Port City (An Alec Winters Series Book 3)

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Port City (An Alec Winters Series Book 3) Page 12

by Chariss K. Walker

  Alec gently patted her hands, and as the mild electrical current streamed through her body, Amy felt hope for the first time since ensnared. She didn’t see an angel; she was too depressed in general to notice anything other than the light. However, she did sense that good had saved her from evil. Determined to learn from the experience just as he had suggested, she focused on that alone.

  “Thank you. I don’t actually know what part you played in my rescue, but thank you for helping me. I will try my best to recover from this. I am very grateful to be free,” she said with deep sincerity.

  “Lock the door behind me, Amy, and then do as I’ve instructed. Time really does heal all wounds. You’ll eventually recover from this if you set your mind to it.”

  Alec exited the RV and waited until he heard three beeps as Amy dialed 9-1-1. He was almost back at the motel before he saw and heard the sirens screaming to the parking lot on Claiborne.

  There was quite a commotion when the two bodies were found gruesomely murdered. Amy couldn’t tell anyone what happened. The EMT medic assured the police that the girl had been drugged for some time; it was likely that she didn’t see or hear a thing.

  Chapter 27

  The next morning, Alec continued to see the clinics, hospitals, and doctors on his route. He was anxious to finish his work. Excited to return to Sabrina and New Orleans.

  In the meantime, Sabrina went about the necessary preparations for moving her guest bedroom suite to the Winters home. She had hired a small local moving company that she’d used before and when Robby and Jimbo arrived, she pointed out which items to transport. After that was done, she called a taxi to take her to Cassidy’s ahead of them. They would bring the furniture after it was loaded and secured on the moving truck.

  Just as the cabdriver was about to pull out, a loud knock on the passenger window halted him. “Sorry Miss Devereux,” Robby said with a goofy schoolboy grin as he leaned in the window, “I forgot the lamps. I placed them in the closet for safety and then forgot to get them. Will you please unlock the door again?”

  “Here’s the key, Robby,” Sabrina said as she slid it off her key ring. “Just lock the door when you leave. I’ll meet you at the address I’ve given you.”

  As Robby unlocked and opened the door, he muttered, “Ooo-wee, what a fine woman. Never seen one finer.” The young enamored daydreamer thought about Sabrina, and as he hurried to the bedroom closet, he didn’t notice that two people slipped into the home behind him.

  Once Robby was out of sight, the pair disappeared, hiding in another room. After retrieving the lamps, Robby carefully set them down in the hallway, locked the door, and hurried outside. He’d hoped to catch another glimpse of Sabrina, but the taxi was already gone.

  Early that afternoon, after the furniture was placed, Catalina returned to the family home. She joyfully danced from room to room. Wearing a full-skirted dress, Cat looked like a ballerina as she twirled and pranced. Her long, white-blonde hair flaring wildly behind her. Cassidy and Sabrina laughed at her antics, glad to see her in such good spirits. Each welcomed the hugs she freely offered.

  Cassidy had taken a brief holiday from the classes she taught to make sure that Cat settled in comfortably, but it hadn’t been necessary. The move-in happened quickly and any adjustments were made smoothly.

  “Sabrina, you made this so easy,” Cassidy praised. “I hope everything goes as well for you at the condo. Is it?”

  “It’s going quite well. The realtor has already begun to show it and we have some interest. I think he might have an offer to present to me either tomorrow or the next day. I hope everything is finished by the time Alec returns. I can’t wait to finally be with him here!”

  Although Catalina managed the actual moving day well, Cassidy still worried for her daughter. Catalina, frozen emotionally since the age of thirteen, had struggled with mental illness for over twenty years. Although she was now thirty-five years old, her physical appearance resembled that of a teenager.

  Now, almost overnight, she was a completely different person. Even though she marveled at the improvements Cat made, Cassidy wondered how any of it was possible. Apparently, Cat’s changes began the moment Alec retired from the army and came home.

  Before his permanent return, it was almost impossible to get Cat out of the small room at the State Mental Hospital other than routine and required trips to the cafeteria, group meetings, and weekly therapy sessions. Although her behavior was commendable and she had earned rewards, she’d never used the monthly passes to visit.

  Because it cost the state an incredible amount of money for each prisoner, the administration encouraged those with good behavior to return home and to the care of their loved ones. Cassidy wondered if shifting the responsibility was such a good idea, but in this case, she knew it was best for Cat.

  Everything had changed the night Alec was shot while protecting Vivien Simon. His sister knew of his injury before Cassidy did. Frantic over his condition, Cat came home to share vital information with her brother. She seemed to know as much about his angelic form as he did, maybe more.

  Since then, she began to use the passes and each visit became easier. Now, Cat was home and no longer a prisoner of the small cell or her mind. It was a welcome relief, if not a miracle. Cassidy gave any credit due to Alec. He was the vital calming influence in Cat’s life.

  Sabrina and Cassidy visited and prepared an evening meal while Cat spent most of the afternoon sketching in the sunlit bedroom.

  Sabrina and Cassidy visited and prepared an evening meal while Cat spent most of the afternoon sketching in the sunlit bedroom.

  “Cassidy, have you heard anything from Danaé Chisholm?”

  “No, I haven’t. Have you?”

  “Nothing since graduation, but I think of her often. She was very special.”

  “What brought Danaé to mind?”

  “I don’t know. She was such a huge supporter of Alec after he joined the army. I thought that one of you would’ve heard something from her. I remember how intuitive and resourceful she was even as a teenager. I had hoped she would stay in touch after she went to college at Brown, but I haven’t heard a word from her.”

  “I’m sure she’s fine,” Cassidy reassured.

  Cat was happy with the new room that Cassidy and Sabrina had prepared for her. It was on the west side of the large family home – far away from the memories where she’d suffered her father’s abuse.

  A few times that first day, Catalina wandered throughout the house as if looking for someone or something, but for the most part, she was satisfied and content. She hadn’t had any outbursts or spells that would ensure her return to the hospital. Cassidy was grateful for that. She knew Catalina could’ve come home at any time, but it made sense that she waited for her brother. After all, he was her protector, her angel. Theirs was a deep bond that Cassidy would never fully understand.

  Alec was still in Mobile, but would return in a day or two. When she had spoken with him last, he was excited. Cassidy suspected that he had life-changing news of his own. In addition, she was certain his enthusiasm involved Sabrina. Could it be time for a wedding? Cassidy hoped so. She was happy that all their lives were finding balance.

  After the evening meal, Sabrina went home with a promise to return the next day for lunch. “I’ll be back. I love watching Cat enjoy her home.”

  Chapter 28

  When Sabrina unlocked and opened the door to her home that evening, she flipped on the light switch to find her condo in alarming shambles. Anything that could be overturned was tipped over and upended. All knickknacks and books were off their shelves and on the floor. Every drawer and door in sight was open with its contents scattered about. Shocked, she stood frozen in the foyer.

  Her mind raced as she considered that the door was locked. How did they get in? Through a window? Did the movers make a key from the one she had given Robby earlier?

  Sabrina didn’t know. Nonetheless, somehow, someone had entered her home while
she was away. She listened closely for any sound that the intruder was still inside. She didn’t hear any noise to indicate that the prowlers remained. She hoped they were gone, but stayed cautious.

  It was obvious that they had searched every nook and cranny. What were they looking for? Why her home?

  If the burglars were junkies, they wanted either prescription or illegal drugs. She had neither one. They might have searched for valuables to sell, she reasoned, but again, she didn’t keep anything of value here. Everything was in a deposit box. However, as she thought about an addict as the culprit, she couldn’t imagine how anyone fitting that description would’ve gotten into her secured complex.

  Afraid, she edged a little closer, reaching for the light switch just beyond the foyer. Fear pricked the back of her neck. The extra light revealed more of the disturbing upheaval. Gathering courage, she called out, “If you’re still here, I’m calling the police.”


  Sabrina took out her phone, but before she could dial the three simple digits, she was seized from behind. An arm went around her neck as the cold metal of a gun pushed into her back, nudging her forward and into the living room.

  Natasha Flint, the very woman who had become her father’s mistress twenty years ago, had been hiding behind the door. She whispered in her husky Slavic voice, “You’ve done very well for yourself, Sabrina. First, give me your phone. That’s a good girl. Now, come in and sit down. We have much to discuss.”

  Sabrina could feel the weapon in her back, but she also felt Natasha’s trembling body close to hers, her rapid heartbeat and shallow breaths.

  She’s terrified, Sabrina thought. She’s here to rob me and she’s frightened out of her mind. Why?

  “What do you want, Natasha? Wasn’t it enough that you destroyed my father and our lives?” Sabrina asked, trying to remain calm. She called up all the fortitude she’d used as a goddess to remain poised in any situation.

  “Why, I want everything that you have,” Natasha breathlessly said as she trembled, the gun in her hand also shaking.

  “I don’t have anything that you haven’t already taken.”

  “Oh, are you still mad about daddy, little girl? Come, sit down, and meet Randy. You remember my friend, Randy Petrov?”

  Natasha pushed Sabrina forward before returning to lock the front door. The sight of the man, sitting casually on her sofa, reminded her of his visits with Natasha long ago.

  “Hello, pretty lady,” Randy calmly said as he ran his tongue across his teeth. Was he polishing them or preparing to eat something? “Come; let me get a good look at you. I want to admire the Goddess of Light.” His quiet assuredness sent a shiver down Sabrina’s spine. His face was chiseled, accentuated by a long jaw. She felt as if she stood before a ravenous wolf.

  “Your accent is far less distinctive than Natasha’s. Are you also Russian?” Sabrina quietly asked, still utilizing her training.

  “I’ve been in this country much longer than Natasha. She arrived when she was a teen, but I was born here,” Randy calmly said as he licked his lips and closely eyed Sabrina from toe to head. “Hmm, hmm. You really are a delightful morsel. Natasha’s description didn’t quite do you justice. One woman’s depiction of another is very often tainted and skewed. I’ve found that jealousy blurs the vision. Here, sit!” he ordered as he patted the seat next to him on the sofa.

  Sabrina quickly observed everything about the man. A large serrated hunting knife sat on Randy’s right knee. The blade was at least eight inches long. She shuddered. She noticed the tattoos on his forearms. With his sleeves rolled up, he appeared ready to get to work. On her? Another tremble shook her resolve.

  No doubt, he was Russian mob. Madam Tabby, her mentor, was frightened of their rough reputation. She had kept every escort away from their organization, protecting them. She was wise to do so. Now, the information Sabrina had already gathered sent more chills through her. Unable to control it, she shivered again. Still, her logical mind couldn’t imagine why such an organization would be interested in her.

  “What do you want?” Sabrina asked again, struggling to keep her composure and the fear at bay.

  Her training assured that she must seem calm even when facing such a rabid monster. She must put him at ease, too. Sitting with him was the right move to make, but Sabrina couldn’t force herself to take the seat beside him. She looked around for another place to sit. All the chairs were upside down with their bottom-lining ripped open, but she managed to straighten one, sitting as far from Randy as she could.

  “Like Natasha, I want everything you have. To be more precise, my boss wants everything. Ivan the Terrible will be impressed when I present it to him.”

  “What will you give him? You have obviously searched my home and found nothing of value here. I have some cash in the bank, but it is closed now. Perhaps, you could return tomorrow?” Her voice was calm and serene even though her stomach lurched and jittered uncontrollably.

  “Funny girl. Natasha didn’t mention that you were a comedian. She only told me that you were a very, very expensive whore.” He emphasized the last word, making it sound dirtier than she’d ever heard it said. Then, he clicked his tongue after running it across his teeth again. “In my opinion, I think she has envied the glamour of your life. Although the two of you share the same title, such as it is, your life has been far more alluring and desirable. You know, the grass always seems greener from across the fence. You must agree that what you have experienced as an elite escort beats sucking dicks in seedy hotels and the backseats of cars. Nevertheless, you have also sucked dicks and fucked johns that you didn’t care for, haven’t you. See Natasha, the job description is the same regardless of the location. You haven’t missed anything.” He laughed sarcastically before continuing, “Natasha is not as pretty or young as she once was. She can no longer attract wealthy men like your father.”

  Sabrina glanced at Natasha, but the woman was silent, fearful. With a deep sigh, Randy continued, “It is what it is! That is what her life has become. Oh, look at your face! How adorable! You feel sorry for Natasha even after everything she has done to you.”

  “What does Natasha’s misfortune have to do with me?”

  “It is to assure you, we are not here for money. My organization has more money than it can safely launder.” Randy chuckled.

  “Then, why are you here?”

  “You have valuable information on some of the most powerful men in the city, the state, perhaps even in the country. My boss wants to know everything you know. He would rather that you give us your list of clients and all information pertaining to them rather than sell this file for your retirement fund.”

  Sabrina was surprised that Randy knew of her client list and her plans for retirement. She was even more disturbed that he was interested in the private records she kept.

  “You are too late. I have already retired and sold my client list.”

  “I am no fool. You have a backup copy. Any smart woman would. And I can tell you are a smart woman.”

  “Anything I have on my former clients reveals only preferences and fetishes. On occasion, it includes fees. However, none of it is damning to the client’s reputation. It is nothing that the Russian mafia can use for blackmail or other criminal purposes. None of it will help you or Natasha.”

  “Oh, I think you possess more than you imagine,” Randy replied. His tongue darted across his teeth again causing Sabrina’s stomach to quake and quiver uncontrollably. “We want addresses, phone numbers, names of family members, places most frequented. All the many tidbits you’ve collected over the years of your glamorous profession. You can give it to us freely or we will extract it from your lovely body.” His gaze obscenely raked Sabrina from head to toe, “Tsk, tsk,” he clicked his tongue in regret while shaking his head, “and that would truly be a shame to mar such perfection. However, the choice is yours. It’s entirely up to you.”

  “Natasha, why are you doing this?” Sabrina asked. “What ha
ve I ever done to you?”

  “Oh, little girl,” Randy jumped in to answer the question, “I have heard her moan and groan about you for a very long time. Let me paraphrase her complaints.” He paused and then resumed in a mocking singsong voice as he imitated Natasha, “Sabrina had all the privileges I could never have. A family, a nice home, and a father who loved her. Even after the family home was lost, she had someone who cared enough to take her in and give her family. Even after I destroyed her inheritance and college fund, she found a way to complete her education. She sells her body to the rich and powerful. Now, she can retire. But me – I am still a prostitute locked in a contract that never ends. Not until my death. She has everything that I both hate and admire. Yada yada yada! I’m sick of hearing her bitch and whine. But all her complaining got me to thinking – you. You have something of value that I can use. And I want it. Give it to me now and we can end this.”

  “I told you that I don’t have anything that will help you. It’s not worth all of this,” Sabrina indicated the destruction around her.

  “Natasha and I think you do. Right, Natasha!” Randy snapped. As he did, fear and loathing flickered across Natasha’s face and her body visibly stiffened as if she expected a whip to crack at any moment.

  “Just let me go. I will put together the information you require and deliver it to you. There is no need for threats and struggles.”

  “Oh, but I enjoy threats and struggles,” Randy softly said with a glint in his eyes. “Just ask Natasha. She knows how much I like it. Enough chitchat. Show me where you keep your confidential files. Do it now and I promise to make it quick.”

  Sabrina looked at Natasha, but she quickly shook her head in warning. The fear still obvious in her eyes even as she said, “Do as he says, Sabrina. There is no other way. Randy Petrov always gets what he wants.”

  Sabrina looked from Randy to Natasha and sighed. She had never met anyone who frightened her as much as Randy did. His mannerisms were cold and calculating, obscene. His eyes were dark and hard, reminding her of a dead fish. They were both terrible people, but Randy was far worse. Even if she gave him the information he wanted, he’d never let her live. She could read it in his eyes. He liked to hurt people. He looked forward to their pain. She knew he would hurt her in the most horrible ways possible, enjoying every second of it. He would make her cry and scream for mercy, relishing it more.


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