by Stella Rhys
“You don’t.”
I took a swig of water as I closed the refrigerator door, soaking in the sight of her gleaming wet pussy and thoroughly spanked ass from the kitchen. There was nothing about this view that wasn’t perfect, from her ripped black panties on the floor to her long hair cascading down between her shoulder blades, settling in that sexy curve of her back.
For the past twenty minutes, I’d switched between spanking and finger-fucking her, and now she was waiting there somewhere between helpless and patient as I took a water break. But she gasped the second she heard the tiny scrape of me grabbing the condom off the kitchen counter and crossing back to the living room.
“Yes, yes, Drew, please...”
Even when she was done begging with her words, she begged me with the sexiest, breathiest cross between a moan and a whimper. It made my dick twitch in my hand as I positioned myself behind her again, smirking as she made coy eye contact over her shoulder. She bit her lip as she watched me tear the wrapper with my teeth, tossing it onto the ground and stretching the rubber over my shaft.
“Hurry,” she begged.
But I didn’t. I took a second to admire how perfectly spread she was for me as I propped her knee up on the couch.
Then with two handfuls of her ass, I drove my cock deep inside her.
She cried out in shock as I rolled my head back and groaned, immediately lost in how fucking tight her pussy squeezed around me. I growled as I slammed through every clench of her walls around me, filling my hands with her tits and holding nothing back.
“Does that feel good, baby?” I rasped though I already knew the answer since she only stopped moaning to turn and kiss me. “‘Cause I’m in fucking heaven right now,” I muttered almost to myself. “I swear to God, I am.”
Aside from having my cock buried inside her, I had Evie’s tight ass pressed up against me, her shaking tits in my hands and my tongue in her mouth.
It was unreal. Gratification like I’d felt before. There were no words to describe the sensation of finally having every part of her body in my possession. I hadn’t known her for even a month, but somehow it felt like I’d waited years to feel exactly this.
I was beyond content already.
I was convinced it couldn’t get better, but once her pussy was perfectly stretched around me, she started moving her hips, meeting me halfway on each thrust till I was just goddamned standing there in awe as I watched her ride backwards on my cock.
“Jesus, Evie,” I hissed with both hands thrust in my hair. “You gotta be fucking kidding me with that pussy.”
I lost track of time watching her. I didn’t know how long I stood there hypnotized by her working those hips, bouncing that ass and covering my cock from root to tip with her sopping wetness. All I knew was that I couldn’t look away. I didn’t know she had this in her and at the same time, I wasn’t really surprised. She was innocent and fiery all in one breath. She gasped at my size a second before begging me to fuck her harder, so there was no guessing with her. Not that I was trying to figure anything out.
I was too busy enjoying this more than anything in the goddamned world, and I hadn’t even heard her come yet.
“Turn around,” I growled when I felt myself getting close.
I’d barely slid my dick out of her before slamming back in, wrapping her legs around my hips and squeezing her ass as I carried her to the couch. I didn’t slip an inch from her slick grip as I lay her down, hugging her leg to my side and grinding deep inside her till she went completely quiet.
But I saw her trembling lip and I felt her nails in my back. I read the look in her big eyes as she nodded breathlessly, and even if it weren’t for the nonstop spasms of her pussy around me, I’d have known she was seconds away from giving me the sexiest sounds I’d ever heard.
“Go on. Come for me, baby,” I breathed out, my own body tingling, numb from the pressure of holding out. I knew the second she came, she’d take me with her.
And she did exactly that.
All I needed was the first second of her blissful moan to shoot off like a fucking cannon inside her. My mind went instantly vacant, but as her walls shuddered around me, I drew on every last ounce of energy in my body – thrusting inside her, still fucking her senseless as we soared and fell together.
I wiped the sweat off my brow, laughing between sets as Iain just stood there scrutinizing me, looking like he was trying to read my mind.
We were at the Empires workout facility, so he stuck out like a sore thumb in his crisp white button-down and slacks. Of course, in typical Iain fashion, the authority of his presence made it seem like he was the one who was right, and we were just the animals who were underdressed for this place.
“You’re fucking creepy, you know that, right?” I panted before picking up the dumbbell and going back to my laterals.
I acted like I didn’t know what the hell he was here for, or why he was looking at me like that, despite the fact that I knew there was no lying to this asshole. He knew his clients too well – me in particular.
“I just think it was very kind of you to volunteer going to some boring restaurant opening with her when you had a day game in the morning,” Iain said.
Read: I think you’re sleeping with her or trying to.
Yeah. I knew what he was implying, but if he couldn’t prove it, I wasn’t going to say shit. For all he knew, I took Evie home, we went to our separate bedrooms and I passed right out to get some good rest in before having to wake up earlier than usual.
There was no way for him to figure out that I’d taken her home and come harder than I ever had in my life inside her, or that we’d passed out together on the couch.
Though by the time I’d woken up this morning, she was already gone.
“Well, you said it yourself, man.” I blew out air from between my teeth as I lifted. “It turned into good press.”
Apparently, not asking for pictures didn’t mean that the people at Merryweather didn’t take them, because by this morning, the gossip pages were flooded with candid snippets of Evie and me. They were taken from the Instagram and Snapchat accounts of Hillary’s friends. According to the articles, I was “keeping it low-key” by meeting Evie’s friends at a “friends and family only event in Brooklyn.”
“According to one source, Maddox was overheard discussing the ‘e’ word with a few of Larsen’s friends – engagement!”
That was Iain’s doing. His company represented both actors and athletes, and he was so tight with the media that I would’ve called him a traitor if it weren’t for the fact that he was only ever using or manipulating them.
“It was definitely good press,” Iain said, his eyes leisurely scanning the room to make sure there was no one in earshot. There wasn’t. But even if there were, the room was just a chorus of slamming weights and animal-like grunting, so honestly, I could barely hear Iain myself. That’s why I thought I’d heard him wrong on what he said next. “Anyway, you proposed to her last night.”
I had to finish my set before I snorted.
“Come again?”
“In our timeline, you popped the question last night. How did you do it?”
“Really? How’d I do it?” I laughed.
“Up to you, Romeo. Anyway, I had the clubbie put something in your locker drawer. Give it to Evie tonight and make her wear it before you take her out to dinner. And pick a place you like because you’ll be there awhile. You have to drag out this date so she can properly debut her new ring,” Iain said before pausing as if waiting for me to say something.
“What? Did you ask me a question?”
“No. I was waiting for you to gripe about the fact that you have to have a long candlelit dinner. You’ve never been one for hours of conversation at once, but looks like you’re more than game for tonight.”
“What can I say? I love this team,” I smirked. “And if it cools down trade talks, I’ll do it.�
“Right.” Iain held his eye contact for several seconds before eyeing the time. “Well, from what I hear, the front office is pleasantly surprised by all this. You’ve got Julian Hoult and a bunch of old guys tracking your love life via tabloid, so good job so far. I just hope you can keep things this smooth and steady with Evie till past the trade deadline. Be smart with her. Or it’ll all have been for nothing.”
“Yeah, I got that, sunshine, but thank you for the reminder.”
“Alright, well I’m here to work out, not talk, so you should probably get going to whatever meeting you’re dressed like James Bond for.”
He cracked a laugh.
“Fine. Enjoy dinner tonight,” he said, turning to go. But then just to fuck with me, he stopped at the doorway and called back across the room. “And hey – congratulations on the big engagement, Maddox.”
Then as soon as all my teammates big eyes flew to me, he left.
I was still catching up from my day when I heard Drew get home. I knew we had a public dinner scheduled tonight and while I was supposed to getting ready now, I was running late. I was flustered and still all over the place from how my morning had started.
It would’ve been perfect if phones didn’t exist. To start, I’d woken up on Drew’s bare chest, and good God, that was a hell of a way to start a day.
I was glad he didn’t stir because after lifting my cheek off his pecs, I had needed more than few seconds to just look at him.
His inked bicep bulged since he had his right arm bent and resting behind his head. His lips were slightly parted and he had his other arm wrapped around me, his hand resting heavily on my back.
I wanted to just stay there in his arms all morning, basking in the leftover glow of what happened last night.
But I couldn’t fully enjoy myself knowing that I’d woken multiple times in the night to the sound of my phone buzzing against the kitchen counter. No one ever texted me that persistently that late, so I couldn’t help but get up around 6AM and investigate.
I had braced myself for angry, bitter texts from Mike but it wasn’t that at all.
It was something much worse than immediately started my day on a frenzied whirlwind, eventually making me late for all my meetings and causing me to be still flustered now at 7PM.
I had just finished makeup and moisturizing and was blow-drying my hair when Drew called up the stairs.
“I’m in the bathroom!” I called back, drying my hair for another few seconds before he appeared in the doorway. The second he did, I turned off the blow dryer and felt my first real smile of the day spread my lips. “Hey,” I breathed out, my heartbeat doing a little skip as he immediately came toward me.
I closed my eyes as he leaned in to kiss me, the stroke of his tongue melting all my stress away. At least for the moment. I was so lost in how deep he kissed me that I was only vaguely aware of him holding my hand and slipping something onto my finger.
When I pulled away, my eyes went wide.
It was a diamond. A hell of a diamond, in fact. It almost blinded me as I blinked at it.
“We’re engaged, by the way,” Drew smirked. “As of yesterday.”
“Really? How’d it happen?” I laughed.
“I don’t know. I assume I got down on one knee.”
“Nice. Classic. How’d I react?”
“The usual, I think. You laughed, you cried. You said yes and then we fucked all night.”
“That's true, we did,” I smiled as I touched up my lipstick. “That was a pretty good night, Mr. Fiancé.”
“Agreed,” he murmured as he came close again. “You have no idea how much I’ve been thinking about this pussy all day,” he said, his hand under my towel. “Are you sore?”
“A little,” I lied softly.
I was a lot sore. Drew was bigger, thicker than I’d ever taken and he’d fucked me harder than I’d ever been fucked last night. But I’d been euphoric like I’d never felt before and I didn’t regret a second of it.
There was something about last night that nixed my need to worry about Drew, me, or the contract this morning. I didn’t know what it was, but it was something I could swear we both felt last night on the couch, after unraveling together then watching each other come down from our highs.
It was intimacy. An unexpected kind. And I felt it again now as Drew kissed along my bare shoulder while stroking gently between my legs.
“Sorry for making you sore.”
I laughed.
“You should never apologize for having a huge cock.”
“True. Noted.”
“So, what time is our reservation tonight?” I grinded softly against his palm.
“We should leave in twenty. You have a little bit of time.”
“So do you,” I teased, eyeing the obvious hard-on under his sweats. “Are you ever not hard?”
“Around you? It’s a fucking miracle if I’m not.”
“Well you did just give me the nicest piece of jewelry I’ve ever had the honor of wearing out, so a proper thank you is probably in store,” I smirked, reveling in his immediate groan as I cupped him package and squeezed.
“As much as I’d love to fuck you over this sink right now, your pussy is sore and you just did redid your lipstick,” Drew muttered, gently removing my hand from his cock. Apparently, I’d quickly come to hate that because on instinct, I unlatched my towel and let it drop to the floor, watching his hungry eyes immediately lock on my tits.
God, yes.
Apparently, I also lived for the moments when I could catch him off guard.
“You said we leave in twenty?” I eyed the time on my phone before returning my attention to him. My mouth curved at the mixture of lust and confusion in his green eyes as I reached into his sweats. “Don’t worry. That’s plenty of time for me to figure something out.”
I was still on another planet as I watched Evie order for us at the restaurant.
She was wearing her hair up with a sapphire blue dress that went off her shoulders, showcasing her smooth skin and that elegant neck. All that combined with her sparkling earrings and the glittering ring on her finger and she looked like royalty.
Royalty that had been wearing thick streaks of my cum on her tits about fifteen minutes ago.
There was something oddly satisfying about watching the men in the restaurant stare at Evie, already in awe of her without even knowing what she’d just done to me back at the house.
After dropping her towel in the bathroom, she’d dipped her fingers into a jar of some kind of moisturizing oil. Then she’d let me watch as she slowly rubbed it all over her tits. I thought she was just giving me a visual to jerk off to but then she led me into her room and pulled me on the bed with her as she lay herself down.
Then she pushed her shiny tits together for me to fuck.
“Are you there?” Evie teased once the waiter left. I blinked as she flashed me a smile.
“I’m here. If I drift off from time to time, it’s because I’m thinking about your tits.”
“Maybe don’t say that so loudly since this is supposed to be our first romantic dinner as an engaged couple,” she smirked, touching the back of her neck. “And please don’t spend the entire night looking at me like you want to eat me.”
“I do. I’ve already imagined ten different ways I’d spread your pussy on this table.”
“Drew!” Evie hissed, nodding at the couple seated a table away from us. “There are other people in this restaurant who don’t want to hear about my pussy.”
“Judging from the way that guy stared at you as you walked in, I don’t think he would mind.”
“Fine, we’ll change the subject,” I complied just as our wine arrived. “So did I pick a good enough restaurant tonight? Or is this menu not suitable to your sophisticated palate?”
“Um, why are we acting like I’m the
fancy person at this table? Your watch is worth more than my entire salary last year and I grew up next to a trailer park.”
I paused to process the trailer park comment. I wasn’t sure why it surprised me considering I already knew she’d grown up in poverty.
“I figured since you make a living designing menus that you’d be critical of dishes you see at other restaurants.”
“Oh my God, no,” she giggled. “There are many different corners of the food world, and I’m not in one of the classy ones. My specialty is in designing over-indulgent, borderline ridiculous menu items that taste good but are solely to pique the interest of the media,” Evie clarified with a laugh. “And I got this good at it because I was dating a guy who worked in restaurant PR, so he knew exactly what trendy buzzwords the food blogs responded to. ‘Vodka-poached,’ ‘truffle-infused’ – all that yummy bullshit.”
“And this former boyfriend of yours – what’s his name again?”
“I don’t recall,” Evie replied breezily, taking a dainty sip of her wine. I laughed.
“Good. Though in that case I wish I just picked a burger joint because stuffy places like this aren’t really my scene.”
“If it makes you feel better, I’m still super excited to be here. This is a beautiful restaurant,” she said, gazing around at the enormous flower arrangements on every surface, and the view of Madison Avenue out the double height windows. “I feel like I saw this place on TV before when I was younger,” Evie mused. “On like, Food Network. Or the Cooking Channel. Or Travel. Or maybe it was something I watched on Netflix.”
Now she was just mumbling to herself trying to figure out where she might’ve seen this restaurant, which I personally knew had opened only last year because I knew the owner. So this was a pointless train of thought for her, and I probably should’ve said something but I for some reason enjoyed watching Evie think this hard.
She was unconsciously playing with her bottom lip while squinting into the distance, and it gave me time to just look at her without her either blushing or saying something smart.