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The Blue Journal (Fantasmagoria Book 1)

Page 36

by I. B. George

  He arranged his hair in the mirror, smiling at the image looking back at him. He seemed to have grown up lately or maybe it was just an impression because his skin had been burned by the sun and the wind during these last weeks’ adventures.

  He went out of his room and headed towards the hall where they had their meal the day before.

  He found all his friends sitting at the long table with dozens of plates filled with the most glorious food displayed in front of them.

  “Good morning, Your Highness!” said Radius who’d seen him as soon as he stepped into the room.

  Everyone there scrambled to get up from their chairs to honour Robert who, as the only offspring of his mother, Queen Neri, had become heir to the Kingdom of Fire.

  “Please, my friends, sit down. It doesn’t seem right that you should get up for me considering that it’s because of you that I’m here today,” said Robert, watching his friends tenderly.

  “That’s kind of true,” said Rolan cheerfully, biting from a piece of meat.

  Robert sat down at the table and the servants rushed to offer him a plateful of yummy things.

  “Today you’ll meet your guests on the plateau outside the castle, Your Majesty,” said Radius. “The preparations have been in full swing since last night. The platform where your throne will stand is already ready. Everything will be decorated with thousands of garlands. The rulers of all the kingdoms will be there, including the kings of the Upper Realm at the invitation of your uncle, Volkar Tanaris.

  “Speaking of Volkar,” said Robert, “where is he, Aunt Aryana?”

  “Volkar woke up at dawn, with the first crow. He always wakes up early and starts his training, then he has a bath and eats enough for ten. He says that if you want to be better than your enemy, you must lead by example. Train more, eat better and sleep like a baby”, chuckled Aryana.

  “That came in handy two days ago and brought us victory.”

  “Before we went to Zathar’s Trail I told him to go to Heldor Castle on the day the moon will have changed appearance for the fourth time. After we left, one thousand Khalari warriors descended into the Lower Realm through Zathar’s Trail or disguised as merchants. Then, three days before the prophecy, together with another eight hundred riders, he broke into the watchtower at the Misty Passage and galloped towards Heldor Castle. You know the rest.”

  “Yes, I shall thank him personally when I see him later on. And thank you to you too, aunty, for your wisdom and your vision.”

  “You’re welcome, Robert. You are my sister’s son. Through your veins runs the blood of our forefathers and Master Azar said he has not seen a greater power over fire in anyone else. The only other member of the family who’s shown your extraordinary abilities was the great King Ga’al himself.”

  Robert blushed with pleasure as he heard his aunt’s words of praise. He wasn’t vain, but he enjoyed all the attention he was getting in Fantasmagoria and he felt he was important to everyone around.

  “As for the Blue Flame, Robert, the alchemists at the palace came up with an explanation. It appears that on her last days, Queen Neri asked them to find a solution to hide the last remains of blue dust. She wanted to give it to your father but at the same time she was afraid he might get caught and the family’s weapon might end up in Tyreas’s hands. The alchemists came up with a clever idea and mixed the dust with the sap of a certain flower, creating thus a mixture from which they made the pages of the journal. Then they sealed the cover with the help of that complicated mechanism. Finally, they took a drop of your blood and placed it in that mechanism. And so, the journal wouldn’t open unless you touched it.”

  “Yes, but my dad did open the journal to write in it!” wondered Robert.

  “That’s true, but you were always with him. All he had to do was take your little hand and place it on the lock and it would open, allowing him to make notes. He really wanted to tell you his story… and your mother’s.”

  “The journal,” called Robert in a fright as he remembered he hasn’t seen it.

  “It’s inside the drawer of the mirror chest in your room. I took the liberty of tearing up some empty pages from the back of the journal, which I offered to the alchemists at the palace. They will examine them and try to find the formula for the blue dust and they’ve assured me they will find an answer soon.”

  “Thank you Professor, for everything,” said Robert with tenderness in his eyes. “And you, dear friends,” he added, raising his glass.

  They toasted joyfully. Then, for hours on end, they reminisced about their long journey.


  On the plateau outside Sardar Palace, everybody waited dressed in their best outfits. You could see the joy on all the faces of those who’d joined the great festivities organised in honour of the new ruler of the Kingdom of Fire and his victory.

  Among the crowds you could see farmers from the Kingdom of Clouds, merchants from the Kingdom of Night or skilled sailors from the Kingdom of Water. Alongside them, there were warriors from the Upper Realm, men with fierce faces and habits but who enjoyed themselves quietly together with those in Elementis.

  Robert arrived accompanied by Queen Aryana, which raised a cheer from everyone present, whether they were from Akros or from Elementis.

  Robert stepped forward, waving friendly. When the cheers and the joy sparked by the new king’s gesture subsided, Robert addressed the crowd:

  “Friends! We are here today to celebrate our victory against the tyrant who ruled over the kingdoms of Elementis for the past ten years. At the same time, we’ve gathered here to thank our friends who made this day possible. First of all, I would like to thank Professor Radius who believed in me until the end and has been supporting me throughout our adventures.”

  Radius thanked Robert amidst the cheers of the thousands of people gathered outside the castle.

  “Then I would like to thank Rolan, I mean King Lorian, as we’ve just learned, for putting my destiny above his own interests and who stood by me all the way.”

  The cheers that burst from the chests of thousands of people drowned Rolan’s words.

  “I would also like to thank Master Azar who has trained me and helped me develop my abilities as Fire Chosen and who taught me how to handle the bow and the sword. I know it hasn’t been easy, Master, and I can assure you that you have all my respect and admiration for the patience you’ve shown. You will be reinstated as Master of Weapons at Sardar Castle and you can enjoy all the privileges you gained during my grandfather’s time and my mother’s reign.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty,” answered simply Azar, bowing graciously.

  There followed again the cheers of all those present who were really glad at Master Azar’s return.

  “Voras!” called out Robert, addressing the quiet member of the Kingdom of Night. “Your skill and courage have helped us many times. Whenever you’ll need support, advice or anything else, the door is always open at Sardar Castle,” said Robert with a nod of the head, acknowledging Voras’s quiet thank you.

  There followed Captain Vidar and Robert thanked him for his bravery and skill, as well as the trust and safety he inspired to the entire group.

  “Captain Cavas, our encounter happened later on, but I’m grateful to you for looking after my friends and I thank you for your support in everything we did since we’ve met. I’m offering you the job of Captain of Guards to the throne room and for your three men, Mavar, Grintas and Bug’ar, the role of aide to the new guards’ commander. You shall be rewarded accordingly and you’ll get a reward and plenty of goodies to quench your hunger and thirst, whenever you desire it.”

  “A reward?!” said Mavar greedily.

  “Goodies?!” added Bug’ar with a sparkle in his eyes.

  Robert chuckled as he watched Cavas’s companions rubbing their hands in glee.

  “And also, the Wanderers can stay on at the castle and they are free to go wherever they want. From now on they will be free men and no-one is going to pun
ish them for their past misdeeds.”

  The Wanderers burst into cheers, glad that they could finally return to their homes without the fear of ending up in jail.

  “Akura shall remain Counsellor to the Eremon family and will stay with us, helping with his advice,” he said, looking at the wolf who sat on the platform, to the right of Robert’s throne.

  “Thank you, Prince,” replied Akura in a serious voice. “I will always remain faithful to the Eremon House, to which I owe so much.”

  “I too have to thank you, Akura,” said Robert simply, recalling the moment when they met.

  He then turned towards the Khalari king who was sitting on one of the thrones on the platform, next to his aunt.

  “Volkar Tanaris, I am forever grateful for how you received me at Nargor Castle, but mostly for your support at the siege of Heldor fortress. The Khalaris are great warriors and I would fight along them anytime, without hesitating.”

  The throaty calls of appreciation burst from the chests of those from the Khalari realm who always enjoyed being praised for their warrior skills.

  “As for you, Aunt Aryana, I have something more special: the crown to the Kingdom of Fire,” uttered Robert.

  You could see the surprise on Aryana’s face and on the faces of everyone around.

  “I have to go back home, to my grandma. I didn’t even say goodbye when I left. I know how much she’s suffered after my father’s death and I don’t want her to go through such pain again. I haven’t a clue how to run a kingdom… maybe one day I will, but I feel this is not the right time. Besides, if King Neron hadn’t disowned you after marrying Volkar, the crown would have been yours, not my mother’s.”

  “I told you before, Robert, I think your mother was a far better queen than I would’ve ever been. I will obey your wish until your return and then I shall give up the crown to the Kingdom of Fire.”

  “Thank you, Aunt. I’m confident that you shall rule over both kingdoms with skill and wisdom. Akura and the rest of our friends will be there for you.”

  Aryana gave Robert a hug, struggling not to cry. Robert signalled to her aunt to bend down and he placed the crown on her head.

  “Long live Queen Aryana!” Azar called out, visibly moved by the whole scene.

  Everybody burst into cheers, thinking happily about the peaceful days to come.

  Then a party started which lasted until dawn when everyone went back home.


  The day after the big celebration, Robert started his journey towards Arvinard Castle, accompanied by Radius.

  He stopped for one day at the Professor’s castle during which time the Professor prepared the Sea Dragon for the journey. At dawn, they headed towards the beach where Robert had stepped into his mother’s world for the first time.

  He said goodbye to the Professor and left together with Akura towards old Abigail’s house.

  The road back seemed longer now because of the homesickness he felt.

  He couldn’t wait to see Grandma Abigail again and his old home with its garden full of flowers. He was glad at the thought of seeing his friends again and playing with them.

  Akura left him at the edge of the forest by the village and said goodbye with his eyes. Robert kneeled down and gave him a hug. He promised they would see each other again so he could ease the sorrow in Akura’s eyes.

  It felt odd not to be able to speak to him and he remembered tenderly about the time when Akura welcomed him to Fantasmagoria and called him ‘prince’ for the first time and the bewilderment and fear you could see on his face.

  He went out of the forest without looking back, struggling to hold back his tears.

  He walked along the road calmly, wearing his new clothes, a far cry from what everyone in the village was used to seeing: a naughty boy dressed in shorts. His face had hardened a bit, testimony of all the adventures he’d been through with his friends.

  He saw his grandma from far away, over the small fence which separated the courtyard full of flowers and herbs from the dusty road. He opened the small green gate which gave a creak, its hinges wailing.

  Bent over a flowerbed, Grandma Abigail turned around wondering who might have crossed her threshold. She saw Robert and thought she’d seen a ghost.

  She dropped the basket in which she’d gathered a few flowers and herbs from the garden and her heart started beating fast. Robert stopped a few steps in front of her, expecting his grandma to tell him off.

  His grandma watched him tenderly and held his cheeks between her palms.

  “You’ve grown,” she said quietly and planted a kiss on his forehead.

  Robert cuddled her and hugged her tightly, not knowing what to say first.

  “Come on in!” said Grandma looking again into his sunburned face. “I made blueberry pie.”

  Robert followed her but stopped in the doorway, looking happily at the courtyard full of flowers. Somewhere at the edge of the village, a wolf’s howling rang out. Robert smiled and closed the door behind him.

  “Grandma, you won’t believe how much I have to tell you…“

  - End of volume I -



  Aedas – Ruler of the Frozen Village (Mardor)

  Akros – Also known as the Upper Realm. The territory where the warrior tribes of Khalari, Hekar and Da’al live

  Akura – Counsellor of the Eremon House, the ruling family of the Kingdom of Fire

  Aidan (Anderson) – Robert Anderson’s father

  Arion – Ancient ruler of the Khalari people

  Arvinard – Professor Radius’s castle, situated by the Elian Sea in the Kingdom of Fire, near the border with the Kingdom of Clouds

  Aryana – Wife of king Volkar Tanaris, queen of the Khalari people and princess of the Kingdom of Fire

  Aszul – King of the Urfadors, the ice giants

  Azar – Fire Chosen, Master of Weapons at Sardar Castle


  Bakar – Town and commercial centre situated in the Kingdom of Night, near the Misty Passage

  Boktar – The White Cliffs (in the Urfador dialect). Cliffs bordering Mardor (the Frozen Village in the same dialect)

  Bug’ar – Nicknamed “The Hunchback”, robber from the Wanderers’ gang, origins unknown


  Cavas – Captain and ruler of the Wanderers, son of the former Master of Hunting at Sardar Castle


  Dal’al – One of the warrior peoples of Akros

  Darya – Merchant Quilar’s wife

  The Demented Forest – Forest haunted by the spirits of those long gone.

  Dor’var – The Frozen Sea (in the Urfador dialect) known in Fantasmagoria as the White Sea

  Durval – captain, commander of Heldor Castle’s guards.


  Elementis – Also known as the Lower Realm. The land which is divided between The Kingdom of Fire, the Kingdom of Water, The Kingdom of Night and the Kingdom of Clouds.

  Elian – wizard from the Frozen Land, former inhabitant of the Kingdom of Water, the first navigator to leave Fantasmagoria in search of new lands.

  The Elian Sea – Named after Elian, the navigator, it borders Fantasmagoria to the West

  Eremon – The ruling house of the Kingdom of Fire, founded by King Ga’al


  Fantasmagoria – Mysterious land, divided into two realms: Akros and Elementis

  The Forgotten Outpost – The watchtower at Boundary

  The Frozen Land – Territory owned by wizards


  Ga’al – King and founder of the Eeremon House, the ruling family of the Kingdom of Fire.

  Gamar – Captain, leader of the troops from the Kingdom of Night at the siege of Heldor Castle

  Gaval – King, nephew of King Ga’al

  Gothar – Captain, leader of the troops of the Kingdom of Water at the siege of Heldor Castle, under the command of General Valarian

  Grintas – Nicknamed “One-Eye”, robber from the Wanderers’ ga
ng, origins unknown

  Grodor – Merchant Quilar’s right-hand man


  Hagor – Wild animal, living in Akros

  Hekar – One of the warrior peoples of Akros

  Heron – King, ruler of the Kingdom of Night

  Heldor – Castle, the residence of the ruling family in the Kingdom of Water


  Karon – General, ruler of the Kingdom of Fire army. King Tyreas’s ally, he is awarded the title of Governor of the Kingdom of Fire

  Khalari – One of the warrior peoples of Akros

  Khar – Falcon, Professor Radius’s friend

  Kolar – King Tyreas’s bounty hunter

  Krotos – God of War


  Lokar – God of Destiny

  Lorian – Prince Heir to the Kingdom of Water, King Tyreas’s brother


  Mardor – The Frozen Village (in the Urfador dialect), the name once given to the place of exile of the people from the Kingdom of Fire

  Mivas – Innkeeper of Mivas’s Tavern

  Mavar – Nicknamed “The Hobbler”, robber from the Wanderers’ gang, origins unknown


  Nargor – Castle, the residence of the Tanaris House, the ruling family of the Khalari land

  Neri – Queen, ruler of the Eremon House and the Kingdom of Fire

  Neron – King, former ruler of the Kingdom of Fire, Queen Neri’s father

  Nimbus – King, ruler of the Kingdom of Clouds


  The Oracle of Konaar – Temple dedicated to the god Lokar, known in Fantasmagoria for its precise prophecies.


  Quilar – Merchant from the Kingdom of Night and Voras’s friend


  Radius – Also known as the “Professor”, inventor, originally from the Human World

  The River of Everlasting Souls – Cursed water in the Demented Forest


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