King of Hell

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King of Hell Page 12

by Melody Rose

  We just stood there for a moment, looking at each other, and I saw Lilith’s eyes darken. She looked pissed, and before I could process everything that was happening, she spun around and walked quickly and purposefully out the door, reaching down to grab her shoes along the way.

  What had just happened? Was that Evelyn? Had she seen us? How much did she see? What was going through her mind right now? I needed her to know that it actually was not what it looked like, but I did not want to admit to myself why I needed to do that.

  The more pressing matter should have been Lilith. She was obviously angry. I’d have to work that out with her later once I had worked that out for myself. In the past, I had always welcomed her advances. Sure, we sometimes went centuries without physical contact, but every time we got back together in that way, it felt like coming home.

  So why now, could I not accept her? I thought of her multitude of dresses and how every single one of them clung to her curves in a way that made it difficult to focus sometimes. Her red miniskirt tonight would have usually done the trick in and of itself.

  The only thing for certain was that I was off my game, and it was all Evelyn’s fault.



  The warm water cascaded over my hair and ran down my body, and I stood there, relishing the moment. After experiencing what I had been through at the range, this shower was no longer about washing the lead off my body. I was trying to cleanse my soul. How could I have let Lilith convince me to shoot someone?

  Well, I truly believed her when she said he couldn’t bleed. I let my guard down, finally started to let go of my convictions and accept Hell, and this happened. It was a sign that I needed to keep a tighter grip on my principles.

  That got me thinking back to everything I had experienced so far down here. I was supposed to be upset with Lucifer for keeping me hostage down here, but I had to admit, I genuinely wanted to stay and get to know him on a deeper level. What was worrisome was that these feelings were developing quickly, and I wasn’t sure what to do about them. I couldn’t understand why I felt the way I did, given that he had kidnapped me, but I couldn’t deny the truth. I had fallen for him. I started thinking about my principles again and wondered where falling in love with the Devil landed on the chart.

  I gave my hair a thorough shampoo and condition and took my sweet time shaving my legs, enjoying the feel of the razor gliding against my skin. Shooting that man was not my finest moment, but Lilith seemed more concerned with my supposed powers than with the bleeding man on the floor. I hoped he was okay, which struck me as odd. If he were okay, then he would be stuck in Hell being tortured. I didn’t really see how that could be a good thing for him.

  There was also the pesky issue of my powers. I had grown to accept the truth by now, but I still had no idea why I was able to do what I did. I had never done anything abnormal or unusual growing up. I never made anything move with my mind or lifted unusually heavy items with ease. I wasn’t a particularly fast runner. In fact, I was actually pretty damn average throughout my entire childhood. So, where did this come from? It seemed a pretty odd skill to have.

  I thought of my small family and my lack of knowledge about my ancestors. I had never given it much thought until recently. I wanted to go back topside and find my mom. At the very least, if she didn’t have any answers for me, she did make a fantastic cup of tea. I never drank tea unless she made it.

  Then, on top of all of that, there was Michael. Relentless and arrogant, he was the antithesis of everything I was looking for in a partner. The fact that he couldn’t take a hint and simply leave me alone was the most frustrating part. It was an underlying annoyance weaving through this entire experience.

  Realizing that I had spent way too long in the shower, I shut the water off and hopped out. Once I had dried off, I dug out my most luxurious body lotion. It smelled like lavender and coconuts and kept my skin feeling moisturized and smooth all day long. A friend of mine had started selling her own line of lotions, and I had bought one as a good gesture, but it quickly became my favorite.

  I pulled out my faded black jeans and my all-black Chucks and paired them with my worn-in black and gray plaid button-down shirt draped over a plain black fitted tee. It seemed cozy and understated while allowing me the freedom of movement I may need down here in Hell. It also hugged my curves nicely, which never hurt.

  With my dark curls loose around my shoulders and a fresh face of makeup on, I decided I was going to test the waters and search for some answers on my own. It was time to track down Lucifer and have a chat on my own terms. I was determined to find out if these feelings went both ways.

  I walked out into the dimly lit hall and braced myself for the flickering lights, but there were none. All the lighting that I could see had been fixed, and the hall was now brightly illuminated. This wasn’t necessarily a good thing as dirt and debris cluttered the edges of the hall, and the wall tiles looked greasy. I decided I was happier without that knowledge, but I did appreciate that Lucifer had listened to me and ensured that I did not have to put up with the flickering lights. I began to retrace my steps to where I thought Lucifer’s throne room was.

  Once I turned my first corner, I noticed the lights were flickering down the entire next stretch of hallway. I laughed out loud, a sound that echoed through the hall. While Lucifer had ensured that my lights were fixed, he kept his own original lighting for the rest of Hell. I found it sweet and made a mental note to thank him.

  When I finally approached the throne room, I heard some voices inside. Feeling a little embarrassed that I might be interrupting some important business, I decided to peek in just to make sure through the doorway.

  Lucifer was standing there, his hands on Lilith’s shoulders, and she was looking up at him. They appeared to be in the middle of a conversation, but they were a little too close together for some casual chat. He slid his hands down her arms and took her hands in his.

  Then she reached up, grabbed his face, and kissed him. It was a real, passionate kiss. I could feel the intensity from out here, and it shattered me. I saw Lucifer’s hands grab her by the waist, and I knew I did not want to keep watching. I didn’t know what else to do, so I ran, grateful for my choice of footwear. My footfalls were silent on the stone. Hopefully, they would never know I was there.

  I stopped around the corner and pressed my back against the wall to catch my breath and collect my thoughts. I felt so stupid at that moment. This was Lucifer, the King of Hell. Why did I even entertain the idea of the two of us being together? Aside from the fact that I didn’t know the Devil was real until very recently, he also kidnapped me. And aside from all of that, he had much bigger fish to fry as King than worrying about the feelings of some random human. He was immortal, he could’ve had anyone he wanted. Why would he want me? Especially since he had someone as gorgeous and sexy as Lilith already by his side.

  I heard someone approaching and turned to see the glistening gold of Michael’s hair. His face lit up with false enthusiasm when he saw me.

  “Hi there, sweetheart!” He sauntered over and propped one arm up on the wall over our heads, purposely towering over me. “How about you and I take a trip up to my neck of the woods? I’ll really take you to Heaven if you know what I mean.” He winked.

  I cringed. That could not have been any cornier if he had tried, but as close as he was, I had no choice but to get a good, close look at him.

  He had on black gym shorts and a thin white tank top that stretched taut over his muscles, and his skin was glistening with the sweat of a recent workout. His muscles were intensely defined, and his skin had a dedicated tan. He flexed the muscles in his arms a few times and then rolled his shoulders forward, unfurling his silvery-white wings. They expanded to take over the entire hallway which would have been impressive had it not been for the condescending douchebag attached to them.

  “Like what you see?” He smirked condescendingly.

  I raised one eyebrow. “Are you refer
ring to the dripping sweat or the stench of your workout clothes?”

  It was bad enough he felt he had to invade my personal space and back me against the wall, but the sweat made the whole experience even worse. I was impressed that he had apparently blocked out my punch from his memory so quickly. I ducked out from underneath his arm and attempted to make my way back to my room. I wanted to be alone, so I could feel stupid in private.

  Before I could get away, Michael ran in front of me and stretched his wings out across the hall, effectively blocking my path. He placed one hand on the wall and leaned down over me.

  “Not so fast, gorgeous,” he declared. “You and I need to set a date.”

  “A date?” What was he talking about?

  “Yes, a date for a date,” he stated, smirking at his own cleverness. “You and me, and we will see where the night takes us.”

  “Ugh, I’ll pass.” I sidestepped past him and down the hall. I couldn’t get away from him fast enough.



  When I got back to my room, I burst through the door, slammed it shut behind me, and, relieved to be alone, let all of the tears out. I sobbed intensely for a few moments until I found I was able to take a few calming breaths to recenter myself. I opened my eyes, however, and found Asmodeus standing there, a pillowcase in his hand, looking concerned.

  “You okay, girl?” he asked, taking a few hesitant steps forward.

  “I’ll be okay,” I responded, my voice still cracked from my sobs.

  “No,” Asmodeus said assertively. “That is not the voice of a woman who is okay. What is going on?”

  “I…” How do I explain to a Prince of Hell that I just got my heart broken? “I am overreacting.”

  “Sit,” he said, steering me into my bedroom by my shoulders and positioning me at the foot of my bed. I sat down, and he propped himself up on my dresser.

  “You look like you just got your heart ripped out and stomped on,” Asmodeus assessed. “I’d say maybe you just witnessed something horrible in one of the torture chambers, but I already know you are not the kind of woman who would break down over something like that. So spill. That’s an order.”

  “Well,” I began, “basically I thought there was something going on between Lucifer and myself, I went to go talk to him about it, and I found him kissing Lilith. That’s it. It’s so stupid. Not worth discussing, really.”

  “Darling, I am familiar with heartbreak,” Asmodeus chimed like a trusty friend. “It is never a good feeling, but you have come to the right place. Come on, let’s go.” He popped off the dresser and held his hand out for me.

  “Where are we going?” I asked as I took his hand.

  “Oh, you’ll see.” He grinned at me, and as I stood up, my room disappeared around me.

  Suddenly, we were standing in the middle of a crowded shopping mall. I looked up and saw that the ceiling was made of glass, and sunlight was shining through. Actual sunlight was hitting my face.

  “What the hell?” I asked as I looked around. For as big as the crowd was, no one had seemed to notice two people magically appear in the center of the mall.

  “Not quite,” Asmodeus sang. “I always say the best cure for heartbreak is a shopping spree. Actually, the best cure for anything is a shopping spree. How do you think I acquired such a fabulous wardrobe? Where should we start?” He tapped his chin with one finger as he thought. “I always opt to start with clothes, but jewelry is always an option too.” He smiled broadly. “After all, diamonds are a girl’s best friend.”

  I looked around the mall and then back up at Asmodeus. “As sweet as this is and all, and it is sweet, especially given your… occupation… I don’t exactly have the funds for a beauty makeover. Not to mention, I left my wallet back in Hell.”

  “Girl, did you think I would bring you here and expect you to pay?” Asmodeus pulled his wallet out of his pants pocket, flipped it open, and removed a blood-red card with black trim. “Lucifer’s executive card. I’ve been using this for everything to get you settled and comfortable. No limit. Plus, I’m claiming it all on my taxes.” He smirked at his own joke. “So, where do we start?”

  “Umm… makeup?” I asked, gauging how far he would go. “I need new makeup more than clothes.

  “You got it, let’s go!” He spun on his heels and started walking down the mall, past several kiosks. He walked with the confidence of someone who had walked this mall countless times.

  I followed quickly behind, and when he stopped, I recognized the familiar black and white pillars at the entrance to one of my favorite makeup stores.

  “I love this store!” he exclaimed and then walked inside.

  I always loved this shop too. The employees were always nice and very helpful, no matter which location I went to. Even though I could blow entire paychecks in this store without even trying, I always walked out of there, convinced I had purchased only exactly what I needed, confident that it would change my life somehow.

  Asmodeus walked in and strolled right over to the aisle I usually frequented and began to look through the lipstick colors. I followed him hesitantly.

  “Two things,” I began. “First, how do you know this store so well? And second, how did you know this was my aisle?”

  He turned to me with a smile. “I am cleaning your room every day, remember?” He chuckled. “Besides, what kind of partner-in-crime would I be if I didn’t know where to take you?”

  “I suppose so,” I said as he walked over to the end of the aisle where there was a mini makeup station with a mirror and a stool. “Come on, sit.” He pulled the stool out and gestured for me to sit.

  “Okay…” I mumbled, unsure as I did as he asked.

  “Hmm...” he said as he put his hand beneath my chin and lifted my face up to examine it. “You obviously have a great system down as far as foundation and whatnot, perfect coverage. Not that you need much, your skin is flawless. So let’s just jazz it up a bit, shall we?”

  Asmodeus went back into the aisle and grabbed a few different colors of lipsticks, eyeliners, and highlighters. He came back to me, laid it all on the table, and proceeded to test out the different colors on my complexion. He worked in silence, and I noticed he was very obviously enjoying himself as he worked. And also whistling. And humming. So. Much. Humming.

  “Okay,” he said confidently after a few minutes of concentration. “Take a look.”

  I turned to look at the mirror and was very impressed. With just a few items, I not only looked much more put together than I felt, but I barely recognized the girl in the mirror. Because that girl staring back at me was a veritable goddess.

  “I love it!” I gushed, staring at myself in the mirror. “How did you do that?”

  “Trade secret!” he clapped his hands together. “I’m going to go grab you some mascara. It’s going to make your eyes really pop. Then we will go get you a new dress to complete your new look!”

  Asmodeus sauntered off in search of a particular mascara, leaving me to sit at the makeup station on my own. As much as I was thoroughly enjoying a day out of Hell to pamper myself and actually see some sunlight, I did wonder how this was allowed. Wasn’t I supposed to not be able to leave? Wasn’t that the whole point? How was this okay? I also wondered how Lucifer would feel about all of these charges on his card. With the thought of Lucifer, my mind went back to what I had just seen down in Hell. I decided that, for the moment, the only thing I really needed was a chocolate shake. The rest? Well, I could get past my stupid feelings. Eventually.

  Asmodeus was back before I knew it, and he collected everything he had chosen off the makeup table before turning to me.

  “Shall we?” he crooned after he’d applied some mascara that really did make my eyes pop.

  “Let’s do it,” I replied as I hopped off the stool and followed him to the checkout counter.

  While Asmodeus was checking out, I decided to ask him all of the questions that had been rolling around my head.

; “So,” I began, “how is it that I’m allowed to be here? Don’t you think Lucifer would have an issue with me leaving Hell considering the circumstances?”

  The cashier looked up at me, a concerned look on her face, but she didn’t say anything.

  Asmodeus looked over at me. “As long as you’re with me, or one of us at least, we aren’t exactly worried about it.”

  “Why not? What if I decide to make a break for it?” I glanced around. “It’s a crowded mall. I bet I could easily lose you.”

  “You could,” Asmodeus replied casually. “You know Lucifer would find you, though.”

  He inserted the blood-red executive card into the machine and entered the pin. 0666. Of course, it was.

  “Besides,” he said with a smirk as he grabbed the shopping bag and handed it to me, “You have everything you need in Hell, and nothing up here. Based on the emotions that brought us to this mall, I don’t think you want to leave.” He winked at me. The cashier was watching us, a look of concern on her face, her skin pale.

  He was right. I didn’t want to leave, at least not until I had some answers. I didn’t say anything, though.

  “Come on, girl. Where to next?” Asmodeus stood in the doorway and gestured out into the rest of the mall.

  “Ice cream for sure,” I announced, and we walked out together.

  We found the ice cream shop further down the mall, and I ordered a chocolate shake. When they handed it to me over the counter, I turned to Asmodeus.

  “You know,” I said thoughtfully. “I really appreciate you bringing me here. It’s exactly what I needed today.” I smiled up at him. “It was very kind of you.”

  “Everyone needs a break from Hell from time to time,” Asmodeus responded. “Even me.”

  “You?” I laughed. “Prince of Hell, you need a break?”


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