Border Brides

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Border Brides Page 163

by Kathryn Le Veque

  “My armor,” he breathed heavily. “Help me with it, please.”

  Nodding unsteadily, for she was fairly breathless herself, Diamantha stood up next to him and helped him remove his tunic, mail coat, and padded undertunic. When the latter came off, exposing his muscular chest, Diamantha could feel the heat of desire flushing her veins. It made her knees feel weak. She stood back and watched him as he sat on the bed and practically ripped his boots free from his feet and then finally pulled free his breeches.

  The man was quickly naked, standing before her in all of his smoldering glory. Diamantha could see that he was already aroused, his male member thick and large. She could only imagine what it would feel like within her and with that thought, it was as if she had no control over her actions. Something wild and uninhibited took over, and she let it. She no longer harbored resistance or reluctance towards Cortez. Now, she wanted him. She wanted him very badly and there was nothing left to stop her.

  Dropping to her knees in front of him, she took his throbbing maleness into her hands and fondled it gently. It was soft and warm and stiff. As Cortez groaned and wound his fingers into her hair, she took his member into her mouth, suckling on it as she used to do with Robert, only this time, there was something more to it. She had to admit that there was something much more to this tasting than there had ever been with Robert. Perhaps it was lust alone, perhaps not. In any case, she was drunk with it. Using her mouth, she plunged down on Cortez’s manhood, suckling it enough to cause the man to tremble. She continued to suckle him even as he pulled the shift from her body, leaving her naked and on her knees in front of him. But she didn’t care, all that mattered was the wildfire of passion raging out of control within her.

  Diamantha manipulated Cortez until the man couldn’t take it anymore. Swiftly, he picked her up and put her on the bed, but she ended up on her belly. It didn’t matter to Cortez. He fell on top of her, sinking his teeth into the soft flesh of her shoulder as his hands snaked underneath her, fondling her soft, full breasts. Using a free hand, he reached down and pulled her thighs apart, wedging his big body in between them. The same hand moved to the fluff of dark curls between her legs and he began to stroke her, realizing she was already wet and ready to receive him. Waiting no longer, he thrust into her, long and hard, from behind.

  Diamantha groaned with utter pleasure, stifling her cries in the pillow as Cortez thrust deep. His heated body was all round her, his hands on her breasts, as he plunged repeatedly into her quivering body. She could feel his fullness as it built up that exquisite friction that would culminate in a burst of ecstasy rolling through her body, tremors without end, pleasure personified. She’d never known lovemaking like this in her life, something so emotionally and physically powerful that it literally consumed her. As Cortez drove his body into hers, she had to put her hands out to brace herself, preventing him from ramming her head into the wall next to the bed.

  Cortez’s powerful rhythm was unstoppable and it threatened to bring Diamantha to her peak faster than she had ever achieved it. She could feel the glow beginning, that marvelous sunburst looming, but just as she neared the peak, Cortez swiftly withdrew and flipped her over onto her back. Settling himself between her legs, he thrust into her again as his powerful arms went around her.

  Warmth. Comfort. Desire. Diamantha was incoherent with lust and pleasure as Cortez held her tightly. Her physical reaction to him was astounding but it was also her mind that was responding, accepting his domination without hesitation as her hands on his buttocks encouraging him to go deeper. Within the first few powerful strokes, the glow in her loins swelled to bursting and she cried out softly as her body convulsed with passion. Cortez, feeling her climax as it throbbed around his manhood, thrust himself as deeply as he could go into her sweet body and joined her in her pleasure.

  But it didn’t stop there. He continued to move within her, feeling his hot seed as it made her so very slick and wet. His hands were all over her, touching her silken flesh, as his lips moved along her jawline. After the lust and fire had died down, there was genuine warmth and tenderness now as Cortez shifted to take his body weight off of her, his arms still holding her close. Diamantha was so overwhelmed that it was difficult for her to catch her breath. She had no idea she could respond to a man, any man, as she had responded to Cortez. There was some fear there, perhaps. Cortez had a good deal of control over her and didn’t even realize it.

  As Diamantha stared up at the ceiling and struggled with her thoughts, a tender hand cupped her face and Cortez softly kissed her cheek.

  “Are you well?” he whispered.

  She nodded, turning her head to look at him. “Are you?”

  He grinned, that glorious gesture that had sent many a female heart to swooning. “I believe I am,” he murmured. “Are… are you sure you are well?”

  She nodded again. “Why do you ask?”

  He lifted his eyebrows, unsure how to put his thoughts into words. “Well…,” he said, paused, then continued. “It was rather… and the bed is small. Did you hit your head?”

  She smiled faintly. “I did not,” she said. “But I thank you for asking.”

  “You are welcome.”

  “I believe our marriage is valid now.”

  “It most certainly is.”

  She laughed softly, as did he. But he sobered, gazing into her features, a thousand thoughts racing through his mind. But he would not voice them. He wasn’t even sure where to start. All he knew was that somehow, someway, the act of intercourse with his new wife had changed him. He felt different inside as he looked at her, but it wasn’t anything he could put his finger on. Therefore, it was best not to say anything or risk frightening her. He’d never forgive himself if he did that, delicate creature that she was.

  Carefully, he shifted so he was off her completely, wedging his big body against the wall. Reaching down, he pulled up the coverlet, covering them both up in the chill of the room. His arms were still around her as he snuggled down into the bed, pulling her close. Her body, soft and supple, didn’t resist. She moved in closer still against his warmth. Sleep eventually claimed them both in one of the best, most restful sleeps either one of them had ever had.

  From that day forward, the situation between them was never the same again as the memory of Robert Edlington slipped further and further away. He was no longer the obstacle that had kept them apart. Now, he was that which had brought them together. Things were changing, indeed.

  My quest is you.


  Almondsbury, Berkeley, Gloucester.

  It was a steady stream of interesting and bustling towns they passed through, especially Gloucester, which was very large and had a massive cathedral in the middle of it. Rather than skirt the city, as Cortez had done with Almondsbury and Berkeley, he took his party into Gloucester because they were running low on some supplies and needed to restock. He sent James and Oliver out to scout merchants willing to sell them large quantities of flour, salt, and ground oats while he found a place for the party to rest near Gloucester cathedral.

  It had rained heavily the day before on their trip past Berkeley but this day was bright and sunny, with wispy clouds overhead. The wind had picked up and it was gusty at times, blowing things around the wagons that weren’t tied down. One of the things it blew around was the oiled tarp that had been rigged over Sophie’s play area, so eventually, Andres pulled it down. Sophie and her caged animals didn’t seem to mind.

  Sophie had been inordinately good to travel with. As long as she had her poppet, Rosie, her pets at arm’s length, and a view of General as he plodded along behind the wagon, she was as happy as a lark. As the group waited for James and Oliver to return, Diamantha climbed off her palfrey and went to sit in the back of the wagon with her daughter. Sophie immediately climbed on her mother’s lap, and the two of them sat together and petted the baby rabbit, who was growing steadily. Clover the bunny had quite a diet of greens along the road as the men would grasp great handfu
ls of grass and clover, and then hand it over to Sophie for her pets. As a result, the little bunny looked like a furry round ball.

  So they lingered away the morning because it took a couple of hours for James and Oliver to return with great sacks of flour and salt tied across their saddles. Quickly, the soldiers moved in and began to untie them, shuttling everything over to the quartermaster so the man could take an inventory. Meanwhile, Sophie had grown restless so Diamantha put the rabbit back into the cage, put the cage beneath the wagon bench for some shade against the sun, and pulled her daughter out of the back of the wagon.

  It was time for the child to stretch her legs before they continued along their way. However, the moment Diamantha put Sophie on her feet, the little girl ran off. Diamantha scurried after her with Andres following close behind.

  Although Cortez’s brother wasn’t in charge of watching his brother’s new wife, he happened to be the closest, so he followed. Even though he was still stinging from his brother’s lecture back in Bath, he wasn’t so stung that he was negligent. His knightly instincts were strong. He thought he should follow just to make sure the women didn’t come to any harm and perhaps in that small action, he might win his brother’s trust where it pertained to Diamantha. It was a thought he’d had, anyway. Even if his brother had been right about the flirting, still, Andres thought to redeem himself.

  As Andres lagged behind, Sophie ran down the avenue, gleeful that she was free as Diamantha called after her to stop running. The commotion caught Cortez’s attention, as he had been discussing supplies with the quartermaster, so he begged a moment from the man and followed his wife, daughter, and his brother as the three of them moved down the avenue towards the city’s center.

  It was a busy day with many people out and about, conducting business. Diamantha caught up to the giggling Sophie before she could reach the busy hive of the city center, and she swung the little girl around a couple of times, listening to her laugh. Diamantha nibbled on her daughter’s cheek, teasing her sweetly, and was about to turn around and head back to the traveling party when she caught a glimpse of scaffolding on the eastern part of the square.

  Holding Sophie on her hip, Diamantha shaded her eyes from the sun as she gazed across the crowds at the scaffold in the distance. There was also a good deal of smoke coming up from an area directly beside the scaffold, but she couldn’t see the source. The crowd blocked her complete view. From the corner of her eye, she noticed Andres coming up beside her.

  “What is that?” she asked Andres, pointing at the scaffold.

  Andres strained to get a good look at it. His eyesight wasn’t too terribly good at a distance so it took him a moment to discern the image.

  “A scaffold, my lady,” he said.

  She looked at him. “A scaffold for what?”

  “Punishment,” Cortez said as he walked up on her other side. “Scaffolds are usually built for things like executions or public punishment.”

  Diamantha knew that, or at least the general theory. She’d never actually seen an execution or public punishment. She looked at Cortez.

  “You are the Sheriff of the Shire in Sherborne,” she said. “Have you used scaffolds like that?”

  Cortez nodded. “I have.”

  Diamantha looked back at the scaffold thoughtfully. Then she pointed at the smoke rising from beside it. “What is the smoke from?”

  Cortez could see partially see where the smoke was originating. “A fire.”

  “A fire for what?”

  “It looks as if they have a large iron cauldron on to boil.”

  Diamantha fell silent, pondering his answer, but Cortez and Andres understood what the boiling cauldron meant. Cortez purposely didn’t elaborate. In fact, he thought it would be best for them to leave the area and be along their way. Whatever was about to happen, he didn’t want Diamantha witnessing it. He went to take her arm to lead her away, but she was distracted by men climbing onto the big wooden scaffold.

  “Look,” she said. “Men have mounted the scaffold. Do you think something is going to happen?”

  Cortez and Andres looked around, noticing the increased crowd of people in the city center. In fact, people were wandering in from other avenues, converging on the center which was really nothing more than a well and a vast, muddy parcel. There were also several soldiers bearing the yellow and red colors of the Earl of Gloucester milling about. Indeed, something seemed to be stirring. They could feel it in the air.

  “Mayhap,” Cortez said, eyeing the crowd that seemed to be restless. He took hold of Diamantha’s elbow, more firmly this time. “Come along. We should be on our way.”

  Diamantha didn’t argue with him. In fact, she actually turned to follow him. But a roar from the crowd captured her attention and she instinctively looked to see what had everyone yelling.

  Emerging from one of the wider avenues that joined to the city square was an open wagon being driven by two soldiers wearing Gloucester yellow and red. The wagon was also flanked by several soldiers as it began to make its way around the square. It was a slow and somber procession, and people were yelling at the passengers in the wagon, hollering most angrily.

  It was a curious sight and as the wagon headed in their direction, making the rounds, James and Oliver came to stand beside Andres. They, too, had heard the yelling and came to see what the fuss was about. James shielded his eyes from the sun as he watched the wagon approach.

  “We heard about this when we were purchasing stores,” he muttered to Andres. “It was all anyone could speak of.”

  Diamantha heard him. She looked over at James. “What do you mean?” she asked. “What is happening?”

  James looked at her but his gaze moved to Cortez for a moment, lingering on the man, before answering. It seemed as if he was reluctant to spill the information even though he had brought up the subject. He cleared his throat nervously as he looked at Diamantha.

  “Well,” he said hesitantly, scratching his neck. “It would seem that there is to be an execution.”

  Diamantha cocked her head. “Do you know who they are executing?”

  By this time, the wagon bearing the Gloucester soldiers was nearly upon them and as it made a right turn for the scaffolding, Diamantha and the others could clearly see the passengers of the back of the wagon. A woman was weeping hysterically, dressed in tatters and chained to the side of the wagon, while beside her were two young girls, also in tatters and sobbing. Diamantha’s brow furrowed, first in concern and then in outrage. She pointed to the wagon as it made its way towards the distant scaffold.

  “Who is that?” she demanded to anyone who could answer her. “That was a woman and two children. What have they done?”

  James had no choice but to tell her what he had heard. He knew he was going to get a tongue lashing from Cortez, however, simply by the way the man was looking at him.

  “We heard that the woman in the wagon is a former governess for the Earl of Gloucester,” he said. “Evidently, she had been engaged to tend the earl’s new babies, twin boys. But the boys died and the woman was convicted of poisoning them. She is slated to die along with her two daughters.”

  Diamantha’s mouth popped open in shock and outrage. “But why the daughters?” she wanted to know. “Surely they are not guilty of poisoning babies. They are but babies themselves!”

  Cortez put his hands on her shoulders, trying to turn her around to leave the scene. “Who is to say what the evidence was?” he said calmly. “We do not know all of the facts. In any case, we must be on our way. There is nothing we can do here.”

  Diamantha, however, would not be pushed around, not after what she had just seen. She pulled away from Cortez and looked at him. “Those girls were not much older than Sophie,” she said, rather heatedly. “I cannot imagine they are guilty of anything.”

  Cortez sighed faintly, regretful that she was working herself up over something they had no control over. “Mayhap not,” he said. “But we cannot do anything for them. It
would be best if we left.”

  That wasn’t the answer Diamantha was looking for. With Sophie still on her hip, she began to march in the direction of the scaffolding to gain a better look. Cortez, shaking a balled fist at James for telling Lady de Bretagne what he had heard, followed swiftly. The knights trailed after him. Cortez caught up to Diamantha in short order and grasped her by the arm, halting her forward momentum.

  “Diamantha, please,” he said quietly. “There is nothing you can do and you are only going to get yourself more upset if you witness this. Please come with me now.”

  Diamantha was deeply upset. “But… but those babies surely could not have done anything wrong,” she insisted. “Why must they die with their mother?”

  Cortez had her with both hands as Andres, Oliver, and James crowded up around them. They were trying to herd her back in the direction they had come, trying to block her view. They didn’t want the scene with her to grow out of control, at least not in public. They didn’t want to attract attention.

  “Because that is what the law has decided,” Cortez told her the basic facts. “If the woman was found to have poisoned the sons of the earl, then her children must have been found guilty along with her. You cannot change this, sweetheart. Please come with me now.”

  Diamantha simply didn’t understand. Her world, for so long, had been protected and safe at Corfe. It was all she had ever known. Now, the ugly truths of the world at large were at hand and it was difficult for her to comprehend.

  “But…,” she began, having difficulty grasping the situation. “But this cannot be possible. You should demand they stop this immediately and then we will speak with Gloucester to see what really happened. Mayhap he is mistaken and simply doesn’t realize it.”


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