You're Kitten Me

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You're Kitten Me Page 12

by Celia Kyle

  A droplet of water, cool and sweet, fell onto his skin. “I still will. I’m gonna kick his ass and pin him. No way he’s getting away from my wolf.”

  He grinned. At least he thought he did. “It would have been fun.”

  “It will be fun.”

  “Get Mark over here. Now!” Braden was sure Ares bellowed, but it sounded like a whisper.

  Her optimism was nice. Misplaced, but nice. He could feel his heartbeat slowing, the flow of his blood easing. Whatever the plan had been, it worked. Veronica had claimed him as her mate but now she’d be single again once he died. He hated leaving her alone, without protection, without his love. He wondered what their cubs would have looked like. Would they have had her hair and his eyes? Would they have stripes? He imagined a blue-eyed tigress with her fire and his strength. Sassy and brassy.

  That thought had his grin widening. “We would’ve had pretty cubs, huh?”

  She squeezed him harder. “We still will, but they’ll be pups.” Another tear. “Where the fuck is the doctor?”

  “Did I kill him? Don’t let Ares do it.” He needed to stay alive. They had to question the human.

  “No, I won’t. I’ll do it myself.” She brushed the hair off his face. Her hands were so soft.

  “No. Question… him.” Saying the words was so hard. Why were they so hard?


  He fought to breathe and realized his problem. He wasn’t breathing. He couldn’t move his arms anymore. He couldn’t move anything.


  Was his heart beating?


  No. No, it wasn’t.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Braden was alive.

  But so was the human.

  Which meant Veronica was torn between staying at her mate’s side and slitting the throat of the man who recovered in the other room. The same human who was supposed to be in critical care at the local hospital. Obviously he’d escaped, and his injuries weren’t what’d been reported. That was something no one could understand. At least, not yet.

  When they were attacked on the road, the human had run into the forest. When questioned, Murphy recounted every strike and cut he’d put on the male before carrying him to the SUV. Hell, even the reports from non-shifter doctors outlined a plethora of injuries. He’d been on the verge of death. And then he was suddenly wielding a poison-coated knife in the middle of tiger land.

  And he still had the same goal—taking her.

  Braden had protected her, defended her and fought for her. And he nearly lost his life for it.

  The need for retribution burned hot inside her, the wolf craving the blood of the male in the other room. But she couldn’t bring herself to leave her mate’s bedside. He still lived, still breathed, but he was weak. Mark—the pride doctor—assured her he’d make a full recovery. The poison had been strong, but known to them. It made the term “death by chocolate” a reality. Not actual chocolate but one of the chemicals found in it that affected a feline’s body to the point of death.

  Her mate had received a highly concentrated dose from the human’s blade, and it had killed him. At least for a short time. Now his heart beat, and his lungs worked to keep air flowing in and out.

  She hadn’t seen his eyes yet, though. She wouldn’t be able to relax until she met his gaze, until he said her name. Hell, until he said anything.

  “Ronnie?” The deep voice drew her attention from Braden, and she fought back the growl threatening to burst past her lips. The wolf was on edge, and it hated anyone who intruded on her time with her mate.

  She turned and focused on Mark. Mark, the pride healer. Mark, the male who’d kept her mate alive. Mark… who’d get his ass kicked if he didn’t leave her alone. “Yeah?”

  “How’s he doing?”

  He hasn’t woken up. How do you think he’s doing?

  At least, that’s what she wanted to say, but she refrained. Antagonizing the doc wasn’t going to make Braden heal any quicker. “No change.”

  Mark eased into the room, unwinding his stethoscope from his neck and putting the ear tips in place. He laid the diaphragm on her mate’s chest, silently listening for a moment before moving the instrument around. When he was done, he unhooked the device from his ears and gave her his attention. “His heart’s strong and lungs are clear.” The healer glanced down Braden’s body and she followed his gaze. She’d wiped away the excess blood, revealing pale skin. Pale, unmarred skin. “He’s healing well.”

  “When will he wake up? Why won’t he?” Will he? Was a better question.

  “When he wants to. We counteracted the poison and flushed it out of his system. He just needs to recover now.”

  She gritted her teeth, swallowing the snarl. She’d done a lot of that since they’d brought Braden into the den. She’d bared her fangs, growled, and grumbled at anyone who got too close to him or who didn’t give her the answers she sought. Such as when the fuck her mate would wake up.

  “Is there anything I can do to move things along?”

  Mark frowned. “You might be able to—”

  “Ronnie?” More interruptions, from another male, but at least this one was Ares. When she gave the alpha her attention, she saw her father also stood at Ares’s side.

  She cleared her throat. “Yeah?”

  “His attacker is awake.”

  Her gums throbbed as her wolf leaped to the front of her mind. The attacker was awake, which meant he could face justice. She could rip out his throat for harming Braden. She could bathe in his blood, and…

  Her human mind wrenched control from the beast.

  No. She wasn’t doing that. They’d done it once before, and her soul couldn’t handle another stain. “What did he say?”

  “We haven’t questioned him yet. Do you want to be there?”


  “No.” She reached for Braden’s still hand. “I don’t want to leave his side. Will you tell me what you find out?” Her gaze eased from Ares to her father. “Daddy?”

  “You know we will, baby girl,” Walter’s voice was gruff and filled with emotion.

  She did know.

  Her father eased past the tiger leader and slowly made his way to her. When he reached her side, he did the one thing no alpha ever did—he knelt for her, for family. “When we’re done, it’s your kill, sweetheart.”

  Her kill. She squeezed her eyes shut. It was her opportunity for vengeance. If a shifter couldn’t avenge themselves, their mate was allowed to step in. Even though her wolf scratched and scraped in her mind, telling her to take the chance, she shoved it away. She stared at her hands, burgundy stains around her cuticles. “I’ve had too much blood today. Can you… Or Mom?”

  Bears didn’t have the corner on fiercely protective mothers. Talia Barrington would be all too happy to avenge her daughter and her daughter’s mate.

  “Of course. We didn’t want to step on any toes.” He leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “You watch over Braden. We’ll handle the rest. You help your mate get better. I can’t threaten to gut him if he hurts you if he’s not around. Threatening an unconscious man ain’t no fun.”

  Ronnie chuckled and shook her head, the first ghost of a smile she’d had since entering the house. “You can’t mess with him until he’s on his feet.”

  He just grunted as if to say watch me and stood. A strong hand gently squeezed her shoulder before he stepped to her side. The light patter of someone approaching reached their ears a brief moment before Darcy came into view.

  The tigress flashed her a sad smile before looking at the tiger leader. “We have DoPE agents at the front door, Alpha.”

  Ares sighed, her father grumbled, but a growl even louder than the other two filtered through the room. When all four people stared at her with wide eyes, she realized it was her.

  As soon as she recognized it, she swallowed the sound with a wince. “Sorry.”

  Her dad ran his hand through her hair, and she
tilted her head back to meet his stare. “Always said my girl had grit. You’re gonna be okay.”

  She nodded in agreement. “Yeah. As long as he wakes up, I will. If I find out DoPE had anything to do with our attack, though…”

  No one could hide behind badges and acronyms.

  “We’ll figure it out.” He released her and strode to the doorway. “Stay here. As soon as we know something, we’ll tell you. For now, focus on your mate. Let us deal with the rest.”

  Ares and Darcy departed, Walter on their heels.

  “Daddy?” He paused and looked back at her with eyes so like hers. “Thank you.”

  He rapped his knuckles in a silent goodbye and then disappeared from sight. With them gone, she gave Mark her full attention. “You said I might be able to do something? When I asked if there was a way to speed things along?”

  Mark nodded, eyes raking over Braden before turning to her. “Yeah, I can’t guarantee it’ll do anything, but a mate connection goes deeper than even an alpha’s tie to his pride or pack.”

  And they all knew he didn’t respond to his alpha at the moment. Ares had tried to order her mate to wake, but Braden remained motionless.

  “What do you want me to do?”

  Mark rubbed the back of his neck, a blush tinting his cheeks. “Get in bed with him,” he cleared his throat. “Naked.”

  Ronnie jerked back. “I’m not about to—” She wasn’t going to try and have sex with her mate while he was out of it.

  “No, no,” he shook his head. “It’s just, if you’re successful, he’ll want to, you know.”

  His cheeks blazed and she chuckled. “You’re a healer, and you’re blushing.”

  “I fix broken bones. I don’t hold sex ed classes.” He narrowed his eyes. “My idea is you give him some of your blood—from the vein through a needle, however. But sharing it is sexual with tigers.” He raised his eyebrows as if to ask if it was the same with wolves, and she nodded. “So if you give him your blood and he wakes, he’s going to want to do more than lie there. He’ll want you.” He ran a hand through his hair and then down his face. “I can’t even guarantee it’ll work. I’m just saying if it does, you should be ready. He’ll be weak, but it won’t stop a tiger. Especially not one as strong as the national second.”

  Ronnie focused on her mate, at his unmoving form beneath the thin sheets. She’d do anything to wake him—anything. Giving him a little blood and fucking him if he happened to open his eyes? Pfft. That was nothing. And if he wasn’t on his deathbed, it’d be damn near enjoyable.

  With a nod, she pushed to her feet and reached for the button on her shorts. “I’ll give it a shot.”

  “Okay,” he stood as well. “I’ll clear out and tell the others they’re barred from the room. As long as you don’t need me, I’ll—” A loud roar shook the den and Mark sighed. “I was going to be across the hall, but it sounds like Ares—”

  Another roar, but this one was the tiniest bit different. “And my father,” she added.

  “Are going to tear into someone. If I’m not in my room, I’ll be patching up whoever they’re about to beat on.” Mark left and headed toward the source of the snarls and growls, and the door closed behind him with a soft click.

  “Well, baby, it looks like it’s you and me for a while,” she murmured to the unconscious Braden. It took no time for her to strip down, and then she eased under the covers. She snuggled up to his side, sighing with the feel of his skin on hers.

  Once she was comfortable, her head on his pillow and their bodies aligned, she lifted her wrist to her mouth. Any injury she gave herself wouldn’t normally last long, her wolf rushing forward to heal her.

  The animal assured her it’d drag its ass when it came to healing this time. Braden was more important than dealing with some torn skin. It would help her with shifting her teeth, too. Her gums throbbed, flesh pulsating with a growing ache, and her fangs extended. They lengthened and sharpened, pricking her lower lip.

  The beast had done enough. Now it was time for her human half to get with the program. She lifted her wrist, opened her mouth, and bit. Blood quickly welled to the surface, flowing past her lips, and she moved her injured arm to Braden’s mouth. She pressed it firmly against him, squeezing her fist to encourage a greater flow.

  “Come back to me…”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Braden couldn’t decide if he was in heaven or hell.

  Hell because he was being teased by his mate’s scent, but he couldn’t move to wrap her in his arms and hold her close.

  Heaven because her blood filled his mouth, coasting over his tongue and down his throat. His tiger purred, encouraging him to swallow and hunt for more. He tried and then tried again, but his throat refused to work, refused to take in more. So he was in hell then.

  The tiger snarled, demanding he do something. Was he gonna lie there like a pussy? Get off his ass already. What the fuck?

  But he was in hell… right?

  The beast fought its bindings, ripping and tearing at its chains, digging into the earth and using his strength to pull away from the ropes that held it at bay. A roar shook his head, vibrating from within.

  “Come back to me…”

  Wait. He knew that voice.


  It almost sounded like she was begging. She shouldn’t ever have to plead with him. Unless he toyed with her and denied her pleasure.

  “I need you…”

  Of course she did. His tiger agreed, puffing out its chest.

  “Come back to me…”

  Huh, had he gone somewhere?

  “Braden, wake up.”

  He snorted—mentally at least—he wasn’t sleeping. He was dead. There was a difference.

  “Dammit, Braden.”

  His mate was pissy in hell. But then she sobbed. Sobbed and collapsed against him, her tears raining onto his shoulder. The scent of her pain burned his nose. It called to his tiger, the animal unable to do anything but react to Veronica’s call. It broke free of his bindings, barreling through his mind and demanding he respond to her—their mate.

  He came to in a rush, a headlong leap into consciousness that had his back arching and his lungs expanding as he gasped for air. He fought for oxygen, his muscles tight as he arched and rose off the bed. He opened his eyes wide, taking in the room from his altered position, but it was that single voice and delicious flavor that brought him down. He slumped to the mattress, exhausted from the whip-fast rise from slumber. His heart raced, threatening to burst from his chest, and he struggled to get it under control. Blood pounded in his ears, silencing the world around him, but there was no shutting out one voice, one scent, one touch.

  Small hands clung to him, tiny nails digging into his skin but not breaking the surface. She shuddered with each sob, and her tears soaked his shoulder.

  “Mate,” he rasped, mouth reluctant to form the single word.

  She lifted her head, bloodshot eyes meeting his. “Oh, God, you’re awake.” She leaned over him, one hand going to his cheek. “You’re awake.”

  “Thought I was dead.” His voice was rough and scratchy.

  Veronica sniffled. “You were, for a little while.” She ran her fingers down his chest, digits skating over his skin, and a shudder racked his body. “But you’re not anymore, and you’re awake.”

  A trail of cool wetness lingered in the wake of her touch, and he frowned, a memory niggling his wandering mind. He reached for her hand, movement sluggish, but he managed to catch her. He brought it into his line of sight and frowned. “What did you do?”

  “Mark said it might wake you,” she whispered, and he couldn’t suppress his whine.

  The flesh was ragged, ripped with uneven edges as if she’d gnawed on herself to keep the wound open. “Baby…”

  Braden couldn’t leave her that way, hated that it might scar and burden her with the memory for the rest of their lives. He brought her wrist to his mouth and gently lapped at the wound. He gathered t
he flavors of her blood, but instead of focusing on the deliciousness, he concentrated on caring for her. A mate’s saliva could heal some wounds, and he wanted to speed the healing of Veronica’s as much as possible. “You shouldn’t have, my mate.”

  “I needed to see your eyes, needed to know you were okay. Your body is healed, but you wouldn’t…”

  He hummed against her skin and licked her again. His body reacted to her closeness, the sweetness of her blood, and her glorious scent. His heartbeat increased, slowly coming back to life and returning to normal. His sluggish mind gradually sharpened with each lap of her flesh. “I’m here now.”

  He wasn’t in hell. He was in heaven. His body healed and his mate in his arms.

  He shifted on the bed, changing position until his free arm snaked beneath her so she could turn his shoulder into a pillow. Not just his mate, his naked mate.

  Braden’s body reacted. His cock twitched and slowly filled, a different kind of need for her blossoming within his blood. It heated for her, warming and rushing through his veins. She wiggled in place, and the musky flavors of her arousal slithered into the air. She responded to him as well, her pussy growing damp and preparing for him. They’d been interrupted by the male, their afterglow stomped on when the human…


  “Where is he?” His arousal vanished and a growl took its place.

  “The human?” She didn’t even try to feign ignorance.

  “Yes,” the growl remained, the tiger demanding retribution. “Want him.”

  Wanted to kill him. Carve him into tiny pieces and feed him to the natural animals in the forest. Wanted to rain pain on the male until he begged for death. Unless he already had perished from the injuries in their fight.

  “Is he still alive?”

  Veronica sighed. “He is. Mark patched him up.”

  “Good.” He released her hand and tensed, tightening his abs so he could sit up. “That means I can have fun killing him.”


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