Billionaire Beast (Billionaire Bikers MC #2)

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Billionaire Beast (Billionaire Bikers MC #2) Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Getting the chance to be with her, Jay could handle that. He may even like Richard. The man was rich, but he seemed somewhat down to earth, and he liked the club, the billionaire bikers club. It was a lame ass name, and he’d advise them to get it changed quickly.

  “If you touch her while I’m not there, I will kill you.”

  “I thought you were a legal biker?” Jay asked. Temperance had disappeared to the toilet leaving them both alone.

  “I am. I wouldn’t be killing you for the club. I’d be killing you for my own pleasure, and I do know how to dispose of a body. It would be so easy today.”

  Jay turned to stare at the man that he’d be sharing his own life with. “I don’t do men.”

  “Me neither. Don’t flatter yourself, Jay. I have no interest in getting acquainted with you. My interest is in Temperance. I’m not going to lie. I like the thought of watching her come apart in another man’s arms.”

  He couldn’t deny it either. Jay had shared a couple of women, and the experience had been great, just not entirely pleasurable. He’d not liked the man he had shared a woman with. There had to be some kind of chemistry, a bond between the men, or at the very least, neither person really gave a fuck, for there to be any real enjoyment.

  Richard seemed like the right kind of guy. Sure, he was a rich man, but there was something about him that meant the money didn’t define him. Temperance had told him a great deal over the years about Richard, even saying she believed both of them would get along great. They would have to see how that worked out.


  Turning to assess the dress, Temperance wrinkled her nose. The olive green made her ass look too big. It had been a long time since she actually went out dancing in a nightclub. The last time was just after college. She and Jay had been celebrating getting jobs, and he ended up taking some girl home, and she’d been left alone.

  There was no way this idea of theirs was ever going to work. Richard wasn’t the sharing kind, and Jay, he’d grow bored. She was playing along, going on some dates, and waiting for both men coming to their senses.

  Removing the dress, she stared at her body, turning left and right. The black lace underwear was one of the most expensive sets she owned. She did love having sexy underwear on underneath.

  She looked at her thighs, with the few hints of cellulite that made her cringe. Her stomach, it was rounded, and she hated exercise. She was a healthy woman, and she rather liked her body.

  She grabbed the black cocktail dress that ended at the knee, with enough cleavage on display to make it tasteful and yet teasing.

  Once she was happy with the dress, she did her hair next. She’d never spend that much time, and so she twirled several strands, and left the rest to do its thing.

  Her makeup was minimal. She didn’t like wearing it, and within the hour she was finished. She had shaved, waxed, and buffed to the point of boredom on her part. Staring at her reflection in the mirror she let out a sigh. “This is the best it’s going to get.”

  “Tempe, Richard’s here. Are you ready?” Jay asked, knocking on the door.

  “I’ll be right out.”

  Clasping her hands together in front of her, she counted to ten, and even as she was shaking with nerves, she made herself open the door, and walk out to the two waiting men. They both turned to greet her, and she offered them both a smile.

  Richard moved toward her, and her heart started to pound at the intense look he was giving her. She’d never seen him react like that.

  “You’re fucking beautiful.” He wrapped a hand around her waist, gripping the flesh of her ass, and tugging her close.

  She gasped at the press of his dick, and then his lips as he claimed her mouth. With the possession of his kiss, she was pleased she hadn’t put any lipstick on. It would have been a waste of time, anyway.

  He’d have wiped it off the first chance he got.

  Arousal flooded her pussy, and she gasped as Jay moved up behind her. His cock ground against her ass as he caught her waist. He sucked on her neck.

  Both men surrounded her, and she loved it.

  Closing her eyes, she tilted her head, still kissing Richard even as she gave Jay easy access to her neck.

  Richard let go, stroking her cheek. “I love the dress.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I want to stay in, and remove it from your body.” Jay laid his hand flat on her stomach, moving down.

  Sneaking out from between them, she shook her head. “Not going to happen. We’re supposed to be going dancing.”

  “Tonight is going to be torture, and you’re doing it on purpose.” Jay groaned, reaching toward her, and she dodged his touch.

  “Everything is staying in our pants tonight.” She made her way toward the door. “Who is driving?” she asked.

  “I am,” Richard said. “I may as well. I know where we’re going.” He held up a set of keys, and she couldn’t help but shiver, recalling how good his hands were caressing over her body. “Your eyes give away your thoughts, baby.”

  They didn’t linger in her apartment for long. She sat in the passenger seat, much to Jay’s obvious disappointment.

  Richard drove them toward the club, and she listened as both men talked. They actually got along really well, and she found it funny, watching them. Both men couldn’t be more different, and yet they were talking as if they had been friends a long time ago.

  “How’s Mandy?” she asked, when conversation took a silent turn.

  “She’s in therapy. She needs to be in a white room.”

  “You can’t tell us what happened to her?”

  “No. I really can’t. It was fucked up.”

  “Is this about that your club does, the BBMC?” she asked. She had done a great deal of research, and even though a lot of it was speculation, she read between the lines. Mandy was clearly one of the many victims they had saved over the years.

  “BBMC? What does that stand for?” Jay asked.

  “Billionaire Bikers motorcycle club, right?”

  “Correct,” Richard said. “You did your research.” He glanced over at her, and she smiled.

  “You left your jacket, and I was curious. I’ve got a curious mind. It’s a flaw.”

  “We help people, women that have been taken against their will,” Richard said. “That is all I’m going to tell you, and if you repeat a word, your lives will be turned into living hell.”

  “Fuck, a bit overkill,” Jay said.

  “I wouldn’t say anything.”

  “I know you wouldn’t,” Richard said. “I can’t guarantee him in the back.”

  “Hey, I won’t say anything either. If we’re going to do this together, you need to learn to have a little faith.”

  “Fine, then it’s something that can be earned along with everything else that we’re doing.”

  Licking her lips, Temperance glanced out of the window. “Did you take the contracts for the O’Brian account?”


  She nodded. “I just wanted to make sure.”

  “I’ve already handled business. We’ve got a long day on Monday.”

  “That’s my day,” Jay said.

  Richard laughed. “We’re talking work.”

  “We’re on a date, and you’re talking work?” he asked.

  She stared at her best friend, and his brow rose, letting her know that he knew what she was doing. Talking work kept it away from a personal level.

  “Don’t let her fool you, Richard.”

  “I’m not. I’m just letting her play all of her cards. I may not have known her since preschool, but I know her.”

  Temperance couldn’t help but smile. Richard did know her. They had fun with each other, without it leading to sex.

  Richard pulled up outside of a large night club, with a line of people waiting to get inside. Temperance groaned, but neither man would listen. Richard got out, handing the keys to some valet. Nightclubs had valets? He took her hand, and Jay followed in behind he


  He greeted the doorman, who didn’t have a problem with them going straight inside even as people were standing there complaining.

  “Now, this is the life,” Jay said.

  It was time to have some fun.

  They were taken to the VIP section. She’d never been there before, so seeing several celebrities surprised her. Temperance was used to seeing familiar faces as she worked with Richard, and he was expanding within that business.

  “Blake likes to give his clients whatever they want. The VIP section allows celebrities the privacy to party, but to also get their faces recognized. They can party without being bombarded. People can come, party, and see celebrities if they want. It’s a win-win.”

  “Sounds good,” Jay said.

  “I want to go and dance,” Temperance said. She was one of the people who were meant to be down there, not in the VIP spot. “Jay, dance with me.” She held her hand out, and he went with her. They left Richard, and the song was an upbeat one, allowing them to join the throng of people, and get into the dancing. Jay stood behind her, gripping her hips as they danced along to the music.


  Richard watched the couple on the dance-floor. They were natural together, showing they knew each other. He wasn’t jealous. Temperance was nervous, and for now, he’d let her create her little circle around herself. He wasn’t going to let her get away, nor was he going to let Jay leave either.

  The more he thought about them being together, the more he liked the idea. He loved to see a woman come apart in another man’s arms, and with Jay, he’d be able to trust him. Temperance was not going to be a woman he’d just share with any man, so her being best friends with Jay, helped him solve that problem.

  His cell phone started to ring, and without taking his gaze away from Temperance, he answered it. She was staring right back at him.

  “Bruce,” he said.

  “I’ve just got a call from our informant within the police service. More women have gone missing, and are turning up dead,” Russ said.

  “Shit, Lewis missed this?”

  “Lewis hasn’t been keeping an eye on shit since he found Mandy. Tonight, I’m declaring a church meeting, only we’re all going to his house. You’ll be there?” Russ asked.

  Glancing at the time, Richard cursed. “Give me a couple of hours, and I’ll be there.”

  “We need to keep our eye on the ball.”

  “Agreed.” He hung up the phone, and didn’t bother drinking the scotch that had been given to him. Leaving the VIP section, he made his way onto the dance-floor, and found his woman.

  Gripping her hip, he tugged her close, slamming his lips down on hers.

  “Important call?”

  “I can deal with it soon. Now, I want to dance.”

  Chapter Seven

  After two hours, the heels that Temperance was wearing meant he had no choice but to take them back home. Jay asked if he was coming up, and Richard declined, letting him know he had some business to take care of. He kissed Temperance good night, with the promise that Jay would be sleeping in his own bed.

  Leaving his woman, and in a way, his man, he rode over to Lewis’s place, not surprised to see the various cars and bikes of the club already parked. He’d already sent a text to let his brothers know he was on the way over there.

  He knocked on the door, and Lewis was the one to answer the door.

  “What the fuck is this? All of you turn up at my house, uninvited?” Lewis asked.

  “Uninvited? What’s going on, Lewis?”

  He found the rest of his club brothers waiting in the living room. Some were standing, and others were sitting. None of them actually looked happy about the situation.

  “Nothing is going on. You’re the one that is in my place, and after Mandy’s attack, I don’t think you should be coming around.”

  Russ threw a large file down on the table. “So, you got what you wanted, and that’s it? The club ceases to exist?”

  Pictures of women, dead, beaten, and drowned spilled out of the file. Richard had a strong stomach, but the sight of them made even his gut turn.

  “What the fuck?”

  “We created this club for a place for us as businessmen, but we found a cause. We were helping people, Lewis. You were the one that took us down that path.”

  “I’ve been distracted of late,” Lewis said.

  Richard stared at his club brother, and saw the truth. “This hasn’t been about the women all along, has it?”

  “What? Of course it has.”

  “Then why the fuck weren’t you over this?” Blake asked. “Look, I love the club, and the women, and the fun, and just being something fucking different. But we were meant to mean something. We’ve got money, all of us have. We’ve come from nothing, are nothing, but what set us apart from other wealthy businessmen, is this.”

  “Was it just about you getting back Mandy?” Jamie asked.

  Richard couldn’t argue, but if Lewis only used them to get to Mandy, then the club was about to take an ugly turn, and he didn’t like that. Other MCs, they dealt with drugs, with money, women, whatever they wanted. They had their own glue that bound them together as a club.

  The BBMC was bound by a cause to help women.

  It was how Richard could look in the mirror every day, and still keep breathing as he did. He loved the club, what they did.

  Lewis bit his lip. “I’ve not used you. I’ve not turned my back on the club.”

  “Then what the fuck have you been doing?”

  “He’s been trying to help me, remember?” Mandy said, coming into the room.

  They all turned to the woman who didn’t look strong enough to be in a room full of men. All of them were dominant, demanding, and they were scary as fuck.


  “I can’t let you tear apart your club.” Mandy’s arms were folded. “Lewis told me what you did, and how you saved me. He’s also, against doctors’ orders, showed me what I was doing. How I was helping these women.”

  Richard glanced at Lewis, seeing the shame in his face. The doctor had said that if he tried to push too hard, they could lose Mandy. She was at a frail point in her recovery.

  “These women, they need us, and Mandy, she was helping them.”

  “Lewis believes that more information is locked inside my head. I’ve got to get it open, and little points, trigger a moment, or at least a moment within a memory. It’s what happened earlier today, only I couldn’t help it. My past, it’s filled with horror, and remembering that, it’s going to hurt,” she said. “It’s one of the reasons I don’t want to see my family. Not only do I not completely remember them, but what if by simply looking at them, it’s a trigger?”

  Richard’s throat felt thick as he watched the woman start to cry. The tears ran down her cheeks, and she made no move to bat them away.

  “I want to help,” Lewis said. “My mission started with finding Mandy. The deeper down this path I went, I saw that it didn’t matter if I got her, I’d still have to find some way of, I don’t know, saving as many as we could.”

  Silence fell on the room.

  John, who was sitting by the paperwork, gathered it up.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for this. I should have been.”

  “Mandy, I appreciate what you’re trying to do, we all do, but you can’t do this,” Russ said. “You’re going to hurt yourself, and none of us want that.”

  “I was able to remember something today. The news that was on the television on my, erm, my blackout at the clubhouse today,” Mandy said. “They were reporting on the stockyards, like the places where fishing boats and sea ports or whatever come in.”

  “What about it?” Richard asked.

  “The men, they use those kind of ports to transport girls. The crates are quite deep, and they can hide them behind stock. Drug them up, and some girls are out for like forty-eight hours. It’s how they’re doing it. It’s not a lot, but it’s something. If some of the gir
ls cause trouble, they’re killed, and another woman is ordered.”

  Mandy left the room, each of them watching the door.

  “You’ve been trying to get her to remember?” Jackson asked. “That’s fucking dangerous.”

  “These women, they’ve been discovered where exactly?” Lewis picked up the file and started to flick through it.

  “A couple have been found washed up on shores. Others have been seen floating in canals, and there was even one found down by a lake by a kid of five in a theme park,” Russ said.

  Lewis frowned. “There’s something about this that doesn’t add up. No one kills off their stock without a reason. Even women are considered stock.”

  Richard watched as he moved toward his desk, pulling out a large map. They all stayed out of his way as he started to put little crosses on the map, looking over the file, and then putting the dots on the map.

  Even as he saw what was happening, Richard started to get chills.

  When Lewis drew a circle, all the men looked at each other.

  “They know who we are,” Lewis said.

  The circle on the map was drawn with a radius that included all of their main company buildings.

  Could it be a coincidence? Richard doubted it.


  For the next couple of weeks, Temperance divided her time between the two men. On the first Sunday after their nightclub date, they all went out to dinner as a small group, Jay and Richard getting along as if they’d been friends longer than a couple of days. She liked to see them together, having fun. They were both charming. At the end of the evening, they went to Richard’s place that had four bedrooms, one for each of them, and a spare. She slept in a room that wasn’t her own, all the time aware of the two men who wanted her.

  The following week, she worked closely with Richard on several of his accounts, and Jay joined them for lunch, or they all went out. Her nights were spent with Jay. They stayed in watching movies, neither of them saying anything about the obvious sexual tension. Wednesday was their sharing day, and that meant they stayed at Richard’s apartment as his place was big enough to accommodate them all. Then she had Thursday and Friday with Richard, and they worked ‘til late, shared dinner, and she slept once again in the spare bedroom. She did enjoy the time, and it was nice to actually be having fun.


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