Creation of Desire: Reassuring Rachel [More Desire, Oklahoma 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Creation of Desire: Reassuring Rachel [More Desire, Oklahoma 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Leah Brooke

  Grinning at Theresa, Boone caught the empty sippy cup in midair. “It seems all three of our girls share the same personality.” Going to the refrigerator, he glanced at Rachel as he refilled Theresa’s cup. “I just know that when I talked to Erin, she told me to tell you not to bother even coming in today. She knows you need a day off, and she wants you to take one.”

  Placing the cup back onto Theresa’s tray, he lowered himself to his seat again, watching Rachel make short work of her breakfast. “She also said that she and Duncan went through the applications that you shoved into a drawer and started calling people for interviews. She’s already hired one woman and is narrowing down the rest.”

  With a sigh, Rachel got up to get herself a glass of orange juice. “I know. I know. I just didn’t want to pay someone when I could be there myself. You’re right. I’m messing this up. Marissa has Sammy, I have Theresa, and Erin will soon have a newborn. We need help.”

  “Erin made Marissa the manager and gave her a raise. She said to tell you that Marissa’s over the moon, and Sammy’s feeling much better. She’ll be in tomorrow and is anxious to start training the others.”

  Going back to the table with her juice, Rachel sighed. “It seems that everyone has everything under control without me.”

  “Don’t think you’re not needed.” Boone’s eyes hardened. “But, there’s no damned reason to make things harder on yourself than they have to be.”

  Taking her seat again, Rachel picked up her fork, hungry enough to eat every bite Boone had piled on her plate. “You and Chase had to take a day off of work.”

  Boone’s jaw clenched, his eyes sharp on hers. “Chase and I sold half the business to the Madisons so we could all afford to take time off. I want a life, Rachel. With you. With Theresa. We have the money, and there’s no damned reason we can’t have the time. You like having your own business. Fine, but don’t let it consume your life.”

  “Okay. I know.” Rachel sighed. “It’s hard for me to let go so much. Just give me time.”

  Rising, Boone lifted a now drowsy Theresa from her high chair. “No. Time’s up. I’m not going to have you wearing yourself down again. You get those women Erin hired trained so you can ease up a little. Neither Chase nor I are going to sit back and watch you do this to yourself again. You don’t have to prove anything to either one of us.”

  With his daughter nestled against his chest, he moved in behind Rachel, fisting a hand in her hair to pull her head back. “It looks like it’s time for us to prove something to you. I’m going to put Theresa down for her nap while you finish eating. Rest up today, darlin’. You and I still have some unfinished business to take care of later on.”

  At her look of confusion, he grinned. “You didn’t think that half-assed spanking you got last night was all you have coming to you, did you?”

  Taking his hand in hers, Rachel smiled and pulled his hand to her breast, her pussy already clenching in anticipation. “I can’t wait.” Moaning as his talented fingers danced over her nipple, she smiled up at him. “I want to go to the shop, though, and check on Erin. I’ll bring back something to wear for tonight.”

  Boone’s lips twitched. “Wear the black thing you stuffed into Theresa’s diaper bag. It’s hanging in your closet.” He tugged at her nipple before sliding his hand free. “Those snaps are pretty intriguing. I’m going to have to go check out the merchandise in your shop one day soon and see what else you’ve been hiding.”

  “Don’t you dare.” Giggling, Rachel stood and turned, running a hand down her sleeping daughter’s back. “I like to surprise you. Give her to me. I’ll put her to bed.” She felt guilty for sleeping in, and wanted to take care of her daughter, but she couldn’t deny that Theresa seemed happy where she was—sound asleep with her head on her daddy’s shoulder.

  It felt strange to let Boone take over Theresa’s care, but both of them seemed to be enjoying their time together.

  Boone smiled tenderly, his eyes warming. “You’re going to have to learn to give up a little control. As you can see, Theresa’s fine. I’ve got her. While she’s taking her nap, I’ll make a few phone calls. Finish your breakfast. You’re going to have to keep up your energy for tonight.”

  Chapter Seven

  Smiling as she walked out the front door, Rachel headed to her car, her body still humming from the kiss Boone gave her before she left.

  His deep kiss and wandering hands had almost persuaded her to stay, but she desperately wanted to talk to Erin.

  Torn, she’d hesitated, but Boone seemed to understand her better than she’d suspected.

  Patting her ass, he’d turned her toward the door. “Go see your sister. You’re not going to be able to relax until you do, and I want your attention focused on me tonight.”

  With one of his hands sliding over her bottom, and the other cupping her breast, she’d smiled up at him. “I don’t think that’s going to be an issue.”

  She drove to the store, her thoughts drifting from Boone to her father.

  She knew from the beginning that they were as different as night and day, but that didn’t seem to change anything. She had to try to accept help, though, for all their sakes.

  It would be hard, but there was too much at stake.

  She was still smiling as she parked the car behind the shop, pleased to see that Main Street bustled with customers. Feeling much better than she had the day before, she emerged from the car and closed the door, leaning against it as she lifted her face to the sun. Enjoying the warmth of it on her skin despite the cool temperature outside, she took several deep breaths, a calmness settling over her that she hadn’t felt in a long time.

  The renewed closeness with her husbands warmed her all the way through, and having a good night’s sleep left her feeling loose and much stronger.

  Now that she’d confessed her insecurities to Boone and Chase, she felt as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

  She’d underestimated her husbands’ understanding and love for her, and still found it hard to believe how easy they’d been to confide in.

  She doubted very much that she’d be able to keep anything from them ever again.

  She smiled again at the thought of what she had to look forward to after they got their daughter tucked in for the night.

  “You look smug. I hope you don’t think you’ve won.” The sound of Mona’s sharp tone jolted her out of her reverie.

  With a smile, she turned to face the other woman, her smile widening at the anger flashing in Mona’s eyes. “I feel smug, and I’ve won quite a bit more than I’d expected to.”

  Shoving her hands in her pockets, she approached the other woman, reluctantly admiring Mona’s designer purse, and surprised to see that her expensive shoes were now scuffed. “What are you still doing in Desire? I would have thought you would have left town by now.”

  With her hands on her hips, Mona cocked a hip. “Not without Boone and Chase.”

  Leaning back against the rear of her car, Rachel caught the strap of her purse before it could slip from her shoulder. “I don’t think that plan’s gonna work out for you.” Pushing against her car, she straightened. “My husbands aren’t about to go anywhere with you, and the people who live in Desire don’t have any patience with troublemakers. They won’t be too welcoming for long.”

  Mona stared into space for several long seconds, appearing momentarily disconcerted. Her eyes clouded and she seemed confused, but almost at once, she blinked and her eyes cleared. She pulled a pack of cigarettes from her purse, her hands shaking as she lit one.

  Blowing out smoke, she shifted from one foot to the other, clearly agitated. “I have no intention of causing trouble for anyone except you, and I’m not leaving town without Boone and Chase.” She smiled, an evil smile that held more than a hint of desperation. “I see the way they look at me.”

  She took another puff of her cigarette and blew the smoke out in a long stream. “They’ve missed me. They like what they see, and they remem
ber how it used to be.”

  Yes, they do.

  Rachel knew now what they remembered when they looked at Mona. They remembered the scheming woman she’d been and the hurt she’d caused them when she’d aborted their child.

  Seeing Mona in a different light improved Rachel’s mood immensely.

  Instead of seeing her as a beautiful, sophisticated woman who’d been her husbands’ lover, Rachel saw a desperate, cold-hearted woman whose selfishness and greed had cost her the most loving and thoughtful men Rachel had ever known.

  With a small smile, Rachel started walking toward the alley that led to the front of the lingerie store. “You’re wasting your time. They don’t want you anymore.”

  Looking over her shoulder, she met the other woman’s gaze. “Leave town and forget all about Boone and Chase before you make even more of a fool of yourself.”

  Mona surprised her by rushing forward and grabbing her shoulder, spinning Rachel around with a strength that stunned her. “Don’t talk to me like that!”

  Mona seemed to regret her show of emotion and released Rachel almost at once. Schooling her features, she dropped her cigarette and put it out with her shoe. With a smile, she smoothed a hand over her hair. “You’ll see. I’ll win in the end. I feel sorry for you, you know. You could never have what I have with them.”

  Rachel watched her go, shaking her head as she turned and started back toward the alley.

  Neither Boone nor Chase had ever mentioned that Mona was so unstable, making her wonder if if it was a recent development.

  She’d have to ask them about it later.

  For now, though, she just wanted to check on the store and her sister, and see Chase and Duncan in action.

  As she walked into the store, her gaze immediately went to Chase, who looked up with a smile.

  The memory of their lovemaking the previous night passed between them, the warmth in his eyes intimate as he studied her features. His smile widened as he approached, becoming a playful grin that she’d missed so much, one that made her forget all about Mona.

  “You look a hell of a lot better. Got some sleep, did you?”

  Yanking her close, he hugged her, dropping a hard kiss on her mouth before pressing his lips against her ear. “I saw that black nightgown. Interesting snaps. They can be unsnapped and resnapped to leave your breasts, ass, and pussy bare. I’m going to have a lot of fun with that a little later.” He lifted his head, running a hand through her hair as he smiled down at her. “Erin, Jared, Duncan, and Reese are going to babysit Theresa tonight. They’re looking forward to having an entire night with her.” His eyes narrowed, his gaze lowering to her breasts, and making her nipples bead tighter. “Both Boone and I are looking forward to having a night alone with you.” Lifting her chin, he touched his lips to hers. “As a matter of fact, he’s getting some things ready right now.”

  Rachel shivered with erotic awareness, loving the feel of his hard, muscled body pressed against hers. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she leaned into him. “Hmm. So that’s why he was so eager to get rid of me.” Anticipation heated her blood, but even more arousing was the love shining in his eyes. Cupping Chase’s jaw, she ran a thumb over his bottom lip, thrilled when his eyes narrowed and darkened with need. “You two always take the time to make everything perfect. You give things the attention to make everything special. You’re nothing like my father at all, are you?”

  “No. We’re not.” Taking her hand in his, Chase kissed her palm, sending arrows of sensation up her arm. “You’re worth it, and we enjoy planning what we’re going to do to you.” With a sigh, he grinned. “It sure as hell makes it hard on my zipper, though. I get hard every time I think about having you all to ourselves and at our mercy.”

  “At your mercy?” Enjoying their play, Rachel ran the tip of her finger down his chest. “I’m going to do my best to make sure you’re at mine.”

  Chase’s brows went up, his eyes dancing. “That should make tonight even more interesting.” Bending again, he touched his lips to her ear, sending a shiver through her. “I’m confident that Boone and I will win, especially once you’re over his lap.”

  Aware of Duncan watching them across the room, she kept her voice low. “I can hardly wait. I wouldn’t be so confident, though. When I wiggle my ass, you’re both putty in my hands.”

  Chase straightened, grinning down at her, his eyes alight with challenge. “I guess we’ll see who turns to putty first.”

  Erin appeared at the doorway to the small kitchen, her arms filled with lingerie. “I heard the bell, but I didn’t hear these two flirting, so I figured it couldn’t be a customer.” Shaking her head, she shot a look at Duncan. “I should be jealous at all Duncan’s flirting, but since they’ve managed to sell double what we usually sell on a Saturday, I’ll forgive him.”

  Duncan grinned like the handsome devil he was, giving Erin a look designed to melt her heart. He closed the distance between them and took the lingerie from his wife’s hands, bending to touch his lips to hers. “You know you never have a reason to be jealous. Besides, you wouldn’t want Hoyt to beat us at selling the most, would you?”

  Chase’s arm tightened around her when Duncan told Erin that she had no reason to be jealous, so Rachel leaned her head on his shoulder to tell him that she’d gotten the message. “So, how’s Hoyt doing?”

  Erin grinned. “He’s winning. Nat’s having trouble keeping things stocked. Jesse’s already upstairs working on more.”

  Chase frowned, exchanging a look with Duncan. “We’ve only just gotten warmed up.” He stiffened when another customer approached, flattening the hand at Rachel’s back to urge her toward her sister. “You two go talk or something. Duncan and I have some catching up to do.”

  Grinning, Rachel took Erin’s arm and led her to the back, hurrying her steps and giggling when she heard Chase greet the new customer. “I can’t believe they’re doing this.”

  Laughing softly, Erin flattened a hand on her swollen abdomen and lowered herself to a chair. “It’s something to watch. They start flirting, and as soon as they start telling one of the customers how sexy something is, it sells. I’ve already started another order.” Lifting her feet to the chair next to her, she crossed her arms over her chest, her smile falling. “Okay, fix me a cup of my herbal tea and tell me what’s bothering you.”

  Rachel smiled and put water on to boil before she poured herself a cup of coffee. “You could always tell when something bothered me.”

  “And could always recognize your stall tactics. Okay, I’ll play. Did Boone tell you that I’ve already hired some help and made Marissa the manager?”

  “He did.” Seeing her sister’s smug smile, Rachel sipped her coffee before saying more. “Proud of yourself, are you?”

  “Of course.” Lifting a brow, Erin eyed her steadily. “Did you really plan to work here six days a week, from morning to night, indefinitely?”

  Rachel shrugged, turning away to fix her sister’s tea. “Until this week, I never really thought about doing anything else.”

  A pregnant silence followed, and as Rachel fixed Erin’s tea, she became aware of her sister’s sharp attention. Setting the cup of tea in front of her, Rachel dropped into the other chair. “Erin, do you ever think about mom and dad?”

  Erin blinked, clearly surprised at the question. “Sure. What about them?”

  Surprised by her sister’s expressionless tone and the way her eyes went flat, Rachel leaned forward. “Mom wasn’t strong enough to do what had to be done, was she?” She looked away and shrugged, swallowing the lump in her throat. “I mean, she tried, but it just wasn’t enough for Dad, was it?”

  Erin slammed her hand on the table, surprising Rachel so much that she jolted and spilled coffee. “You’re crazy. Mom was tough as nails and worked her fingers to the bone. Dad was the weak one.”

  Getting to her feet, she paced the small kitchen, her fury alarming Rachel. “He had a wife who took care of the house and his children, and
fussed over him, and he couldn’t keep his fucking cock in his pants. He was weak, and an asshole. He was the one lacking. Not her.”

  Getting to her feet, Rachel urged her sister back to her chair. “Do you really think so?”

  Erin’s eyes flashed. “I know so. He took advantage of her willingness to do everything for him, and got bored with her. Daddy always wanted a challenge and those younger women gave it to him. He never appreciated what he had.”

  Rachel wiped the coffee she’d spilled and took another sip, wincing as her sister’s words sank in. “I’ve made a mess of things with Boone and Chase. I’ve tried to be everything that Mom was—and more.” Looking up from her cup, she sighed. “Mona liked to spend their money, so I tried to support myself. Mona didn’t want to be a mom, so I’ve been trying to be the best mother possible.”

  Erin nodded. “I figured as much.” Sitting forward, she ran her finger around the rim of her cup. “I can understand wanting to support yourself, but why should we drive ourselves into the ground when we can hire help? Face it, we married men who have plenty of money, so we don’t have to worry about paying the bills.”

  Smiling at Rachel’s shocked look, Erin sipped her tea, her eyes warm. “Didn’t expect me to say something like that, did you? Look, I know when I came here, I expected to find that Boone and Chase were just using you. But, they love you, honey, and you love them. I found love myself. Didn’t plan to, and thought it was crazy to get involved with three men, but I love them. Life is too short and I plan to enjoy every minute of it.”

  Smiling again, she sat back. “I had this same conversation with Jared when I got pregnant. He made me see that working myself to the bone to prove a point didn’t make any sense when it wasn’t necessary. I’d much rather enjoy my husbands.” She looked down at her protruding abdomen, running her hand over it with a smile. “And this little one.” She looked up. “And you, Boone, Chase, and Theresa, and any other nieces or nephews that come along.”

  Taking Rachel’s hand, she squeezed lightly. “Wearing yourself out with the business and Theresa isn’t doing you any good. It’s not good for Theresa and it’s frustrating as hell to Boone and Chase.” She waited until Rachel looked up again. “And none of it’s necessary.”


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