Bar None (Aeon Book 3)

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Bar None (Aeon Book 3) Page 15

by Wendy Smith

  “I’m sure we can.”

  I might have overpacked.

  The cupboards in the kitchen are overflowing, but at least most of the food will keep.

  Miranda’s unpacked our clothes, and placed them in the drawers.

  Seeing her treating the place like her own makes my chest swell with pride. She’s feeling at home here, and it does my heart so good.

  We’re already making this place ours.

  By late evening, we’re settled in, fed, loved up, and we settle in to sleep.

  “Thank you,” she whispers into my chest.

  “For what?”

  Miranda meets my gaze. “Everything. You always know the right thing to say when I need it. And you’re always there for me.”

  Grazing my knuckles down her cheek, I give her a tender kiss. She lets out a little sigh against my lips.

  “I’ll always be here for you. No matter what,” I murmur.

  She rests her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes.

  The gentle patter of the rain on the roof tells me there’s a good chance we’ll be stuck inside tomorrow.

  Maybe we just won’t get out of bed.



  The rain’s stopped by morning, and sunshine streams through the window in the living room.

  Beside me, Jackson sleeps peacefully, and I nestle in against him.

  “I love you,” I whisper.

  I’m not sure why I can’t say it to his face yet. It’s not something I’ve really said to many people in my life. Jackson is it for me. I think he was from the moment he came into my life.

  I’ve never been more sure of it than I am right now.

  He stirs, and I breathe against his chest. For him to share this cabin with me means so much, and I can’t wait to spend more time with him here in the future.

  Jackson Booth turned my whole world upside down, but it doesn’t scare me.

  “Miranda,” he murmurs.

  “I’m right here.”

  He opens one eye. “Good. I thought for a moment I was dreaming about us being together.”

  I grin. “No such luck. You’re stuck with me for a few days.”

  “There’s no one I’d rather be stuck with.” He opens the other eye and those almost hidden dimples in his cheeks light up.

  “Better not be.” I stab at his chest with my index finger.

  “So bossy. I think I like it.” That deep chuckle sends a shiver down my spine. “I hope the weather improves today. I want to take you outside and show you around.”

  “It’s not raining now. That’s a start.”

  “I’ll make us some breakfast, and then maybe we can see the sights.”

  I slide my hand across his torso, and sigh. “Can we just stay like this for a little while?”

  Jackson presses a kiss in my hair. “Of course we can. Until my stomach grumbles anyway.”

  Laughing, I raise my head. “Are you trying to tell me you’re hungry?”

  “I’m always hungry.” He smiles. “Not always for food. But I’m always hungry when I’m with you.”

  For a few minutes, we lie in silence, just curled around each other.

  A gurgling sound comes from him.

  I laugh. “Oh, you need some food.”

  “Maybe. But I’m enjoying being here with you.”

  “What’s for breakfast?”

  “Scrambled eggs and bacon.”

  I laugh against his chest. “That’s your thing, isn’t it?”

  “Growing boy like me needs lots of protein.”

  I pull back. “Go and make something to eat. I’ll be waiting here.”

  He plants a kiss on my forehead. “See you real soon.”

  After a big breakfast, we dress, and I follow Jackson out the back door. The air is crisp, but it’s sweet and clean after the rain.

  “There’s a path that leads down to the lake. It might be a bit slippery.”

  “Lake . . .?”

  He smiles. “Yeah. It’s a much smaller one than in Nettle Downs, but there’s some good fishing. Dad and I used to come here and talk shit while we sat beside it and waited for something to bite.”

  I loop my arm through his. “Show me.”

  Jackson leads me down a path that disappears into the bush surrounding the house. It’s concreted, so easy to walk on, but peaceful with trees on either side. With the rain gone, it’s full of bird song. It’s only a couple of minutes until I see the lake.

  And what I see is breathtaking.

  It’s nowhere near as big as the lake near Nettle Downs, but it’s calm, the water glistening in the sunlight.

  The path changes from concrete to wood, and there’s a small pier sticking out over the water.

  I try and imagine a young Jackson, sitting on the edge of the platform, dangling a fishing line.

  He slips an arm around my waist. “Perfect, don’t you think?”

  “It’s so peaceful.”

  He points around the lake. “There are some good hiking trails around here.”

  I look down at my sneakers. “If you’d told me, I would have brought some boots with me.”

  “We’ll just have to come back another time.”

  “I love that idea.”

  “When the weather’s better. Those trails will be a mess with the rain.”

  Looking up at the sky, I sigh. “Speaking of . . .”

  “I know; it’ll rain again soon. I’m glad I could at least show you this. I always thought I’d bring my own kids here someday.” His eyes pierce mine. “Maybe one day, I will.”

  I brush his cheek with my fingers. “Sounds like a lovely idea.”

  He shrugs. “Some of the best times with Mom and Dad were here. Mom would be back at the cabin baking bread, and we’d smell it from the lakeside. If we were lucky, we’d have a couple of fish, and she’d fry them up. We didn’t have to bring much in the way of groceries.”

  Leaning into him, I rest my head on his shoulder. “I’m sorry your parents aren’t here anymore. I’d have liked to meet them.”

  “Mom would have loved you. I’m sure of it. And my dad?” He chuckles. “He’d have been flirting up a storm with you at every opportunity. He made the bar a success long before I took over. He just got people.”

  “I’m guessing you took after him?”

  Jackson nods. “I think so.”

  “And now you’ve taken his business and made it your own. I love that.”

  He sighs. “Yeah. If only I could buy the property I wanted.”

  I rub his back. “Do you have to buy it? Can’t you lease it?”

  “I could, but I don’t really want to answer to anyone for any changes I’d make.” He shrugs. “Dad always had this thing about owning property for the same reason. It’s how I was raised. And I gotta admit, owning the property the current bar’s in made the restaurant renovation much easier.”

  I smile. “You want to only be accountable to yourself.”

  “Something like that.” He shakes his head. “Anyway, let’s finish our walk and get back inside. Those clouds are getting dark again, and I want to get some firewood chopped before it rains again.”

  He leads me back down the path toward the cabin. We’re almost there when he pauses.

  “Go inside, and I’ll be there shortly.”

  “I’m okay. I’d rather spend the time with you.”

  He grabs an axe from a small shed next to the cabin, and walks to the log pile beside the house.

  “So, what do you think so far?” he asks.

  “I love it. It’s so quiet. For the first time in ages, I can just hear myself think.”

  He grins. “Good. I really hoped you’d like it here.”

  “It’s special to you. That makes it special to me.”

  I hold my breath as he splits the first log. It brings back memories of the one and only time my family went camping. Dad hated having to do the work, and none of us girls were any good at helping at that stage. We lasted
one night in the cabin we’d rented, then moved to a hotel.

  I smile at the memory. It’s something I’d pushed to the back of my mind. I hadn’t minded staying there, but Alex and Katie had been so annoying, I think my parents had just caved.

  Now, I get to do all this with the man I love.

  He splits a handful of logs before he straightens, and wipes the back of his hand across his forehead.

  “Need any help?” I ask.

  Jackson shakes his head, but he does strip his T-shirt over his head in a swift move that takes my breath away. I love looking at him.

  He picks up the axe, and brings it down again and again.

  I’m intimate with each and every one of those muscles, but it still makes me giddy just looking at him. Jackson means everything to me.

  He looks up as he cuts the last log and smiles. “I’ll stack this and bring some in to get the fire started.”

  “I’ll help.”

  “It won’t take me long. Get inside before it rains again.”

  I wrap my arms around myself. He’s got a point. The temperature’s dropping, and there’s that unmistakable scent of rain coming.

  “Stop being such a . . . man.” I laugh.

  “It’s who I am, darlin’. You should know that by now.” He grins.

  “Okay, but I’ll cook dinner.”

  “I think that’s a fair trade. I’m having you for dessert, though.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  “You’re not missing your phone at all?”

  I take a deep breath of the fresh air. “No. It’s weird not having something to do with my hands.”

  Jackson’s eyebrows rise. “I can think of plenty of things you can do with your hands.”

  “I’m sure you can.” I cock my head. “See you inside?”

  “I won’t be long.”

  Jackson’s done well.

  He’s stocked the cupboards with a variety of foods, and throwing together dinner should be simple.

  I light up the gas cooktop and fill a pot with water.

  Grabbing a few potatoes from the bag, and a peeler from the drawer, I peel them quickly and place them in the water, ready to boil.

  Jackson wraps his arms around me, and I take a deep breath.

  “You’re all hot and sweaty,” I say.

  He nuzzles my neck, and I close my eyes as he nips at my earlobe. “I’m sorry. I’ll go and have a shower before this goes any further.”

  I turn as he releases me. “No, you’re not going anywhere.”

  His lips twitch. “Why do you have that mischievous look in your eye, Ms. Clarke?”

  “Because I’m about to do this.”

  I press my hands to his chest and push him backward. He nods and takes a step back, as if playing with me. His lips are pressed into a tight smile, but his eyes give away just how amused he is. He steps backward until he reaches the base of the bed.

  “Now what?” he asks.

  “This.” I push him back and he falls backward. He reaches for me, pulling me down on top of him as I shriek with laughter.

  “This isn’t the shower.”

  I shake my head. “Very observant of you. The shower can wait a moment.”

  His skin’s salty with sweat, and I kiss my way down his chest. This man’s a work of art. His breathing’s steady as I run my hand over the hills and valleys of his abs, my lips right behind them.

  I stop when I get to his navel, dropping my hand to his obvious erection and stroking his length through his pants.

  “Get up here,” he says.

  Not removing my hand, I make my way back up the bed. Jackson pulls me tight against him, kissing me hard.

  “I love kissing you,” he murmurs.

  I laugh as I give his cock a gentle squeeze. “I love touching you.”

  “To be fair, I love doing that to you too. In fact, I love everything about you.”

  His hand skirts the waistband of my jeans, and I suck in a breath as he unbuttons me.

  “Remember the day in the storage cupboard?”

  “I’m never likely to forget.”

  He lowers the zip on my pants, and I lean back a little to give him access.

  “I wore your jeans,” I say.

  “I noticed.”

  My breathing quickens as his fingers make short work of my clit. His eyes never lose contact with mine, and I fight the urge to close them as my orgasm takes over.

  I shudder against him, and he shakes himself free of me to drag my jeans off and throw them to the floor.

  “What are you doing?” I laugh.

  He grips the waistband of my panties and slides them down my legs. “Looking at you.”

  “Like what you see?” My cheeks burn as he runs his heated gaze over me.

  “Always. Flip over.”

  Giving him a curious look, I roll onto my stomach. It only takes a moment, but I hear him opening the foil pack of a condom and I push my ass in the air.

  He chuckles, resting his hand on the small of my back as he pushes into me.

  “God damn. Your pussy feels so good.” He pumps into me hard and fast. I grip the comforter, letting out a long moan as he hammers into me. “Is this what you want?” he asks.

  “Yes. Oh my God. Yes.” I moan. “I missed this.”

  “I missed you.” He reaches forward, sliding his hands under my shirt. I gasp when he cups my breasts, grazing my nipples through the thin fabric of my bra.

  “Jackson.” I push back to drive him in deeper. I’ll never get enough of him. A few days isn’t enough.

  I love him.

  He lets out a groan, slowing until he comes to a stop. I climb up onto the bed when he pulls out of me and collapse onto it. The mattress sinks when he joins me.

  “That was unexpected,” he says.


  He’s breathing heavily after his unplanned workout, and I lean over and kiss him. “If I’d known hot and sweaty turned you on, I’d always be exercising.”

  “You may have your shower now.”

  His mouth falls open. “And now I’m dismissed.”

  “For a little while. I have to make the rest of dinner before I start burning things. Trust me, you don’t want that.”

  Jackson laughs. “I’ll go and get cleaned up. But next time, you’re joining me in the shower.”

  “Sounds like a great deal to me.”

  Today has been one of a kind.

  For years, I’ve been attached to my phone and laptop, and although I’ve absentmindedly checked my phone a handful of times, it’s nice to have the peace.

  There’s no TV out here, but my laptop’s in my bag, so after dinner, Jackson and I snuggle in bed and watch a movie.

  Despite the early hour, it doesn’t take long for my eyes to grow heavy, and Jackson’s the same.

  “All this fresh air’s made me tired.” I yawn.

  “Well, you have had some exercise today too.” Jackson chuckles.

  I close the laptop and place it on the floor beside the bed before snuggling into his waiting arms. “I wish we could stay here forever.”

  He chuckles. “I thought you’d be missing cell phone reception.”

  I raise my head. “That means returning to the real world and everything I have to deal with in it.”

  “You keep saying you’re dealing with something big. What is it?”

  I scan his expression. He’s concerned, and I don’t blame him. “You can’t tell Molly I told you.”

  His brows knit. “Of course not. You know you can trust me, don’t you?”

  I nod. “I do. It’s just . . . someone’s been selling our data at Mollab. Plans for games, details, and I’m not sure what else.”

  Jackson’s mouth falls open. “What? I thought you had a tight-knit crowd.”

  “So did we. And now I’m scared it’s someone I know well. Which just makes it worse and more stressful.”

  He raises his hand to my face, tracing down my cheek with his fingers. �
�No wonder you’re so tense at times.”

  “The FBI are involved because it’s corporate espionage, and I’m the person in charge of the investigation from our team. It’s vital that I’m there—at least until I know who I can trust.”

  “You have to finish this before you can make any changes in your life.”

  Tears prick my eyes. “Yes.”

  “I hope Molly knows how loyal and dedicated you are.”

  “Molly takes just as good care of me as I do of her.”

  He lets out a low growl as if to say he’s not sure he believes me. And he’s right, in a way. Molly does her best, but she’s also good at getting so focused on what she’s working on, the outside world doesn’t exist. At least, she was when she lived in San Jose. We both ate, slept and breathed Mollab. As did Tom, and later on, Mark.

  “We’re also both equally good at not taking care of ourselves.”

  His lips quirk. “You won’t have to worry so much about that now you’ve got me. I’ll be here to make sure that you get plenty of attention from me, and that you practice your own self-care.”

  “You work hard. What do you do to take care of yourself?”

  He draws a deep breath. “I take time to work out, and get as much fresh air as I can. Maybe now I have you in my life, I can spend more time up here. The bar can be a demanding mistress.”

  I nod. “I understand that.”

  Jackson leans in and plants a kiss under my ear. “Everything’s changed because of you, Miranda. For the first time, well, ever, I have a clarity and a purpose that’s not completely wrapped around the bar.”

  Smiling, I turn my head to look into his eyes. “That’s funny, because I feel exactly the same way about you.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Don’t tell Molly, but you are my greatest distraction right now.”

  Jackson runs a finger over my breast, trailing it down to my navel. “Really?”

  “It’s not easy to focus when I’m missing you.”

  He nods. “I know that feeling. Once you catch the person screwing the company over, maybe we can re-examine our living situation?”

  “I’d like that.”

  “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” he says. “You have no idea.”


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