You're Kitten Me

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You're Kitten Me Page 6

by Celia Kyle

  “We have two choices. We can let him come, and you deal with the bullshit between you while he saves all your asses with whatever trick he has up his sleeve. The other option is to deny him and you four go on the run while we try to untangle it ourselves.

  “My tigers won’t be arrested. This is non-negotiable.” Ares’s voice was hard and unbending. “The problem is we’ve never dealt with the U. S. government in this way. They didn’t push with their soldiers and Claire. They’re pushing now because those three were just regular citizens. Idiots, but untrained.”

  “Dammit,” he hissed.


  Braden ran a hand through his hair, his frustration and anger growing with every heartbeat. He’d known there would be repercussions, but he hadn’t imagined going to jail. Their actions were more than sanctioned by tiger law, and tiger law trumped the human’s law. Always. Their inner animals made it too difficult to adhere to the restrictive rules non-shifters lived under. When a shifter was attacked, he or she attacked back. Survival of the fittest and death to the dumbasses.

  Some said it wasn’t fair. Shifters could sense another’s dominance, which allowed them to decide whether to advance or retreat. It was a built-in survival instinct. That was how it’d been explained, in very small words the pencil pushers could understand, that no one—no one—could rival a shifter in strength. A human’s automatic response when facing a shifter should be to back down.

  “What time are we expecting him?”

  “I figure by seven. Eight at the latest. I’m going to have Hawke and Daniel pick him up. Gannon and Murphy will remain home. I don’t want anyone else leaving pride lands.”

  He raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Hawke is going to willingly leave Claire’s side?”

  The male hadn’t budged since the tigress was unwillingly mated.

  “He doesn’t have a choice. I feel for them both, I do, but the good of the pride needs to come first right now. She’s safe, she’s healthy, and once this settles, and I get a new pilot, the cousins will be here.”

  Braden winced. “Yeah, about that—”

  “It doesn’t matter. We’ll deal with that later. Warn Ronnie about her father, and brace yourself—you’re gonna have to tell him you’re her mate. It might change his approach. There are laws about tigers and mates.”

  Yeah, there were, but at the moment Braden was torn between anger at having his hand forced and panic. He was a strong tiger in his own right, but Walter was a national alpha. He had a feeling the wolf edged him out when it came to dominance and strength.

  Tomorrow was gonna suck. Tonight… tonight he’d crawl into bed beside her and hold her close, take what comfort he could. There was no telling what was in store for them once the sun rose.

  “Fine.” It was so not fine, but there was nothing he could do about it. “I’ll speak with Veronica. Have someone notify us when he lands.”

  In the meantime, he’d try to figure out how to save their asses—from Cadman and Walter.

  He wasn’t sure who was the worse threat.

  Fuck that, he knew—Walter.

  Chapter Nine

  Ronnie forced another smile to her lips, fighting to keep the light banter rolling while she made breakfast. She’d crawled from Braden’s bed, intent on cooking breakfast and then returning. Food, then more mating discussion.

  And it was kinda sorta important considering she’d kinda sorta eavesdropped and discovered her father was coming.

  Her father.

  And her mate.


  She wasn’t sure how that was gonna go.

  Because of course her dad remembered that night all those years ago. The tears. The blood. The bruises and deep gouges. She figured he was just as anti-mate as she was.

  Maybe. If her mom got ahold of him though… Talia Barrington was all about grandcubs. The more the merrier.

  Nothing for it, they were going to have to face the mate-ish problem head on. Hopefully, before the Barringtons showed up on the doorstep.

  Her wolf yearned for Braden, whimpered and whined and begged her to go to him. It wanted to bare her neck and beg for his… bite? Yes. His bite. The beast understood her hesitance and worry. It remembered that time all those years ago. The strong hands holding her captive, the bared fangs, the snarled demands…

  So, she’d woken with every intention to grab food and go, but instead of finding the room empty, she discovered Claire sitting in the dark, unfocused gaze trained on the brightening sky.

  And it’d broken her heart. The young girl was tortured by what’d happened, and Ronnie couldn’t blame her. To be violated—betrayed by her tiger—in such a way… It made a woman doubt everything. Men. Her beast. The world.

  Ronnie pulled a smoking baking dish from the oven and Claire chuckled, the sound soft, but present. “I don’t think those should go on the plate.”

  Finding the quiet tigress in the kitchen had revised her original plans. Now she cooked for the whole house. Mating discussions with Braden would have to wait. Her wolf wouldn’t allow her to walk away from the damaged tiger.

  Staring at the blackened mounds of what was supposed to be cinnamon rolls, she knew they shouldn’t be offered to the gang. “You’re probably right.” She met Claire’s stare. “How much more flour do we have? Enough for me to try another batch?”

  She hoped so. She had a feeling it’d take a lot more since baking wasn’t her forte. Eggs and bacon, yes. They were pretty idiot proof. The rest… not so much.

  “Maybe?” Claire raised her eyebrows.

  “You know,” she shook her head and placed the hot pan in the kitchen sink. She’d scrape everything off once it cooled. “This is a lot easier when I have my mom.”

  “Yeah? She cooks with you?”

  Ronnie nodded. “Yeah. She’s always there for me, you know? To, like, help me through anything.” She grimaced. “Everything.”

  “Oh.” The woman’s voice was soft. “Mine… I love her, but she’s…” Claire shrugged. “She’s an alpha tigress.”

  She moved to the counter and leaned on the granite, placing her forearms on the smooth surface to support her. “What’s that mean?”

  “She was just… Tigers aren’t pack animals.”

  “Uh-huh.” She nodded, encouraging the woman. Ronnie had a feeling not many just sat with her and listened. Sure, her family was probably well meaning, but many people were all about fixing things instead of just listening.

  “We have a pride and an alpha, but tigers don’t need the support of others.”

  “Your kind is solitary in the wild.”

  “Yeah,” she whispered. “The women are fierce protectors, but the mother-child bond is less than others. In the wild they look after their young until they are able to take care of themselves and then the kids sorta get shown to the curb.” Claire swallowed hard and her stare shifted to the stone counter. “It’s not that she didn’t—doesn’t—love me. She doesn’t know how to be different than how she is.”

  “That’s why she’s not here,” she whispered and Claire nodded.

  The young tigress focused on Ronnie. “She’s not a bad person. I don’t want you to think that. She called.”

  “No, sweetheart, no. I get it. We’re not just human. We’re other, too.” Ronnie thought about their impending visitors, her father and the cousins Ares called for. “That’s why your cousins are coming?”

  “Yeah. I wish they wouldn’t, but yeah.”

  “Why not? It really helped me whe—” she swallowed the rest of the words. “It could help you deal with everything.”

  Claire shook her head. “No, I just…” Tears filled the tigress’ eyes. “I need something, and I don’t think they can give it to me. They’re tigers.”

  Ronnie knew the feeling well, knew what it felt like to need, but not being able to pinpoint exactly what. She’d only managed to endure her own experience because she’d had her mother. Her mother, who seemed to simply know.

Ronnie stretched out her arms and grasped Claire’s hands. There was only one place for the young tigress. Wolf land. Specifically, her mother’s care. Just like Wilden was called the Den or the Wild, the home of the national wolf alpha had its own name. “I think you should go to the Lakes.”

  “The wolves?” Claire’s disgust was quickly hidden and Ronnie ignored the expression. Before she’d gotten to know the pride, she would have said the same about tigers.

  Tigers had tiger cooties to put it mildly.

  “Yes,” she nodded and opened her mouth to explain only to snap it closed once more. How much could she—would she—explain? How could she tell the young girl about her past when she hadn’t even explained it to Braden? She couldn’t. “I had some… difficulties… when I first shifted. My father is ready and willing to rip apart anything that threatens me, but my mother.” She shook her head. “Talia Barrington is a mama bear, best friend, and fierce wolf alpha fem in one.” She gave the girl a small smile. “And the pack den is empty. We’re all too old to live at home. She’d appreciate having you around and she can help you heal.”

  “I… How…”

  “I know this pain, Claire.” Ronnie squeezed her hands a little tighter, punctuating her words. “I know.”

  The soft sounds of bare feet on wood reached her ears, the shifting of the house as someone moved around on the second floor alerting them to the fact others were waking.

  Claire tugged against Ronnie’s grip and she released the tigress, allowing the girl to retreat. “Just… think about it, Claire.”

  Sadness, pure heartache, consumed her features. “I…” She swallowed hard. “I’ll think about it.”

  Claire looked past Ronnie and stiffened, and Ronnie turned to look for whatever had caused that reaction. Braden stood framed in the doorway, hair sleep rumpled and wrinkles from his pillow creasing his face.

  “You should listen to her.” Braden tilted his head toward Ronnie and she wasn’t sure what she’d done to earn his trust so easily.

  The wolf inside her snorted and practically called her an idiot. Duh, she was his mate. Of course he’d automatically believe in her.

  “If Veronica says her mother can help you through this, then she can.”

  “But…” the girl nibbled her lower lip. “A wolf? Ares would never let—”

  “Let us deal with Ares,” he soothed and padded forward until he stood at Veronica’s side.

  The urge to lean into him, to wrap her arm around his waist and take comfort, nearly overwhelmed her. No matter how many times she denied him, he was still her mate. Her one. Her other half.

  But this wasn’t her first time on the mate rodeo, was it?


  “If this is really what you want, we’ll make it happen,” Braden soothed.

  “We? You two?” Claire gestured at them, a flick of her finger bouncing between them.

  Veronica swallowed hard and her wolf growled at her, demanding she present a united front with Braden. She took a deep breath and took one tiny step to the left, bringing their bodies into contact. She slipped her hand around his waist, encouraging him to drape his arm over her shoulder.

  “Us. Braden and I are…” She lifted her attention to him, meeting his gaze, and she didn’t let her stare waver. Once she said the words, it was done. Good or bad, right or wrong, it was done. She just prayed they could develop a mating that would leave both of them alive at the end of the day. “We’re mates.”

  Satisfaction blazed in his eyes, the color transitioning to the yellow of his tiger while orange and black fur slipped from his pores.

  His attention moved to Claire. “We’re mates and we’ll stand with you if that’s what you want.”

  Claire’s eyes widened. “I hadn’t heard… No one told me.” The girl’s nose twitched and her chest expanded as she drew in air. “You don’t scent like mates.”

  Ronnie winced and opened her mouth to respond, but Braden beat her to it. “Because I have some reservations about the claiming.”

  Now her eyes really widened. “Oh.” Her gaze went to Ronnie. “Oh. Yeah, I can see why, then.” Claire’s gaze softened. “Congratulations and I wish you both luck in whatever you decide.”

  Ronnie’s brow furrowed. Okay, she admitted they hadn’t mated because she was hesitant and fearful of the outcome, but to hear that Braden had concerns…

  “Wait, what?” She pulled away from him and frowned. “What about the claiming? What reservations?”

  They really should have talked more about their mating and less about her father’s arrival.

  But I didn’t want to talk about anything mate-related, did I?

  Nope, she hadn’t. Now she did.

  “Uh… You guys look like you have something to talk about, so I’ll see you both later.” With that, Claire scurried away, leaving them alone in the kitchen.

  “What reservations?”

  Braden countered, “Why won’t you admit to me that we’re mates? You can tell Claire, but not me?”

  Ronnie pressed her lips together, not ready to delve into the past just yet. Definitely not in the middle of the kitchen with her father’s impending arrival.

  “Mating is about communication,” he pointed out.

  She hated that he was right. “I have…” She cleared her throat. She had to give him something. “In the past, I… A male tried to…” She sighed. “It ended badly, Braden.”

  His eyes glowed with the tiger’s presence. “Did some male force—”

  “No,” her denial was immediate and she stepped closer, running her hands along his arms. “No.” Close, though. “But it made me wary. It made me not want…”

  “To tie yourself to someone.” He cupped her cheeks. “When you told Claire that your mother helped you… You went through something—”

  “I went through something.” And she wanted to leave it at that. “But what are your worries?”

  Braden rubbed her cheek with his thumb and she leaned into the touch, reveling in the feel of him. “You know how tigers mate.”

  Ronnie nodded. She made fun of Zoe enough about it. Tigers bit each other’s asses. Er, tugged tails.

  “It’s hard enough for two tigers to match and go through the ceremony, to tug tails.” He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers. “You’re a wolf.”

  His words slowly filtered through her brain, her mind picking them apart until she finally got what he was saying. “I’m a wolf.” She tilted her head to the side. “You don’t think I’m strong enough to tug your tail.”


  “My father is an alpha.” Now she was offended. Just because she was worried about her beast’s reaction to a mating didn’t mean she wasn’t any less strong than him.

  “I understand, but you’re still a wolf.”

  “The national alpha.”

  “And I’m the national second. I weight eight hundred pounds when shifted. My cat is strong.”

  She rolled her eyes. “And my wolf isn’t?”

  “Look, I don’t want to fight about this. I want you. I want you more than anyone—anything—I’ve ever wanted in my life. I will take you however I can get you.” Sadness filled his gaze. “Even if you agreed to be my mate, to claim each other, I can’t guarantee my tiger would accept your wolf. And we only get one shot at the ceremony. One. If it doesn’t happen, you’d be lost to me forever. It’s tiger law.” He leaned down and pressed his forehead to hers, surrounding her with his scent. “I would rather have you at my side with half a mating rather than not at all. Can you understand that?”

  Ronnie closed her eyes. God, yes, she could understand that. She hated that he didn’t think she was strong, but she was sure he hated her reluctance and unwillingness just as much. They were torn, at a stalemate, both of them craving the other but not wanting to go further.

  “I understand.” And it rent her heart in two.

  “The question is,” he breathed deeply and released the breath slowly, giving her more of his sce
nt. “Will your father? Will your pack?”

  She chuckled. “Will the pride?”

  “The pride will accept my choice, Ares’s decision. But I’m not the national tiger alpha’s son. I’m his best friend. If we decide to be together without a full mating, will it hurt your father’s rule? Will the wolves accept it?”

  Ronnie remembered the well wishes, the heartfelt hugs and puppy piles that’d followed that time all those years ago. The way they’d all embraced her and the pack helped her heal. Would it hurt her dad’s rule? No, because every pack member would remember.

  “No.” She licked her lips, mouth dry as she prayed he didn’t ask for an explanation. “No, he’ll be fine.”

  A quick rap of knuckles on wood broke the emotional bubble around them and they both turned their attention to Daniel standing in the kitchen archway. “Hate to interrupt, but,” he pointed at Ronnie. “Your father is here.” Then his gaze turned to Braden. “And so is Cadman.”

  Ronnie froze. “Oh shit,” she whispered, mind whirling. Her dad was still pissed about Cadman’s betrayal. It’d be best if there was a massive tiger-shaped buffer between the wolf and the human. “They arrived together. Now?”

  That was about the time a roar split the air and on its heels… a gunshot.

  Chapter Ten

  Walter Barrington—National Werewolf Alpha—had balls of fucking steel.

  Half shifted, torn clothes clinging to his expanded body, he stood fearless in front of a half-dozen agents. Agents pointing their guns at him with steady hands. The torn dirt at Walter’s feet showed exactly where the bullet from the discharged weapon ended up.

  One of the DoPE agents shot at the wolf’s feet. The human was a dead man breathing.

  Walter remained in place, not in fear, but as a deadly animal waiting to see how his prey would respond. Braden knew the sensation well, the tension in his muscles as he prepared to react, adrenaline pumping in his blood and saliva pooling in his mouth.


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