King of the Dark Mountain

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King of the Dark Mountain Page 13

by Galili Black

  “Yes go ahead, see what you can find out,” Ted said in a distracted way. He was staring at the image on the wall. She went back to her little room and lay down on the bed. She began to do some relaxation techniques and focus all her thoughts on Hez.


  Hez was seated in the throne-like chair in the rose room. They had simply deposited him in it. When he tried to get up, he found he was not able to do so, though there was no physical constraint. He had been in this predicament for more than an hour. People came and went below him. He tried to get their attention, but he found he could no longer speak. It was all very terrifying. He managed to keep the panic at bay by listening to “Strawberry Fields Forever” in his mind.

  Finally Melton appeared. “I’m going to let you speak, but you are not to get out of the chair. If you attempt to get out of the chair I will freeze you in place again, and we will proceed installing the master implant without any further delay, understand?” Hez nodded and cleared his throat.

  “Are you going to erase my memory now?” he asked, relieved to hear the sound of his own voice again.

  “We’ve recently obtained some information regarding the importance of emotional bonding in accelerating our research. Since you and Richard Ewing get along so well, we’ve decided to allow you to keep your memories and the rest of your personality traits for now.”

  “Then why set me in this high chair?” Hez asked evenly.

  “The chair is a mental enhancing tool. We want to give you some information that will help you understand our goals, so that you will be able to help us achieve them. We think when you understand the scope of what we’re attempting, you will be more than happy to do so. The chair will help you to retain everything we show you.”

  Hez nodded, trying to look as noncommittal as possible. He figured that if he showed too much enthusiasm too soon they wouldn’t buy it. Just play for time, he told himself and waited. Melton was typing information into a keyboard. “We’ve arranged a little history lesson of the project to catch you up. Just watch the screen behind me.”

  Melton stepped away and on the wall behind him appeared shots of people on the street. It looked like New York but he wasn’t sure.

  “In the late twentieth century, modification of the food supply coupled with behavior modification promoted through well selected technological innovations introduced to the mass culture created the physical and psychological changes needed for the beginning steps of Project Cripton. As can be seen from this random street shot the effects were fairly consistent and widespread. Several other street shots followed.

  “These videos were taken in several prominent American cities, and the effect is the same. The epidemic of obesity allowed us to move even more quickly ahead than we even dared hope. The result has been that we have the ability to broadcast our goals and have the information received by the bodies of the general population. They pick it up both as individuals and share it en masse. Even though they have grown more and more isolated from each other, as their social networks have been systematically dismantled, they have a group connection that is very effective for our purposes.”

  Hez found his heart was pounding. He fought for control against the mounting anger. “Why are you doing this?” he managed to ask in a quiet voice.

  Melton paused the presentation, “I know it’s horrible to have to look at them, but it’s just a temporary phase which will all be over soon. “

  “What do you mean?”

  “Just watch the presentation, Mr. McCane. The chair will help you understand some of the more technical details, but you still need to pay close attention.”

  “There will be a quiz at the end?’ Hez asked.

  “You might say that. If we think you can assist us we will bring you on board and show you the truly glorious end result of all our hard work. If not, well, let’s be optimistic and say you turn out to be an enthusiastic member of the team.”

  Melton resumed the presentation. “Early in the twenty-first century, Project Cripton entered a new phase. We found that through building containment units in granite topped mountains in strategic locations, the information purveyed through human subjects could be stored. These were small at first, but over time as they became larger, we began to experiment with ways to use the information in new and exciting ways.”

  “This was an amazing time and we put other strategies in place to ensure that our subjects continued to provide a reliable means of transmitting information en masse over distances. The non-resonant humans, by that meaning those not cued for our transmissions provided a means of moderating the flow of information. We were having trouble processing all of it, so we tamped down somewhat. Previously the Atlantic Ocean had also provided a means of moderating the flow, but once some technologies caught up, we found once again that we could handle vast quantities of data. This led to engaging with an American entrepreneur to build a containment site in the northeastern United States. “At this point in the video, a picture of a mountain appeared that Hez assumed was the one he had entered a few days ago.

  “There were efforts to curtail the obesity epidemic but these were easily overcome by applying the right types of political pressure against any agricultural model that did not promote it. We discovered that the lives of our subjects were being curtailed to some extent by the high fat, high sugar diet that we preferred, so we began to infiltrate neighboring countries and eliminate cultural diet norms that would keep people from exhibiting the desired traits. If all goes according to plan, we will have the entire New World geared to providing the necessary degree of resonance for the grand stellar event.”

  The video abruptly ended. “Can I get up?” Hez asked.

  Melton said, “I’ll let you return to Richard’s room and compare notes with him shortly. We want the two of you to get used to working closely together for the final phase of Cripton. First, however I am willing to answer any questions that might have occurred to you.”

  “I really don’t have any questions. I’m just stunned really, it’s utterly mind blowing,” he said shaking his head, speaking softly.

  Melton beamed, “Yes it truly is an amazing bit of cutting edge science, isn’t it? We have made leaps forward on our way to harnessing untold amounts of energy.”

  “So that’s what the stellar event is all about ?” Hez asked.

  “It’s still being worked out, and that’s where we will need the help of select pairs such as you and Richard to assist us. You would fine tune all the massive amounts of information being stored right now all around us in order to open the flood gates of almost infinite energy.”

  “I can’t begin to imagine how that would work.”

  “Oh you will in time. For now, you can return to Richard’s living quarters. We have added a room for you adjoining his. We hope that you will spend a great deal of time together, developing the rapport that seems to play such a crucial role in the final tuning process,” Melton said, with a little smile.

  Hez grimaced at him in return and stood up. Melton motioned for him to come down and he called for Erickson. The latter appeared to escort Hez back to Richard’s apartment. “I must be crazy,” he said when he got into the living room where Richard was reading a book. He put the book down and came to greet him. He peered closely into his eyes.

  “You’re still you.”

  “I don’t feel much like me, but yeah they didn’t totally screw with my mind, but I almost wish they had. This thing is really messed up.”

  “Which part, the American continent turned into a breeding farm for information transmission or what happens when it’s served that purpose?”

  “He just said they were going to get some big message from the stars, which was going to give them access to unlimited energy.”

  “That’s what they think. Then when they get that energy they’ll just liquidate their human receptors.”

  “They’re killing them slowly anyhow right now. You know I made a choice to become a farmer because I didn’t
trust the food supply, but never did I dream that there was something like this behind the crappy food they were selling.”

  “Who did? Samantha and I buy organic food; switch off the broadcast mediums, television the internet, anything that keeps us sedated and unmoving for hours. We even make our kids give up their game systems for specific amounts of time. Yet we were all still getting fat, so it’s more than the food and lack of exercise. “

  “They’re probably coding people to produce more fat cells while they’re sending along the information. Do you know what kinds of information they’re sending?”

  “Probably all kinds for profit. I know they have a corporate identity over here as a communications firm. It might be in the U.S. too.”

  Hez sat down on the couch and ran his hands through his hair. “It’s all so messed up.””

  “It’s like they think they’re not the same species, and that other people are just here to fulfill whatever purpose they can come up with.”

  “Well, they’re in a long tradition with that idea.”

  “When they first mentioned getting a message from the stars, I thought they were expecting some alien transmission or something. I thought that hell they might even be aliens, but that’s not it. This thing they’re expecting is not directed by some alien, I’m pretty certain it’s just some type of energy burst they’re hoping to tap into.”

  “How do they know about it?”

  “They’ve been sending secret probes in the direction of Orion for a while. I have no idea what got them started. They won’t answer a lot of my questions. I’m hoping together we can figure out a way to leverage more information out of them.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “They gave you a song and dance about how they need pairs of people with good rapport, didn’t they?”

  Hez nodded. “Yeh, given how sick these jerks are, that kind of gave me the willies.”

  “While you were away, they came here to let me know that they had monitored some of our interaction last night and were especially pleased that we were getting along so well.”

  “So they were listening in?”

  “I don’t think they care what we say, but they do care about the emotional energy that we produce when we are around each other. They think they can use it. They were probably taking readings on that. Anyway, it’s a break for us, because that means they need us both alive and together.”

  “I really don’t want to help them in any way.”

  “I know what you mean, but maybe we can find a way to turn it around on them. At least we have a little more time to work out a plan.”

  “Yeh, what do we have to lose?”

  “Nothing, they’re going to go ahead, with or without us. Let’s play along for now and see if we can get more information.”

  Hez nodded. “Sounds like a plan. They said they made a room for me, do you know where? I could use some sleep.”

  “It’s across the hall. There used to be some kind of meeting room over there but they moved a bed in, probably shoved the tables in a corner. It won’t be pretty, but it will do for now.”

  “I hope I won’t be needing it too long.” He got to his feet, “I can’t believe all of this, it’s like a really bad dream.”

  “We’ll beat them,” Richard said quietly.

  “How you figure?”

  Richard shrugged, “We have to, if we don’t everything is lost. After these bozos eliminate most of the human race with their magic ray gun from outer space, they’ll use the energy to destroy the rest of the planet.”

  “No, I’m sure they’ll turn it into a paradise. Once there’s just them, it will be the triumph of the fittest.”

  “It’s funny you should say that. I’ve been studying up on the eugenics movement. You know anything about it?”

  “Some kind of proto-Nazi pseudo-science crap, right?”

  “Yeh that pretty well sums it up. I asked for some information about it. They were more than happy to provide it.” He picked up the book and flipped through and began to read, ‘The destiny of the human race requires diligence to remove maladaptive genes from the pool. The most progressive societies in the future will find humane but efficient methods to achieve this goal. Once the inferior genetic dross is removed, the truly glorious prototypical human being will emerge in all his splendor.’”

  “So you think that’s what’s driving this side show?”

  Richard nodded. “Yeah, I think that’s how they justify it to themselves. Naturally, they imagine that they possess all the splendid genetic material.”

  Hez laughed, “How do they look at themselves in the mirror and keep that illusion alive?”

  Richard smiled and put the book down, “I have the feeling that something is feeding it, beyond just wishful thinking.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know but they all walk around like they’ve got some secret they would just love to rub in your face, but you’re probably too stupid to get it anyway.”

  “Sounds like some people I went to high school with.”

  “I need to get them to lay it out for me. That way, I can get a better picture of where to hit them.”

  “We’re buried in some forgotten fragment of the old Soviet Union God knows how many feet underground, surrounded by these clowns, how in the world are you going to hit them?”

  “I don’t know. I had just about given up. But you’ve made me want to fight them.”

  Hez laughed, “I don’t see how I did that. I feel pretty much like throwing in the towel myself at this point.”

  “We’ll just have to keep encouraging each other till something breaks.”

  “Or we do.”

  “We’ve caught some breaks, so maybe our luck will hold a little longer. Anyhow you might want to go get some rest. There’s no telling when they’ll come for us for the big event. It’s best if we stay rested and ready.”

  “Yeh, you’re right.” He got up. “Thanks, man.”

  “For what?”

  “You know keeping the faith, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.”

  “I can’t see the light yet, but I believe we will.”

  “That’ll do for now, “ Hez said and left to find his new sleeping quarters. The room across the hall proved to be comfortably furnished after all with a twin size bed and a down comforter. They had even put a picture on the wall of a waterfall. It looked like it might have been taken in the same mountains they’d shown him in the video. Hez kicked off his shoes and dove into the bed. The room was dimly lit so he didn’t even bother to turn out the light. He drifted off into a deep and dreamless sleep.

  Chapter Twelve

  Ellie was awakened early by a buzzing sound, followed by Aleister’s voice she thought. “Ms. McCane, please come to Mr. Griffin’s quarters, as soon as possible,” he said. Then there was another buzzing noise. She drug herself to the bathroom, stared at her herself in the bathroom mirror. She had not slept well; she kept having the sensation of getting yanked back into her body whenever she drifted off. She had tried to get a sense of Hez’s location, but without any luck. She could only discern that he was listening to music, which was reassuring. Those people who had him might not mean him harm, if they were allowing him to do that. At least that’s what she hoped.

  After brushing her teeth, and splashing water on her face, she went down the hall and got on the elevator. She got off at Ted’s floor. Aleister met her at the door of Ted’s apartment. He handed her a cup of coffee and guided her to the sofa. “Ted had to return home, his wife is in the middle of a crisis of some sort.”

  “What kind of crisis?” Ellie asked.

  “She apparently attempted suicide. She’s in the hospital, recovering from an overdose. I’m afraid this couldn’t have come at a worse time. We cannot afford to lose time. We may have to proceed without Ted’s input, I’m afraid.”

  “That’s crazy, we have to have Ted.” Ellie said.

  “We hope Mr. Griffin will b
e able to return shortly, but everything is up in the air at present.” He handed her some papers. “These are some notes that Ted left regarding the project. He said if you study these, you should be able to perform the necessary tasks to keep us moving forward.”

  Ellie looked at the paper. There were some diagrams with Ted’s scrawl beside them. She had a little trouble making them out. “It looks like he’s talking about something getting done on top of the mountain. Is there some kind of platform or something set up?”

  “Yes it’s aligned to the measurements that we derived from his previous work, based on the stone markings he deciphered earlier.”

  Ellie nodded. “So this one has the date a few days away. Is that set in stone, as far as you know?”

  “We think we have a window of a day or two on either side. We would be leery of pushing it past the middle of that time frame.”

  “He’s showing all the surrounding mountains with these wavy lines, does that mean this is supposed to energize those too?”

  “Fantastic as it sounds, the whole Appalachian chain could potentially retain it, if we focus properly. The more energy we can store, the better. You see how he’s showing the pulse coming out of the Orion nebula here.” He pointed with his finger to part of the diagram of the constellation.

  “What if we can’t get focused or collect it, what will happen?”

  “We think it has to be tuned, if everyone on earth ignored it, then it would have no impact, or very little. At least it wouldn’t be useful for practical purposes. But if we can bring it into this site and send it on down this chain of mountains, the power it will provide could last a millennium.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding. How can it have that much force and yet not be harmful unless it’s focused?”

  “It’s like a chemical reaction that can only happen with all the elements in play. For this to work, we know that we need a type of consciousness present in you and Ted. We thought it required the rapport between the two of you, but now we’re getting a different idea. We think it might take place simply based on the work that you have already done.”


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