Claimed by the Rancher--A scandalous story of passion and romance

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Claimed by the Rancher--A scandalous story of passion and romance Page 9

by Jules Bennett

  She turned on her heel, marched across the room and carefully lifted the painting from the nail. With unshed tears, she cursed herself for getting too comfortable. Over the past three days she’d been alone here, she’d begun to think of this as her place...which was a terrible mistake.

  Firm hands gripped her arms, and Pepper stiffened as she gripped the painting. “Don’t,” she whispered. “I don’t want to argue.”

  And she didn’t want to see that look in his eyes again, the one that was clearly disapproving of her getting too cozy in his home.


  Nolan didn’t mean to take his piss-poor mood out on Pepper, but he’d just been totally caught off guard. He was used to coming home to a quiet, empty house after work, unwinding by riding his horse Doc or hitting his workout room with the punching bag and free weights. Plus, he’d nearly lost a patient tonight and he was still turned inside out about the whole ordeal. He’d lost patients before, but now that Pepper had come back into his life, this particular experience only made him remember so vividly the time when they’d lost their baby.

  “I didn’t expect to come in here and see that you’d redecorated,” he explained in a milder tone, as if that somehow made up for the way he’d greeted her. “Something wrong with my artwork?”

  Reluctantly, he released her so she could turn to face him. When she didn’t, Nolan curled his fingers around her shoulders and eased her around. There was a tiredness in her eyes, one that he hadn’t seen he didn’t want to see again.

  No matter what he’d been through on this last shift, Pepper came first. His wife and this child had to take top priority. At this point he wasn’t even questioning why he’d allowed this faux family to overtake his life. There were too many reasons to list—and none he wanted to address.

  “Your walls are boring.” She raised her chin up in defiance, as if silently daring him to argue. “I’m sure you paid a ridiculous price to have this place decorated, but it’s putting me to sleep.”

  He didn’t even try to stop himself as he reached out to swipe the pad of his thumb beneath her eye. “You’re not sleeping enough.”

  She blinked, her long lashes brushing against the tip of his thumb. Cupping her cheek, he felt his chest tighten when she leaned just slightly into him.

  “I’m in a new place,” she explained, those dark gray eyes holding his. “I’m trying to adjust to my surroundings.”

  “You’ve traveled all over and adjusted. Why can’t you just put your feet up and relax?”

  Pepper offered a soft smile. “You know the answer to that.”

  Yeah, he knew. The same reason he’d been so worked up about coming home, knowing he’d be off for the next few days...which he still hadn’t informed her of.

  “Have you heard from anyone regarding the case?” he asked, dropping his hand but remaining close enough to touch.

  She shook her head. “Not a word, hence all the new paintings.”

  Nolan couldn’t help but smile as he glanced to the new addition to his living room. “You always painted when you were nervous or worried.”

  He recalled a few times when they’d been dating and she’d gotten anxious about something, no matter how minor. Some people reached for pills to combat anxiety—his Pepper reached for her paintbrush.

  “I did more than the six I brought home,” she stated with a shrug. “I put several in the shop and most of them sold.”

  “That’s great.” He was so proud of her for opening her shop and already showing that she was going to make it successful. “Business has been good, then?”

  He suppressed a smile. Okay, so he may have been chatting up her new shop a bit to folks at work. He’d mentioned it casually to his male coworkers in case they needed flowers or a gift and had also told several of the ladies in his department where they could find one-of-a-kind paintings.

  “Better than I’d expected, but I know that will die down once the novelty wears off.”

  Nolan glanced to the stack of canvases on the ottoman. He crossed the room and lifted one up to examine the colors. The vibrant image seemed to jump out at him and he looked closer at the fine details she’d added to each stroke. The variations of tones, then the bold shades that demanded attention.

  “I doubt the novelty wears off,” he returned as he laid that piece aside to survey the other two. “These are extraordinary.”

  Nolan turned back around, surprised to see a slight blush creep up her cheeks. “You have to know how talented you are.”

  “It all started as a way to relax and take my mind away from reality. I know I have a gift, but when I hear someone I care about tell me...”

  Her eyes widened as she jerked her gaze to his. Yeah, he’d caught that slip. Apparently she didn’t want him to know just how much she still cared or that declaration wouldn’t bother her so much.

  At least he wasn’t the only one worried about what to say or how to act.

  He strode across the room, never taking his eyes from hers. “We have to have complete honesty, Pepper. I know you care for me. I could feel it when you kissed me.”

  “You kissed me,” she corrected.

  “And I plan on doing it again.” As often as he could, actually. “But my stance hasn’t changed since you were here last. I’m not looking for a family.”

  Pepper folded her arms over her chest, which only aided in pushing her breasts up. He wouldn’t be so trite as to stare, but damn, she looked good.

  “And you think that because I’m staying here, I won’t be able to resist throwing myself at you?” she asked, her tone mocking. “In case you didn’t know, I have quite a bit on my plate at the moment. As much as your ego would love for me to fawn all over you, you’re not high on my priority list. And as for more kissing? That’s not a good idea.”

  Nolan moved toward her, pleased when her eyes widened. When his chest brushed against her forearms, she immediately dropped her arms to her sides.

  “None of this is a good idea, yet here we are.”

  Those dark flecks in her eyes drew him in. She was an enigma and he was fighting a losing battle...even so, he couldn’t surrender. They were different people now. If she hadn’t come back and turned his life on its head, he’d still be going along just like he always had. And he was just fine with that...wasn’t he?

  “You didn’t have to marry me,” she reminded him. “This was your idea. I would’ve found a way to keep custody of my baby.”

  “I’m sure you would’ve, but this way is easier.”

  Pepper’s laugh filled the room. “Easier? Being married to you and living in a house we designed is definitely not easier. I’m temporarily living the only real dream I ever had and I know in a short time, it will all be ripped from me once again.”

  Nolan clenched his jaw as he reached for her. Settling his hands on her shoulders, he forced himself to face this emotional beast head-on.

  “This isn’t the same as before,” he countered.

  Pepper nodded. “You’re right. I’m going in with my eyes wide-open. I know the outcome. I appreciate all you’re doing for me, Nolan, but every bit of this stings and I can’t help how I feel. You wanted honesty, and that’s it. Being here with you is hard.”

  Since they’d first seen each other only days ago, things had become so intense so fast. He needed to lighten the moment, to show her that they could live together and get through this without always throwing the past out in the open like a weapon.

  “Are you too tired to go somewhere?” he asked.

  Pepper’s brows drew in as she gave him the side eye. “Depends on where.”

  “The old Pepper wouldn’t question me. She’d just jump at the unknown and the idea of an adventure.”

  With a soft smile, she let out a sigh. “Fine. Lead the way, but nothing too adventur
ous. I’m carrying precious cargo these days.”

  As if he could forget. That rounded stomach, her new voluptuous figure, the reason they’d married...and the fact this was another man’s baby.

  Nolan had to face the truth that the crux of his entire bad mood lately was that fact alone. Jealousy had never been an issue with him, but Pepper was different. She was special.

  And eventually, that was going to be a problem because these weren’t past feelings he was having. Everything he craved now was the new Pepper, this vibrant woman who was made of steel yet had such a vulnerable interior.

  Nolan took her hand and led her from the house. The sooner they eased the stress and relaxed, the better. There was a fine line he was hanging on to...and it was about ready to snap.

  * * *

  Pepper entered the dark stables and waited at the doorway while Nolan stepped in and flicked on the lights. She couldn’t suppress the gasp. She hadn’t forgotten the beauty of the old stone barn, but she’d been gone so long the place had been out of her mind.

  The stone pathway leading between the stalls stretched to the other end of the stables. Each stable was separated by sturdy, thick wood beams and an occasional worn wooden bench. Old industrial wheels had been turned into modern chandeliers that were suspended from the vaulted beams.

  There was no expense spared on this masterpiece and the horses were no different. Pepper knew the Elliotts kept only the best stock. They offered stud services, as well. Everything about this farm, from the horses to the men, dominated. There was no denying Pebblebrook Ranch was remarkable.

  Nolan turned back to her. He’d transformed from a doctor in scrubs to a cowboy complete with Stetson and tight jeans in the span of minutes. Now he stood before her so much like the boy she used to know. But Nolan was all man, filling out his dark blue shirt with muscles that nearly pulled at the seams.

  “I know you’re not supposed to ride, but I thought you might like to see what we have. You always used to love coming down here.”

  She had. And every time they’d come down, they’d ended up in the loft overhead. There was nothing sexy about the smell of a stable or the straw on your back, but when she was with Nolan, nothing else had mattered.

  Over the years she’d imagined him here, tending to the horses, working on this beloved ranch. This was his life and he was good at it. A burst of jealousy speared through her that she hadn’t shared this part of his life when she’d dreamed for so long of being here.

  The baby stirred in her belly, and Pepper placed both hands over her bump, wanting to capture every single moment.

  Nolan’s eyes dropped to her stomach. “Is he moving?”

  Pepper nodded, reaching for him. “Want to feel?”

  His gaze jerked to hers as he stilled. This entire situation was so foreign to her she had no idea how to react. But she couldn’t lie that disappointment didn’t spiral through her. She really had no one else to share these joyful moments with. And not that Nolan was her real husband or even her best friend, but he was here... He’d volunteered to be here. She just wished...

  Did it matter? She’d had so many wishes over the years and she should know by now that none of them came true.

  “It’s okay.” Pepper offered a smile she wasn’t quite feeling. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

  The awkward silence had Pepper smoothing her tank down her belly, causing her bangles to clang against each other. She took a step to move around Nolan and head toward the stalls. Before she could take the second step, however, his big hand snaked out, landing on her abdomen, stopping her instantly.

  That strong, warm palm made Pepper’s breath catch in her throat. Tipping her head to the side, she met those deep blue eyes beneath his black hat. He turned slightly, placing both hands over her abdomen as he kept his eyes locked on to hers.

  Pepper didn’t move, didn’t breathe. Nolan had completely mesmerized her by his sheer masculine power, his silent command for her to let him do this. And she wanted his hands on her. She wanted him to be part of her life, not in the temporary way, either. There was no lying to herself anymore. She was growing more attracted to Nolan. Her need for him had nothing to do with the past and everything to do with the man he was today.

  “He’s an active little guy.” Nolan’s smile widened as he glanced down to his hands. “Is he always like this?”

  “Lately. It almost feels like he’s flipping at times, but I know he’s not. My ultrasound showed he’s exactly where he should be and his heart rate is perfect. He’s the size of a can of soda.”

  Nolan laughed. “Amazing.”

  “I’d think a doctor wouldn’t find something like this so remarkable.”

  Nolan’s hands shifted when the baby slowed. He searched for the movement, but Pepper wasn’t about to tell him the baby had stopped wiggling.

  “I don’t deal with babies and definitely not pregnant women. But even if I did, you’re different. You could never be just a patient to me.”

  Pulling in a deep breath, Pepper closed her eyes and willed herself to remain in control. Part of her wanted to give in to the weakness and throw her arms around him, lean into him and let him carry her over this life hurdle.

  But the independent woman inside her demanded she deal with this head-on. There was no future here, so there was no reason in letting her mind, or her heart, wander into forbidden territory.

  “You can’t say things like that to me.” She opened her eyes and backed away slightly. “Now, show me your horses, because I’ve missed this simple life.”

  He didn’t move; he just continued to stare at her as if seeing her for the first time.

  “You’re beautiful like this,” he murmured huskily. “Fuller figure, hair down, desire in your eyes. I always pictured you back here. I wondered if you’d ever return.”

  Pepper’s heart clenched with each word. Marrying him might have sounded like the perfect solution in theory, but now that reality had set in, she wasn’t sure she could continue. She wanted too much.

  Before she could tell him they needed to keep focused on why they were forced together, Nolan closed the narrow space between them. His boots shuffled against the stone, breaking the tense silence.

  “Tell me you haven’t thought of us since you left.”

  Pepper’s resolve crumbled as he loomed over her, looking down into her eyes with such...raw desire.


  “Tell me,” he demanded. “I see how you look at me. I feel you trembling now beneath my touch. You want me as much as I want you.”

  She did, but her feelings, her wants, didn’t matter.

  “I want you,” she admitted, not surprised when her voice cracked. “I thought of you, of this ranch, every day for years. But then everything faded. I moved on. You moved on, too.”

  Banding an arm around her waist, he thrust his other hand into her hair and tilted her head back. “Or maybe we haven’t.”

  Nolan captured her mouth, sending every single doubt and red flag to the back of her mind. In the fury of motions, his hat fell with a soft thump to the ground.

  All Pepper could feel, all she could concentrate on, was this potent man who overtook every single emotion.

  His hard body lined up perfectly with hers—just like she remembered. Even with her baby bump, it was like they were made for each other...and part of her still believed they were.

  Nolan gripped her hair, pulling just enough to send another burst of arousal through her. Not only was he commanding, he knew exactly what it took to turn her on.

  Pepper grasped his biceps and returned the kiss, opening further for him. She couldn’t deny herself this pleasure. Didn’t want to. She’d already had so much taken from her and for these few stolen moments, she was going to be selfish and damn the consequences.

Nolan tore his mouth from hers to rain kisses along her jaw, down the column of her throat. Pepper arched her back, giving him full access. He tugged at the scoop in her tank, managing to pull her bra to the side, as well, exposing one breast. When his lips closed over her heated skin, Pepper cried out and reached up to clutch the sides of his head.

  Her entire body lit up from within. But if she didn’t put a stop to this, there was no question where they were heading. She tingled all over and it was difficult for her to remember why this wasn’t the smartest move.

  “Nolan.” Why did his name come out like a pant? Maybe one more minute, that was all she needed. Then she’d stop him.

  Those talented lips traveled back up until he feasted on her mouth once again. Pepper pressed herself against him, needing to feel more, wanting to rid herself of these clothes and—

  No. That was exactly the opposite of what she should want.

  She pushed away from Nolan and his spellbinding kiss. As she took a step back, then another for good measure, she tugged her tank up and made sure she was fully covered before she looked him in the eye.

  But when she did, there was so much staring back at her. Beyond all the passion and arousal, though, was one emotion worrying her most. Determination. She knew without a shadow of a doubt that Nolan wasn’t done with her, that this was only the beginning...and she’d let this happen. She’d wanted it.

  “Don’t say anything.” His stroked his thumb across her bottom lip. “You’re not sorry this happened and you don’t regret it. You can’t lie to me, darlin’. I can see everything in your eyes.”

  That was precisely what she was afraid of. It never mattered what she said or did—her eyes always revealed the truth.

  “Maybe I’m not sorry and I don’t regret it,” she told him, trying to ignore that tingle shooting through her. “But at this point in my life, I am not looking to revisit the past or even get swept into an affair.”


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