Bar None (Aeon Book 3)

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Bar None (Aeon Book 3) Page 11

by Wendy Smith

  Molly laughs. “It’s true. Things have changed a lot in the past few months. I’m driving, so I’m not even drinking alcohol, but I’m not going to stop you.”

  “You’re not drinking?”

  She nods. “That’s right. Stop judging. I used to be able to just get a taxi or an Uber home in San Jose. Now I have to drive.”

  “I’m not judging, just asking. You don’t have to justify yourself to me.”

  Molly grins. “Come on. Let’s go.”

  I suck in a deep breath as we walk into Jackson’s Bar. Chatter fills the room, you can barely hear the music, it’s so crowded. I’m not even sure we’ll find somewhere to sit.

  “Molly. How are you?” A petite brunette greets her. Her name tag says Kayley. Jackson’s told me about her.

  “Good. Can you squeeze us in somewhere?”

  She nods. “I’ve got the perfect spot.”

  We’re led to a table down the back with a view of the bar. Perfect.

  I take a seat and look straight at Jackson.

  He’s working, and I know I have nothing to worry about, but jealousy rips through me when I see him interacting with the gorgeous blond customers he’s talking to.

  Claire and Belle both stand at the bar, drinks in front of them, chatting away. He’s so full of life, having an animated conversation with them, and he doesn’t even notice me.

  “It’s so busy in here,” Molly says.

  I nod. I know this is part of Jackson’s job. He listens, he talks, and he has to deal with women flirting with him all the time, I’m sure. I can’t be the only one attracted to him at first sight. I think it’s because I know Claire and Belle that this irks me so much.

  “Would you ladies like to order a drink now?” Kayley asks.

  “May I please have a gin and lemonade with a slice of lemon?” I smile.

  Kayley nods. “Sure.”

  “A Coke for me, please.” Molly smiles.

  “No problem. Anything to eat?”

  Molly shakes her head. “We’re just here for a quick drink before we head to my place.” She turns to me once Kayley’s gone. “I didn’t tell Brad we were stopping along the way, but I wanted you to myself for a little while.”

  I grin. “I’m really happy to be here. I was surprised when you told me I should come for a visit.”

  She lets out a sigh. “I miss you.”

  “You could have told me that that over the phone.”

  Molly nods. “I know, but I wanted to see you too. The whole thing is really getting to me, and I could spend some time with my bestie.”

  Nudging her arm, I smile. “I thought that was Brad these days.”

  “Well, I love the fuck outta him, but I’ll always love you too. San Jose feels really far from here.”

  “It’s just a plane ride away.” I grin.

  “Here you go.” Kayley arrives back at the table and places our drinks down.

  “Thanks, Kayley.” I shoot her a smile, but I wish it was Jackson serving us. It’s a bit upsetting he doesn’t even seem to have noticed I’m here.

  I take a sip of my drink and screw up my face.

  Molly laughs. “Everything okay?”

  “Fine. It’s just a bit strong.”

  “If Jackson poured it, it will be. I’ve noticed he pours spirits on the heavy side.”

  “It’s nice, though. Just what I needed after the flight.”

  “Was it that bad?”

  I shake my head. “Just a bit of turbulence in the middle. I’m still glad you invited me.”

  “Thinking of moving here?” Her smile is uncertain. I know she’s depending on me to at least get to the bottom of the leak we have at Mollab. It has to be someone at the San Jose office trying to sell our secrets.

  “Maybe one day. I’m looking forward to getting this mess behind us and moving on.”

  “You and me both.” She holds up her glass, and I clink mine with it.

  “Did you want to know anything more about the FBI visit? There’s not really much to tell.”

  For a moment, she’s quiet. “I think you’ve got it covered. It’s enough to give me a headache right now.”

  I nod. “Sounds fair.”

  “Tonight, I’m planning on having a quiet drink with my friend and then we’ll go and have a lovely dinner cooked by my husband.”

  I take another sip of my drink. “I like that idea.” I wish Jackson was with me.

  Taking another look toward the bar, I roll my eyes at the sight of Belle fiddling with her hair, her eyes fixed on Jackson as he works. She’s trying so hard to catch his attention.

  I take another long drink and place my glass on the table. “I need to take a bathroom break.”

  I cross the room and follow the corridor that leads to the ladies’ room. All I want is a moment.

  I guess he doesn’t want to bring any attention to us.

  Locking myself in a stall, I freeze when I hear laughter I recognize.

  “He’s so hot.” Belle’s voice echoes in the tiled room.

  “Yeah, but I don’t think he’s interested in either of us. We’re just suckers who keep buying drinks.” Claire says.

  “I’ll wear him down if it’s the last thing I do.”

  I hold my breath for a moment. I know he has to talk to customers, and I need to remember that it’s me he’s interested in. It’s not easy when they’re living here now and I’m so far away.

  I’m so torn.

  Molly needs me in San Jose. There has to be someone with authority there. I can’t just walk away after everything I’ve worked for. Jackson was right. I did deserve that promotion. I’ve put in the hard yards for years, and Molly always acknowledged it and rewarded me for it. Now I have to show that I’m worthy of that.

  I wait a few minutes for them to leave, take a deep breath, and exit the stall. After splashing some cold water on my face, I step out of the door and take a few steps.

  Strong hands grip my arms from behind, and I let out a squeal as I’m dragged backward. My heart races when I’m spun around.


  He says nothing, but raises my arms above my head and pins them to the wall. My breathing grows ragged at the heated look in his eyes.

  His mouth crashes onto mine, his tongue seeking entry. I open up, sinking into his kiss which I’ve missed so much. Need pours out of him, and I match it with my own. I’ve missed Jackson more than I even realized.

  I close my eyes as he drops his kiss to my neck, hitting the spots that make me gasp. He already knows my body as well as I do.

  “Come here.” He releases his grip and takes one of my hands in his, pulling me through a door and into a dark space. The door snicks closed behind us.

  “What is this place?”

  “A storage cupboard.”

  The dim light he turns on gives a soft glow to the room.

  “You’re not taking me to your place?”

  “It’d take too long.”

  “What do you . . .?”

  He reaches for the button on my waistband and meets my gaze. I nod to give him approval.

  It takes seconds for him to unbutton and unzip my jeans, and I catch my breath as he slips his hand into my panties.

  “I need to touch you. I’d like to touch you all over, but this will have to do for the moment.”

  I search his eyes. “I’m fine with this for the moment.”

  “You’re already wet.” As if to prove his point, he slides a finger into me.

  “I’ve been thinking about you. I wanted to give you a surprise.”

  He pulls his finger over my clit. “You surprised me alright. Getting you alone is all I’ve been thinking about since I spotted you.”

  “Really? I thought you were too busy flirting with Claire and Belle.” I moan as he rubs my clit, bucking my hips against his hand.

  Jackson responds by taking gentle bites of my neck as if to admonish me. All it does is heighten the sensation, and a warm glow spreads from my toes to the top
of my head.

  “You’re the only one I want to flirt with.”

  My body tenses. “Are you sure?”

  “I am, darlin’. Fuck, I love that you’re wearing my favorite jeans.” He moans into my neck.

  “They’re your favorite?” I’m panting as his thick fingers slide over my clit. I grip his shoulders to stop my legs from giving up under me.

  “You were wearing them the night we met. You’re hot as fuck wearing them.”

  My orgasm hits me as he says the words, and I dig my nails into his shoulder as I let out a loud moan.

  “Just as well there’s music playing out there. I think the whole bar would have heard that.” He chuckles in my ear.

  I lean my head against his. “That was incredible. How did you know I was here?”

  Jackson pulls his hand out of my panties, and I zip and button myself up. “You’re the only person I know who drinks gin and lemonade.”

  I laugh. “Seriously?”

  “There’s a group of older regulars who drink gin and tonic.” He strokes my cheek with his index finger. “But the lemonade is all you. Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

  “It was a last-minute thing. Molly and I were talking on the phone and next thing, I was at the airport and on my way.”

  “Are you staying with her?”

  I shake my head. “She wanted me to, but I insisted I didn’t want to impose. I’m checked in to the hotel in town.”

  He grins. “You know you’re not staying at that hotel, right?”

  “I knew I wouldn’t have a choice once you found out.”

  Jackson kisses me again, and I sigh into his mouth. This is contentment.

  “I’m having dinner with Molly tonight and then I’ll be back at the hotel.”

  He seems to ponder this for a moment. “Think I can swing a dinner invite? Then I can just bring you home.”

  I shrug. “I’m not sure. How persuasive are you?”

  “Oh, I can be very persuasive, Ms. Clarke.”

  I cock my head. “I know you can.”

  “We could just tell Molly.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck. “I’ll talk to her this weekend, but tonight I just want you to myself with no expectations or questions.”

  “It is pretty hot, sneaking around.” He presses his forehead to mine. It’s such an intimate gesture that it melts my heart a little more.

  “I should get back. Molly will be wondering if I’m okay.”

  “Just tell her some stranger dragged you into a storage cupboard for a quick fingering.”

  I laugh. “And such a good fingering it was.”

  “I’ll have to try and outdo myself later.”

  Molly stares at me as I walk back to the table.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Fantastic. Why?”

  “Your cheeks are flushed. You’re not coming down with something, are you? I worry sometimes that you work way too hard.”

  Oh, I’m coming down with something alright. And I’ll be going down on something a little later.

  “I’m fine. It’s just been a long week.”

  She nods. “I’m sure. I know how stressful work is for you right now. Make sure you take care of yourself.”

  I place my hand on hers. “I promise I will. I’d like to go home a bit more often and spend some time with my family.”

  One of her eyebrows rises. “Really? That’s not like you.”

  “Mainly for Leia. I’m so over the rest of them, but I forgot how close we used to be.”

  Molly smiles. “I’m happy to hear that. We should get going, and you can tell me more about it in the car. Drink up, and let’s get out of here.”

  Jackson walks over to the table. His eyes are full of mischief, and I can’t help but smile as he approaches. “Sorry it’s taken so long for me to come and say hello. It’s pretty busy tonight.”

  “I can see that.” Molly smiles. “We’re just about to get going.”

  “What are you two doing after this?” he asks.

  “Going back home to a Brad-cooked dinner. He’s making pot roast.”

  Jackson puts on the most wistful look I’ve ever seen. “Pot roast. Sounds great. I don’t think I’ve had pot roast since my dad died. He was the king of cooking.”

  Molly seems to study him closely. “If you want to come for dinner, you’re welcome. Brad always cooks way too much anyway.”

  He nods. “Sounds great.”

  “And you can bring Miranda back into town afterward. She’s staying at a hotel because she’s got this thing about not imposing.” Molly shifts her gaze to me. “Not that she would ever be imposing.”

  “I can do that. I’d be happy to.”

  Molly looks between us. “I’m sure. We’ll finish off our drinks and get out of here.”

  “I’ll be right behind you.”

  As he walks away, Molly nudges my arm. “He so likes you.”

  I shrug. “No. He was flirting with both Claire and Belle before.”

  “He was doing his job. I think you’re the one he’s got his eyes on.” She grins. “I thought that about Tom and Bridget, and look how right I was. And he paid a lot of attention to you at my wedding.”

  “He’s a nice guy.” I want to tell her the truth, but I’ve always kept my cards close to my chest. Molly knows everything about me, but for once, I want something to myself for just a little while.

  “One of the best. He always has been.” She takes a sip of her drink. “It’ll be nice for him to join us at dinner. Maybe you two can get to know each other.”

  My cheeks heat at the memory of the orgasm he just gave me a short time ago in the storage closet. “I appreciate you looking out for me, but you needn’t worry.” I sigh. “You’re sounding like my family.”

  Molly’s mouth falls open. “Shit. I didn’t think. As if you need any pressure from me.”

  “It’s not the same when you do it. I appreciate you looking out for me.” I sigh. “You’re not expecting me to be settled with two-point-four children anytime soon.”

  She laughs and leans against me. “I guess. I mean, two children will be fine. How do you have a point-four child anyway?”

  I drain my drink, and she does the same thing.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Molly says.

  Jackson looks up as we leave and shoots me a wink.

  My heart leaps in response.

  I can’t wait to be with him again.

  I love Molly’s family.

  Brad makes me feel at home the minute I step in the door with his warm greeting. And Grace is adorable, throwing herself into Molly’s arms. It makes me think of Jackson with my niece and nephews back home.

  This. This is what I want.

  I want the home and family, and I want my career. I want the whole package.

  It’s still early days, but if this long-distance thing works out with Jackson, maybe that’s what I’ll get. It seems to be what he wants too.

  Maybe I’m overthinking it.

  I look up at the knock on the door.

  “Do you know who that’ll be?” Molly says to Grace.

  Grace shakes her head.

  “I bet if you open the door, Jackson will be on the other side.”

  Grace gasps.

  “Molly, don’t encourage her. She’s not supposed to open the door by herself.” Brad laughs.

  “I know . . . sorry. I thought she might just be allowed this once because we know who’s on the other side,” Molly says.

  “I’ll take her.”

  Grace grins, and I walk with her to the door. I stand back to let her open it.

  It’s me Jackson sees first. The warm smile in his eyes sets my body on fire.

  “Jackson.” Grace squeals.

  He looks down at her. “Gracie-boo. It’s good to see you.” Bending, he scoops her into his arms then turns back to me. “Miranda.”

  I lick my suddenly dry lips. “Jackson.”

  Stepping back, I watch him a
s he carries her through the living room and into the kitchen. I follow, my heart in my throat at the sight of him with Grace. This isn’t helping my screaming ovaries.

  “Jackson. Good to see you. Makes a change from us coming to your place to eat.” Brad grins.

  He nods. “It’s good to see you too. I hope you don’t mind me being here.”

  Brad shakes his head. “There’s plenty of food. You’re welcome anytime.”

  “Great. Now you tell me.” Jackson laughs. “I could have been eating here for months.”

  “Jackson. Sit with me.” Grace points to her seat at the table, and Jackson lowers her to the floor.

  “Oh, no, honey. Jackson’s already got a place set over the other side of the table. I’ll be sitting next to you.” Molly smiles, and shoots a glance at me.

  This is cute. She’s trying to set us up.

  I should just come out and tell her.

  “The food will be ready in a minute if you guys want to take a seat,” Brad says.

  “We have to wash our hands, Jackson,” Grace says.

  He nods. “Of course.”

  “Come on.”

  He turns to me. “Coming?”

  “I think I might have to.” I laugh.

  Grace grabs Jackson’s hand and leads him up the hallway. I’m right behind them.

  I stay back as Grace washes her hands and skips off, leaving Jackson and me in the bathroom.

  My heart beats faster as he takes a step toward me.

  “Alone again.” That smile of his makes me swallow hard.

  “We don’t have time.”

  He nods. “I know. But I do have time for this.”

  Wrapping his arms around me, he kisses me so hard I lose all ability to breathe.

  “I guess that’ll keep me going until later,” I say.

  “It’ll have to.” With a wink, he lets me go and turns to scrub his hands. I follow suit and take a deep breath before I leave the bathroom.

  Grace is seated when we get to the dining room. Jackson and I take our seats opposite.

  “I washed my hands so fast. You two are slow,” Grace says.

  “Gotta do it properly,” Jackson says.

  Grace turns to Molly. “I washed my hands properly.”

  Molly eyes us both. “I know you did, honey. I’ve seen you do it before.”


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