Port City (An Alec Winters Series Book 3)

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Port City (An Alec Winters Series Book 3) Page 8

by Chariss K. Walker

  Chapter 19

  With Vivien Simon finally safe, Alec could leave for Mobile. His departure was planned for the next day. For the time being, he reveled in Sabrina’s sweet love. Her warm body rested next to his and it was delicious. He dreaded leaving her side for even a few moments, but being away for several days would be almost unbearable. He wondered how he had gone so long without her, without this perfection, in his life.

  It was what they had wanted when they were only teens, but life got in the way. Lately, they had fallen into a lovely, but quiet, routine pattern that neither of them had thought possible before his return. Alec surmised that these last few weeks were as close to ‘normal’ as they had ever gotten – he feared it was the best they would get, especially after Grandfather’s dire warning.

  In the meantime, Brother Maddox called Vivien Simon to report the murder of Monsignor Abernathy. He had discovered the body and urged her to come.

  “Have you called 9-1-1?” Vivien asked.

  “No, please. Come, you won’t believe what I have found. You must be the one to investigate. Bring the police officers closest to you. Bring those you trust most and come, please. Hurry, please. Some here would want to hide what I’ve discovered. You must hurry.”

  The scene in Abernathy’s chambers was gruesome, but it certainly wasn’t the worst that Bright, Vivien, and Coroner Davis had witnessed. Brother Murphy stood at the doorway to block the curiosity of anyone who should pass by. Appalled by what he had seen, he also waited to have a private word with Vivien Simon.

  Abernathy, slumped over, sat on an ornate chair. His throat had been neatly cut. A blade that matched the wound was in one hand and his written confession was in the other.

  “Bright, look at this,” Vivien called as she quickly scanned the note left behind. “It implicates Sergeant Clive Burroughs and the famous MeChelle DeLaurent.”

  “What?” Bright and Davis asked in surprise.

  “Yes, it seems that the Monsignor was behind the attempts on my life, but he had help and motive. DeLaurent was Maddox’s half-brother. He blamed me for the priest’s death. Abernathy was DeLaurent’s supporter, and Burroughs reported to Abernathy. It’s all here.”

  “Let me see that,” Bright said.

  “It explains how they knew where to find you, Vivien,” Davis volunteered as he peered over around Bright’s shoulder to read the suicide note. At Bright’s questioning look, Davis elaborated, “I always wondered if someone on the inside was feeding information to those after her…the parking garage incident seemed to point to that. Clearly, someone knew we’d celebrate at Sazerac’s.”

  “Why didn’t you mention this before?” Bright asked.

  “I had nothing to go on, just instincts,” Davis replied.

  “Yes, and who better to know the worst criminals in town than someone with personal experience,” Vivien mused aloud. “Makes sense that these bad guys were hired by someone who knew their previous records, their rap sheets – a cop. Still, I didn’t see it coming.”

  “Me either,” Bright confessed, “but it sure as hell pisses me off.” He touched his radio and ordered, “Deters, Bright here. Round up Clive Burroughs and any of his closest uniforms. Send them to my office to wait. I’ll be there shortly. Make sure the Captain is available too.”

  After thoroughly investigating the scene and photographing evidence, Vivien went outside the room to speak with Brother Murphy. “This was the man referenced as ‘holiest father’ wasn’t it?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

  “Yes, after we talked the other day, he called me in. He knew of our meeting.”

  “He had someone on the police force feeding him information. What else did he say?” Vivien asked.

  “He knew that you had visited the voodoo shop, too. He warned me…if I spoke with you again, I might get caught in the crossfire.”

  “I see. Were you planning to speak to me again?” she asked.

  “I was afraid, but I was going to tell you everything I knew especially after an angel appeared to me.”

  “You saw an angel?” she excitedly asked.

  “He came to me right after we talked. I was still in the alley, but in a different part of it. I was praying for guidance. Suddenly, I saw a bright light. Then, I saw that the light surrounded an angel. I fell to my knees before him. He touched me and reassured me that my prayers were answered. He said the man behind the evil at the abbey would be punished. I never imagined he meant this.”

  “He was there in the alley while we talked,” Vivien mused aloud.

  “I don’t know. I felt as if someone was there watching me, but I’m not sure about that.”

  “Now, you fear that you caused this,” Vivien acknowledged. At Murphy’s nod, she continued, “You didn’t. Monsignor Abernathy confessed his evil deeds in the note he left behind. Then, he took his own life. You are not responsible, Brother Murphy.”

  “I read the note too. I am ashamed to know the many criminal things he has done, but I still feel responsible for his death,” Murphy mournfully admitted.

  “You didn’t do anything wrong. Perhaps, the angel told Monsignor that he knew about his evil deeds. Maybe, that knowledge drove Abernathy to take his own life. It’s not your fault. You aren’t responsible for any of the illegal things Abernathy did. I’m sure the gravity of his sins led to his suicide.”

  “Thank you, Miss Simon. I’m not certain that what you have said is true, but it makes me feel better. One more thing, Monsignor wanted me to question you about the attack in the alley. He mentioned two men, Jake and Rusty. He couldn’t understand how they died. He wanted me to visit with you – to see if I could find out.”

  Before the body could be removed and the evidence collected, Bright got a phone call from his Captain, “I have orders from the Commissioner himself and the mayor as well. Leave everything as you found it. The abbey will handle it from here.”

  “What the hell!” Bright angrily yelled.

  “I’m serious, Lieutenant! That’s an order!”

  “Oh, I see…the Bishop has called in a few favors, am I right?” He was steaming.

  “You know how it works.”

  “Yeah, I am only too aware of how it works. That’s why this bastard was able to put out two hits on one of my people!”

  “Calm down, Bright. It’s already gone viral. Everyone knows, everyone is talking. They just want to put this to rest with a little dignity. Let them pass. Leave quietly and let’s make the best of this situation.”

  “What about Clive Burroughs? Does he get off easy too?”

  “Not in the slightest. He’s already in your office so get on back here.”

  Infuriated and disgusted, Bright told the others. As coroner, Davis was still required to stay behind, but Vivien returned to the precinct with her boss.

  Later that afternoon, Sergeant Clive Burroughs had a lot of explaining to do, but he didn’t know that. He’d been sequestered for a couple of hours and didn’t yet know about Abernathy. He sat in Albright’s office, his arms crossed over his chest – fuming that he was pulled off an assigned task and oblivious to the shit that was about to hit his personal fan. At first, Burroughs was defiant and aggravated, demanding to know why he was standing on the carpet and his men were waiting outside in the hallway instead of on duty.

  After he learned of Abernathy’s death and suicide note, he was like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar – he told everything about their long-standing relationship and blubbered while he did it.

  Bright spent the afternoon questioning his men. Most didn’t know that Burroughs was using police resources for personal gain. Those who did received harsh punishment along with their leader.

  Later that evening, Bright met Davis for a drink. While they mulled over the situation and celebrated Vivien’s safety, Bright confided, “It’s a sorry case all around, but thank God, she made it out alive.”

  “True, but as Vivien said earlier, none of us saw it coming. Not like this.”
r />   “She’s a smart woman. I’m just glad it’s over. Maybe we’ll all get some sleep tonight.”

  “Bright, she’s more than smart. She’s as cute as a ladybug and not nearly as fragile. You should really jump on that before the opportunity slips away or someone else beats you to it.”

  Chapter 20

  Alec Winters drove the rental car to Mobile, Alabama by rote. The mechanical actions and maneuvers through traffic were automatic and required little concentration. His wandering mind was filled with sweet, delicious memories of Sabrina Devereux. Her soft breathing and warmth when curled against him. The love shining in her eyes whenever she gazed at him. The sweetness of her breath. A luxurious lavender scent that permeated every part of her. The perfection of a body designed only for his love.

  Yes, she truly was a goddess and he’d almost lost her forever. The very thought sickened him. Still, even though protecting Sabrina was part of a much larger conspiracy concerning Vivien, MeChelle DeLaurent, and Monsignor Abernathy, he was anxious about the warning his grandfather had given. He worried that he had crossed some mystical line. He agonized that an innocent had died while he was preoccupied. Overall, Alec was apprehensive about what would follow. He was troubled about what it meant to break those two important rules.

  Alec’s mind returned to more pleasant thoughts. He had always wanted a normal life with Sabrina. He was sometimes amazed that it had happened so quickly. His recent return to New Orleans was the catalyst. It seemed magical. One day it wasn’t; the next it was.

  As he looked back at the major events in his life, it had always happened that way. One day he was a normal teen, the next he learned he had a supernatural gift with a mission. One day he was headed to LSU on scholarship, the next he was in the army. One day he was a field medic, the next he was traveling the world with an elite counterintelligence team.

  He had craved a life and love with Sabrina for a very long time, but he had also felt it was out of his reach. His designated path, too uncertain and unpredictable, left nothing tangible to offer the love of his life. His special calling of redeemer-avenger took precedence over everything else. It precluded everything, even his hopes and dreams. Yet, Martin Saguache had a life with Jazibella and his mother had a life with Buck Winters. Why couldn’t he have a life with Sabrina?

  On this very morning, Sabrina was there, sleeping beside him. She planned to move in with him, to live with him in the Carrolton Street home. He wondered if such normalcy was possible or sustainable. Could he finally have a relationship with Sabrina? Aside from a passion to protect the innocent, a life with her was the only other thing he’d ever desired.

  Alec first met Sabrina when the freshmen of several area middle schools converged into one central high school; it was where he was already a sophomore. She approached him after school one day and he walked her home. They were inseparable from that moment on.

  No one thought it would last, but they were wrong. Their love had endured through many hardships and now spanned twenty-five years. Sabrina and Alec had shared a ‘first love.’ For Alec, it was, and always would be, an only love. He’d never been with another woman and had no desire for anyone other than Sabrina. He was certain that would never change.

  In the beginning, Alec had a plan for their lives. He’d attend college and get a good job. They’d marry and have their own home, living anywhere she wanted. He’d had it all figured out. Until the night his father died. Alec, accused and acquitted of killing his father, had joined the army after those intentions were lost to him.

  He hadn’t killed Buck Winters…but maybe he had wanted to do that very thing. Maybe, it was that murderous desire that had set his supernatural transformation in motion.

  He now understood that his rage caused his demon persona to manifest; likewise, his love and compassion resulted in his angel persona. To some degree, he had learned to control it. He could allow it to manifest for a few moments, the way it had with Abernathy. Still, he wondered if the rage towards his father had started everything.

  After all this time, Alec still couldn’t say for sure. There were times over the last twenty odd years that he’d wondered what would have happened if he had simply closed the door to Catalina’s bedroom and walked away. What would the outcome have been if he had refused to see what his father was doing? What if he had refused to rescue Cat? Would Buck Winters still be alive? Would his own life be different? Would any of their lives be something else?

  Even though he questioned his response so long ago, he knew it wasn’t an option. His actions had saved his sister and mother. Nothing else could’ve done that. It was accurate that the truth sets us free. He knew he wouldn’t change it, now or then, even if it were possible to do so.

  He’d thought about it every day since the night Buck Winters died and the only thing he knew with certainty was that his life changed that night. His eyes opened. From that point forward, he saw things that most could never imagine: spirits, spiritual warfare, and the dark, dirty secrets of the predators he destroyed. His eyes saw everything. Such clear vision would have driven a lesser man to the edge of reason. He was thankful that his mother explained as much as she could about the nonphysical. She shared her knowledge about auras and spiritual energy, but Alec’s was an ever-growing ability. He had soon surpassed her wisdom and understanding.

  He had seen angry energy and wickedness swirl and hiss as it stirred up humans to do its bidding. In particular, he saw the ugly, reddish-brown auras of pedophiles and other sexual predators. However, as bad as those images were, he had also seen the beauty and purity in the innocents he rescued. He became both angel and demon, using those metaphysical abilities to free innocent victims from those atrocious wrongdoings. He used his demon persona and superhuman strength to punish the evil men and women who perpetrated heinous crimes against them.

  His family, Cassidy, Catalina, and Sabrina, accepted his transformation and revolutionary changes with love and approval. Although, his angel and demon personas weren’t openly discussed, his family encouraged him to fulfill his destiny. For that, he was eternally grateful. He honestly didn’t know how he could realize his true purpose in life without their complete and total support.

  In all honesty, Alec could understand that his mother and Catalina championed him. They were bound by blood. On the other hand, Sabrina’s encouraging acceptance blew him away. She was barely sixteen years old when his destiny began to manifest. She could have easily fled and abandoned him to the struggles that battled within him – good and evil, angel and demon, boy and man.

  After all, knowing that your boyfriend was aberrant, and more than a little different, would cause any girl to walk away. To suspect that he was also a serial killer…well, most women would run for the hills and with good cause. Alec wouldn’t have blamed Sabrina for taking flight.

  Nevertheless, Sabrina hadn’t run away. She had remained faithful and steadfast in the worst of times…even when public opinion was against him. She’d stood by him throughout all the uncertainties that followed his father’s death too. She was there for him throughout the trial, Cat’s absurd confession, and his sister’s incarceration. Her serene and calming influence helped him adjust to the changes raging in his teenage body. She knew all his secrets and chose him in spite of that knowledge. She loved him above all others, and knowing her decision, had helped Alec accept his preordained vocation. It had allowed him the freedom to come to terms with those changes and believe that his transformation was for the greater good.

  Sabrina had encouraged him to embrace his purpose, to open his arms wide and receive the gift with joy.

  “It is an honor to be chosen for such a great future, Alec. Our hopes and dreams must take second place to whatever the Universe has in store for you, for us. Whatever happens, my heart belongs to you, always.” She had touched her heart and made a gesture as if throwing it to him. She smiled, adding, “Always.” That loving action became a ritual each time they parted.

  During the many year
s of his absence, neither one of them had made plans. They had simply maintained a loving relationship without promises, pressures, or commitments. Their lives stood still. Silent and still. That ‘quiet period’ had lasted until he retired from the Army and Sabrina put aside the goddess business.

  During Sabrina’s rescue, she witnessed Alec’s transformation for the first time. More importantly, she accepted it. She ran to him with open arms. Like Catalina, Penny Worth, Thomas LaCour, and so many others, she didn’t see the darkness of the demon that had consumed Alec in rage. She only saw the light of his love and compassion. She only saw the angel. Still, her acceptance confirmed that Sabrina would stand by his side in all things.

  It was time for their immobility – that standstill – to change.

  For the first time since his transformation, Alec understood that, not only did he want to marry Sabrina; life with her was now possible. It’s what he’d always wanted. The realization was a little shocking to the forty-year-old man. He examined his existence critically. As he did, he wondered if his thinking was flawed in any way.

  Was he marriage material? Did he have anything to offer the woman he loved? He’d now permanently returned to the city of his birth and had a good job. When coupled with his retirement pay, it was far better than average income for the area. He’d never bought a home of his own, but he’d maintained the home on Carrollton. Since his enlistment, he had paid for all the expenses and upkeep. Cassidy had even transferred the deed to his name. Still, Alec felt somewhat apprehensive and insecure about his worldly accomplishments.

  Although the family manor on Carrollton Avenue was not the home he envisioned sharing with Sabrina so long ago, it had become their home the moment she decided to move in with them. Their lives had quickly taken on a comfortable routine that gave him a great deal of happiness and an even greater sense of family. For the first time, Alec felt he had something permanent to propose.


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