Creation of Desire: Reassuring Rachel [More Desire, Oklahoma 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Creation of Desire: Reassuring Rachel [More Desire, Oklahoma 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Leah Brooke

  He turned back with a curse when Mona started beating her head against the window. “She’s got to be on something, and I want to get her checked out while they deal with the nosebleed and what looks like a black eye.” He turned to Rafe. “I’ll check back with you when I’m finished with her.”

  Keeping his arm around Rachel, Chase nodded, his anger apparent. “Thanks. I can’t believe it came to this. Come on, honey. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

  Rachel held onto Chase, drawing on his warmth and strength. “Okay. Just a minute. I need to hang onto you for another minute.”

  Closing her eyes, she pressed her face against his shoulder, unable to get the image of the gun out of her mind.

  Cupping the back of her head, he held her there, his lips in her hair. “You can hang onto me as long as you want to, baby, but I’m sure you’ll feel better back in the shop. I’m going to close the store, and as soon as Rafe finishes with his questions, we’ll go home.”

  Rachel couldn’t seem to stop trembling. “I don’t want Erin to see me like this. Just give me a minute.”

  “Of course, baby.” He tightened his arm around her and began to rock her. “It’s okay, baby. It’s all over. I’m so sorry. I never thought she would do something like this. If you’d been hurt…”

  “I wasn’t. I’m not. Jesus, she was willing to kill Theresa to have you to herself.” Blowing out a breath, Rachel lifted her head, shocked at the number of people who’d gathered around them. “Hell. I didn’t realize we’d drawn such a crowd. Let’s get out of here.”

  Chapter Nine

  Boone frowned over Rachel’s head, running his hand up and down her back.

  Since coming home a little over an hour ago, he hadn’t been able to stop touching her, relieved when she’d finally stopped shaking.

  He hadn’t yet.

  Erin hadn’t wanted to be away from her sister, so she and Duncan had come home with Chase and Rachel. When Jared and Reese heard what happened, they rushed over, too, all five of them watching both women like hawks.

  After dinner, they ended up on the deck, the conversation naturally going back to Mona.

  Chase eyed Rachel over the rim of his coffee cup. “I still can’t believe she went to such lengths. Did she really think that we’d go back to her once she got rid of you and Theresa?”

  “She did.”

  All eyes turned to Rafe as he made his way around the deck and to the stairs. “I just talked to Ace. Mona was stoned out of her mind. Crystal meth. Evidently, she got hooked up with a dealer and has been using for a couple of years. When he dumped her, she no longer had a free supply.” He glanced at each of them as he took a seat on one of the benches Boone and Chase had built years earlier. “She had to use her own money to buy it, but when she started messing up at work, they fired her and she no longer had money coming in.”

  Leaning against him, Rachel looked up at Boone over her shoulder. “She knew how generous you and Chase were with her. She was desperate.”

  Rafe nodded, smiling when Theresa crawled from Jared’s lap to his to play with his shield. “Yeah. She was. Is. She saw Boone and Chase as her only way out.”

  Boone’s stomach clenched even tighter as he pulled his wife closer. “When I think about how close she came to hurting you…”

  Duncan looked down at Erin, who sat on his lap. “I shouldn’t have left them alone.” Running his hand over her swollen abdomen, he bent to kiss her temple.

  Erin, who was still pale, shook her head. “It’s my fault for wanting that damned pie.”

  Jared stood, bending to lift Erin, holding her against him as he turned toward the others. “I want to get Erin home. Is Theresa’s bag ready?”

  Rachel stood. “You can’t still be thinking about taking her home with you! Erin doesn’t need to—”

  Reese stood, giving Rachel a look. “Theresa is exactly what Erin needs tonight. She needs a distraction. She’ll let Theresa talk her into one of her movies, and the two of them will cuddle on the sofa and start watching it, and before you know it, they’ll both be sound asleep.”

  “Jared, put me down.”


  Rachel smiled, rising to go to her sister. “And that voice means there’s nothing you can say or do to change his mind.” She ran a hand over Erin’s arm. “Boone uses that same voice sometimes. Annoying. Are you sure you want to let Theresa spend the night with you?”

  Boone smiled at that, watching Theresa try to pull Rafe’s shield from his shirt. “She’s a handful. Are you sure you’re up to handling her?”

  “Of course.” Erin wiggled in Jared’s arms, meeting his steady glare with a sigh as she turned back to Erin. “Besides, these three will be there—and who knows when I’m going to have the chance to have her over once the baby comes?”

  Jared, Duncan, and Reese wasted no time, and within minutes, they’d all gone, leaving Rachel with Boone, Chase, and Rafe.

  Accepting the coffee from Rachel, Rafe leaned back with a sigh. “Mona will get the help she needs, but then she’s going to have a lot of legal problems that’ll keep her busy for a long time. In any case, we’ve added her information to the wall in the office.”

  Rachel blinked at that, settling back against Boone. “What wall? What are you talking about?”

  Rafe smiled. “We have a wall in the office, with all the pictures of people who have made trouble in the town in the past. We’re always on the lookout for them in case they come back to start more trouble. Ace keeps close tabs on them.”

  “I didn’t know that.” Rachel grimaced. “I didn’t realize that you had a lot of troublemakers around here.”

  Rafe shrugged. “We’ve had our share, and with the population growing, it can only get worse. Hell, the number of new businesses keeps drawing people in, and with the number of men marrying, there are more women to protect than ever.”

  Boone rubbed her shoulder, not wanting Rachel to be concerned about her safety. “It’s nothing for you to worry about. We all do what we can to make the town as safe as possible. There are always going to be people who don’t understand, or approve of the way we live.”

  Getting to his feet, Rafe smiled reassuringly. “The new deputies are on their way, so we’ll have even more help. Desire is still the safest town I know, and we’re all determined to keep it that way.”

  * * * *

  Something in his voice caught Rachel’s attention. “You sound so serious. Does this have anything to do with the woman you’re waiting for, but won’t tell us about?”

  “It does.”

  Rachel waited, giving Rafe the expectant look that Erin had long ago perfected—a look that signified her willingness to wait as long as it took for an answer.

  Rafe sighed, his expression pensive. “It’s not a secret. It’s just not something we talk about often.” Dropping into his seat again, he leaned forward, staring down into his cup. “Krystal’s a nurse. Linc and I met her when we worked undercover in San Diego. He got shot, I drove him to the hospital, and there she was.”

  He stared out, obviously deep in the past. “We both fell head over heels in love with her. We’d shared women in the past, but with Krystal, everything just clicked.”

  Boone touched his lips to her hair. “I know what that feels like.”

  Smiling, Rachel laced her fingers with her husband’s. “She’s a lucky woman.”

  Rafe shrugged. “I wish that were true. She’s been through a lot, and is still going through a tough time. She insists on doing everything herself, and told Linc and I to find someone who didn’t have the baggage she does.”

  Hearing the love for this woman in his voice, Rachel smiled again. “But you won’t.”

  “Not a chance.” Rafe’s eyes met hers. “She’s never had anyone to lean on—so it’s not something that comes easy to her. It’s frustrating as hell, though, that she won’t let us help her. She’s shut us out, and right now, there isn’t a damned thing we can do about it.”

  Hurting for h
im, and intrigued by the woman who obviously meant so much to him and Linc, Rachel leaned against Boone and sighed. “So, what are you going to do?”

  Getting to his feet as if too restless to sit still any longer, Rafe ran a hand through his short, black hair. “We’re doing the only thing we can do right now. We’re staying in touch with her and giving her all the emotional support we can. And waiting.”


  Rafe sighed again and went to the railing, looking out over the yard. “Her mother’s dying. Slowly. Krystal won’t leave her and won’t move her. When the time comes, Linc and I will go get her and bring her back here.”

  Incredibly touched, Rachel blinked back tears. “You and Linc came here to make a home for her—to have one waiting for her.”

  Rafe nodded once. “When we found out about this place, we knew we could share her here without putting her through any more turmoil. She doesn’t need any more stress in her life. She’s been through more than anyone should have to endure.”

  Chase rose and moved to sit on the other side of Rachel, lifting her feet onto his lap. “Waiting for her must be hell.”

  Turning, Rafe met her gaze again, a muscle working in his jaw. “That’s putting it mildly. Every time we visit, it upsets her mother, which makes it even harder on her. Krystal’s mother wants all of her attention. She’s afraid that we’re going to take her away from her. So, Krystal pushes us away. She won’t even lean on us, and she’s so damned tired and worn out that a strong gust of wind would blow her over.”

  Rachel’s heart ached for him. “Maybe she’s afraid that if she lets herself lean on you—even for a little while—she won’t be able to go back. She’ll get used to it and won’t be able to gather the strength again to do what she needs to do.”

  Rafe’s eyes narrowed. “Good point. It’s frustrating as hell, though, to watch her go through this and not be there for her.”

  “I’m sure she knows that you and Linc are there. Just knowing that you both love her gives her more strength than either one of you realize.”

  Rafe scrubbed a hand over his face, the usually calm deputy clearly rattled. “I don’t know how much longer she can do this. She’s worn out. I worry about her health. Like I said, she’s been through a lot. It’s all taken a hell of a toll on her.” Shaking his head, he blew out a breath. “I just stopped by to give you an update on Mona. She did what she did because of drugs. I doubt if she even remembers it when she sobers up. I’ll see you all later.”

  “Rafe.” Hugging Rachel closer, Boone waited for Rafe to turn. Blowing out a breath, he shrugged. “If there’s anything we can do, let us know. I can’t even imagine what staying away from her is doing to you and Linc.”

  Rafe nodded, his expression closed. “Thanks. It’s not easy, but this is what she needs right now.”

  Rachel cuddled against Boone as they watched Rafe walk away. Once the deputy had disappeared from sight, she sighed. “I feel so sorry for him. It must be frustrating as hell to have to wait for the woman they love.”

  With an ease that never failed to stun her, Boone lifted her against him and stood, holding her high against his chest as he touched his lips to hers. “Yeah. As frustrating as telling and showing a woman just how much we love her, and still having her believe that we would go to another woman.”

  Sliding a hand into his hair, Rachel smiled. “You have to admit, I haven’t been my best lately.”

  Boone’s eyes narrowed as he strode into the house. Not bothering to turn on any lights, he made his way through the semidark kitchen. “And you think that because your hair’s tangled and you’re tired that we won’t find you attractive?” He stared down at her as he carried her into the bedroom. “You’ve damned near attacked me after I’ve been working all day. I’m dirty and sweaty and you don’t seem to mind a bit.”

  Rachel shrugged, running her hand over his chest. “That’s different. You look so damned sexy.”

  Chase came into the room, closing the door behind him. “And you’re just as sexy to us. We hate that you’re tired, but the rest of it doesn’t turn us off at all.” Coming up beside them, he ran his hand over her ass with a grin. “At times, you look like you’ve just been well and truly tumbled, and it excites the hell out of me.”

  Boone lowered her to the bed and began to strip out of his clothes. “You’re going to look like that again real soon.”

  Grinning when Chase started throwing off his own clothes, Rachel reached for the bedside lamp in order to see them better, yelping when Chase hooked an arm around her waist and tumbled her back. Giggling, she reached for him, her laughter cut short when he rolled her to her back, pinning her to the bed with his naked body stretched over hers. “Very soon.”

  His warm breath on her lips was her only warning before he took her mouth with his in a long, drugging kiss that made her head swim. After several minutes, he lifted his head to stare down at her. “I want you. I always want you.” He lifted her arms above her head and stripped her out of her top. “Always.”

  In no time, she was naked and writhing beneath Chase. “Oh, God. I’ve missed this so much.”

  The bed shifted as Boone sat beside her. “Oh, honey, we’ve barely gotten started.”

  Finding her hands free, Rachel started to reach for Chase, crying out in surprise when Boone gripped her waist and flung her over his lap.

  “Quiet.” Boone’s deep voice danced over her skin, making her shiver as he ran a hand down her back to her bottom. “You and I have some unfinished business to take care of.”

  The light came on, but since she was facedown over Boone’s lap in the opposite direction, it didn’t do her any good. She couldn’t see anything except the floor, but she knew that now both of her husbands had a great view of her ass. “What the hell are you doing?” Her pulse leapt in anticipation of the night ahead, her body already tingling with awareness at the promise of pleasure ahead.

  Chase’s playfulness returned in full force. Bending to grin at her, he cupped her breasts. “You know damned well what we’re doing. We’re going to have a night—just the three of us—to remind you just how much we want you.”

  Boone’s hand landed on her bottom. “And to pay you back for not trusting us.”

  Writhing on his lap, she sucked in a breath at the combination of heat spreading on her ass cheeks and the sharp stabs of pleasure from Chase’s tugs at her nipples. “That didn’t hurt.”

  Sliding his hand back and forth over her bottom, Boone tapped her ass again. “When the hell did I ever do anything to hurt you?”

  Fisting a hand in her hair, Chase lifted her face to his, nipping at her lips with a passion that ignited hers. “A spanking and nipple clamps hurt just enough to feel good, don’t they, baby?”

  Rachel’s breath caught, her entire body stiffening in delight. “Nipple clamps?”

  It had been a long time since they’d used them on her, and she’d missed them but had been too shy to ask.

  Chase smiled, the look of erotic intent in his eyes sending another rush of moisture to coat her inner thighs. “Just because we haven’t used them in a while doesn’t mean that we’ve forgotten them. Your nipples were too sensitive when you carried Theresa, and then breastfeeding her, but that’s not the case any longer, is it?”

  Rachel hid a smile, her body trembling in anticipation, raising her voice to be heard when Chase moved away. “How about if I get back at you for not telling me about Mona calling?”

  Boone chuckled and slapped her ass again. “I doubt very much that you would let us get away with that. We’re both going to be on pins and needles until you make us pay for it.”

  “Good.” Rachel gasped when Boone slid a hand between her thighs, parting them as he delivered another sharp slap.

  Boone chuckled again, forcing her thighs wider as he plunged a finger into her pussy. “In the meantime, we’re going to have a little fun. Chase is getting the new nipple clamps he bought for you several weeks ago.”

  Chase’s l
ips caressed the backs of her knees, sending a shiver up and down her spine. “And since I know how much you like it when I put the weights on your other ones, I got clamps that already have the weights attached.” The sound of the nightstand drawer opening sent an erotic thrill of apprehension through her. Running the cool metal over her ass cheek, Chase chuckled softly. “These are even heavier.”

  Another rush of moisture escaped to coat Boone’s finger, her bottom and slit growing warmer from his attention to both places.

  Another sharp slap on her ass had it burning even hotter, especially when Boone rubbed the heat in and had it spreading to encompass her puckered opening.

  Fisting her hands in the thick rug next to the bed, she moaned and wiggled to escape the heat, but Boone held firm.

  “Stop squirming. You know damned well you’re not going to get away from me.” Boone slapped her ass again, his finger stroking her pussy with slow deliberation. “We’re not in any hurry tonight, are we, baby?”

  Sliding his hand from her bottom to her hair, he fisted a handful and turned her face to his, his smile one of indulgence and sexual promise. “I did a little shopping for you myself. Got you a nice little butt plug that’s just a bit bigger than your other one.” A dark brow went up. “I don’t know why you look so surprised. Did you think that you were going to stick with that little plug forever?”

  Rachel gasped. “Little plug?”

  Straightening, he pressed a finger to her puckered opening. “Too small for you now. I think a plug in your ass while I’m spanking you should go a long way in getting your tight little hole ready for my cock.”

  Rachel cried out at the next slap, sucking in a breath when Boone continued to thrust his finger into her pussy while pressing threateningly against her bottom hole. “Boone. Oh, God.”

  Chase came into view as he knelt in front of her. “I’ll bet her pussy and ass are clenching.”

  Boone slapped her ass several times in rapid succession, pausing with a groan. “They are.” The hand he used to hold her down also held the heat in, making her squirm again. “Christ, I want to savor this, but I don’t know how long I’m going to be able to.”


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