The Log of the Gray Wolf (Star Wolf Squadron Book 1)

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The Log of the Gray Wolf (Star Wolf Squadron Book 1) Page 41

by Shane VanAulen

  A few of them laughed with the noted exception of Lt. Jaffman.

  “Sir, we ran into them on the way back and you’ll find the armed freighter Chaos in the hold of the Mammoth and her surviving crew locked in a cargo hold!” Collins informed with a smile.

  “Amazing! What of the Anarchy?”

  Mike shook his head, “Escaped into the atmosphere of an ammonium world.”

  “A pity that!”

  Eric Jaffman broke his silence.

  “Sir, I’d like to put all of these officers in for a citation. They saved my ship and what was left of my crew and if it wasn’t for them we’d be dead and the Varuna would be in the hands of pirates.”

  Before Collins could stop them Kelly and then Stevens both recounted their stories of defeat and rescue by the Wolf’s crewmen.

  Captain Kirkland sat quietly as their stories came pouring out, all of which sounded like a plot from a New Hollywood vid. He occasionally glanced at the four men from the Wolf who seemed to be embarrassed at their own bravery and tenacity.

  After they had finished Mike spoke up next.

  “Sir, these officers are too generous, we were just trying to save are own butts. It is they who have faced hardship and have shown more bravery than anyone could ask.”

  “I’m sure everyone in this room deserves an award and a long vacation on a tropical beach,” Kirkland said, thinking that he would like to go with them.

  The room chuckled at the thought and then Rufo got them back on task.

  “Sir, please continue your story of what happened at Austro Prime.”

  “They did take my advice and have repaired the minesweeper ISS Rebecca though she is now the ADS Rebecca. The biggest shock was what they were doing to the remains of the Surprise."

  The room got quiet, half of them were shocked and the other half were lost as the conversation was out of reference for them.

  “What could they have done, all that was left was a battered hull?” Martin said, looking to Mike and then to Rufo who both shrugged in response.

  “They are refitting her,” the old captain revealed enjoying the looks on their faces.

  “It kind of makes sense, after all it’s cheaper to repair and refit an existing hull than to try to make one from scratch,” Cappilo remarked, knowing that Austro Prime had no real ship building facilities.

  The collected officers thought about that for a moment while Kirkland sipped his tea.

  “When I made it to the surface of the planet I found, pardon the pun, several more surprises,” he said rather dryly.

  “What of the Academy sir?” Rufo inquired as his curiosity got the better of him.

  Ensign Bill Peters answered before the captain could.

  “They closed it and arrested the remaining midshipmen and the faculty!”

  “What!” Mike said as Martin and Rufo gasped.

  “They were held for several weeks and then after an investigation most of them were released. While we were on planet we managed to recruit about half of the remaining middies and all of the faculty.”

  “Yes, it seems the embarrassment of having lost the Varuna and the Star Wolf gave this upstart government an excuse to crack down. They disbanded the CCF and now rely entirely on the new planetary police force and the Austro Defense Force,” Kirkland said shaking his head.

  The CCF or Colonial Constabulary Force was the official police force for all Confederation worlds. Many planets had a separate local police force in addition to the CCF. Austro Prime decided that the CCF officers whose loyalty was too closely aligned to the Confederation and especially to the democratic ideas of the Emperor.

  “So the military is running the planet unopposed?” Ensign Stevens asked, trying to get a better understanding of the situation.

  Kirkland nodded slowly as he frowned.

  “Yes, this new civilian government has completely seized power and with their treaties with the other League Planets as well as with the Karduans, no one will raise a hand to stop them.”

  Bill Peters smiled as he cut in excitedly.

  “That is except Captain Kirkland here. He along with the help of Eric Wayne and Peter Bachman contacted many of the former CCF officers and has since recruited them to our side. Some stayed behind to work on planet as spies while others and their families have come here to help fight the Blues.”

  “The CCF Commissioner and his senior officers were interned along with the Confederation Navy officers that they had imprisoned from the start of the take over.” The former planetary admiral added and continued, “They have also fired several planetary navy officers for both loyalty and political reasons. Many of them were former Confederation officers or were those who spoke out against the change of government. I have also recruited them to our cause and with the help of the Cassidy and the Sundance have over the last month ferried them and their families to the Wolf’s Den.”

  “Do we have any friends on planet beside the former CCF officers?” Mike asked.

  “I still have contacts in the Planetary Defense Force as well as officers that I had promoted and who still possess loyalty to me and the Confederation. As best as we can tell the people are divided. Most don’t like this dictatorial government, but are scared not only of the government, but also of the Blues.”

  The room grew silent as they considered this new information.

  “Sir, what about those new ships and the Wasp fighters we saw coming in?” Martin said, breaking the gloomy quiet.

  “The Karduan sloop we captured about twelve days ago while looking for the Star Wolf. It was rather battered and overloaded with crew from other ships. They also had a wild story of how a single Confederation cruiser destroyed an entire squadron including a super destroyer.”

  Mike, Rufo and Martin were smiling from ear to ear.

  “That was us,” Collins said and then quickly explained what had happened. Those not involved listened in fascination of the tale of a single ship fighting and defeating ten enemy vessels.

  “If this vanguard sloop was the one that escaped, then that means they never reported back about what had happened to their squadron,” Cappilo noted, looking to Collins with a grin.

  Kirkland noted the look and then continued before the young officers went off with that unspoken idea.

  “The freighter is the SS Winston, an old mid-size tobacco hauler out of the planet Salem. We found her drifting near a gravity well. They had escaped from a Kardie attack by bending out, but they had taken too much damage to continue towards Confederation lines. We have been refitting her as a sort of auxiliary cruiser or mini-carrier. We’ve added six turrets, a torpedo launcher and have converted part of C deck into a fighter bay.”

  “What about armor?” Kelly asked breaking her silence as she thought that a freighter couldn’t take very much damage in a real battle.

  “Good question, we have been reinforcing her key systems, but we only have so much extra hull plating.”

  Mike smiled, “Well, we have a Karduan DE in the Mammoth’s belly that is only good for scrap and I know where we can get a lot more.”

  “Good, we can definitely use it,” Peters exclaimed.

  “What about those fighters and the enemy crews?”

  The old captain touched a panel on his desk and holo projection of the interior expanse of the asteroid field appeared.

  “Two of the fighters we found badly damaged in the debris field. The other six we bought or borrowed from private ownerships or museums. We placed the prisoners from the sloop on the Joseph Priestly. We converted one of the old freighter’s cargo decks into cells.”

  “But sir, the Priestley’s engines are scrap metal?” Martin pointed out.

  “Agreed, but we placed portable emergency power units onboard and have sealed the prison deck. It makes a perfect prison ship, no way to escape and no place to run to. With so many CCF officers on staff, we’re having no problem with security. We also made it clear to the Blue ladies that the life support isn’t that reliable so
they shouldn’t try anything foolish.”

  Lt. Jaffman had a question and like a schoolboy reluctantly half raised his hand.

  “Sir, where did you get the money to buy fighters or feed all these people?”

  “We have some rich friends on Austro that are generous, but most of our revenue comes from mining the minerals from the gaseous worlds in this system. It seems that the mining company that found this system twenty years ago didn’t have the technology back then to make gas mining cost effective. Today, we have such technology and the Pay Dirt has been a godsend bringing in most of our cash flow. We are even refitting a second shuttle for mining operations and hope to soon start taking prize ships and enemy supplies.”

  “If you have room on the Priestly, we have both Blues and pirate prisoners onboard the Mammoth that we’d like to transfer to your care,” Martin asked after Ensign Stevens whispered him a reminder.

  Kirkland nodded, “Not a problem.”

  “If you can, try to get your hands on more Wasps fighters,” Rufo started as the captain looked at him in curiosity. “They seem to be hard for the Kardies to lock onto. Probably something in the trans-ploy aluminum used in their construction.”

  “Good to know and now that you’re back, could you lend a hand with their refit and restoration?”

  The Italian smiled as if someone had offered him a strong drink and their pretty sister.

  “Sure sir, and we have eight working SF-18 Hornets and another eighteen or so damaged ones. We’re hoping to use them to restore at least eight to ten more depending on parts.”

  “We should also get to work on the privateer ship and the Varuna as soon as possible,” Martin suggested, “And the real question is can we restore the Ajax which is now in two pieces or should we just strip her for parts?”

  Mike had been quietly listening to all the updates and now he felt he had to put forth his own ideas before they all scattered to various assignments.

  “We need to go back!” he stated, causing the room to get quiet and all eyes to look towards him.

  Though they all stared at him if not strangely than questioningly, it was Kirkland who spoke first.

  “What do you mean Mister Collins?”

  “Sir, I’d like to take at least the Alamo and the Mammoth and go back to recover the Lexington and if possible look for the Wolf. The escort carrier looked to be in salvageable condition and we shouldn’t let the enemy get their hands on her.”

  At this comment Cappilo chimed in, “Her engines were in one piece and from all accounts it was the failure of its fire suppression systems and life support that caused the crew to abandon ship.”

  Kirkland looked skeptical, “If it was in such reasonable shape, lacking a better word, then why didn’t the Kardies take her by now? It seems that they are intent on recovering our damaged ships and stealing any merchant vessels they can lay their hands on.”

  Martin looked to Ensign Stevens and nodded his head, encouraging the officer to speak up.

  “Sir, we lied to them,” he stated as they looked toward him for an explanation. “They wanted to take the Lady Lex first, but we convinced them that it would take weeks for the Mammoth to have her decks converted to house such a large ship. They didn’t know that the Mammoth’s cargo walls were designed to easily contract.”

  The old navy officer paused as his face and brow crinkled in thought as he considered their proposal.

  “We could also stop along the way back and recover several hulks that were defeated by the Wolf. From them we could strip off their armor and undamaged systems like weapon’s turrets,” Mike added, seeing him waver.

  “All right, we’ll go, but you’ll also take the Java and the two sloops. While you’re gone we’ll finish work on the vanguard sloop, which we’ve named the Jessie James. With the help of the Varuna’s skilled crew we’ll also get to work on their frigate and the armed privateer.”

  Mike stood and faced his officers.

  “Let get prisoners, personnel and any supplies we need transferred. We’ll set a departure time for nine hours from now and everyone should also get a couple hours of sleep.”

  Kirkland stood and placed his hand on the junior officer’s shoulder.

  “You heard the man so let’s get moving!”

  The assembled officers stood up and headed for the door, both worried as well as encouraged. It was another challenge and though they were tired they weren’t about to let the enemy get hold of that old tired escort carrier with a name as long as history itself.

  Nine hours later proved eventful as they scrambled to get underway. The wounded had been moved over to the base infirmary as the pirates and the Blues were transferred under heavy guard to the prison ship. Supplies were requested and personnel from the base were sent over to the three ships to replace wounded crewmen and fill vacant positions. No command slots were changed even though Captain Kirkland had several senior officers available who had formerly been under his command in the Austro Defense Force.

  The two sloop captains were introduced to Lt. Collins who found them to be not only both older men, but also full commanders. This worried Mike a little as he was clearly the junior officer and he wondered if in a fight they would follow his commands. He expressed this concern and Kirkland nodded understanding his trepidation.

  “I’ve received the report from your Dr. Duarte and I must say it is quite impressive. It reads almost like an adventure novel, but also points out this Lt. Thornton’s mental break down. Not too surprising considering the kind of pressure he was under. Don’t worry about Commanders Green and Oman, they are professionals and will do what you say just make sure you’re right. Do you want to give up command of the squadron?”

  His face looked blank as he turned pale.

  “No sir, that is unless you think that’s best for the mission.”

  “Good, because I think you’re the best man for the job,” he said with a smile, “Anyway, I’ve decided that I’ll be accompanying you on the Mammoth as squadron commander and you’ll be my executive officer as well as ship captain of the Alamo.”

  “Understood sir and I feel better already, but what about the base?”

  Kirkland knew what he meant as news of their mission spread throughout the complex the base’s population became concerned. They had spent the last month running for their lives and praying that the Wolf would return. They had only two old sloops to protect them and their secret base, which just wasn’t enough to stop their worries.

  Things had gotten better with the arrival of the Winston and the Jessie James, but they were still scared. The work of restoring the base and making a new home had occupied their thoughts, but now they had more time to wonder if they had been better off staying on Austro Prime. The arrival of the three Confederation ships and their prizes made the complex’s feelings of hope rise.

  The news of a major operation that would take all five working ships concerned the base community especially the families and their mood came crashing down. Captain Kirkland was their Gibraltar, a sold rock who made everything seem possible. Their fear was not only losing the ships, but also the loss of their leader.

  “They’ll just have to adjust as the mission is too important. I have a very good and well-liked second in command in my wife. Whom I might add had retired as a full commander from the Confederation Naval Reserves. I’ve reinstated her and she’ll run things just fine while I’m gone.”

  With that said they continued preparations and then headed out to their ships. The base community wanted to have a grand dinner for the ship’s crews, but due to time constraints they had to make due with individual tokens of good luck and thanks.

  Leaving the asteroid field, the squadron of five ships moved through the minefield and passed the busy little Pay Dirt shuttle. Crossing the system, they reached the gravity well and prepared to bend out. The Alamo and the Java took the lead followed by the Mammoth with the Cassidy and the Sundance bringing up the rear.

  “Sir, sensors are rea
ding a ship coming through the gravity well!” the maser operator sang out in excitement.

  Mike ordered his ship to prepare to fire torpedoes, particle and fusion turrets as Kirkland commanded the sloops to come up from the rear to get a clearer shot.

  Exiting from the gravity well a second later came not one ship, but seven. It could have been a disaster except the seven incoming ships were all Confederation except for one that was a captured Karduan DE. Still, itchy trigger fingers on both sides could have caused an accidental firing, but coolheaded commanders kept them in control.

  The first ship out of the well was the ISS Star Wolf, followed by a modern light cruiser identifying itself as the ISS Patton and a modern heavy frigate called the ISS Bastogne. The two rescued freighters; the Jillian and the Brittany came next with a captured Kardie DE trailing behind them. The former enemy destroyer escort was under Commander Hutton’s command, having temporarily turned over fighter command to Lt. Usheiba.

  The last ship was the largest and one that was not unfamiliar to many of them. Mike immediately recognized the ship as a prize he had passed on trying to take. The luxury liner SS Mary Queen of Scots looked to be in good shape with surprisingly no apparent battle damage.

  Kirkland onboard the Mammoth opened a channel.

  “Randolph you’re late!”

  “Yes, but my fleet is bigger than yours,” Hope dryly jested in return and then asked, “Where in the world did you find so many ships?”

  The former planetary admiral laughed, “You’ll have to ask the commanders of my frigates.”

  Before Hope could reply or realize that he had briefly seen these ships though in worst condition, Mike cut in on the command channel.

  “Good to see you, sir,” he said with a smile as the captain of the Star Wolf stared into the viewer, his face a mask of shock and surprise.

  “I’ll be damned!” Hope finally exclaimed leaping to his feet with a smile of relief a mile wide. Around him the bridge crew of the attack cruiser burst into cheers of joy.


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