sofa. “Whatever. It’ll be fine.”

  When the call ends, I stare at the phone. Will Jackson say yes? I guess I could find someone to pretend to be my boyfriend, but it’ll be so much easier with someone I actually know. And have chemistry with.

  And oh, what chemistry.

  When I close my eyes, I still feel his hands on my skin. Despite his large size, his touch was like a feather, his gentle strokes bringing me to climax again and again.

  I think I need a weekend to recover from my weekend.

  For a moment, I look at my phone. I do want to see him again.

  I press his name in my contacts and close my eyes as I hold my phone to my ear.

  “Hello.” His tone is so warm, and it conjures memories of the way he spoke so tenderly to me when we were in bed together. I shiver.


  “Miranda.” He chuckles. “I thought it’d be a while before I heard from you.”

  I lick my lips. “I know. It’s just . . . I need to ask you for a favor.”

  There’s silence for a moment. “What kind of favor?”

  Letting out a long and quiet breath, I steady myself. “I need a date for my sister’s wedding.”

  “I thought you didn’t want anything more than a one-night stand.”

  Shit. “I need someone to pretend to be my boyfriend. To get my family off my back. And I’d much rather it be someone I know. Someone I’m comfortable pretending with.”

  The silence is back again. “Let me know where and when.”

  “I’ll send you a text. Will you do it?”

  “If I can make the dates work, I’ll do it. On one condition.”

  I bite my bottom lip. “What’s that?”

  “Let me be your boyfriend for that weekend. No fake stuff between us.”



  I grip my phone tighter. “I’m assuming that means PDAs.”

  “You bet it does. Are we going to be sharing a room?”

  I nearly weep with laughter. “My parents are going to be so over the moon that I’ve got a boyfriend, they won’t care whether we sleep together or not. And my sisters will be there too, so there won’t be enough room for you to sleep anywhere other than my room.” I pause. “Why?”

  “Just wondering how close I’ll be sleeping to you.”

  Holy shit. My skin heats at the thought of sleeping next to Jackson.

  There’s going to be sex. It doesn’t take a genius to work that out. I doubt we could lie in a bed together and not get down and dirty.

  “I accept your condition.”

  “I’m glad. I’ll try and make it look as authentic as I can.”

  I won’t even have to try.

  For so long my career was all I focused on. I worked hard at my job and taking care of Molly. But since she’s been gone, there’s been a gap in my life. Maybe I could work at a relationship.

  But Jackson’s so far away.


  Jackson’s voice breaks me out of my daydream. “Sorry, what?”

  “I said, I assume I have to fly somewhere. Send me the details as soon as you can, and I’ll see if I can make it work.”

  “I’ll pay for the flights.”

  “I don’t care about the damn flights. I’m mor
e concerned about getting there with the lack of them out of this place. But I’ll pay if it means getting a weekend with you.”

  My heart.

  “I’ll text you the details.” I let out a sigh of relief. “And Jackson?”

  “Yes, darlin’?”

  “Thank you.”



  It’s been a week since Miranda’s call, and I can’t stop thinking about it.

  This is my chance to show her what being with me would be like.

  I can’t wait.

  But in the meantime, I have other things to take care of.

  It’s Friday, lunchtime, and the restaurant is packed. It’s becoming more and more common.

  “Jackson.” Amy approaches me with a smile.

  “Amy. Thanks for coming.”

  “You wanted to talk about a property?” Amy’s young, but she’s the best realtor in Nettle Downs. And I’d rather she get any commission than her miserable boss.

  “Yeah. I saw that the old grocery store has become available. I’ve been watching for it since they moved.”

  She nods. “Interested in a lease?

  “Interested in buying. I want to know if it’s for sale.”

  Amy’s brows knit. “I could speak with the owner. They might be open to selling.” She runs her tongue over her lower lip. “I thought you were looking for a lease in the future.”

  “I was never that keen on a lease, and I’ve saved a lot more since then.” I nod toward the tables. “This is becoming normal these days. Even if the bar’s not busy, the restaurant is. Nettle Downs is only going to grow, and I want to make the investment in it.”

  She nods. “I understand. I’m glad things are going well for you. Town certainly seems to have more of a buzz around since the big announcement about Mollab.”

  “We have to be prepared for growth. But I think you already know that.”

  She smiles. “I’ve been trying to convince Dean to expand the Internet cafe for the same reasons. You get the lunch and dinner crowd. He packs out that place mid-afternoon when the kids finish school.”

  “I’m glad things are going well for him.”

  “So am I. Maybe the other part of his business will grow if everyone gets into gaming too.”

  I grin. “That’s true. Now’s the time to start thinking about it.”

  “I’ll check into that building. Any chance of a drink?” That flirty smile is back. I just can’t think of her in that way. I think part of the problem is that she’s my friend’s kid sister, and I remember her when she was riding around on her tricycle.

  “Sure. What do you want? It’s on the house if you can get me that property.”

  She rolls her eyes. “I’ll try my best.”

  “That’s all I’m asking.”

  As I round the bar, she leans against it. “Vodka tonic, please?”

  “Are you having lunch with that?”

  “Are you asking me to join you for lunch?”

  I cock an eyebrow. “Good try. I’m happy to get you some bar snacks.”

  “Can I grab some nachos?”

  I nod. “Good choice.”

  After pouring her a drink and placing it in front of her, I then head out the back to the kitchen.

  “Nachos for the bar, please.”

  Billy, my cook, smiles. “Sure thing, boss.”

  For a moment, I look around. How the hell do I duplicate something as good as this? I’ve got a great group of people working together here. I guess a new bar and restaurant means employment opportunities for the community.

  I wish Dad were here to see this.

  There’s not a day I don’t think about how proud he would have been to see what I’ve done with the business.

  Expanding to two bars is scary, but I have no doubt the second will be as successful as the first.

  I turn to my left when my elbow’s nudged.

  “You okay?” Kayley asks.

  I don’t know what I’d do without her. She came to me looking for work when her husband skipped town and left her with a young child. Now, she’s like a piece of the furniture.

  “Just thinking.”

  “Really? There’s no smoke coming out your ears.”

  I chuckle. If I set her up to run the other bar, I’ll miss her.

  “I saw you talking to Amy. You’re not finally falling for her charms, are you? I’m not sure she has any.”

  My mouth falls open. “Kayley Marsh. That’s no way to speak about a customer.”

  She shrugs. “It’s Amy. The woman practically throws herself at you.“

  “Doesn’t matter anymore. I’m taken.”

  Her eyebrows rise. “Since when?”

  “Since none-of-your-business ago.”

  A smile spreads across her face. “You know you owe me all the details.”

  “One plate of nachos.” Billy places the plate down on the pass. I pick it up.

  “Thanks, Billy.” Turning around, I look back at Kayley. “You’ll get all the details once I convince her she’s taken.”

  She laughs. “That’s insane.”

  “Maybe, but she’s worth it.”

  Amy smiles as I carry out the plate of nachos. “Thanks, Jackson.” She cocks her head and flutters her eyelashes at me.

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Nachos? Thanks, sis.”

  I grin at the sight of Dean walking up behind Amy. These two have such a love-hate relationship at times, and he’s just what I need to divert her attention.

  “Hands off. They’re mine.” She reaches out and slaps his fingers as he reaches for a corn chip.

  “Want a drink, Dean? Amy’s paying.” I shrug.

  “Heineken, please. And I’ll pay for it. I just got some work from Molly, so I’m having a little celebration.”

  Amy’s eyes go wide. “Really? That’s fantastic.”

  He grins. “I’m working on a project doing app development. Can’t talk much about it, but it’s right up my alley.”

  “Drink’s on me, then.” I high five him and turn to get the beer from the fridge. I love seeing my friends’ lives coming together.

  When the lunch rush is over, I head out the back to look over my plans. If I can get my hands on that building, it wouldn’t be a difficult refit. I’ll rent it if I have to, but I’d prefer to buy it given I have the cash.

  I could wait a while longer, as Molly’s staff won’t descend on this town for months to come, but the sooner I start, the sooner I’ll be up and running.

  I want to be a big success for Dad. Besides, I’m sure saying I’m the owner of two businesses will only make me look a better catch at the wedding. I now have one more person I want to impress. Someone who I think is going to come to mean a great deal to me.




  Two weeks later

  The butterflies in my stomach won’t stop.

  This is just a fake date for my sister’s wedding. Sure, I agreed that we could be like a real boyfriend and girlfriend this weekend, but that’s just to make it look authentic. Isn’t it?

  Both my heart and my head say no.

  Jackson made it clear he wanted more than just a one-night stand, and despite me saying no, I still ran to him to get my parents off my back. Was that the only reason?

  In a few minutes, he’ll step off the plane, and we’ll get on the flight to Portland together. I haven’t told him yet we’ll be walking straight into the viper’s nest—lunch with my parents, and I have no idea how many siblings.

  I can only hope they’ll be gentle.

  When his eyes meet mine, they’re lit up with a smile that graces his whole face. I love looking at him. He can’t hide that mischievous grin.

  He reaches me, and lifts me off the ground in a hug that literally takes my breath away, he’s holding me so tight. And yet, I laugh because he’s such a gentle giant that he does it seemingly without any effort.

  “Hi,” I squeak when
he lets me back down on the ground.

  He doesn’t respond, not at first, but he lowers his head to kiss me softly.

  “Hi,” he says, and he licks his lips like he’s tasting my kiss.

  “It’s good to see you.”

  “I’m glad to be with you.”

  “You might not be after you meet my family.” I nod toward the gate. “Ready for the flight?”

  He nods. “I’m told my luggage will be waiting for me at the other end.”

  “Let’s hope that’s the case.” I grin.

  “What’s the deal with flying business class? It doesn’t really exist from Nettle Downs, but this plane is bigger.”

  “It’s the Mollab company standard. I just got used to it.”

  “I’m flying with you more often.” He flashes that smile that makes me weak at the knees. It did from the start, but now I know what’s behind it. The gentle, caring man who only cared about my pleasure that night.

  Stop it.

  I nudge his arm. “How would you fit in economy with the smaller leg room?”

  “It’s not easy. Sometimes I feel like my knees are in my armpits.”

  I laugh at that mental image as we walk toward the gate.

  It’s not a long flight—around an hour and a half from San Jose, but I like riding in comfort. It might just help me cope with thoughts of a weekend with my family.

  Jackson charms everyone we come in contact with. From the security people, to the flight attendant who checks our boarding passes. He makes them all feel at ease, and I fall a little deeper.

  “This is the life,” he says, stretching out his legs as he sinks into the window seat.

  “I should tell you that I hate flying.”

  He frowns. “Oh? We could have driven if you’d wanted to.”

  “It’s okay. I’d much rather get the traveling over with.” Buckled in, I lean my head on his shoulder. “Thank you again for coming with me.”

  Jackson kisses the top of my head and lowers his voice. “If I’m lucky, later on you’ll be coming with me.”

  I laugh, giving him a gentle slap on the arm as I sit up straight. But all he does is give me that charming smile that leaves me swooning, and I have no comeback.


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