Claimed by the Rancher--A scandalous story of passion and romance

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Claimed by the Rancher--A scandalous story of passion and romance Page 4

by Jules Bennett

  Pepper blinked, sending a tear spilling down her cheek. “I used all the money Matt gave me to invest into this place. I wanted a secure future.”

  A wave of fury surged through him. He hated this guy. Who the hell paid a woman to leave him alone?

  Shame seized him once again. How had he been any different? He’d pushed her away with his actions, his harsh words. He’d been hurt from the loss of their baby—a baby he hadn’t realized he’d wanted until it was gone.

  “My team will take care of this. I’ll put the call in now.”

  Pepper shook her head. “No. I’ll handle this. I’m not leaning on you or anyone else.”

  While Nolan admired her determination, he wasn’t about to argue with her idiotic logic. He shoved his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels.

  “You have enough on your plate with this building and you said your funds were tied up here. How can you pay for an attorney? A good one you don’t have to second-guess about whether he’s doing what should be done to secure your child’s future with you? How are you going to do that?”

  Pepper’s lips thinned as she shrugged one slender shoulder. “The same way I’ve gotten along these last ten years without you. I’ll find a way.”

  He jerked in a breath. She was hurting, he understood that, but the jab she delivered had no doubt been bubbling below the surface just waiting to come out. He deserved that, but he wasn’t about to stick around for more verbal punches.

  “My contractor is due here any minute to get an estimate ready for your insurance. I’ll have my attorney call you today, too. Don’t hold back with either guy and don’t worry about the money.”

  “Says someone who’s never worried about money,” she muttered.

  Nolan pulled his phone from his pocket. “I’m trying to help and then I’ll stay out of your way. It’s clear you don’t want me around. I get that, Pepper, but I won’t let you deal with all of this on your own.”

  Pepper tucked her hair behind her ears and nodded. “Fine. But I want an itemized list of all the charges so I can pay you back after the insurance kicks in. I may take a while, but I won’t be indebted to you.”

  He wasn’t getting into that now. But Nolan had no intention of taking a dime from her. She needed to be stress-free, to concentrate on this pregnancy and a healthy baby, not worry about her new business and a looming custody suit.

  To keep the peace, he merely nodded and then headed toward the back to talk to his contractor. He wanted everything done right, sparing no expense. And a few upgrades wouldn’t hurt in the apartment, either. Nolan wasn’t certain what it looked like before, but he planned on personally seeing to it that it was all up-to-date, with state-of-the-art appliances, whatever it took to ensure Pepper had everything she needed to live comfortably.

  It was the least he could do. And, yes, guilt spurred his actions, but so what. He was a different man than he was ten years ago.

  Except that part of him that still desired her. Damn it. After all this time of not seeing her, having her this close wasn’t something he’d prepared for. She was sexy as hell, her figure a bit fuller from the pregnancy, but she was breathtaking. The fact she wore one of his T-shirts was even more arousing because he recalled many other occasions when she’d wear his shirt...only his shirt.

  Nolan headed back to the ranch, determined to work out his frustrations on the farm. But first he needed to call his attorney. There was no way in hell those people were going to take Pepper’s baby. Nolan would make certain of that.


  Pepper ended up opening her shop later in the day. There was no reason she couldn’t work and she wanted to get her business up and running. She needed to be open to the public during peak hours, and thankfully, this old building was nestled right in the hustle and bustle of the small town.

  Maybe if she spent some time on a painting to keep her mind occupied, that would help. Making something beautiful out of a blank canvas always calmed her nerves and right now she needed calm. Between the obvious stressful events of the fire and the contentious visit by the Wrights this morning, she was still reeling over the fact Nolan was so eager to offer help.

  Throwing money around was the easy part, though. Perhaps that was the only way he could clear his conscience. Pepper didn’t want his guilt to spawn his actions. If he wanted to help, she’d rather it be because he actually wanted to, not because he was trying to make amends for the past.

  As Pepper set up her easel in the back room, the shop’s phone rang. She glanced to the ID, but didn’t recognize the number.

  “Painted Pansies.”

  “Ms. Manning?” the deep male voice asked. “This is Jason Davis. I represent the Wright family.”

  Pepper gripped the edge of the table and slowly sank into the chair. Her heart clenched as fear squeezed it like a vise.

  “Is there a time you and your attorney can meet with us?”

  Pepper’s mind raced. She hadn’t even talked to an attorney, had no idea if Nolan had even called anyone yet. This was all so fast, so unexpected, she had no idea what to do.

  “Mr. Davis, I’m not sure when we could meet.” She hoped her voice sounded strong and confident, considering she was shaking like a leaf. “I’m speaking with my attorney today and he will be in touch.”

  She hoped.

  “My clients are willing to offer you a generous amount—”

  “I won’t be bought or bullied, Mr. Davis. My lawyer will be in touch.”

  Pepper hung up, tossed the phone from her jittery hand and attempted to pull in a deep breath. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to scream, cry or run away and never look back. Maybe all of the above?

  No. She wasn’t running. She’d left once before and had circled right back. She would stay and fight. This was where she’d put her roots down, where she’d raise her baby and grow her business. The decision had been made of necessity, but she’d chosen to stay because of her connections to this place.

  Pepper had no idea who Nolan’s attorney was or if he could even fight, but there was no way she was going to just hand over her child.

  A pang of sadness swept through her. She did feel terrible that Matt was gone. He wasn’t a bad guy. They’d been more friends than anything and he hadn’t wanted to be a father, but she wasn’t about to give his parents a replacement child. They might argue they had superior finances, but didn’t that just prove they were more concerned about money than the actual welfare of their grandchild? Who would be heartless enough to want to rip a baby away from its mother?

  Pepper shot off a text to Nolan asking about his attorney because she needed to speak with him ASAP. When the bell on her door chimed, Pepper sucked in a deep breath and forced herself to relax. She had customers she needed to tend to. Reputation was everything and she couldn’t be in a bad mood with the public.

  How simple would this all be if she could just lean on Nolan and use his power and influence to make the chaos and fear go away? She wanted her baby, her fresh start at life...and she wanted to seek solace in those captivating blue eyes of his.

  Unfortunately, she couldn’t turn to him, because they weren’t over what had happened. They’d dodged the feelings, the hurt, the anger...and she’d left.

  But she’d moved on. She’d grown up and she wouldn’t give in to temptation no matter how kind and supportive he was being. She knew what it was like to get her heart broken by him.

  Right now, though, she had to be a businesswoman. She’d deal with Nolan later.

  * * *

  Oh, the irony.

  Nolan still couldn’t believe the conversation he’d had with his attorney, but the suggestion kept rolling through his head. At first he’d laughed, then he’d been appalled at the crazy notion, and now the idea had taken root and he could think of nothing else.

He had already spoken to his contractor and was told the renovations to the apartment could be done in two weeks. Pepper wouldn’t like what he had to say, but Nolan wasn’t backing down. She’d have to see that what he was about to present to her was her best option. Temporarily, of course.

  Just as he pulled in front of Painted Pansies, Pepper turned her open sign off. She met his gaze through the large front window and stilled. Nolan knew she’d put up a fight, but this time, where she was concerned, he was holding his ground. He could do this and not lose himself in her. This was about making up for the past, not reigniting an old flame.

  No more running...for either of them.

  Those protective instincts had kicked in the moment he’d seen she was expecting and alone. Now with the fire and the custody case looming over her, Nolan had every intention of slaying every one of her dragons.

  Remorse drove his thoughts, his actions. He refused to delve into all the reasons why he couldn’t let her do this on her own.

  As soon as he entered her shop, he flicked the lock on the door. Pepper stood behind the counter as if she wanted some barrier between them. Nonetheless, that wouldn’t stop him from doing what he’d come to do.

  And if he didn’t broach this now, he’d talk himself out of it because this crazy idea embodied every fear, every doubt he’d ever had when it came to Pepper. Their crackling attraction aside, this was a risk he’d never thought he’d take again.

  “I’m surprised you opened today,” he told her.

  She glanced down to her register and pulled out receipts. “I have to make money. The fire didn’t do damage down here and I was able to salvage a couple of outfits that happened to be in my clothes dryer and were unscathed from the smoke and water.”

  He made a mental note to get her more clothes. Another thing she’d most likely balk at, but too bad. He wouldn’t ask. If he had them purchased and delivered, she’d have no choice. Right?

  “Did you have a productive day?”

  Pepper blew out a sigh and finally stared up at him. “Did you stop by for small talk?”

  Those piercing gray eyes were no less affective than they’d been a decade ago. She managed to touch him with just a look. And how she still had that power over him was beyond his comprehension.

  Adjusting his hat, Nolan crossed the room and rested his arm on the top of the counter. “Not at all, Pepper, but I figured it was best to play nice because what I have to say may not put you in the best mood.”

  “I’m not in a good mood anyway, so why don’t you just spit it out.”

  His eyes raked over the scoop neckline in her simple tank, his gaze heating at the sight of the thin cotton molding perfectly to her full breasts. She had on those bangle bracelets again and some long earrings in a variety of colorful stones. Her silky dark hair was still down from when she’d showered at his house, and all he could think of was how to get her back there again.

  The image of her wet, naked, soapy in his oversize shower with the rain-head spray cascading down her gorgeous curves had him getting extremely hot and uncomfortable. Damn it, he still wanted her. There was no reason to even try to deny such a fact.

  He had no right to her, but that wouldn’t stop him. Pepper would be his least temporarily. The ache he had for her had nothing to do with the past and everything to do with an all-consuming, burning need he hadn’t expected upon seeing her again.

  “You aren’t seriously going to look at me like that,” she stated, crossing her arms over her chest. “I can’t be fooled by your charm.”

  “You’re still just as beautiful,” he drawled. “Makes a man want to admire the view.”

  Pepper shook her head and focused back on her receipts. “I’m immune to you now, so just say what you have to say and go.”

  Adorable that she thought things were that neat and tidy between them. They’d never been so structured. Back in the day, they’d been wild and young and free. Then life had thrown hurdles in their path and they hadn’t survived the fallout. Now they were back to square one and nothing about this situation was simple.

  “You never answered my text,” she said tersely as she sorted the slips of paper. “If you don’t want to help, that’s fine. But if you could pass along the name of a good attorney, I’d appreciate it. The Wrights’ lawyer called me and I had no idea what to say—”

  Nolan was around the counter and taking her shaky hands in his as she rambled on. “Breathe,” he commanded. “Just calm down and tell me exactly what their lawyer said.”

  Pepper removed her hands from his and flattened them over the papers. She dropped her head between her shoulders. “Just give me the name. I don’t want you involved.”

  Too late for that, he thought ruefully. If she didn’t want him interfering now, she’d be really ticked when he dropped the ultimate bomb. He’d gone further than just reaching out to his law firm.

  “I already spoke with my attorney earlier—he’s on it. I was at the ranch helping Colt, so I didn’t get to text you back, but I have this all under control.”

  With her hair curtained around her face, Nolan couldn’t make out her expression, but he knew she was exhausted. Most likely she also felt defeated and/or cornered.

  “Pepper, I’m only looking out for you and you’re going to have to let me. I’m not trying to make this more difficult.”

  “Can you look at this from my perspective?” she asked as she slowly turned toward him. “Can you imagine finally having your entire life planned out only to have it crash down all around you, then have to come face-to-face with your past and pretend nothing happened?”

  Nolan grabbed her shoulders, hauling her against his chest. Pepper’s head tipped back as she stared up at him with wide, tormented eyes.

  “You think this is easy? Seeing you again, knowing you’re carrying another man’s child?”

  Nolan hated that he wasn’t more in control, but there was no way he could lie to her, to himself. The fact she was pregnant again gutted him and reminded him exactly what he’d given up.

  “I’m going to help you through this and you’re damn well going to put the past aside and let me.”

  “Put the past aside?” she jerked out of his hold and took a step back. “It’s not that simple, Nolan.”

  He rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. “I didn’t mean it like that,” he corrected. “I know we have unresolved issues and there is so much that needs to be put to rest, but for now, we need to work on your current situation. I need you to hear me out.”

  Pepper rested one hand on the counter and propped the other on her hip. “Fine. What’s your miraculous plan?”

  They’d reached the part of the conversation he’d rehearsed over and over again, but he had a feeling no matter how he delivered this, she would refuse. He expected, and deserved, no less.

  “My contractor said your apartment would be ready in two weeks.” There—laying some groundwork for his defense was probably best. “You can stay with me until then.”

  When she opened her mouth to argue, because she would without a doubt have a snappy comeback, Nolan held up a hand. “You have nowhere else to go and my house is plenty big enough. Besides, I’m on call and at the hospital so much you won’t even see me most of the time.”

  That seemed to pacify her as she shut her mouth and nodded.

  “What about the attorney? Does he think he can help? Because I can’t lose this baby, too.”

  Too. That simple word said so much, yet left even more hurtful, accusing words hovering in the air between them. They would have to face that dark time in their lives eventually. Yes, they were two totally different people now, but he’d destroyed her and he would somehow, someway, make this right. Then he could move on once and for all—guilt-free.

  But first things first. For now, Pepper and her child were h
is top priority.

  “You’re not losing the baby and I’m doing everything I can to make this less stressful for you,” he informed her.

  “Their attorney wants to meet with me and my lawyer.”

  She bit her lip as her chin quivered. That sight alone was like a punch to Nolan’s gut. What kind of people came after a pregnant woman? Granted, this was their grandchild and their son had just passed away, so they were understandably grieving, but there was a better way to approach seeing the baby. If they wanted to fight dirty, Nolan would spare no expense because he wasn’t about to let Pepper carry this burden all on her own.

  “We will all go meet with them,” he said.

  His heart kicked up because there was no more dodging the rest of this. Not only did he worry how she’d take this, but he would be lying if he didn’t admit he was hesitant because of his own sanity. Could he really go through with this?

  Pepper stared back at him with those wide, expressive eyes. This was the same woman he’d fallen in love with as a teen, the woman he’d thought he’d spend his life with, the woman who had carried his child.

  Their bond ran deep, but even if that didn’t exist, he would find her sexy as hell. Her fiercely independent attitude was just an added layer to the enticing allure of this new Pepper Manning. Damn if he didn’t admire her for moving on and doing exactly what she wanted.

  But he’d caught her looking at him. Raking her eyes over him as if she was struggling with that same internal battle.

  Yeah, they had quite a bit left to hash out between them and throwing this bomb onto that already-smoldering fire was only going to further complicate matters.

  “You’re not going with me,” she told him with a stubborn lift of her chin. “I’m still not so sure about this whole idea of moving in with you for two weeks. There has to be somewhere else I can stay.”

  Nolan closed the space between them. “You’ll be staying with me because we’re getting married.”


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