LAUREN (Silicon Valley Billionaires Book 1)

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LAUREN (Silicon Valley Billionaires Book 1) Page 19

by Leigh James

  “Are you ready for whatever they have to say? They’re probably not going to be too happy with me right now. Or you, for that matter.”

  I was prepared to defend both Gabe and myself to the board. Or at least, I would be when I let myself fully comprehend what I needed to disclose to them.

  “I’m not concerned about that, not right now anyway.” I could still hear the worry in my voice, though.

  “Then what are you worried about?” Gabe could already read me too well.

  I swallowed hard. “Clive is responsible for us both being released, and I don’t know why. Or what’s going to happen to him.”

  “We’ll have to wait for the arraignment.” Gabe shrugged. “But as much as I appreciate him getting me out of here, I still don’t trust him.” He watched my face. “You are not, under any circumstances, to make contact with him to ask him questions. Okay? He’s dangerous, even in here. Now, more than ever, you need to keep a low profile. Stay away from him.”

  I nodded. Gabe’s brown eyes had a stormy, warning look.

  “Sorry to break this up, but Lauren, you need to get going,” Kami said. “I need to wrap things up with my client.”

  I’d forgotten she was even in the room.

  Gabe pulled me back into his arms. “Is everything going to be okay for you at work?” I asked. “Are you worried about fallout from being arrested?”

  “Nope.” He kissed my cheek.

  I relaxed against him for one last moment. His confidence soothed me. I blocked everything out except for the feel of his chest pressed against me and his strong arms encircling me with his warmth. He kissed my cheek and then released me. “After I’m done here, I’m going to Dynamica, and then I’ll meet you at the house tonight. Okay?”

  “Okay.” I leaned up and kissed him briefly on the lips. The contact sent heat rushing through my body, and I craved more of him. “I can’t wait for you to get out of here. And…I love you.”

  Gabe smiled and ran his thumb along my jawline. “I love you, too.”

  Kami was watching us with her perfectly manicured eyebrows raised. She opened her mouth to speak, but Gabe cut her off. “She’s going, Kami. We heard you.”

  It almost physically hurt to step away from him, but I did it anyway. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  Gabe nodded, watching as Kami led me out. She closed the door behind us and turned to me. “He’s going to be fine. I promise. We’ll be done here soon. Just do what he says, okay? Take your security detail and go back to your office. Have your attorney contact me.”

  “I will. Her name’s Bethany O’Donnell. For the record, she’s a little…aggressive.” Bethany was going to be on a holy tear when she found out I’d been question by a federal agent without her present.

  “Good. That’ll help.” Kami handed me her card. “I can catch her up to speed.”

  “Thanks. It was nice to meet you. If anything comes up, will you please call me right away?”

  “I have a very high hourly rate. I can promise you, Gabe’s getting out of here soon.” She smiled at me warmly. “Now, go. And take care.”

  I headed slowly down the hall. I hated to leave Gabe behind, and my mind was racing with everything I had to do.

  Detective Conant was standing in the lobby. “You know you’re free to go, Ms. Taylor, but the FBI will be in touch to follow up with you shortly. I’ll be in touch, too.”

  “Great,” I said.

  Just great, indeed.

  Chapter 19

  I blew out a shaky breath and paced around my office, waiting for the call from my board. They were upstairs, voting on whether to proceed with seeking the final FDA approval and beginning the launch.

  I’d met with them earlier. We’d discussed the facts surrounding Clive Warren’s arrest. We discussed the fact that I’d reverse-hacked Warren Technologies. I explained why I did that, as well as why I withheld the information from them: because I was trying to shield them from criminal liability. We talked about why Gabe had turned himself in to the authorities. I’d finally told them about Jiàn Innovations. And that the FBI was about to become more involved.

  It was, by far, the most swearing we’d ever had in a board meeting.

  “Jesus, Lauren,” Angela Blakely, one of my long-term board members, had said. “Li Na Zhao is behind this hack? And Clive turned himself in because he’s afraid of them? What the hell?”

  I swallowed hard. I’d never heard Angela curse before. “I know. It’s unbelievable, but it’s also true.”

  “And Gabriel Betts—” she started.

  “He had himself arrested to protect me. Because we’re personally involved now. I should have disclosed that to the board when it started, but I didn’t. I’m sorry. But I’m telling you now. I’m telling you everything now.” I inwardly prayed that they wouldn’t decide to fire me. If that happened, my patch might never launch. “If you think that our personal relationship means that Paragon should no longer partner with Dynamica for international distribution, I understand.”

  Angela snorted. “If this thing doesn’t launch, we’re not going to have to worry about distribution. International or otherwise.”

  “That’s true—so let’s try to stay on topic,” said Allen Trade, another one of my long-term board members. “Let me get this straight. You’re telling us that Paragon not only reverse-hacked Warren Technologies, but that you wore a wire and illegally taped the conversation when you met with Clive?”

  “That’s correct.” I tried to keep my voice steady. I knew I’d done bad things, but having them recited back to me by my peers was making them seem much worse.

  Allen sat back and regarded me. “Well, you said you wanted to gut Clive Warren. I guess we should have asked you to be more specific.”

  I blew out a deep breath. “I didn’t disclose these things to you because I didn’t want the ultimate blame to fall on the board.”

  “But we could still be held responsible, collectively, for your actions,” Angela said. “I’m sure you’re aware of that.”

  I shook my head. “Not in this case. The board can’t be held criminally liable for what I’ve done. I didn’t disclose my plans to you, and there was no actual or implied consent on your part.” I took a deep breath. “So what would you like to do? How would you like to proceed?”

  “We’re going to discuss it,” Allen said.

  That was how I’d left them. They’d sent me to my office like a convicted criminal about to be sentenced, while they decided the fate of my company.

  My phone buzzed, and I lunged for it.

  Is Gabe out of jail? Why haven’t u called me? I could hear the anxiety plain and clear through Hannah’s text.

  He’s going home today. Cleared of all charges. I’m at the office, meeting with board. Call you later.

  After hitting Send, I had another thought. It was almost Saturday evening, and my sister usually had plans. Do you still have your guard with you? Are you going out tonight?

  Wes is here, she typed back instantly. Staying home and watching a movie.

  I furrowed my brow as I stared at her text. What did she mean? That she and her guard, this Wes, were watching a movie together? Or that he was watching her watch a movie? I was about to call her so I could interrogate her when my phone buzzed again.

  It was a text from Allen Trade. We’re ready for you.

  I grabbed my laptop and walked upstairs with a heavy heart. I went into the boardroom and sat down with the eleven people I’d selected to help oversee my company. I’d chosen them to protect and care for Paragon and the amazing technology that we’d been able to build here.

  Now, my life was in their hands. And they might choose to protect Paragon and its technology by asking me to step down.

  “Lauren, please sit,” Allen said. I peered around the table at their faces, my stomach in absolute knots. “We have a few questions for you. First of all, do you know for sure that Jiàn Innovations was involved in hacking Paragon?”

  I shook
my head. “Not conclusively. But Clive admitted that he was working with someone, and I believe he sold Jiàn the specs he stole from us.”

  I watched as some of the board members shook their heads in apparent disgust. Clive Warren had been a trusted board member at Paragon for over a year. It was hard to believe he was this much of a traitor.

  “To me, the evidence you’ve uncovered, along with Clive’s statements, clearly indicate that Jiàn intends to reverse-engineer a patch,” Angela said.

  “Warren Technology’s records corroborate that.” I looked down, watching my pen as I tapped it. “But Clive realized the information he’d stolen from us wasn’t the most up-to-date. And then he seemed…afraid. Of whoever he was working with at Jiàn.”

  “So he turned himself in for tax evasion?” Allen asked. “It’s not logical.”

  “It’s not—but that’s not the point,” I said. “I think he just wanted to be incarcerated. I think he thought it was safer.”

  Allen winced.

  “But I knew, as soon as I heard he was arrested, that my hack on his system would be detected. I was about to turn myself in to the police, but Gabe took it upon himself to confess to the crimes, even though he didn’t commit them. That’s why he was arrested.”

  I swallowed hard. “Clive told the police today that he knew we—meaning me and Gabe—were monitoring him electronically, and that he’d given us permission. So they released me without making me file a statement. Gabe’s paperwork is being processed, and he’ll be released today too. All charges have been dropped.”

  “Why did Clive do that?” Allen asked. “It’s not as if he’s exhibited a deep sense of loyalty to you or Paragon thus far.”

  I shrugged. “Maybe he felt responsible for bringing this down on all of us.” Maybe he wants Jiàn Innovations to be able to have an equal-opportunity crack at both Gabe and me.

  Allen nodded and turned to the other board members. “Have we decided how we want to proceed?”

  “I think Jiàn Innovations is going to try to get to market with the technology they bought from Clive,” said Mimi White, another long-time board member. “And I don’t want to see them get away with it.”

  There was a lot of nodding around the table and murmurs of agreement.

  “If we ask law enforcement to begin an international investigation against Jiàn Innovations, it will take months. Years,” Angela offered. “As much as I don’t want them to get away with what they’ve done, I want Paragon to be the one to bring the patch to market. I want that more than I want justice because this patch is going to help so many people. It’s for the greater good. It’s what we’ve been working toward. Lauren, it’s what you’ve given your whole life to.”

  I felt my face flush. “I don’t want to see them ruin what we’ve worked for.”

  “Then let’s launch the patch,” Allen said. “Let’s get it to market before they do.”

  I nodded, feeling a lump in my throat. “How do you want to…proceed?”

  “Lauren,” Mimi White said. She waited until I raised my eyes to meet hers. “No one here believes that you would break the law for any reason other than protecting Paragon and the technology you’ve created here. We all know that you are the heart and soul—not to mention the brilliance—behind the patch. We want you to stay. Even if you went to jail for reverse-hacking Warren Technologies, we’d want you to stay. No one can guide this company into the future except for you. And we all know that you have the highest moral and ethical character of anyone we all know, including all of us seated around you.”

  Everyone chuckled at that. I felt my eyes water.

  “So…will you do it?” Angela asked. “Will you bring the patch to market?”

  I nodded at them, trying to keep my emotion in check. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted to do.”

  “Can you do it sooner than we originally planned?” Mimi asked.

  I thought of the many lists I had in my office, the hundreds of tasks I needed to complete before we could deliver the patch to the public. “I can try. When are you thinking?”

  “We’re thinking that with Jiàn Innovations out there, launching early next year is too far away,” Allen said. “We’re on the cusp of FDA approval. I say, let’s go for it. Let’s launch it now.”

  “Now?” I could hear the note of shock in my voice.

  “Now meaning as soon as we have the appropriate clearance.” Mimi smiled at me warmly. “We’re not saying we have to launch overnight…we’re just saying that we need a miracle right now, and you’ve always been the closest thing Paragon’s had to that. We believe in you, Lauren.”

  She smiled at me again. “And by the way, we see no need to end our distribution arrangement with Dynamica. We’re all happy that you met someone. Frankly, it’s about time.”

  I sat there, feeling gratitude, feeling my face turning red. “Thank you.” My voice came out small.

  “Thank you,” Allen said. “Contact the FDA protocol team. Let’s get them in here. Let’s do this.”

  “I will,” I said, my mind whirling.

  “The last thing I want is the criminals who stole from us to get to market first,” Mimi said. She stood and grabbed her laptop, as if the matter was closed. “Let’s bury them.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I hadn’t realized it until just then, but Mimi White sort of reminded me of my mother. My mother never punished us, but when she was disappointed by something I’d done, it was as if I’d broken her heart. “I won’t let you down.”

  Filled with gratitude and an intense urge to bury our competition, I hustled downstairs so I could get back to work.

  Chapter 20

  My head whirled from my meeting. In an attempt to calm down, I paced in my office, watching the sun set. And I went over my myriad lists. There were so many lists and so little time.

  I was thrilled that the board continued to support me, but my nerves were shot, nonetheless. I should have known they’d want the process sped up. I wanted that too, because on the other side of a public launch lay safety—safety from Jiàn Innovations and safety from corporate counterattacks. Even if my Chinese competitors eventually launched a similar product, Paragon’s patch would have the advantage of being the premiere technology in the field. We would have the established relationships, contracts, and public trust that Jiàn would struggle to emulate. They would continue to play catch-up while we ruled the marketplace.

  If they got to market first, Paragon would be the perpetual second fiddle. That wasn’t going to happen. Not on my watch. That was a failure I would not tolerate.

  My phone buzzed, and I jumped. I’d been so wrapped up with my meeting, I hadn’t called Gabe to check in. I scrambled for my phone.

  Stuck at the office for now, he wrote, but at least I’m no longer incarcerated.

  Can you talk? I texted back.

  Not now. In a meeting. Meet me at my house later tonight. Security knows to let you in. I have the house under surveillance.

  Okay, I wrote.

  Okay, he wrote back immediately. I would tell you that I love you, but that seems odd to do via text.

  A minute passed before my phone buzzed again. By the way, I love you anyway.

  I love you anyway, too.

  Because I was alone, I smiled and clung to my cell phone, clutching it against my chest. I was so glad he was out of jail and I got to see him tonight.

  A hot rush of desire, mingled with raw emotion, coursed through me. I sighed, knowing that tonight might be the last night I spent with him for the foreseeable future. I had to get the patch to market, and I had to do it now.

  I wasn’t going to let anything, not even the painful yearning for the man I loved, get in my way.

  On the way to Gabe’s estate, I picked up my cell phone, ignoring the five angry texts from Bethany O’Donnell about my unsupervised interview with the FBI. I decided to call Hannah again. It went straight to voice mail. I leaned forward to Timmy. “Can you call Wes on your phone? I need to check in on Han
nah, and she’s not picking up.”

  Timmy immediately got on his phone. “Wes? Are you at the Taylor residence? Everything all right?” He listened to Wes for a minute, grunting once before he hung up. “They’re fine, ma’am. Hannah’s watching a movie. Her phone died, and she’s charging it.”

  “Okay.” I slid back in the seat and was quiet for a moment. “Timmy?”

  “Yes, Ms. Taylor?”

  “What’s Wes like? I don’t remember meeting him.”

  “He’s in his mid-twenties, former marine, about six-two. Blond. Good-looking kid.”

  “Huh. Is he married?”

  “No, ma’am.” Timmy was quiet for a beat. “Is there a problem? ’Cause I can reassign someone to your sister tonight.”

  “No, it’s fine. I just need to talk to her.” My phone rang then, interrupting my thoughts, and I tentatively answered.

  “Ms. Taylor?” asked a female voice.

  “May I ask who’s calling?”

  “This is Attorney Jennifer Schilling. I represent Clive Warren.” She was quiet for a beat, letting that sink in. “Detective Conant gave me your number earlier today. I hope that’s okay. He said you had some questions about Clive’s statement?”

  “Is it possible to speak with your client?” I asked. “Privately?”

  “Anything he says to you will be monitored, but I can have a confidential conversation with him. What would you like me to tell him? I’m about to see him now. We’re prepping for his arraignment.”

  My mind was racing. I had a feeling that although Clive’s attorney said the communication between her and Clive would be confidential, I would be crazy to be fully forthcoming. “Just tell him I said thanks. For helping me. And for getting Gabe out.”

  “I’ll do that. I’ll be in touch soon, Ms. Taylor,” she said smoothly, and hung up.

  My mind continued to race. The only comfort I had at that moment was that we were almost to Gabe’s home, and soon, I would be back in his arms.


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