The Log of the Gray Wolf (Star Wolf Squadron Book 1)

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The Log of the Gray Wolf (Star Wolf Squadron Book 1) Page 46

by Shane VanAulen

  “I call this Operation Trojan Horse and timing is everything. We will wait until word reaches us that the Karduan fleet has started to collect prisoners from Sterling Six. We know that Austro Prime is their last stop before going back to their own space and their holds will be full of our servicemen. What we will do is take the Chaos and return to Austro Prime where a group of psi resistant volunteers and I will be turned over to Austro authorities. Officers Bachman and Wayne will use their contacts to turn us in and get us placed amongst the other prisoners. When the enemy ships arrive we will be loaded on their various prison transports with the others.”

  He had paused as their blank uncertain faces looked on.

  “We have discovered that trans-poly aluminum blocks out Karduan sensors. All of the raid teams will have old style arm or leg casts, which will be lined with TPA and will have weapons, explosives and palm pads hidden within them. Once onboard the Karduan ships we will first use an invasive computer program to simulate normal communications and to override their security. The raid teams will enlist what aid they can from the other prisoners and seize the freighters.”

  Someone called out from the back with a question.

  “What about their fleet? They aren’t going to let us just take their transports and leave.”

  “Good question, we will play possum like we did when we retook the Mammoth. With luck we will bend out with their fleet and simply end up somewhere else.”

  The crowd of faces looked skeptical so he continued.

  “We have also treated a full complement of Blitz Krieg torpedoes and missiles with TPA. They should be able to strike home without being detected or stopped.”

  The Padre shook his head.

  “What about Captain Hope? Why hasn’t he and the other senior officers been included in your plan? We are really going to need the Wolf and the fleet to insure victory,” the engineer asked.

  There was a murmur of agreement from the assembled crewmen with several people shaking their heads in concurrence.

  “I have already suggested that the freighters and sloops enter Austro Prime on a trade mission and be in position to attack from orbit. With TPA torpedoes and Wasp fighters they will be able hit the Kardie fleet unaware. I have also recommended that the main battle fleet bend into the system with our captured Karduan warships in the lead. Caught between our two forces and with surprise on our side, we should be able to defeat the enemy fleet with minimal losses.”

  Gunny Masters raised a hand when he saw him pause for a moment, “I’m with you sir, but I’d feel better if the Captain was included.”

  “I’m going to go see Captain Hope tomorrow morning to suggest my revised plan, but with no disrespect to him we must be ready to act on our own in any event. I had suggested the fleet action at our last staff call, but the senior officers, many of whom have not seen action, spoke out against it. Their feeling was that it was unwise to risk the fleet in such a vain and futile effort to rescue our people.”

  “And if he votes down your plan?” another unseen person called out.

  Mike shrugged his shoulders.

  “I’ll respect his decision but I will go it alone if I have to because I believe that we must try to save the prisoners before they can be taken to a Karduan slave world or they may even be forced to man ships against us.”

  The room grew quiet as they contemplated his words and their meaning.

  A powerful and familiar voice broke the momentary silence.

  “I’m with you!”

  The crowd parted and Mike could now see that the gray wolves had been blocking his view of this now revealed speaker. Captain Hope stood before them arms clasped behind his back. Fortunately, he was smiling and then nodded his head in approval before anyone could say anything.

  Collins left the meeting feeling better, but still his conscience nagged at him for going behind the old officer’s back.

  Hope was waiting for him near the turbo lift.

  “Next time, come to me first. I may still say no, but I’d like that option. After all, I’m the captain and I am occasionally right.”

  Mike nodded and said a “yes sir” as he looked down to the floor in shame.

  The elderly officer slapped him on the shoulder.

  “Don’t feel bad, I would probably have done the same thing. Now get to work, you have a mission to prep for!”

  With a smile a mile wide he rushed back to his apartment to break the news to Angelique. That was when Lady Seil-Ca had escaped and assaulted them.

  Two weeks of preparation included selecting the insertion teams, sending the Cassidy to Sterling Six and long hours of intensive training. The commandos would have to be able to free themselves and the other prisoners, escape their cells and lead a desperate attempt to take over the enemy ships. The Karduans would have freighters or military transports to haul their human cargo as well as a full escort fleet including a battle destroyer and a star destroyer.

  All of the crewmen chosen had been members of the Wolf’s boarding parties. It was decided that not only had they already served under fire as a team, but they had also the benefit of speaking Karduan. In addition, the teams also had gone through mind training and knew how to mask their thoughts so a Karduan telepath couldn’t detect their intentions.

  Some senior officers complained that the Werewolves as they were being called, were nothing but a bunch of old men and young boys. Mike had argued that these old men and young boys had fought in both naval battles and in deck-to-deck fighting. Not only were they all cross-trained specialist, but their extreme discrepancy in age would be another advantage. After all who would expect an old man or a young pup to be any kind of a real threat let alone put up much of a fight.

  In the end all arguments were throw out as Captain Hope settled the matter.

  “The Wolf’s boarding parties will do,” he had said and that was that.

  It was decided that Lt. Commander Hutton would lead the teams along with Lt. Collins as his executive officer and Gunny Masters as team sergeant. Lieutenants Daley and Cappilo had also joined their squads both having already served with the Werewolves as well as for their computer and engineering expertise.

  The Werewolves had spent their remaining time in intensive training, refreshing themselves in the use of all types of weapons, explosives and hand-to-hand combat. They reviewed and memorized enemy ship’s floor plans and captured security codes. Every team was fully capable of subverting an enemy computer or piloting a captured ship.

  To help with their operation Mike had already arranged with Doc Beilor to have his men implanted with sub-dermal thorax communications. The units were part of the hardwire neural implants and though Edie and Angelique had worked out the implantation process it would still take them a month to perform the operations and for their recovery. A month was something they knew they didn’t have so instead they elected for just the comm. units.

  While the raid teams trained, the rest of the fleet rushed to make preparations. The armed freighters were fitted to act as auxiliary carriers to carry fighters and their internal structures were further reinforced. More crews were trained to operate the captured and repaired Karduan ships. Fleet wide war games and one-on-one ship tactics simulations were run and rerun. Everyone knew that this was a desperate all out fight, one that would either end in triumph or ultimate defeat.

  “Victory or Death!” Mike had yelled as his men ran through the Crocket’s halls.

  It had been the motto chosen by General George Washington just after he had been run out of New York and chased across the entire breath of New Jersey by British General Cornwallis. Just a few weeks later Washington crossed the Delaware River during a snowstorm on Christmas night. He attacked the Hessian garrison at Trenton and won a much-needed victory for his improvised and demoralized Continental Army.

  To Collins this was the same kind of fight, one in which not only mankind, but their little group of humanity had to win to insure freedom.

  A day later the Ca
ssidy returned home, reporting that the Karduan fleet had arrived at Sterling Six and would soon be headed to Austro Prime.

  The Austro guard pushed him hard having not been part of their group’s plan. Officer Bachman had set up for them to be infiltrated amongst the prisoners as they were being transferred to Karduan custody. Their cover story was that they were survivors of the Battle of Jericho Six and had been taken captive by the Chaos’ crew. The privateers were well known for selling their captives to the Austro officials and such behavior with even the Blues was not beyond their character.

  Bachman had made sure that their teams were placed in the midst of the several groups of prisoners to be loaded on the various transports. They were broken into six teams of six men each with an even mix of wolf pups and gray wolves.

  Mike’s right arm itched as his archaic plaster style cast chaffed at his skin. Their teams had needed to have weapons to carryout their mission and the trans-poly aluminum was the answer to their problem.

  Their casts had been treated with liquid TPA and small pistols had been placed inside. The casts had also been designed to break open with a twist, as well as their Karduan restraints that were also gimmicked to release. Collin’s cast had a pocket 8mm automatic, a micro palm pad and his extension sword. Others in the group had explosives or computer crystals with intrusion programs designed to scramble or override the enemy’s computers. Hell, Chief Watts had been given a complete body cast, which held a multitude of weapons and equipment.

  Stumbling along he thought that things were going well. They were being slowly herded towards the waiting shuttles, which would take them to the three transport freighters. Mike’s team was heading to the first of three ships while Commander Hutton and Rufo’s teams would be loaded on the second and third ships.

  “Ensign Collins?” Someone called as Mike followed behind an older CCF officer who wore a tattered uniform. What made his head snap was that he wasn’t registered under his own name. They had felt that he and the other wolves’ names might be recognized so they had all been given false names of fallen comrades from the Lexington and the Alamo.

  The second thing that struck him odd was that he hadn’t been called by the rank of ensign since they had stolen the Wolf and escaped the Austro system. He couldn’t believe it when he saw the person who had called out his name.

  Still in his midshipman’s uniform was a handcuffed and tired looking blond haired and blue eyed Mister Jansen. He was the same midshipman, whose father had been well connected with the Austro government. He was the very same person who had tried to stop him and the other middies from raiding the academy’s armory. The last time Mike had seen the junior classman he was unconscious, tied with his own socks to a weight rack.

  “Mister Collins!” the Nordic giant exclaimed, stumbling towards him. The middy’s hands were bound and his midshipman’s uniform was dirty with numerous tears.

  Mike looked at him sternly.

  “Shut the fuck up!” he said just loud enough for the midshipman to hear.

  Jansen seemed to ignore his warning and continued in a loud and excited voice.

  “What going on? You had escaped on the Star Wolf, I even thought I saw Mister Cappilo in the crowd?”

  Taking a step forward he closed with the junior classman.

  “Lower your voice and stop drawing attention to us,” he demanded in lowered command voice.

  Around them other prisoners were growing curious and even a few guards were craning their necks to see what was going on.

  Again the middy seemed oblivious to his request and started to ask another question. Before he could get another word out Mike shot out a front snap kick or mae geri. The fast low blow struck Jansen squarely in the crotch immediately bringing him to his knees. He hadn’t struck him as hard as he could have, but it was quite effective as the junior’s eyes crossed and he gasped for breath.

  Jansen’s breathing vapor-locked, as he was trying to deal with the pain his attacker leaned over and spoke to him.

  “Now keep your mouth shut and listen. I don’t know why you’re a prisoner here, but if you want to get out of this then shut up. Start acting like a soldier and do as you’re told! Do you understand?”

  The large Nord’s blond head nodded as he slowly pulled himself back to his feet. In a low voice Jansen tried to explain.

  “Sorry, most of the academy’s remaining midshipmen were thrown in prison after you and those you escaped with had left. Even my father was held and questioned. He is supposedly in one of these interment camps and I was hoping to find him here when I spotted you.”

  “I thought your dad was a big wig Austro government official?” Mike said helping him to his feet as he guided him into the crowd and away from an approaching guard.

  Jansen shook his head as he frowned and then surprisingly smiled.

  “A lot of people were mad that you had not only escaped, but had stolen that attack cruiser right out from under their noses. The Blues were even madder that you had defeated their ships and kidnapped their ambassador. Someone had to pay so they arrested most of the remaining midshipmen and some of the faculty. My father and others still in the government tried to help us and ended up locked up with the rest of us.”

  Mike wanted to say he was sorry, but if he had to do it over again he would have.

  Before he could say anything else the big man continued.

  “You may have made a lot of people mad, but you also made us proud. If I had known what you were doing that night, I would have joined you and so would most of the others.”

  “Sorry, we couldn’t take the risk.”

  The middy nodded having already come to grips with the reasons why they had been excluded and left behind.

  “What are you doing here and when did you get captured?”

  “Listen, I can’t go into it now, but you have to forget you saw me. The Kardies have telepaths who can read your surface thoughts. If you get too close to one or if you are questioned, try to think of something painful or get angry. Even if you can practice some complex math problems, it will help block out their scans.”

  Jansen seemed to have pulled himself together and nodded, his eyes squinting as he realized that something else was going on.

  “Anything I can do to help?”

  “Just stay loose, keep away from anyone you recognize and especially from the Blues if you can.”

  The blonde’s head nodded before he turned away and worked his way back into the crowd. Mike followed him to keep an eye on him. He still had his suspicions and wondered if the well-connected Austro native was a plant within the prison population. Much to his relief he saw the junior classmen avoid a guard as he mingled and did not run to them to report his presence.

  Mike turned his attention back to the shuttle, as his group of prisoners started moving forward again. Reaching the open bay’s doors, he had thought he was in the clear until he saw that there was a scanning station set up at the entrance to the shuttle. Praying that the TPA was as good as it had been during their tests he stepped forward as the line progressed.

  An Austro army major, two sergeants and two Kardie females were running the station. All three of the humans were armed with standard 8mm side arms.

  The human officer was in a heated discussion with a Karduan female who had the rank of a third tier ship’s mistress. Nearby was a Karduan guardswoman in full battle armor and carrying a needle rifle. The sergeants looked nervous and were anxious to be done with what they clearly saw as dirty duty.

  “Lady, he has a broken arm and was only turned over to us by privateers a few days ago, so you can’t have his arms bound behind him,” the human major argued.

  The Blue officer spoke in Karduan to the guardswoman, which the major didn’t understand, but Collins did.

  “Take his arms and bind them behind him,” she ordered.

  The guardswoman slung her rifle and went over to him, grabbed him roughly and pulling him around. She then took his handcuffs off with a maste
r key and yanked his arms around hard to cuff him from behind.

  Playing along with his role of an injured man he let out a gasp of pain as the guard manhandled him. One of the human sergeants started to react as his officer loudly protested her actions.

  “Don’t get yourselves in trouble over this,” Mike said meeting the sergeant’s eyes. This stopped him from intervening even as several other guardswomen rushed over to the support their Lady and fellow guard.

  The officer continued to argue, but the two sergeants and the four guardswomen stood around him staring each other down as their hands roamed near their weapons.

  Mike didn’t want this to become an incident.

  “At ease!” he yelled.

  All heated arguments ended as both groups looked to him.

  “Major, it is done! Let it go before you and your men get into a fight you can’t win.”

  The human officer frowned, but nodded his head in compliance.

  “You’re right Lieutenant and for what it’s worth, I’m truly sorry.”

  “Not your fault,” he said as he nodded in return. “And thank you all for trying,” looking from the officer to the two sergeants, meeting their eyes for a moment.

  With the tension reduced the female officer waved her warriors back to their posts and told one of the guards to take him into the hold.

  At least they removed his leg shackles so that he and the other prisoners could be loaded faster. Leading him into the shuttle’s hold he was forced to his knees next to a row of fellow prisoners. An hour later the shuttle was fully loaded and taking off for one of the three orbiting freighters.

  As predicted the Blues were loading prisoners to all three ships at the same time to expedite their stay in-system. The Fleet Mistress, Lady Mar-Odon was anxious to be gone from this human world and its horrid smells. Ever a hands-on type of leader the older Lady personally inspected the loading of the captive humans. Behind her a full staff of ladies followed, some providing information on the loading as other argued over the usefulness of humans as slaves.


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