How to Be a Submissive Wife

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How to Be a Submissive Wife Page 1

by Jane Pearl

  Chapter One – A New Beginning

  “Do you find yourself, tired, irritable and dissatisfied with your husband? Have you considered that it may be your fault?” Excerpt from How to Be a Submissive Wife by Penelope Wiggins

  Sitting up in bed next to her sleeping husband, Sarah sat and looked at the e-reader as she read the first line of How to Be a Submissive Wife. Was it possible that much of the trouble with her marriage may be her fault? She snorted and shook her head. No, she’d realized quite a few years ago that she’d picked the wrong man. It soon became apparent after they started having kids. While she attempted to balance her parenting duties, household duties, part-time job and self-care, Sarah saw Joe going to work every day, taking naps as needed on the weekend, going to the gym to work out and generally taking care of himself while his wife was drowning. In a frantic attempt to make sure that everything got done in their household, Sarah took on more and more responsibilities and became more and more angry and disillusioned about their marriage. Joe continued doing what he was doing and seemed to emotionally withdraw as she got angrier and angrier.

  Now Sarah and Joe rarely talked. They discussed the children but rarely spent any other time together. They never had date nights and the amount of sex they had in a year could be counted on the fingers of one hand. Sarah had bought the marriage improvement manual in a last ditch attempt to save her marriage. She’d heard of a ‘Submissive Marriage’ on television and on the internet and wanted to further explore this option. This book seemed to best represent her expectations of marriage…a dominant man who sets the tone for his family and a wife who works as an active supporting partner for her husband. The best part of the book for her was that the husband became the sexually dominant partner in the marriage. Sarah had always enjoyed the stories of dominant men who took what they want, when they wanted. Joe had become a man who seemed afraid to ask his wife for sex much less demand it when he wanted it.

  The introduction to the book made it clear that this was a do-it-yourself manual in which the author expected the reader to follow its instructions one week per chapter with no skipping ahead. Sarah shrugged her shoulders and read the rest of the first chapter. Some of the questions raised by this chapter really struck a chord with her.

  “Are you frequently resentful of your husband?”

  “Do you often tell your husband what to do?”

  “Do you complain about your husband to your friends?”

  “Do you often feel over worked and underappreciated?”

  “Do you daydream about your perfect man?”

  Sarah answered, “Yes” in her mind to all of the questions. The last one gave her pause. Before she’d quit her job as a journalist at the local newspaper, she’d often daydreamed about how life would have been different for her if she’d married a man like her boss, Sam Roberts. Her secret crush on him had kept her from really working on her marriage with Joe. On some level, she’d thought that at some point the two of them would get together since they worked together so well. In recent years, she realized that such a union would be devastating to her and Sam’s kids. She’d also come to the conclusion that she really had no idea what sort of husband Sam was to his wife, Laura. She certainly didn’t seem ecstatic, like she was married to the perfect man!

  Sarah sighed and lowered the book. So far, it certainly described how she felt. She still didn’t understand how all of this was her fault. She read on,

  “In your attempts to control everything, you’ve taken your husband’s role as head of the household away from him. In essence, you’ve emasculated him. This book is a step by step guide on how to restore him to his rightful place and take the burden off of you. The first thing I’d like you to do is really look at your husband as a person. Is there any legitimate reason why you shouldn’t submit to him? Is he addicted to drugs or alcohol? Does he abuse you (other than consensual corporal punishment)? Has he cheated on you multiple times? If you answer Yes to any of these questions, you should probably seek to separate yourself from him.

  Sarah was relieved to say a resounding No to all of the questions. She returned to the book.

  “On the flip side, is your husband a good provider? Is he a good father? Do you remember ever having an intimate, loving relationship with him?”

  Sarah had to admit that Joe made good money in his job as a VP at a local bank. He also was very good at showing up at all of the kids’ events, even when he was busy at work. As far as having an intimate relationship with him, the first few years of their relationship, they just couldn’t get enough of each other. They’d even been a little kinky, engaging in sex in some unusual places and indulging in erotic spanking on occasion! Those days were long gone since the advent of the children. She sighed and dropped the book to her lap. She would love to get that sexual excitement back into their marriage. She started reading again.

  “So, after answering the above questions, I imagine that you are coming to the conclusion that you are pretty lucky in your choice of husband. You probably have friends and family members whose husbands have abused them, cheated on them, left them for other women, squandered all of their money, etc. Your husband hasn’t done any of these things so why are you such a bitch to him?”

  She looked up and bit her lip. Good question, why was she such a bitch to Joe? An image of how he seemed to cringe when she started telling him what needed to be done around the house came into her mind. He could hardly stand to be around her. What had she done? Tears started to well in her eyes. She needed to make a change.

  Chapter Two – Respect

  “Your assignment for your first week is fairly simple. Don’t tell your husband what to do. This means don’t make helpful suggestions, don’t give him a ‘to do’ list. Don’t criticize what he does do. If he asks you for guidance say, ‘Whatever you decide is fine Dear. I trust your judgment.’

  Defer to him as much as possible. Remember, in your mind he is now the head of the household and you are his supportive helper. You will be amazed how making this simple paradigm shift will clear your mind and give you peace.” Excerpt from How to Be a Submissive Wife by Penelope Wiggins

  The next morning was a Monday. Sarah ran around helping her three children get ready for school. Fifteen year old Kate sat at the kitchen table, eating the breakfast she’d prepared for herself of a bagel with cream cheese. Sarah served up scrambled eggs and toast to her twelve year old son Bo and her ten year old son Nick. As Joe walked into the kitchen, adjusting his tie and buttoning his cuffs, Sarah ran an appraising eye over his form. Built like a wrestler, he was close to six feet tall with wide muscular shoulders and arms. His short cropped black hair sported distinguished grey at the temples. His dark brown eyes had flecks of gold and green. Sarah remembered how they used to sparkle when he looked at her. Now he glanced at her impersonally as he walked to get himself some coffee. Sarah spoke to him, “You sit Dear. I’ll get your coffee.” Giving her a quizzical glance, Joe shrugged his shoulders and sat at the table. “Here you go Honey. Would you like some eggs and toast?” “Uh, sure…” He seemed confused at her willingness to serve him and the endearments. Sarah had informed him years ago that he was old enough to feed himself breakfast and had left him to his own devices since making this pronouncement. Sarah sat the food in front of him and inquired, “Is there anything else you would like? I could cut up some fruit.” “Uh, no, this is fine.” He looked at her like she had lost her mind. What was up? Sarah just smiled at him and flitted over to the sink and started rinsing off the kids’ soiled plates. “Boys, it is time to go wait for the bus. Kate, Daddy needs you to be ready so he can drop you off at school.” Blonde haired green-eyed Kate stood up with a sigh and stomped to the mudroom to pick up he
r backpack and coat. Sarah marveled at how much Kate looked like her when she was young. Admiring Kate’s willowy figure, Sarah looked down at her own dumpy body wrapped in a non-descript fluffy robe. Turning forty hadn’t been good for her body. She was well on her way to the dreaded middle age spread. Joe had faired much better even though he was in his mid forties. He worked out at least three nights a week, sometimes more often. Sarah suspected that part of the reason he worked out was to get away from her. Tears gathered in her eyes as she turned back to the sink. Kate sauntered back into the kitchen. “Mom, can I spend the night at Jamie’s house this Friday?” Sarah turned to look at her. “I don’t know Honey. What do you think Joe?” Interrupted in lifting his coffee cup to his mouth, Joe wrinkled his brow. “I don’t know Kate. Will you be able to play soccer on Saturday morning if you spend the night at Jamie’s house? You girls like to stay up late.” Kate looked at her mom, “Please Mom…I really want to go.” Sarah replied, “It sounds like your father is concerned that you won’t be rested enough for your game on Saturday so I think you girls should decide on another night.” After having deferred to Joe, Sarah turned and started putting the rinsed dishes in the dishwasher. She could feel Joe looking at her speculatively. Eventually, he drained his coffee cup and brought it up to her at the sink. “Thanks for the coffee and breakfast Sarah. I really appreciate it. See you tonight.” After placing the cup in the sink, he strolled out to the mudroom, picking up his briefcase and grabbing his suit coat. “Kate, it is time to go.”

  Sarah collapsed against the sink. That wasn’t so difficult! It was actually a relief to have Joe make some of the decisions. Hurriedly finishing up her morning clean up chores, Sarah ran to shower. Time to work! Seeing her e-reader on the table in her bedroom, she picked it up and started reading. A few hours passed before she re-emerged from the erotic novel she’d been devouring. Looking at the bed side clock she bolted up alarmed. She needed to shower and do some work before the children got home! Hurriedly undressing, she looked at herself naked in the full length mirror on the wall of the bedroom. She saw a well padded curvaceous middle aged woman with shoulder length curly dyed blonde hair and blue-green eyes. She had stretch marks on her abdomen from her three pregnancies and a few lines around her eyes. She was saved from looking too fat by her small waist which set off her large pillowy breasts and rounded thighs and butt. Turning around, she frowned at the lumps and bumps she saw. She wished that she had the time to work out and eat right more. It seemed like the days just flew. Hurrying to the master bath, she showered and got dressed in a velour track suit and tennis shoes. Walking to her office, she turned on the computer and looked at the screen. Since resigning from the paper, she’d worked as a free lance journalist, submitting articles as she finished them. Unfortunately, she wasn’t as efficient as she thought she’d be working at home. She also really wanted to start writing a novel, but just didn’t seem to have the time. Sighing, she set to work on her article. The deadline was the end of the week.

  After what seemed like a few minutes but was actually a few hours, Sarah heard the boys coming home from school. She sighed and pushed back from the computer. Time to get back into mommy mode! After feeding the boys a snack and overseeing homework, she drove them to their after school activities, soccer for Nick and karate for Bo. On the way home that evening, she realized that she hadn’t planned dinner! Oh well, pizza again….She dialed the pizza place as she headed towards home. While walking into the kitchen with two pizza boxes Sarah yelled, “Dinner is here!” Pulling out plates from the cupboard, she stacked them next to the open boxes. Joe sauntered in drying his hair with a towel. He must have worked out after coming home from the office. “Pizza again?” “Yeah, I totally ran out of time to plan dinner.” He looked at her for a moment with skeptical hazel eyes. She hurried to make amends, “I promise that I will plan things better tomorrow…okay?” She smiled at him apologetically. In the past she would have blown up at him and told him that she just didn’t have time and that if he wanted a home cooked meal, maybe he should have cooked it! He didn’t say anything else, just helped himself to the pizza and went to the living room to eat and watch TV with the kids. Kate breezed into the kitchen, “Hi Mom…I ate at Jenny’s. I’m going to go to my room and do homework.” Giving her a quick hug, Sarah said, “Okay Sweetie. Don’t stay up too late.”

  Sarah found it easier and easier as the week progressed to catch herself before telling Joe what to do. She was appalled how often she had to bite her tongue when dealing with her husband. She’d literally made almost every interaction with her mate about subtly (and not so subtly) ordering him around! On his part, Joe knew something was up but couldn’t quite put his finger on what was different. Sarah noticed that he seemed to be relaxing around her and actually started taking the lead in dealing with the children and issues relating to the house. As he became more commanding, Sarah started to become more attracted to him. Her long dormant pussy was starting to wake up when he was around. At night, she found herself cuddling up close to him rubbing her butt or her breasts on his front. He absently wrapped his arm around her waist but didn’t seem to get her subtle signals.

  One night, he started caressing her in his sleep. Sarah turned towards him and ran her hand up and down his semi-erect penis. She could feel it hardening and lengthening under her palm. She silently whispered ‘Glory Hallelujah’ as he started pushing up her nightgown. When he’d bared her breasts, he started rubbing them with his palms and plucking the nipples with his fingers. She continued rubbing his erect member. When he fully woke up, he wrapped an elbow around the back of her head and kissed her deeply while fingering her cunt. She arched against him and moaned deep in her throat. Oh, yeah…he had the spot. Lifting her upper leg up with his, he pulled down his sleep pants and stabbed his cock into her seeping slit while cupping the small of her back. Once he’d bottomed out, he started thrusting roughly while sucking strongly on her nipples. Between the double stimulation of his penetration and the rough suction on her nipples, Sarah rapidly approached the edge of climax. Closing her eyes, moaning and arching her back, she started to see lights on the back of her eyelids. As he groaned and came close to completion, he thrust into her deeply and moaned into her throat. At his deepest penetration, she felt her body come undone…spasming wildly around his cock and sucking up his semen. She briefly found herself out of her body and slowly came back down. Joe had his face in her neck, breathing heavily. “Wow that was great Hon. Thanks.” He patted her back and held her close as he fell back to sleep. Sarah smiled sleepily…Wow is right!...and then she fell asleep wrapped in her husband’s arms.

  The next morning, Joe kissed her on the head as he walked by on his way to the breakfast table. Sarah hurried to serve him his coffee and breakfast as he sat down. The throb between her legs as she moved, reminded her of their late night activities. She hoped there’d be a repeat!

  Chapter Three – Letting go of the Purse Strings

  “This week it is time for you to let go of the responsibilities that are just too much for you to handle with your primary regular responsibilities. If you are in charge of your family’s finances, I suggest letting go of them and handing them over to your husband. This will further emphasize that he is the head of the household. Also, this week I want you to start working on self care. Now that you have more free time, you should be able to start doing the activities you had to give up when you were overwhelmed.” Excerpt from How to Be a Submissive Wife by Penelope Wiggins

  Sarah handed Joe the pile of bills and the checkbook at breakfast the next day. “Honey, I just can’t handle doing our household finances anymore. Could you just give me a weekly allowance to cover all of our household and my personal expenses? That would make things easier for me.” Joe picked up the checkbook and bills with a puzzled look on his face. “Uh, okay. Do you need any money this week?” “I wrote down a proposed budget for this week. If you could transfer those funds into my checking account, I would appreciate it. You will see
that I’ve written down all of the information on how to access our on-line banking next to the budget.” She kissed him on the head. “Thank you so much for taking this over for me Dear. It will take a huge load off of my mind.”

  Later that week, the whole family went out to dinner. The waitress sat the bill in front of Sarah and Joe. Sarah ignored it until Joe finally picked it up and paid it after giving her a frowning look. Sarah realized that she’d always been the one to pay the bill at restaurants too. Talk about emasculating your husband! She sat back and basked in the warm glow she felt inside at allowing her mate to take his proper role in the family. Once again she felt that little tingle in her pussy and snuggled a little closer to her man. She could get used to being a kept woman!

  Self care was a more difficult issue for Sarah to attack. It had been so long since she’d really thought about what she wanted to do; she didn’t know where to start. She knew that she’d like to exercise more and eat better. She’d also come to the conclusion that she needed to prioritize all of the projects she’d envisioned doing or having done around the house. They were a constant source of anger in her relationship with her husband since he didn’t see them as being necessary. Going down the list, she decided that she would pick one or two projects to do in her spare time. She let the rest of them go, trusting her husband to deal with them. She decided to let her sense of being overwhelmed and resentful guide how much she could handle in a week. If she started to have these feelings, she knew that she needed to cut out the non-essential tasks in her day. After putting this strategy into practice, Sarah found that taking care of her family and home, her freelance work and exercise were pretty much all she could handle. She concentrated on these activities and let everything else go. As she let go of her overly ambitious expectations, Sarah found serenity creeping into her everyday life.


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