Tales of Norse Mythology

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Tales of Norse Mythology Page 17

by Helen A. Guerber

  Whom they bring back with them at night to Heaven

  To glad the gods and feast in Odin’s hall.

  —Balder Bead, Matthew Arnold

  These maidens were pictured as young and beautiful, with dazzling white arms and flowing golden hair. They wore helmets of silver or gold, and blood-red corselets, and with spears and shields glittering, they boldly charged through the fray on their mettlesome white steeds. These horses galloped through the realms of air and over the quivering Bifröst, bearing not only their fair riders, but the heroes slain, who after having received the Valkyrs’ kiss of death, were thus immediately transported to Valhalla.

  The Cloud Steeds

  As the Valkyrs’ steeds were personifications of the clouds, it was natural to fancy that the hoar frost and dew dropped down upon earth from their glittering manes as they rapidly dashed to and fro through the air. They were therefore held in high honor and regard, for the people ascribed to their beneficent influence much of the fruitfulness of the earth, the sweetness of dale and mountain slope, the glory of the pines, and the nourishment of the meadowland.

  Choosers of the Slain

  The mission of the Valkyrs was not only to battlefields upon earth, but they often rode over the sea, snatching the dying Vikings from their sinking dragon-ships. Sometimes they stood upon the strand to beckon them thither, an infallible warning that the coming struggle would be their last, and one which every Northland hero received with joy.

  Slowly they moved to the billow side;

  And the forms, as they grew more clear,

  Seem’d each on a tall pale steed to ride,

  And a shadowy crest to rear,

  And to beckon with faint hand

  From the dark and rocky strand,

  And to point a gleaming spear.

  Then a stillness on his spirit fell,

  Before th’ unearthly train;

  For he knew Valhalla’s daughters well,

  The chooser of the slain!

  —Valkyriur Song, Mrs. Hemans

  Their Numbers and Duties

  The numbers of the Valkyrs differ greatly according to various mythologists, ranging from three to sixteen, most authorities, however, naming only nine. The Valkyrs were considered as divinities of the air; they were also called Norns, or wish maidens. It was said that Freya and Skuld led them on to the fray.


  Gertrude Demain Hammond, R. I.

  She saw Valkyries

  Come from afar,

  Ready to ride

  To the tribes of god;

  Skuld held the shield,

  Skaugul came next,

  Gunnr, Hildr, Gaundul,

  And Geir-skaugul.

  Thus now are told

  The Warrior’s Norns.

  —Sæmund’s Edda, Henderson’s translation

  The Valkyrs, as we have seen, had important duties in Valhalla, when, their bloody weapons laid aside, they poured out the heavenly mead for the Einheriar. This beverage delighted the souls of the newcomers, and they welcomed the fair maidens as warmly as when they had first seen them on the battlefield and realized that they had come to transport them where they fain would be.

  In the shade now tall forms are advancing,

  And their wan hands like snowflakes in the moonlight are gleaming;

  They beckon, they whisper, “Oh! Strong Armed in Valor,

  The pale guests await thee—mead foams in Valhalla.”

  —Finn’s Saga, Hewitt

  Wayland and the Valkyrs

  The Valkyrs were supposed to take frequent flights to earth in swan plumage, which they would throw off when they came to a secluded stream, that they might indulge in a bath. Any mortal surprising them thus, and securing their plumage, could prevent them from leaving the earth, and could even force these proud maidens to mate with him if such were his pleasure.

  It is related that three of the Valkyrs, Olrun, Alvit, and Svanhvit, were once sporting in the waters, when suddenly the three brothers Egil, Slagfinn, and Völund, or Wayland the smith, came upon them, and securing their swan plumage, the young men forced them to remain upon earth and become their wives. The Valkyrs, thus detained, remained with their husbands nine years, but at the end of that time, recovering their plumage, or the spell being broken in some other way, they effected their escape.

  There they stayed

  Seven winters through;

  But all the eighth

  Were with longing seized;

  And in the ninth

  Fate parted them.

  The maidens yearned

  For the murky wood,

  The young Alvit,

  Fate to fulfil.

  —Lay of Völund, Thorpe’s translation

  The brothers felt the loss of their wives extremely, and two of them, Egil and Slagfinn, putting on their snow shoes, went in search of their loved ones, disappearing in the cold and foggy regions of the North. The third brother, Völund, however, remained at home, knowing all search would be of no avail, and he found solace in the contemplation of a ring which Alvit had given him as a love-token, and he indulged the constant hope that she would return. As he was a very clever smith, and could manufacture the most dainty ornaments of silver and gold, as well as magic weapons which no blow could break, he now employed his leisure in making seven hundred rings exactly like the one which his wife had given him. These, when finished, he bound together; but one night, on coming home from the hunt, he found that someone had carried away one ring, leaving the others behind, and his hopes received fresh inspiration, for he told himself that his wife had been there and would soon return for good.

  That selfsame night, however, he was surprised in his sleep, and bound and made prisoner by Nidud, King of Sweden, who took possession of his sword, a choice weapon invested with magic powers, which he reserved for his own use, and of the love ring made of pure Rhine gold, which latter he gave to his only daughter, Bodvild. As for the unhappy Völund himself, he was led captive to a neighboring island, where, after being hamstrung, in order that he should not escape, the king put him to the incessant task of forging weapons and ornaments for his use. He also compelled him to build an intricate labyrinth, and to this day a maze in Iceland is known as “Völund’s house.”

  Völund’s rage and despair increased with every new insult offered him by Nidud, and night and day he thought upon how he might obtain revenge. Nor did he forget to provide for his escape, and during the pauses of his labor he fashioned a pair of wings similar to those his wife had used as a Valkyr, which he intended to don as soon as his vengeance had been accomplished. One day the king came to visit his captive, and brought him the stolen sword that he might repair it; but Völund cleverly substituted another weapon so exactly like the magic sword as to deceive the king when he came again to claim it. A few days later, Völund enticed the king’s sons into his smithy and slew them, after which he cunningly fashioned drinking vessels out of their skulls, and jewels out of their eyes and teeth, bestowing these upon their parents and sister.

  But their skulls

  Beneath the hair

  He in silver set,

  And to Nidud gave;

  And of their eyes

  Precious stones he formed,

  Which to Nidud’s

  Wily wife he sent.

  But of the teeth

  Of the two

  Breast ornaments he made,

  And to Bödvild sent.

  —Lay of Völund, Thorpe’s translation


  J. C. Dollman

  The royal family did not suspect whence they came; and so these gifts were joyfully accepted. As for the poor youths, it was believed that they had drifted out to sea and had been drowned.

  Sometime after this, Bodvild, wishing to have her ring repaired, also visited the smith’s hut, where, while waiting, she unsuspectingly partook of a magic drug, which sent her to sleep and left her in Völund’s power. His last act of vengeance
accomplished, Völund immediately donned the wings which he had made in readiness for this day, and grasping his sword and ring he rose slowly in the air. Directing his flight to the palace, he perched there out of reach, and proclaimed his crimes to Nidud. The king, beside himself with rage, summoned Egil, Völund’s brother, who had also fallen into his power, and bade him use his marvelous skill as an archer to bring down the impudent bird. Obeying a signal from Völund, Egil aimed for a protuberance under his wing where a bladder full of the young princes’ blood was concealed, and the smith flew triumphantly away without hurt, declaring that Odin would give his sword to Sigmund—a prediction which was duly fulfilled.

  Völund then went to Alf-heim, where, if the legend is to be believed, he found his beloved wife, and lived happily again with her until the twilight of the gods.

  But, even in Alf-heim, this clever smith continued to ply his craft, and various suits of impenetrable armor, which he is said to have fashioned, are described in later heroic poems. Besides Balmung and Joyeuse, Sigmund’s and Charlemagne’s celebrated swords, he is reported to have fashioned Miming for his son Heime, and many other remarkable blades.

  It is the mate of Miming

  Of all swerdes it is king,

  And Weland it wrought,

  Bitterfer it is hight.

  —Anglo-Saxon Poetry, Coneybeare’s translation


  J. Wagrez

  There are countless other tales of swan maidens or Valkyrs, who are said to have consorted with mortals; but the most popular of all is that of Brunhild, the wife of Sigurd, a descendant of Sigmund and the most renowned of Northern heroes.

  William Morris, in “The Land East of the Sun and West of the Moon,” gives a fascinating version of another of these Norse legends. The story is amongst the most charming of the collection in “The Earthly Paradise.”


  The story of Brunhild is to be found in many forms. Some versions describe the heroine as the daughter of a king taken by Odin to serve in his Valkyr band, others as chief of the Valkyrs and daughter of Odin himself. In Richard Wagner’s story, “The Ring of the Nibelung,” the great musician presents a particularly attractive, albeit a more modern conception of the chief Battle-Maiden, and her disobedience to the command of Odin when sent to summon the youthful Siegmund from the side of his beloved Sieglinde to the Halls of the Blessed.

  Chapter XIX



  Hel, goddess of death, was the daughter of Loki, god of evil, and of the giantess Angur-boda, the portender of ill. She came into the world in a dark cave in Jötun-heim together with the serpent Iörmungandr and the terrible Fenris wolf, the trio being considered as the emblems of pain, sin, and death.

  Now Loki comes, cause of all ill!

  Men and Æsir curse him still.

  Long shall the gods deplore,

  Even till Time be o’er,

  His base fraud on Asgard’s hill.

  While, deep in Jötunheim, most fell,

  Are Fenrir, Serpent, and Dread Hel,

  Pain, Sin, and Death, his children three,

  Brought up and cherished; thro’ them he

  Tormentor of the world shall be.

  —Valhalla, J. C. Jones

  In due time Odin became aware of the terrible brood which Loki was cherishing, and resolved, as we have already seen, to banish them from the face of the earth. The serpent was therefore cast into the sea, where his writhing was supposed to cause the most terrible tempests; the wolf Fenris was secured in chains, thanks to the dauntless Tyr; and Hel or Hela, the goddess of death, was hurled into the depths of Nifl-heim, where Odin gave her power over nine worlds.

  Hela into Niflheim thou threw’st,

  And gav’st her nine unlighted worlds to rule,

  A queen, and empire over all the dead.

  —Balder Dead, Matthew Arnold

  Hel’s Kingdom in Nifl-heim

  This realm, which was supposed to be situated under the earth, could only be entered after a painful journey over the roughest roads in the cold, dark regions of the extreme North. The gate was so far from all human abode that even Hermod the swift, mounted upon Sleipnir, had to journey nine long nights ere he reached the river Giöll. This formed the boundary of Nifl-heim, over which was thrown a bridge of crystal arched with gold, hung on a single hair, and constantly guarded by the grim skeleton Mödgud, who made every spirit pay a toll of blood ere she would allow it to pass.

  The bridge of glass hung on a hair

  Thrown o’er the river terrible,

  The Giöll, boundary of Hel.

  Now here the maiden Mödgud stood,

  Waiting to take the toll of blood,

  A maiden horrible to sight,

  Fleshless, with shroud and pall bedight.

  —Valhalla, J. C. Jones

  The spirits generally rode or drove across this bridge on the horses or in the waggons which had been burned upon the funeral pyre with the dead to serve that purpose, and the Northern races were very careful to bind upon the feet of the departed a specially strong pair of shoes, called Hel shoes, that they might not suffer during the long journey over rough roads. Soon after the Giallar bridge was passed, the spirit reached the Ironwood, where stood none but bare and ironleafed trees, and, passing through it, reached Hel-gate, beside which the fierce, blood-stained dog Garm kept watch, cowering in a dark hole known as the Gnipa cave. This monster’s rage could only be appeased by the offering of a Hel-cake, which never failed those who had ever given bread to the needy.

  Loud bays Garm

  Before the Gnipa cave.

  —Sæmund’s Edda, Thorpe’s translation

  Within the gate, amid the intense cold and impenetrable darkness, was heard the seething of the great cauldron Hvergelmir, the rolling of the glaciers in the Elivagar and other streams of Hel, among which were the Leipter, by which solemn oaths were sworn, and the Slid, in whose turbid waters naked swords continually rolled.

  Further on in this gruesome place was Elvidner (misery), the hall of the goddess Hel, whose dish was Hunger. Her knife was Greed. “Idleness was the name of her man, Sloth of her maid, Ruin of her threshold, Sorrow of her bed, and Conflagration of her curtains.”

  Elvidner was Hela’s hall.

  Iron-barred, with massive wall;

  Horrible that palace tall!

  Hunger was her table bare;

  Waste, her knife; her bed, sharp Care;

  Burning Anguish spread her feast;

  Bleached bones arrayed each guest;

  Plague and Famine sang their runes,

  Mingled with Despair’s harsh tunes.

  Misery and Agony

  E’er in Hel’s abode shall be!

  —Valhalla, J. C. Jones

  This goddess had many different abodes for the guests who daily came to her, for she received not only perjurers and criminals of all kinds, but also those who were unfortunate enough to die without shedding blood. To her realm also were consigned those who died of old age or disease—a mode of decease which was contemptuously called “straw death,” as the beds of the people were generally of that material.

  Temper’d hard by frost,

  Tempest and toil their nerves, the sons of those

  Whose only terror was a bloodless death.



  Severin Nilsson

  Ideas of Future Life

  Although the innocent were treated kindly by Hel, and enjoyed a state of negative bliss, it is no wonder that the inhabitants of the North shrank from the thought of visiting her cheerless abode. And while the men preferred to mark themselves with the spear point, to hurl themselves down from a precipice, or to be burned ere life was quite extinct, the women did not shrink from equally heroic measures. In the extremity of their sorrow, they did not hesitate to fling themselves down a mountain side, or fall upon the swords which were given them at their marriage, so that
their bodies might be burned with those whom they loved, and their spirits released to join them in the bright home of the gods.

  Further horrors, however, awaited those whose lives had been criminal or impure, these spirits being banished to Nastrond, the strand of corpses, where they waded in ice-cold streams of venom, through a cave made of wattled serpents, whose poisonous fangs were turned towards them. After suffering untold agonies there, they were washed down into the cauldron Hvergelmir, where the serpent Nidhug ceased for a moment gnawing the root of the tree Yggdrasil to feed upon their bones.

  A hall standing

  Far from the sun

  In Nâströnd;

  Its doors are northward turned,

  Venom-drops fall

  In through its apertures;

  Entwined is that hall

  With serpents’ backs.

  She there saw wading

  The sluggish streams

  Bloodthirsty men

  And perjurers,

  And him who the ear beguiles

  Of another’s wife.

  There Nidhog sucks

  The corpses of the dead.

  —Sæmund’s Edda, Thorpe’s translation

  Pestilence and Famine

  Hel herself was supposed occasionally to leave her dismal abode to range the earth upon her three-legged white horse, and in times of pestilence or famine, if a part of the inhabitants of a district escaped, she was said to use a rake, and when whole villages and provinces were depopulated, as in the case of the historical epidemic of the Black Death, it was said that she had ridden with a broom.

  The Northern races further fancied that the spirits of the dead were sometimes allowed to revisit the earth and appear to their relatives, whose sorrow or joy affected them even after death, as is related in the Danish ballad of Aager and Else, where a dead lover bids his sweetheart smile, so that his coffin may be filled with roses instead of the clotted blood drops produced by her tears.


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