Claimed by the Rancher--A scandalous story of passion and romance

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Claimed by the Rancher--A scandalous story of passion and romance Page 6

by Jules Bennett

  What would he think of Nolan marrying Pepper under these circumstances? When everything fell apart ten years ago, his father had been disappointed that Nolan had let Pepper go.

  He’d made a mistake, one he could never rectify, but he was starting fresh now. And once this marriage was over, they’d go their separate ways and he’d be guilt-free. In theory that sounded amazing, but he didn’t think things would go quite that smooth.

  “I was hoping to avoid you completely,” she replied, jarring him from his thoughts.

  Nolan glanced toward her, noticed her staring down at the pewter-and-diamond ring he’d slipped on her finger moments ago.

  That ring had been his mother’s. Since Nolan was the oldest, he’d gotten it when she’d passed. With the last-minute marriage, he’d opted to get this out of his safe and give it to his temporary wife.

  Pepper didn’t have to know where the ring came from, because she would read too much into it. She didn’t have to know that years ago he’d planned the perfect proposal with that very ring, but the pregnancy happened, then the miscarriage, and he’d withdrawn from getting too close and opted to throw himself into his career.

  He hadn’t been there for her when she’d been grieving and she’d left Stone River before they could settle things. It was still for the best that she’d gone, though. After the miscarriage, they weren’t the same couple they’d once been, and they sure as hell weren’t the same now that they’d been apart.

  “You can still avoid me,” he told her as he maneuvered into his four-car attached garage. “Take the bedroom on the opposite end of the hall. It’s another master suite and nearly identical to mine. That’s where I had all your clothes delivered anyway.”

  He’d been tempted to have them put in his closet, but there was no reason to make this more difficult for Pepper. Besides, he came and went all hours of the night and he wanted her to be able to feel free to move about his house. Having her here wasn’t easy, though. She infiltrated his space, putting his heart at risk once again. The pull was tough to fight because he couldn’t even pretend he didn’t want her. But he had to attempt to keep some control over his emotions.

  “I have a pool, so feel free to take advantage of that anytime.”

  Pepper laughed. “You’re going to make it hard to go back to my apartment when all this is done.”

  Nolan grimaced.

  “Wow, you still have that same look.” She gripped her door handle and jerked it open. “Don’t worry. I’ll still leave when this case is over and you can go back to the life you chose.”

  Like hell. Did she think he’d be untouched by this whole marriage? Did she honestly believe he’d just go back to his old ways now that she’d reentered his life?

  Before she could exit, Nolan grabbed her arm and leaned over the console so his face was within a breath of hers. “You have no idea the life I want. You know the man I used to be, so stop telling me what you think you know.”

  Her eyes widened as her tongue darted out to swipe across her bottom lip. Nolan was barely hanging on and she wasn’t helping. She had no clue the power she still held over him...he hadn’t realized it himself until he’d seen her vulnerable and alone and being verbally attacked.

  She still did something to him, something deeper than just physical attraction. Maybe it was that protective instinct overriding common sense, because he shouldn’t want to keep touching her, but he couldn’t stop himself. Hell, he didn’t try to stop himself.

  “I didn’t get to properly kiss my bride at the ceremony. I want privacy this time.”

  Pepper’s eyes widened a second before he captured her mouth beneath his. He cursed himself for being such a fool, as if passion and desire could erase years of hurt and emptiness.

  But she tasted so sweet and when she opened for him that Nolan was lost. Again, that power she had no inkling she held was dragging him under. Relinquishing control had never been an option, but right now he had no choice. Pepper was drawing him in deeper and deeper. They’d been married for thirty minutes...there was no way they’d make it weeks, or even months, without tearing each other’s clothes off.

  Nolan drew back but slid his hand up to gently cup the side of her face. Pepper’s lids slowly opened, feverish desire staring back at him. But she blinked a few times, as if pulling herself back from the moment.

  “Don’t do that again,” she whispered.

  “No?” His thumb stroked along that lush bottom lip. “Because it sure felt like you wanted me to not only do it again but take you inside and finish it.”

  Pepper whipped away from him and rushed out of the car, slamming the door on anything else he was about to say.

  He winced. Well, that had gone about as well as he’d expected. He actually hadn’t even planned on kissing her.

  Okay, that was a lie. He had planned on kissing her, often actually. Why did he have to keep fighting this desire? Maybe he should take her to his bed, convince her to finally give in to what they both wanted. She wasn’t immune to this sexually charged energy between them, but she was resisting it with everything she had. Maybe a little seduction was exactly what they both needed. And maybe he wanted to see if things were just as good as he remembered.

  But wooing her into his bed would take careful planning and finesse. After all, that kiss had completely backfired on him and it was apparent he needed to up his game. He had to prove to her that their attraction couldn’t go ignored...the question was, how?

  Nolan raked a hand over the back of his neck and figured he might as well go talk to Colt and let Pepper cool off...or think about that kiss, because he sure as hell would.

  * * *

  Pepper stared around her bedroom and tried to calm her breathing. Even taking in the beauty of the room with the four-poster king-size bed, the sheers surrounding it and the double doors leading onto the balcony did nothing to settle her. She’d appreciate the aesthetics later.

  She wasn’t sure what she needed to get control of more—her anger or her desire.

  How dare he just kiss her like he had the right? Like she wanted him to?

  No. Nolan Elliott did whatever the hell he wanted, just like he always had. Did he honestly believe that now that they were married, she’d be in his bed? Not likely. Arrogant jerk.

  Pepper slammed the door to her bedroom. Childish to go around slamming doors, but she wasn’t quite sure what to do with all her emotions right now. She truly feared if she started crying, she might never stop. If she thought it would help, she’d throw something, but then she’d just be even more indebted to him than she already was. Besides, she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing he had such a powerful hold over her.

  Life was so much simpler when she traveled from place to place, taking odd jobs and then moving on to another city. No ties, nothing to break her heart all over again.

  Yet she’d circled right back around and landed on Nolan’s doorstep...literally.

  Pepper crossed the spacious room and headed toward the double doors of the most impressive walk-in closet she’d ever seen. Complete with an island in the middle, this spacious room was every woman’s fantasy. The island was full of shoes tucked in each divider. Along the top was jewelry all laid out on display. Hanging in her closet was a variety of clothing, still with the tags dangling.

  Slowly, she took a step forward. She trailed her fingertip over the simple jewelry. Colorfully beaded bangles, long, simple gold chains with delicate charms, oversize earrings. It was like the man knew exactly what she’d pick out. And he did. He knew her better than anyone because he’d been the only person she’d ever let that intricately into her life.

  Even though all those years had separated them, Nolan was so in tune with her...and that was what scared her the most.

  Pepper turned toward the clothing and started pushing hanger after hanger aside,
each piece made for her growing belly. Neatly stacked in the shelves along the wall were pajamas, bras, panties.

  Part of her wanted to relish in this moment. The other part wanted to tell him her forgiveness couldn’t be bought.

  But the biggest part of her was still stuck on that kiss.

  She’d be lying if she said she hadn’t enjoyed it. Nolan had always known how to kiss to make her feel alive, to make her want so much more than just his mouth on hers. Being held by him again, kissed by him again, only proved her emotions had never died. No, they’d just been lying stagnant for years and were now flooding to the surface.

  Pepper spun in a slow circle, still amazed at how Nolan had managed to pull all this off in such a short amount of time. No doubt he paid someone a hefty sum and when he snapped his fingers, his employee immediately complied.

  She sank onto the cushioned bench across from the floor-to-ceiling mirror. How had her life landed her right back where she swore she’d never come?

  When she met Matt in Houston at a party of a mutual friend, they’d immediately hit it off. The attraction had been there, but they didn’t have the same life goals.

  They’d enjoyed each other’s company, both in bed and out, and when she got pregnant, she’d known he wasn’t going to get down on one knee or anything, but she really hadn’t expected him to be so cold about it, either. The way he threw money at her to extricate him from the situation had stunned her at first, but she didn’t want anyone in her baby’s life who didn’t want to be there.

  The fear of this custody issue was becoming more and more real. Pepper spun the ring on her finger, glancing down to the sparkling stone. Ten years ago she would’ve given anything to have Nolan place a ring on her finger. She would’ve supported him in his journey to become a doctor, to be a part-time rancher, to save the world because that was what he’d been destined to do.

  But he couldn’t save their relationship. He hadn’t even tried, yet he was bending over backward to save her now.

  Did he have regrets? Of course he felt remorse for the obvious hurt he’d caused, but did he lament letting her go? Had he thought of her over the years and wondered how their lives would’ve been had she not miscarried? Would he have eventually come around and seen that a baby wasn’t the end of life as they knew it and he could still have it all?

  Or what if he’d stuck by her side through the pain and anguish of losing a child? Would they have grown stronger and maybe gone on to have more children?

  Pepper cursed herself for getting caught up in that nostalgic what-if game. Sliding a hand over her belly, she smiled when she felt the slight shift beneath her palm. She actually loved being pregnant. Pepper relished each and every moment, knowing how fortunate she was to get a second chance at motherhood, and had even welcomed the morning sickness. She hadn’t had that the first time.

  The mere thought of Matt’s parents taking her child away brought on a whole new level of fear. Surely no judge would award custody to them. Their money and their attorney were her biggest barrier, however. Pepper knew she was no match for that.

  So she’d play the dutiful role of Mrs. Elliott if that meant she’d keep her child. She’d sell her soul to the devil himself if that ensured her a life without worry that her baby would be ripped from her arms.

  Pepper came to her feet, staring at all the brand-new items just for her. She might not have sold her soul to the devil, but she wasn’t too far off the mark. Knowing Nolan, she had no doubt he’d go out of his way to make sure she was comfortable, without a worry, and he’d take on everything to make her feel secure.

  Between the sweet gesture and the touching and kissing, he was proving to be a perfect husband. Damn it. She didn’t want this marriage to feel real or right or anything else, for that matter. She wanted to count down the days until they were done, but right now she didn’t even want to think of the end.

  In other words, Nolan was going to make it extremely difficult not to fall in love with him all over again.


  Nolan had barely stepped foot in the stables when Colt came out of one of the stalls muttering beneath his breath.

  It was late and all the workers had already gone home, but Colt was happiest right here with the horses. Well, that was where he used to be the happiest. Now he was pretty cozy with his fiancée, Annabelle, and her twin girls. They made the picture-perfect family.

  Nolan’s boot scuffed against the stone walkway between the stalls, and Colt jerked his head up. With a flick of his finger, he tipped his hat.

  “Hey, man. Not out saving lives this evening?”

  Nolan shook his head. “Too busy getting married.”

  Colt started to reach for the door on the stall and froze. “Excuse me?”

  “I got married today.”

  Colt’s eyes went to Nolan’s hand, but he held up his ringless finger. “I don’t have a band. I probably should get one.”

  He’d been so worried about Pepper having one that he’d not even thought of getting a wedding band for himself.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Colt exploded.

  The reality of the day settled in and Nolan crossed to one of the benches on the wall between the stalls. He sank down and rested his elbows on his knees, suddenly feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders as he glanced down wearily at his boots.

  The constriction in his chest seemed to tighten even more, like a vise grip around his heart. He’d pushed Pepper away so long ago, had been so harsh and cold to her because of his own uncertainties and fear. Yet here he was married to her and she was up at his home right now awaiting his return.

  Everything had happened so fast in the past couple of days he wasn’t even sure he believed he was actually married.

  “Pepper is back in town,” he mumbled, as if that blanket statement explained everything. “She’s in a bind, so we got married.”

  Nolan glanced up to see the reaction on his youngest brother’s face. Colt merely leaned against the stall door on the opposite side of the walkway and gestured for him to continue.

  “Care to fill in the giant gap in between her coming to town and you saying ‘I do’?”

  Blowing out a breath, Nolan eased back on the bench. “She opened a new shop in town. That’s actually where I got Annabelle’s present for her birthday. I went in and had no clue it was Pepper’s store. She’s pregnant.”

  “Oh, hell,” Colt muttered. “Are you all right?”

  Nolan nodded. Did he have a choice?

  “She was living in the apartment over her store,” he stated. “It caught fire the other night. I’ve got Wayne working on it now, but then the grandparents of the baby came to confront her when she was already down. Their son had a heart attack and passed away.”

  “Damn. I take it Pepper and the guy weren’t together anymore?”

  Shaking his head, Nolan added, “He paid her a lump sum for support and asked to be left out of the upbringing.”

  The silence that followed that tidbit was a bit uncomfortable.

  “Now his parents want custody,” he went on. “They’re a pretty powerful family.”

  “We’re more powerful.”

  Nolan met his brother’s determined gaze. “We are,” he agreed. “My attorney joked that if she were married, there would be even more leverage for her case. So—”

  “You jumped in to play white knight to make up for past sins.”

  Colt’s tone wasn’t accusing, more understanding, and Nolan was thankful he didn’t have to explain. Apparently love had softened Colt, because a few months ago his brother would have been tearing him up for getting involved with Pepper again.

  When Nolan and Pepper parted, his family hadn’t kept their feelings about it to themselves...or rather their feelings about the reason why they parted. Nolan�
��s defense had fallen on deaf ears. He’d been set with a plan of fulfilling his dream of becoming a surgeon, marrying Pepper and traveling with her during his off time.

  But then they had lost the baby and their world had imploded around them.

  “She’s going to be living with me until this case is resolved.”

  Colt’s brows shot up. “And you think this is all going to go that smoothly?”

  “It has to.”

  Colt crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged. “You probably don’t want my opinion—”

  “Not at all.”

  “But you two haven’t seen each other in years and you’re already torn up. How do you think this fake marriage is going to play out?”

  Good question, one he unfortunately had no clue how to answer. He hoped like hell he’d be working most of the time. Having Pepper so close yet so unobtainable would be pure torture. He wanted her with a desire that had nothing to do with the past and everything to do with the independent, beguiling woman she was today.

  But she’d made it perfectly clear she wasn’t interested. Did he actually believe she’d fall back into bed with him? No, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t try. Everyone had a weakness and he fondly remembered every single one of hers.

  “My house is big enough,” Nolan explained. “And I’ve got double shifts coming up. I’d say for the most part we’ll avoid each other.”

  Colt snorted and pushed off the door. “Keep telling yourself that, bro.”

  He would, because as much as he wanted to seduce his bride, he also knew she was vulnerable right now. He might be a doctor, but his bedside manner left something to be desired. He wasn’t much on comforting or offering words of wisdom.

  Added to that, there was too much at stake. Getting back in so deep with Pepper had potential to reopen old wounds he’d hoped would never be exposed again.


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