Pride and Retribution

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Pride and Retribution Page 20

by Lyndsey Norton

  Markham was panting all of a sudden, as her flesh was revealed his heart pounded and he dashed to her. Literally grabbing the torn edges of her gown in his fists he heaved her onto her knees. ‘My God! You are absolutely perfect.’ He whispered in awe. Slowly he stroked his hand over her cheek and then smeared the blood from his palm over both of her breasts. She quivered in disgust and sobbed softly. ‘Delectable.’ He murmured and yanked her to her feet again before clamping both her hands in one of his hands behind her back. She had a sudden recollection of Wilfred doing the same thing, but the emotional connotations were entirely different now. Gone was the desire and in its place was fear and pain. She looked in his eyes and was convinced she had just looked into hell through the devil’s eyes. She shuddered in horror at what he might do as Markham slowly engulfed first one and then the other breast in his mouth, slowly sucking and licking the blood from her skin. ‘Beautiful.’ He murmured again and suddenly he was fiddling with the buttons on his britches. ‘I think you should give me a gift.’ He said as Lucy frantically shook her head, tried to lift her knee into his groin and jerk herself out of his hands. He caught her knee on his thigh and smiled again. She didn’t see the fist coming before it landed on her cheek bone and again he released her to fly across the room. This time she sprawled across the dressing table, knocking the usual paraphernalia off onto the floor, smashing bottles and glass. Markham was upon her like a wolf, opening the rent in her dress wider and feasting on her blood smeared flesh as his lips worked their way down her body.

  Suddenly the door opened ‘I say Lucy! Are you still in…?’ The words dried up in Timothy’s throat as he took in the scene before him, including his sister’s bleeding face. ‘What the hell do you think you’re doing with my sister?’ He bellowed. Fifteen he might have been, but still man enough to have a go. He strode across the room and grabbed Markham by the shoulder, but Markham was ready and landed a beautifully timed upper cut to Timothy’s chin, lifting him on his toes, before Timothy slumped to the carpet. At that precise moment Lucy let out the most piercing scream Markham had ever heard. It deafened his right ear immediately and made him shudder. Cutting his losses, the Duke of Markham made it out of the room and into the linen cupboard before anyone else appeared on the scene.


  Wilfred de Lacey and Robert Hastings had just sat down when there was an almighty bang from upstairs. Robert sniggered. ‘I take it Lucy wasn’t happy with you?’

  ‘I can’t imagine why she would be upset.’ Wilfred said and sipped his brandy, a frown creasing his forehead.

  ‘She always throws things around when she’s angry.’ Robert said as another large bang sounded.

  Wilfred looked up. ‘She wasn’t angry when I left her a few minutes ago.’ He murmured. There was another almighty bang followed by the unmistakeable shattering of glass.

  ‘What the devil is she doing up there?’ Robert snapped out and lurched to his feet. ‘I will not tolerate this much dissension in my household!’ Throwing open his door, Robert marched off to the stairs followed closely by Wilfred and they had just reached the hallway as they heard Lucy scream.

  ‘Oh God!’ burst from Robert’s throat as the two men took the stairs three at a time and literally ran down the landing in the family wing. The sight that greeted them at Lucy’s door was nothing short of shocking. Lucy, her dress torn, was covered in blood and was kneeling down cradling an unconscious Timothy in her arms. She was rocking him like a mother and was crying uncontrollably.

  Egerton appeared behind them, inhaling sharply. Robert turned his head, and said ‘Fetch my mother, please?’

  Wilfred strode across the room, ripped a cover from the bed and draped it about Lucy’s shoulders. Robert gently removed Timothy from her arms to check on his condition as Wilfred lifted Lucy into his arms and sat on the bed, enfolding her in his embrace and whispering in her hair.

  Robert went to the wash stand and noted the soapy water. He dipped the flannel directly into the water ewer and slopped it down on his brother’s forehead. ‘Tim, come on wake up.’ He said firmly as the wet flannel traversed his face. Timothy moaned and fluttered his eyelids a few times and then suddenly he was awake.

  ‘Lucy!’ he blurted and tried to force himself up. Robert held him down with ease.

  ‘What happened?’ Robert asked softly.

  ‘I could hear her banging about, as usual.’ Timothy said shock apparent in every sinew in his body. His face was ashen too. ‘I came to talk to her, as usual, but when I opened the door, Markham had her pinned to the dressing table and was kissing her stomach!’ He sounded exceptionally affronted. ‘I strode over to ask him what he was doing and he hit me.’ He shook his head, ‘and then I don’t remember anything after that.’ He finished sheepishly. ‘Is she alright?’

  ‘What were you going to do to Markham?’ Robert asked softly.

  ‘I don’t know. Pull him off her first, I suppose.’ He frowned sadly. ‘I didn’t really think about what I would do, only that I needed to stop him from hurting her.’

  ‘How did you know he was hurting her?’ Robert asked.

  ‘Because she was covered in blood!’ Timothy said indignantly. ‘I can assure you I know the difference between seduction and rape!’

  ‘Of course.’ Robert said placatingly. ‘I didn’t doubt your judgement, I was just asking for you to clarify it.’ He knew the chances that Timothy was still a virgin were remote; he was at Eton, after all. He would have been tupped silly in his first year, just like he had been. More than one lusty wench from the local tavern had trained Robert in the art of intercourse.

  He wandered over to the bed and his heart stopped as he saw the stain on the sheets. ‘Did he violate you?’ he demanded harshly as rage built in his blood. He looked down at Lucy and her eyes were filled with terror and maybe remorse. She shook her head. ‘Then how do you account for the virgin stain on your sheets?’ he almost shouted as his hand swept up to point at the pink stain still visible.

  ‘That would be my fault.’ Wilfred said softly. ‘I told you I wouldn’t be able to resist her for long.’ He gently kissed Lucy’s forehead. ‘We finished making love and I came straight to tell you that she had accepted my hand.’ He looked her in the eye and stroked his fingers over her undamaged cheek. ‘Are you sure he didn’t violate you?’

  ‘I am. Don’t you believe me?’ He watched the tears well over her eyelashes. ‘He was too busy trying to spill my blood for anything else; although if Tim hadn’t arrived just then, I’m sure he was going to start.’

  Evelyn arrived with two maids, a footman with a bath and a troupe of footmen lugging the water.

  ‘I want everyone out. Robert, will you see to Timothy please and we will see to Lucy.’ And like that she swept everyone from the room. Wilfred sat Lucy on the bed, kissed her forehead again, gently squeezed her hand and left, stopping at the door to look back at her one last time.

  Evelyn could see the heartache and the rage in him. ‘Wilfred?’ Evelyn spoke quietly, but with authority. ‘Have you asked for her hand?’ Wilfred nodded. ‘Has she accepted?’ He nodded again. ‘Good. Then I don’t want you to do anything stupid. Leave Markham alone. He will be taken care of eventually. I don’t want anyone here dying in a duel.’ She looked at him fiercely. ‘Do I make myself understood?’ He nodded and gave Lucy one last look then closed the door carefully. ‘Men! Such stupid creatures at times.’ She muttered as she turned and helped Lucy out of the tattered remnants of her gown. ‘You are going to be sore for a few days.’ Evelyn said as she and Betsy helped Lucy into the hot bath. She turned to the other maid. ‘I will need some of that healing ointment the old Earl had and some witch hazel embrocation for the bruising. Evelyn slowly soaped the flannel and softly stroked it over Lucy’s shoulders and back, as she sat with her arms wrapped around her knees and sobbed in distress. ‘Can you strip the bed, please, Betsy?’ She asked.

  As Betsy left the room to fetch fresh linens, Evelyn whispered. ‘Don’t you worry about the
Duke of Markham,’ she smiled as Lucy lifted her eyes. ‘He’s going to pay dearly for touching my daughter.’ Evelyn kissed her gently on the temple. ‘Shall we wash your hair?’

  Lucy was washed from head to foot. Her abrasions were treated with an ointment that stung, before it numbed and Witch Hazel was rubbed into the darkening patches on her body. She was given a drink of brandy with a little laudanum in, dressed in her plainest nightgown and tucked firmly into bed. As she drifted off to sleep, she heard her mother say ‘Don’t leave her unattended for any reason. Not until that blackguard Markham has left the estate!’


  Robert paced his study. Wilfred sat before the fire with a brandy and opposite him, Timothy sat nursing his head.

  ‘I’m going to kill him!’ Robert spat.

  ‘That would be unwise.’ Wilfred said. ‘He’s very powerful.’

  ‘I know just how powerful he is.’ Robert almost shouted.

  ‘Unfortunately, you don’t.’ Wilfred said softly. He lifted his gaze from the fire. ‘Until you take your seat in parliament, you have absolutely no idea just how much power he has. He could probably kill some poor girl and still nobody would touch him. He’s on numerous committees, including the Committee for Privileges. So if you want your Earldom to be ratified without a fuss, you don’t upset Markham.’

  There was a tap on the door and Egerton put his head around the frame. ‘I thought I would inform you that His Grace, the disgusting Duke of Markham, has left the estate. He high tailed it straight to the stables, mounted his horse and galloped away leaving instructions for his valet to pack his belongings and leave with the ducal carriage as soon as possible.’

  ‘Thank you Egerton.’ Robert said softly as Egerton closed the door. He sighed deeply. ‘I can see he has had a lot of practice at vacating the area after the fact.’

  ‘I feel so useless.’ Timothy said softly and as he looked up, Wilfred could see the heartbreak on his face.

  ‘You should not berate yourself Tim. You at least were able to interfere before it went to the extreme.’ Robert said carefully. He rested his hand on his brother’s shoulder. ‘I think I should take you out to the meadow and teach you a little boxing.’

  ‘I learned boxing with Ben!’ Timothy spluttered indignantly. ‘I don’t need you to teach me.’ He sighed then. ‘I suppose it just took me by surprise, because Lucy’s gown was open to her groin and I could see everything.’ He squirmed in his chair. ‘It’s not something a man should see of his sister.’

  ‘No. Lucy should only be seen like that by her husband.’ Wilfred said firmly.

  Timothy seemed miles away suddenly. ‘I had no idea Lucy had such a fine body.’ Timothy said with awe. ‘She looked like a Goddess, even with blood smeared over her.’

  ‘Tim!’ Robert said firmly, looking sideways at Wilfred. ‘You should forget you ever saw your sister so dishevelled.’

  ‘I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget it, but I won’t mention it again.’ He started to snigger and both Robert and Wilfred frowned at him. ‘I was just remembering when Ben asked her “if those were breast growing on her chest” and Richard laughed ‘til he cried. I didn’t understand at the time, but now I know the joke is actually on them. I’m sure Richard would be mortified if he’d seen what I have!’

  The door went again and this time Evelyn stepped into the Study. ‘Give me a brandy, please Robert?’ she said wearily as she closed the door. ‘Markham has left and Lucy is finally asleep.’ She said as Robert handed her a snifter. She swirled the amber liquid around as the bulb of the glass lay in her palm, heating the spirit. ‘I don’t want you to do something stupid, Robert.’

  ‘Stupid?’ he asked innocently.

  ‘Yes, stupid! Like offering the Duke to a duel or something equally ridiculous!’ She said firmly. ‘Leave Markham alone. He will be dealt with.’

  ‘I don’t think…’ Robert started, but Evelyn cut him off.

  ‘Leave him alone!’ she snapped. ‘I will take care of the repugnant Duke.’ She smiled and Wilfred was not surprised it didn’t reach her eyes. ‘I have a plan to stop his filth, once and for all!’

  Robert held up his hand. ‘Is it something you would rather we not know about?’

  ‘Let’s just say the less you know the better.’ Evelyn needed to get back to London to put her and Harriet’s plan into action and deal with the Duke of Debauchery once and for all.

  Robert was disconcerted by the evil glint in her eyes and the wicked smile that graced her lips. He almost believed his mother could do anything, at that moment.

  ‘I think I will go and sit with Lucy for a while.’ Wilfred murmured and stood.

  ‘Did you take her virginity?’ Evelyn asked harshly and looked at the Earl coldly.

  Wilfred glanced at Timothy before sighing and nodding his head. ‘Yes I did. She assured me that Markham didn’t get around to violating her, and yes, she would know the difference, now.’ He looked hard at Evelyn. ‘I love her, Mrs. Hastings and I can’t possibly sit down here while she is upstairs hurting from whatever that brute has done to her.’ He turned for the door. ‘If you could inform my father that she said yes, I would be grateful, Bassett.’ Wilfred said over his shoulder as he opened the door.

  He took the stairs two at a time and ran along the landing to her room this time. He opened the door quietly and Betsy smiled at him. ‘Is she awake?’ He asked.

  ‘Drifting in and out, Milord.’ She said as she stood. ‘Do you want to have some time with her?’

  ‘Yes, please.’ Wilfred said and smiled his most charming smile. ‘Don’t hurry back. I shall be here for some time.’ Betsy giggled as she opened the door and went out. Wilfred quickly stripped his clothes off and climbed into bed with Lucy, yet again. It was disconcerting to realise he had slept with her a total of three times and she had only been fit enough to enjoy sex this afternoon. As he snuggled up behind her, Lucy jumped. ‘It’s alright, Lucy. It’s me, Will.’ He murmured into her hair.

  ‘That’s what he said.’ She murmured. ‘That’s why I opened the door.’ She heaved her body over until she faced him and he sucked in a breath at the swelling and bruising on her face. ‘Not so pretty anymore.’ She mumbled.

  ‘You’re only temporarily ugly.’ He said and kissed her on the forehead. ‘It will all fade away, just like Harriet’s did.’ He pulled her against his chest and felt her sigh. ‘I love you.’ He finished on a sigh as he wrapped his arms about her body and held her close. ‘I can’t wait for our wedding day.’

  ‘I think we should have the banns read.’ Lucy murmured. ‘I won’t be so ugly then…’ She sighed as she fell into the black abyss of drugged sleep and security.


  Down in the study Evelyn sat quietly watching the flames leap up the chimney as they devoured the oxygen. ‘She assured me he didn’t get the chance, so all you could do is call him out for attacking your sister.’ She murmured. ‘The Bow Street Runners wouldn’t touch him over something as slight as a beating. It would take a murder before they would try and prosecute a Duke.’

  ‘And he would have the Prince Regent’s ear before we even got back to London.’ Timothy said distastefully.

  ‘Not necessarily.’ Robert said thoughtfully. ‘Even Prinny can’t ignore the facts. We, and by We I mean the titled gentry, now what he does, we just haven’t been able to catch him in the act, until now.’

  Evelyn shook her head. ‘It won’t make any difference.’ She looked up fiercely. ‘Do you not think that Viscount Redmond, Baron Felton and the Marquis of Carnarvon haven’t tried to solve this conundrum? Getting the magistrates to even sit in judgement on a Duke of the Realm is unlikely and finding a noble of a higher position willing to judge is almost impossible.’ She sighed deeply. ‘No, Robert. You leave this matter to me. Harriet and I will deal with this matter ourselves. He’s crossed the line, now.’

  ‘How do you now Harriet Saunders?’ Timothy asked and Evelyn looked at him coldly.

  ‘Never you
mind.’ She said harshly, ‘but whatever has been said in this room is private and not for discussion with anyone. Do I make myself clear?’

  ‘As crystal, Mother.’ Timothy said and turned his inquisitive eyes to his elder brother. Robert shook his head almost imperceptibly and Timothy subsided.

  ‘You do realise that Buxton will have gone to Lucy and probably climbed into bed with her again?’ Robert said to deflect his brother.

  ‘I do. It will help her a lot. She was still trembling when I tucked her into bed, so he will help soothe away her fear.’ She looked at Robert again. ‘You should send a note to Reverend White, asking for him to read the banns this Sunday.’ She sighed and stood up. ‘Still, I had better get back to the guests and you should get back to trying to court Caroline de Lacey.’


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