Earth Fall_To the Stars [Book Two]

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Earth Fall_To the Stars [Book Two] Page 30

by Raymond L. Weil

  Over the last few weeks the inner defensive grid had been nearly eradicated by constant enemy attacks. All that remained were the 47 battlecruisers of the fleet, the 6 small battlestations, 110 energy beam satellites—with most of these around the battlestations—and 43 missile platforms.

  “I have a message from General Mitchell,” reported Lieutenant Simmins. “He wants to know if you want the special assets sent up.”

  Edwards nodded. The two special vessels at Complex Two had been held back for just the situation they now faced. “Yes, I think now’s the time. Also contact the moon base and tell them to prepare.”

  Edwards had one last card to play that might help delay the attack. Whether it would work or not was anyone’s guess.


  In Complex Two, the Annapolis and Horizon prepared to launch. Both vessels were 1,200 meters in length and were by far the largest ships Earth had built. Complex Two, instead of building battlecruisers, had focused on these two vessels instead. Just maybe they could hold off the Trellixians until the Constellation and the Vengeance returned.


  Trellixian Battle Commander Traven stood in his Command Center, gazing at the viewscreens. On several, massive Trellixian troop transports were visible. Each transport carried four thousand fully trained soldiers ready to die to conquer a world. However, in most cases very few Trellixian troops lost their lives. That had not been the case with Earth, where hundreds of thousands had been killed by the Humans. Traven still blamed Balforr for that debacle. There were 140 troop transports and 89 battlecruisers in the recently arrived fleet.

  “The fleet is ready,” reported Second Officer Baalon.

  “Two new contacts rising from Earth,” reported Koldar from his sensor console. “They’re large contacts, around 1,200 meters.”

  Baalon’s large eyes shifted to Battle Commander Traven. “More colony ships?”

  “If they are, we can’t let them get away. All battlecruisers will jump immediately. Primary targets will be those two new ships and the battlestations protecting the planet. Secondary targets will be the defensive grid and the Human battlecruisers. Once we have cleared Earth’s orbital space, the troop transports will jump in and send their shuttles down.” Battle Commander Traven could already taste the victory. He would do what Battle Commander Balforr had failed to do: destroy the Humans!


  Fleet Admiral Edwards watched almost without surprise as the Trellixian fleet vanished into hyperspace. “All ships, go to Condition One immediately,” he ordered. The battlestations were already at Condition One, and the defense grid, what was left of it, was activated. “Lieutenant Simmins, inform the moon base they are free to engage the enemy at their discretion.”

  Edwards spent a moment examining the tactical display. Two of his battlecruisers protected each battlestation; the rest were formed in a fleet surrounding his flagship. His fleet was in a globe formation, which provided the maximum defense and still allowed him to attack the Trellixian forces when they arrived. “Move the fleet toward the Annapolis and the Horizon. They will be joining our formation shortly.”

  The fleet would rendezvous with the two new ships just as they cleared Earth’s atmosphere.

  “Two minutes to rendezvous,” reported Lieutenant Williams.

  “Both the Annapolis and the Horizon have activated their energy shields,” added Captain Nelson.

  “Contacts!” called out Lieutenant Williams. “We have Trellixian battlecruisers emerging from hyperspace all around us.”

  The tactical display suddenly filled with red threat icons as nearly four hundred enemy warships appeared.

  “Fire!” ordered Admiral Edwards, wanting to get in the first strike.


  From the thirty-five battlecruisers in the globe formation energy beams lashed out, tearing through the energy shields of the newly arrived Trellixian battlecruisers. The energy beam strike was followed by hundreds of Jelnoid forty-megaton fusion missiles. In an instant, the emerging enemy warships were battered by massive releases of energy.

  In numerous cases the shields of the Trellixian vessels were overwhelmed, with the vessels beneath exploding in a fury of released energy. In orbit above Earth, bright flashes of light filled the sky.

  The Trellixians wasted no time in responding, firing upon the fleet and the two large Earth ships just clearing the atmosphere. Hundreds of Trellixian battlecruisers fired their energy beams and launched missiles at the Human ships, trying to bring down their powerful shields.


  “We got sixty-seven of them before they had their shields fully raised,” reported Captain Nelson. “We’re receiving reports of incoming fire, a lot of it.”

  “The Annapolis and the Horizon have joined our formation,” reported Lieutenant Williams.

  Admiral Edwards shifted his gaze to one of the viewscreens of the two massive ships. Each of the vessels had three times the firepower of a regular battlecruiser. At that moment the Renown shook violently as two fusion missiles exploded against her energy screen.

  “Screen is holding at 87 percent,” reported Lieutenant Jefferson from Tactical.

  A sudden bright flash of light dimmed the viewscreens. “What was that?” asked Captain Nelson in alarm.

  “We just lost the battlecruiser Sydney,” reported Lieutenant Williams. “Her shield was overloaded and collapsed.”

  “The battlestations and the defense grid are firing,” reported Captain Nelson. “Missile platforms are launching all their missiles.”

  Admiral Edwards nodded. That was a little over 240 Jelnoid missiles from the missile platforms. There would be no more.

  “The Trellixians are targeting all our orbital defenses,” reported Lieutenant Williams. “Our battlestations are under attack. The defense grid is being decimated, and our fleet is receiving heavy fire.”

  “The Annapolis and the Horizon want to know if they should launch their squadrons,” reported Captain Nelson. Both ships were carriers with forty space fighters on board. Each fighter was capable of carrying two small Jelnoid missiles with twenty-kiloton warheads. They were also equipped with energy cannons.

  “No,” replied Admiral Edwards, shaking his head. “We’ll hold off until we’ve thinned out the Trellixians a bit. With the firepower the Trellixians currently have, those small fighters wouldn’t last long.”


  In space, one of the battlestations was under heavy fire from twenty Trellixian battlecruisers. The fire from both sides was intense, with the two defending Human battlecruisers doing everything they could to take some of the pressure off the small eighty-meter-long station. Missiles flew back and forth, and energy beams were prevalent. Two Trellixian battlecruisers exploded, sending debris flying across space as they were destroyed by Jelnoid fusion missiles. A number of the surviving energy beam satellites assigned to protect the station blew up in small fireballs as they were targeted by the Trellixians.

  The station lit up brightly as half a dozen Trellixian fifty-megaton warheads slammed into its energy shield. The shield wavered but held. Energy beam fire from the Trellixian battlecruisers played over the energy shield of one of the Human ships. Several exploding fusion warheads created a momentary weakness, allowing three beams to penetrate. The beams cut deep into the hull of the Human vessel, setting off secondary explosions. The energy screen flickered briefly, and a Trellixian missile slipped through. In a massive explosion, the human battlecruiser was turned into a miniature nova.

  Fourteen more Trellixian battlecruisers joined the others, increasing the fire on the surviving defending battlecruiser and the battlestation. The station seemed to be covered in cascades of rolling energy from the steady detonation of Trellixian fusion missiles. Energy beams and Jelnoid missiles poured out of the station, pummeling the attacking ships. A Trellixian battlecruiser was hit in the stern by an energy beam and then a missile from the defending Human battlecruiser arrived, finishing the destruction. Another Trellixian battlecruiser died when
its energy shield overloaded, leaving its hull unprotected. A series of energy beams riddled the ship before a missile turned it into a field of glowing debris.

  The energy shield protecting the station fluctuated from the sheer amount of energy trying to rip it open. Missile after missile detonated against the shield, until finally one penetrated. In a brilliant flash of light, the small battlestation blew apart, scattering debris everywhere. Moments later the remaining defending Human battlecruiser was destroyed as the Trellixians overwhelmed it with their firepower. Then, after being joined by eight more battlecruisers, they set out for the next battlestation.


  Aboard the Renown, Fleet Admiral Edwards watched grimly as the Trellixians methodically destroyed the defensive grid and, one by one, the six battlestations. He felt powerless, knowing he could do nothing.

  “The missile strike from the missile platforms took out eighteen more Trellixian battlecruisers,” reported Captain Nelson. “We’ve lost six of our battlecruisers so far.”

  Edwards looked at one of the viewscreens of the two carriers. “Order Captains Travis and Wilson to launch their squadrons. Target any Trellixian battlecruiser that is damaged or under heavy attack.” Time to see how effective the fighter squadrons were.


  Trellixian Battle Commander Traven grinned savagely at the viewscreens. Two of the Humans’ battlestations were now in ruins, and two more were under attack. The defensive grid was nearly annihilated, and the Human fleet was in a defensive mode.

  “We’ve lost 116 battlecruisers,” reported Second Officer Baalon.

  “We will continue to press the attack,” replied Traven, choosing to ignore the losses. Even as he spoke, the third Human battlestation blew up in a massive fireball. “Contact the invasion fleet and tell them to stand by to enter hyperspace. Targets will be as specified in my original invasion plan.” Traven had sent the plan to the battle commander in charge of the fleet several weeks back. It was nearly time to implement it.


  Major Bella Stark was on board the command battlestation, currently under heavy attack, and she had just received orders from Fleet Admiral Edwards to evacuate.

  “It’ll be hell, evacuating through that,” said Lieutenant Livingston from Tactical, gesturing at all the enemy fire directed at the station. On the viewscreen directly above his console, the station’s energy beams ripped a Trellixian battlecruiser to shreds. Secondary explosions tore it apart, and then, in one massive explosion, the ship disintegrated. “I would just as soon stay here and see how many of these battlecruisers we can take with us.”

  Major Stark sighed and nodded. “I say five.”

  Livingston grinned. “I say six.” With that the lieutenant fired a full barrage of Jelnoid missiles at a nearby Trellixian battlecruiser, turning it into molten metal.


  “We just lost the command battlestation,” reported Captain Nelson as a brilliant flash of light lit up the Command Center from the viewscreen focused on the battlestation. “But Major Stark took seven Trellixian ships with her.”

  “What about our two battlecruisers?”

  Captain Nelson shook his head. “No, I’m afraid we lost both of them as well.”

  “Sir, first fighter strikes are going in,” reported Lieutenant Williams.

  Edwards shifted his gaze to the tactical display revealing eight squadrons of ten fighters each attacking the Trellixian battlecruisers. Each squadron targeted one ship. Edwards had no idea how this would work. The fighters might just be too small and not pack the punch necessary to inflict much damage. It had been one of the primary concerns while building the carriers.


  The small fighters went in, their energy shields on full and their missiles seeking a target. The Trellixian battlecruisers quickly targeted the fighters with their secondary energy cannons, designed to destroy inbound missiles. Flashes of light swept through the fighter squadrons, occasionally impacting one of the small vessels. The energy shields held for one or two strikes, but the third one was deadly. In bright fireballs, the fighters began to die.

  The squadron commanders changed their formations, and the fighters moved in complicated patterns. It allowed them to get near enough to launch their missiles. Two damaged Trellixian battlecruisers were targeted, and both died. The fighters targeting undamaged ships saw their missiles detonate against the powerful energy shields, causing no damage. More fighters died as they pulled back toward their carriers to rearm.


  “The fighters won’t work against the Trellixian ships,” said Captain Nelson disappointedly as he gazed at the decimated squadrons heading back toward the Annapolis and the Horizon.

  Fleet Admiral Edwards was shocked at how ineffective the fighters were. Of course this was their first use, and there would be a learning curve. One thing he was certain of: they didn’t have enough of them. Instead of launching eighty, they should have launched hundreds. There just hadn’t been the time to build them.

  “How many will make it back to the carriers?”

  “Forty-seven,” replied Lieutenant Williams. “Some of them are damaged.”

  “Contact the two carriers and have them suspend fighter operations. They’ll use their weapons instead.” Both carriers had numerous energy cannons and missile tubes.

  “Battlestations four and five are gone,” reported Captain Nelson grimly. “The Trellixians are simply overwhelming them and accepting their ship losses. They’ve lost 149 battlecruisers so far.”

  Edwards drew in a deep breath. The defensive grid was gone as well as five of the six battlestations. He had also lost a number of his battlecruisers. With a slight shudder he realized what must be done. Earth could not afford to lose its entire space fleet, and there was only one way to save it.

  “All ships stand by to withdraw to Earth. We will land at the spaceports.” By doing this the ships could still fire their energy cannons and launch their missiles. It would add greatly to the firepower of all four spaceports. They would also be protected by the spaceports’ powerful energy screens.

  “The sixth battlestation is gone,” reported Lieutenant Williams grimly. “All Trellixian ships are now heading toward us.”

  Edwards nodded. “All ships are to retreat and land. The primary cannons located on Earth will cover us until we’re down. The Annapolis will land in the United States, and the Horizon will land in Germany.” Even as Edwards gave the order to withdraw, another Human battlecruiser was destroyed as its energy shield was overwhelmed.


  On Earth near Complex One, General Mitchell sat in his Command Center, his knuckles white from clenching the armrests on his chair so tightly. He had watched the desperate battle in space as the Trellixians had wiped out Earth’s orbital defenses.

  “Fleet Admiral Edwards is sending his surviving ships to the four spaceports,” reported Colonel Fields. “I’ve sent orders for our primary cannons to cover their descent.”

  “How many ships does he have left?” Mitchell knew this was bad. He had hoped to hold the orbital space above Earth until the Constellation and the Vengeance had returned. This would now make it more difficult for them to reach Earth.

  “Eighteen battlecruisers plus the two carriers.”

  “Damn carriers are worthless as fighter platforms!” uttered General Briggs. “We should have made them into battleships instead.”

  Mitchell looked at his second in command. “Perhaps. We won’t know for sure until we use them more. I think the squadrons are just too small.”

  “So now what do we do?” asked Briggs as he watched the green icons rapidly descending toward Earth and the four spaceports.

  General Mitchell took a deep breath. “We prepare for invasion. This time the Trellixians won’t find us so defenseless.”

  “Let’s just hope they don’t nuke us,” said Major Thomas. “It wouldn’t take much to put us back into a nuclear winter.”

  General Mitchell looked at one of the tactical displ
ays revealing the troop ships out past the orbit of Mars. “They won’t nuke us with all those troop transports. They’re planning an invasion.”

  General Briggs looked at the tactical display. “Then it’s a ground war again.”

  “We won’t fall for that trap,” Mitchell replied. “I’m sure they’ve adjusted their tactics. All our bases and cities are protected by energy shields. To knock one down, they would have to use enough fusion warheads to send the planet into a long nuclear winter, making it useless to them. We also have many of the cities sitting in a ring of energy cannons. I think we stay put and let the enemy come to us.”

  “You’re waiting for the Constellation and the Vengeance,” said Briggs.

  General Mitchell nodded. “It’s the only thing we can do. Let’s just hope when they return that they don’t come alone.”


  Trellixian Battle Commander Traven gazed at the wreckage around Earth. Much of it in the next few days would fall into the planet’s atmosphere and burn up. Some of the larger pieces would make it to the surface. “Summon the invasion fleet. All ships are to stay out of range of the Humans’ surface weapons. We will send in waves of shuttles to secure our landing zones.” Traven would lose some of his shuttles, but enough would reach the surface to begin the invasion.

  Once enough of the Humans’ surface weapons were destroyed, the full invasion would begin. Within a few months the planet would be his, and he could send word back, summoning the first colonization fleets. Shortly Earth would be part of the Trellixian Empire, and he would have proven himself to the High Command. Where Battle Commander Balforr had failed, Traven would succeed!

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  General Mitchell gazed with deep concern at the latest reports. Since Earth had lost control over its orbital space, the Trellixians had landed nearly one hundred thousand troops in five landing zones. All five zones had been secured with heavy weapons, including powerful energy cannons for defense. It was tempting to commit some of Earth’s air assets against the enemy, but it had been decided to wait. Earth’s militaries only had so many aircraft and very little capacity to build more.


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