Forbidden Days (The Firsts)

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Forbidden Days (The Firsts) Page 22

by C. L. Quinn

“I think they’re right when they call you baby vamps…you’re such brats! Bernie, you have gravy all over your chin.”

  The breakfast was nearly finished. Bernie cleared her mouth and reached for a napkin.

  “Listen. I’m changing my name. Bernie…it’s too lame for a vampire. Vaz calls me Bern all the time, so I’m going with that. Only spelled B-U-R-N-E, like a flame, with an e. It’s catchy, don’t you think? Anyway, I love it, so from now on, I’m just Burne.”

  Zach nodded. “I like it. I agree. New life…new name. I might do the same. What do you think, Park?”

  “You guys don’t know this, but my real birth name was Punk. Well, mother is a psychotic, at least to me, so you already know I changed my name from that. I think we should be able to take names that suit us once we become our selves, so, hell yes! Although, I do like Zach. I always have. It’s one reason I agreed to the date.” When she realized what that meant, she pulled back. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean…”

  “No, I…I think I’ll keep it. Park, I think my life’s going to be much cooler now. I don’t blame you and I’m not sorry.”

  Bernie leaned over and took Park’s hand.

  “Me either, sweetie.”

  Park felt the tweak of tears. This was her family now and she loved them with all her heart.

  Bas had a small landing strip behind the property, surrounded by trees so that from the ground, no one would know it was there. Philippe was very accustomed to coming and going from challenging landscapes, so he brought the little jet down easily, his passengers undisturbed.

  The plane was met by a large group of men and women, well- armed, and cautious. They did not know who they were escorting, but they knew Hamid, from a visit two years earlier. He was the first to leave the plane, followed by an Asian woman who looked like she might have defined the word beautiful. Her classic blue-black hair was long, pulled up into a high tight ponytail, and still it cascaded to her waist. It swung elegantly as she nearly floated down the ramp, handing her small satchel to Hamid, who slightly bowed his head in acceptance and stepped aside to let her pass.

  “Bas is not here?” she inquired, her voice as elegant and lovely as she was, her words pronounced with a soft French accent.

  The tallest man in the lot stepped forward and bowed, slightly, much like Hamid. He knew this woman was very important in the vampire world and he had been warned to be very compliant, deferent, and respectful.

  “He sends his regrets, but it couldn’t be avoided. He will meet you as soon as you arrive in the household.”

  “That won’t do. There are no other priorities when it comes to me. Take me to him immediately.”

  “Do you wish to freshen up, ma’am?”

  Eillia walked up to him, close, her eyes almost mesmerized him. She was a good foot shorter than him, and yet she still commanded his attention. When she spoke it was staccato and commanding. “Tell me, do I look like I need to freshen up?”

  He was terrified he’d offended her. “Ma’am, no, never. You look lovely. Unmatched, I’d say.”

  She stared him down, no blinks, stone cold silent. He thought if he was capable of shivering he would be doing so.

  Suddenly, she pushed him, hard, knocking him off balance.

  Then her stunning face lit up with a brilliant smile. “Lighten up, soldier. I’m kidding! Although that shit still should have been here to meet me.”

  She started toward the house, Hamid right on her heels, a smirk on his lips, the young vampire sentry recovering from the image of his own body chained and wasting away in the beautiful woman’s dungeon somewhere no one would ever find him. He quickly caught up to them and led his group to surround her for security. He kept his earpiece on, listening to Tim’s running commentary on any possible incursion. But their walk to the house was uneventful.

  The sentry was happy to hand her over to Jake to take to Bas, who was still in the situation room. He walked away with relief, and although he knew this old female vampire was teasing him, he also knew she was capable of tearing him into enough pieces they’d never find them all. She was easily one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen, and easily the most terrifying. He headed for the galley where Eugene kept high calorie snacks for them to graze on any time of the night.

  Bas was furious. Not at his team that had been working overtime to prepare for this. All of them had thought they had some time before they faced an attack. They had been wrong. Sort of. But the one that came, the attack that caught them with their pants down, had only served to compromise their security and kill a lot of innocent people.

  “I hate that motherfucker. Whoever the fuck he is, I swear I’ll tear his head off with my bare hands,” he said, as they finished their session. He owed the dead-vampire-walking for what he did to Maggie anyway. “I have to go meet Eillia. So, take some time off, get yourselves something to eat, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He was rounding the corner from the room when Eillia tripped him. Thanks to fast reflexes, he recovered before he took a fall. He turned to face her. “Really?”

  She yawned. “Well, you should have met me.”

  “We were attacked last night, so I had to shore up defenses since you were due to arrive. So if you want to be pissy about it, I was defending your gorgeous ass. Hey, Hamid. You still taking the crap from this one? Six centuries isn’t long enough?”

  Hamid grinned. “Too frightened of her to leave her.”

  Eillia rolled her eyes. But she gave Bas a hug. “My old friend, are you all okay?”

  “Mostly. The attack was actually a tactic. I think it was Shanks, my blood-bond that our enemy changed. I think it was his maneuver. He forced me to kill some innocent humans, and he knows how I feel about that. He wired them with cameras, so it worked, he got some intel and a fucking laugh at our expense. I plan to cram the cameras down his throat while I slit it. Otherwise, we’re peachy, my darling. Come with me to the kitchen. Eugene has prepared your favorite.”

  “Sweet potato casserole? Oh, yes, let us hurry. Such a wonderful American dish. My chef tried it and destroyed it. He thought the mushy orange potato was gauche. He’s doing laundry now.”

  Bas took her arm. “I’ve missed you old friend. Forty years now? We may be immortal, but that is too many years between visits.”

  Hamid followed behind them, no jealousy. He’d known Bas as long as he had Eillia and they were all good friends. That Eillia was older than any of them really knew, that was what drew them together. She was so much more powerful than even the two combined. Her skills were in the realm of supernatural or even magic. Which is why Hamid was very curious to meet Bas’s woman. He’d heard she was from first blood too.

  “I’d like to tell you some new developments with Park before I introduce you. Things have gotten very interesting.”

  “Well, then, tell me over sweet potato casserole. So, Bas, you have no idea who is attacking us?”

  “I don’t. We’re working on intel now. This attack was an annoyance, mostly, but forcing me to murder so many innocents, that made it significant. This vampire, when I find him, I intend he die painfully, if I have time, brutally, if I don’t.”

  “I’m sorry. This has never happened in all the years I’ve lived. Which are quite a few, as you know. However, I’ll send for the European militia, if you want. You won’t have any trouble then, they’re a pernicious bunch. I’ve never seen them lose.”

  “I’ll let you know. I’m sure he’ll hit us with as large a vampire force as he takes time to build. But they’ll be babes. And blood-bonds. More compels too. So I don’t know what the final attack will entail. I know he’s serious. He’s killed three vampires and many blood-bonds. The blood-bonds just to make his point. The vampires, they were alone. This will be his biggest attempt yet with so many older vampires in residence. We’ve been careful not to go out alone to give him any easier targets. And then of course, there’s our potential houseguest. Park’s father. When I asked you about him, you told me you would come here
and we would discuss it. Well?”

  “At the table. I want to sit and discuss this situation…that’s why I flew here. It’s important, Bas. Ah, here we are. Eugene, darling, I can’t wait to taste your fare again. It’s been too long.”

  Eugene bowed in deference to who she was. He’d always loved her. She had been his vampire mistress’s Sire. They’d had many wonderful years together before the event that changed their lives forever. He would do anything for her. Especially please her with food he knew she loved. He’d made it all.

  They took seats and allowed Eugene to serve them. It was what Eillia was accustomed to. She smiled widely at the platter he sat in front of her. “Bas, I’m stealing Eugene back!”

  “Okay, but you are the one allowed him to go when…well, check with him.”

  Her smile softened. “No. I know it is too painful for him in France. I understood then, and I still do.” She dug in and smiled for the next thirty minutes.

  After they had all overindulged, she turned to Bas and stared into his eyes, capturing his complete attention.

  “My old friend, you have a massive problem. Your female…you can’t keep her.”

  Bas tried to keep his expression neutral. He failed.

  “Really? What makes you say this?” His smile was tight, his face stone.

  “She is the child of a first blood. I know him. The father.”

  That shocked Bas. She’d never mentioned in all the years that she knew of the first vampires of legend, let alone that she not only knew they existed, but that she was personally acquainted with one.

  “Do tell.”

  “Bas, I can see how upset you are. I’m going to tell you something that will remain between us.” Only Bas, Eugene, and Eillia were in the room. Eillia waved toward Eugene as Bas’s eyes went to him.

  “Oh, he knows. He’ll take it to his grave. You will too. Bas, I am a first blood. We don’t let it known, because we would be targets for too much. So we live as normally, as quietly, as we can.” She paused for a moment, then continued. “Park’s father. I remember when there was a woman who he was able to breed with. We were all very excited. But then she disappeared. We assumed, long ago, that the child had either miscarried or been terminated. We are able to read each other you see, to track another first by blood. But he could never find her. The human could never cloak the child’s existence, so we finally assumed the baby was gone. Imagine my shock when you called and let me know you’d found her.”

  Bas thought his jaw would break, his teeth were so tightly clenched. “So. Did you tell him?”

  “No, Bas, I would not betray you. But he will eventually find out if she’s living in the vampire community. Bas, I need to let him know. This is too important. She is too important.”

  He drew a long deep breath. “Well, that isn’t going to happen. She stays with me. I will fight for her.”

  Eillia sat back, nibbling on a fat soft pretzel stick. “Ah, Bas. You will lose. He will kill you. I don’t want that to happen. Please. Be reasonable. Park does not belong here. She’s first blood. Her power will continue to grow as her years do.”

  That answered a question for Bas.

  “So she is immortal?”

  “Sweetie, she is first blood. She gives immortality. She is immortality. You have no idea what she is capable of. Neither do we. Each first blood is unique. I am very excited to meet her. I’m kind of her aunt.”

  “Are you here to take her to him?”

  “I’d like to. But I won’t. Why don’t I talk with her, see what she thinks?”

  “I don’t want you trying to convince her she needs to go. Promise me you won’t do that.”

  “Bas, if she wants to stay, I won’t mention it. But I do need you all to understand the danger. Park’s father will be relentless in taking her if he comes here.”

  “Even if she carries my child?”

  That stunned Eillia. “What?”

  “She carries my child. So, I think she will want to stay with me, here in what has become home to her.”

  Eillia still processed the news. She killed another soft pretzel stick, covered in honey mustard.

  “Well, okay, then. I need to meet your woman. And yes, that changes things.”

  Gods in all the heavens help protect this household, she thought. Things are going to get rough.

  Park was on the floor, leaning against a coffee table that held four laptops, with a four way game of some online video game. She was yelling intensely at Tim as Bas entered with his two guests.

  She glanced up briefly when she saw him. “Hey, there. Can’t talk, slaying a dragon.” She returned to the game while Bas and Eillia watched the four totally immersed players pounding the keyboards, then looked at each other.

  Eillia said, “Bas, she’s lovely. I knew she would be, but…he’s going to be so pleased.”

  The reference to Park’s father made his blood run cold. This wasn’t going to end well.

  Bernie let out a shrill yell as something she didn’t like happened, and she punched Zach in the arm because he was the closest.

  Bas didn’t know how long this would last, but he couldn’t keep Eillia waiting.

  “I’m sorry, guys, but the game is over. I need to talk with Park. You can finish tomorrow night. If you want something before rest tonight, Eugene still has a nice layout ready in the kitchen.”

  Bernie and Zach got up and headed out, Tim along with them. With his strong blood-bond, he was starting to hang with the new vampires. Park stood up, her eyes shooting to the stunning woman near Bas.

  She smiled. “Hello.” Her greeting held an inquiry.

  “Park, this is Eillia. She wanted to meet you. It turns out that she is also a first vampire, and that she knows your father.”

  Parks smile slipped. Bas closed the door for privacy and led Park to a large cushioned chair, then sat on the arm next to her. Hamid and Eillia sat across from them on the matching divan.

  “Park, I am not here to expose you to your father. Bas called me because I am the oldest vampire he knows. He did not realize that, I, too, like your father, am first blood. So are you.”

  “I know. I know what I am now. So are you here to help us?”

  “As much as I can. I have known and loved Bas for centuries. He is a good man, and I am on his side. Your side, too. I just hope they’re the same one. I understand there is a child?”

  Automatically, Park’s hand went to her belly. “Yes. Which is why we are so worried. He says you know my father. Can you intercede on our behalf? Make sure he understands we are together?”

  “This is the hard part, Park. He isn’t entirely easy to deal with. He’s…intense. But I will do all I can. If he comes. The baby will make a difference, I hope. Park, you are so beautiful. You remind me of your father. The huge green eyes. He looked for you a long time. We eventually assumed you must not have survived. He couldn’t feel you. He should have been able to.”

  “I don’t know why he couldn’t. I didn’t do anything. My mother couldn’t have.”

  “Hmmm. Well, maybe we’ll never know. I would like to know if any of your powers have manifested.”

  Park looked at Bas.

  “You can trust her,” he said.

  Park nodded. “I am empathic. More so now that I have the amulet.”

  Eillia sat still. “Ah.” She hesitated, looked at Hamid, then said, “Amulet?”

  “Yes, the amulet my mother had. I finally got it, and when I put it on, it merged with me. The spirit amulet. You don’t know about it?”

  “I know about it. It’s extremely powerful. How did you get it?”

  “Well, my mother took it before she left. She’s had it all along. Recently, Bas brought it back to me. When I put it on, that’s when I realized it was mine. Who I was. I’m stronger. I had a difficult childhood, but even that has faded, because of the spirit amulet. Do all the first have one of these?”

  “They do.” She unzipped her top, exposing full breasts seated comfortably in
a black leather bra. Her skin was flawless. There was no medallion around her neck.

  “These amulets are a part of us. We receive them after birth and they grow with us. This is why your father could not find you. It protected you. It should not have blocked him, but for whatever reason, it did. We do not advertise their power and worth to us. We keep them hidden.” She waved her hand across her cleavage, and a medallion almost identical to Parks appeared. “They are never removed. Not unless death occurs.” The one around her neck glowed slightly, like Parks had when she first held it. “May I see yours?”

  Park nodded and did the same, but hers was immediately visible as soon as she unbuttoned her blouse. Eillia moved her fingers to touch it and it brightened, the glow intensifying.

  “It recognizes me as first. It will let me touch it, but others may not. It is a part of you, Park, don’t ever let anyone take it.”

  “I don’t intend to. And I think I have enough power now, they won’t be able to. Eillia, am I as powerful as I think I am? I mean, there’s a feeling in my gut that I have not tapped into what I am capable of yet. Am I wrong?”

  “You are not wrong, my dear. First blood is very, very powerful. And you merged with your spirit amulet right at the fulcrum of your abilities. Once you learn your talents, master your power, you will be amazed at what you can do. But now, you’re still raw. It doesn’t mean the power is not there, it means you haven’t learned to control it yet. But I am here now. I will guide you. Your father, he must not know yet that you are alive or he would be here. You are still blocking him?”

  “If I am, I don’t know that I am. Cherise…she’s the woman here who told me what I am, that I was pregnant. She’s a seer. She said that he would know where I was because of the baby, who would also have first blood.”

  “A seer. Huh. That’s interesting. Well, normally, she would be right. But, after merging with your amulet, you may be able to continue your protective block. I don’t really know…this is unprecedented. Well, dawn arrives, I should let you all hit your rooms. Bas, show us to ours. I’ll see you tonight Park. It is wonderful to meet you. I’ll see you after rest.”


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