Jackie's Journey: La Patron's Den

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Jackie's Journey: La Patron's Den Page 4

by Sydney Addae

  "Nope, he can stay here as long as you'd like." Jackie paused. "You like working with humans?"

  Nionis sighed. "Some times. A lot of them are really petty and small minded. It's the rest with the big hearts and bright spirits that draw you in. I don't spend a lot of time with other staff members." She pointed to her right eye. "I see too much of them to be comfortable. But the kids... most are amazing. I get to draw them out and teach what they need to move forward in life, that's worth it for me."

  "Thanks, I needed to hear that." Jackie shared a little from her job and the challenges she'd recently faced with projects. "Honestly, I don't know where he's getting these projects, most of them have holes large enough for a tank truck to ride through."

  "That's because your brain is wired to see those holes, most aren't." Nionis sat up. "Why didn't I think of that?"


  "You. You see things too, just differently," Nionis said thinking fast. Could Jackie help with her side project? Maybe. But should she open that door? She glanced at Jackie. "I never explained why I came here."

  Jackie shook her head as she sat up facing Nionis. "No."

  Some might think what she planned to do was treasonous. She hoped Jackie knew her well enough to listen as her friend and not La Patron's daughter. Nionis cleared her throat. "After I finished my Master's Degree, I toured Europe searching for clues about my family. That was a disaster." She thought about the 11 months of chasing clues, and the life's lessons she had learned and changed her position. "Not a disaster but I didn't discover anything about my past."

  Jackie placed her arm Nionis' shoulder and pulled her close. "I'm sorry."

  Nionis inhaled and pushed through those dark memories. "Next came a couple months of blahs. I didn't want to do much, just hung around the house. Mama was worried. Your mom too. But I couldn't get over that zero of a trip, know what I mean?"

  Jackie nodded but didn't say anything.

  "One night, I woke up. Just sat straight in the bed, alert. Got out of bed and turned on my laptop. This job was the first thing I saw on my thread." She read the curiosity in her friend's gaze. "You ever get the feeling that this is what you should be doing at this moment in time?"

  "No, not yet."

  "It's hard to explain how it grips you and doesn't let go. There's no room for doubt, uncertainty flies out the window and you can't articulate the urgency you feel other than you have to do or be in a certain place."

  Jackie nodded. "Sounds intense."

  "It was. I applied for the job right then, didn't wait until morning. Soon I as downloaded all my information I searched the news for the area. I figured had to be more than the job pulling me here." She read Jackie's interest and pulled out her phone. Once she had a map on the screen she showed it to her friend. "In the past three years, these states, Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina, has had sightings of young pups living in the mountains. I tracked articles for the past 10 years so far and there are more."

  "You think your family's in the mountains?" Jackie asked.

  "No. I wish but no. My family lives in the Alpha house in West Virginia, that's good enough for me."

  Jackie nodded.

  "Then I saw it."

  "Your vision?"

  Nionis nodded. "Indirectly. Rebels attacked this family living on the outskirts of pack lands. Two of the four pups were taken; the mam was hurt but survived. The sire came home from work and went searching for his pups. He found one dead in the mountains, no one knows what happened to the other one."

  "Rebels come that close to pack lands?" Jackie asked looking at the map.

  "Not as much anymore but a few years back they went through a wave, hitting areas and taking pups."

  Jackie looked at her. "Pups?"

  Nionis nodded. "Yep. Before their wolves develop to keep them out of the system."

  "And off the Alpha's radar." Jackie stared at the map again.

  Nionis hoped Jackie wouldn't tell her siblings everything, not yet anyway.

  "This is what drew you here?" Jackie asked meeting Nionis' gaze.

  "I think so. I've taken a few drives into the mountains south of Gatlinburg off 441 for preliminary searches and there's more of our people up there than in the databases."

  Jackie frowned. "There's a reason you haven't told Alpha Gilbert."

  Nionis treaded carefully. "Yes. I think I'm supposed to do something, maybe help someone. I don't know. But I'm uneasy about reporting what I feel. Until I understand better what's what, I'm keeping quiet." She hoped Jackie would keep quiet as well but couldn't ask that of her.

  "Chip doesn't see or feel what you feel?"

  "No. We've been up there three times and he doesn't sense anything. At least that's what I think anyway. He's never said anything."

  "So, it's metaphysical, through your special vision," Jackie said meeting Nionis gaze.

  "That's what brought me here, I'm sure of it." She nodded.

  "Then you have to follow through on it. The Goddess gifted you for bigger things than helping us win against the guys in finders-seekers." Jackie smiled.

  Nionis laughed at the reference to the game they played as pups. "Hey, that was fun until they caught on what we were doing."

  "Only because your brother called David and told him you were helping us from the Alpha house. Mama said it wasn't fair because the boys didn't have help," Jackie said.

  "My brothers were such tattlers back then, now you can't get anything out of them. Pierre's moving but won't tell me squat." She shook her head, relieved to have shared what was fast becoming a burden.

  "Before I leave I want to ride with you to the mountains. Look the place over. A helicopter might be better, I may see something that will help," Jackie said, surprising Nionis. "Also, I want to see Gatlinburg."

  "That's awesome; I'll have Chip set it up." She jumped up, held out her hand. "Enough of that, let's go eat."

  Jackie stood. Together they left for dinner.


  Quinn heard the hum of the helicopter overhead as he headed into town on Highway 441. Ramos and Antwan arrived before sunrise, and would work with the pups today. Last night, Quinn researched Alden's story and discovered the pup’s family had moved but were alive. He contacted the pup's sire whose joy brought them both to tears. It was rare to reconnect stolen pups to their families. Alden's sire would fly in for him today. He offered to take Jude as well which would be great for the young pup. Ramos and Antwan agreed and would handle the details.

  Packages and groceries loaded in the SUV, Quinn headed for a coffee shop off Main street. They had a special roasted blend he enjoyed and a sexy, red headed half-breed he enjoyed more. Entering the shop, Paula, the half-breed he hooked up with on occasion smiled at him.

  He winked, looked at his watch and then back at her. Her smile widened. He would wait in town until she went to lunch and go back to her place with her. Glad to have that arrangement taken care of he placed his order and walked outside to clear his nose.

  "Excuse me."

  Quinn took a sip from his cup and eyed the delicious dish walking toward him. Smooth peanut-butter skin, large hazel-gray eyes and a head full of dark, short curls. Not bad. If he hadn't made arrangements with Paula... he stiffened. She wasn't human. His wolf was submerged, and undetectable, or he should be. "Yes?"

  "I'm Nionis. I just moved to the area, can I talk to you for few minutes?"

  Quinn frowned. "Why?"

  Her right eye brightened or flashed, he wasn't sure which but it was disconcerting. "Because you can help me. I've been running in circles and here you are."

  "What?" The woman made no sense.

  She leaned forward. "Missing pups."

  Everything inside him froze. "What are you talking about?"

  She wore an exasperated expression, looked over her shoulder and back at him. "I have this... this gift." She waved to her face. "It's led me to this area, then I saw you and I knew you were involved. I just... it's frustrating to come
against so many roadblocks. But I know I'm supposed to do something to help." She shook her head.

  Her passionate response resonated true, no doubt she was sincere. But there were too many lives on the line to talk no matter what.

  "Miss, I have no idea what you're talking about." He moved the right, scenting the area. There were full-blood strangers nearby. That wasn't a surprise, but her approaching him, coupled with full-bloods didn't bode well.

  She placed her hand on his arm, gave him her business card. "Please take this. Contact me when the need arises. I will help." When he didn't take the card, she stuck it in his pocket.

  "Lady, you're crazy." He backed up, with his one free hand in the air in case anyone watched.

  "Yeah, you pegged me." She smiled and he appreciated her not following him.

  Quinn walked down the street without looking back. Crossing the street, he headed into an arcade. Inside, a few half-breeds assisted customers and paid him little attention. Pleased they hadn't recognized his wolf, he released a breath.

  Gazing out the window, he searched for Nionis. She and another female walked into the restaurant next to the coffee shop. Nionis was very pretty, but the black-haired siren with her was nothing short of perfection. A few shades lighter and taller than Nionis, with curves that made his beast howl in appreciation. He wondered if she was a tourist passing through Gatlinburg or visiting Nionis.

  Coffee finished, he played with the idea of lunch in the restaurant. He glanced at his watch. Too much time before Paula's lunch break. He played a few games but his concentration was shot to hell. Irritated, he headed to the restaurant. Immediately, he scented the strange full-bloods that sat at a table near the front and looked at him when he entered.

  Quinn took the menu the waitress offered. He relaxed when the full-bloods ignored him and continued their meal. He placed a to-go order and waited at the end of the bar. It didn't take long for Nionis to approach him.

  "Hey, you never told me your name," she said coming to stand next to him.

  "No, I didn't." He glanced toward the full-bloods who watched them for a few seconds.

  "I'm Nionis, this is my friend Jackie," she said.

  He looked at the woman he'd seen earlier and promptly forgot to breathe.

  "Hello," she said. Her smile faltered as the silence lengthened.

  "Speak asshole," Nionis muttered as she kicked his shin.

  "Ow." He glared at her and then looked at the other one who scattered his thoughts. "Hello."

  The two full-bloods stood. One headed toward them, the other toward the door. Great, 30 years of undetected living off the grid and gone in less than an hour.

  "Let's go," Jackie said to Nionis, glancing at him as if he lacked wits or something.

  That bothered him. "I'm Quinn," he said without thinking why that was a horrible idea.

  Nionis smile brightened. "Do you live around here? My friend's visiting from Dallas, and we're sight-seeing. Any suggestions on what we should see?"

  He read the question in her eyes, the need to know more. "Not really, everything's good, the arcade, the amusement park, hiking." He shrugged, keeping the big full-blood who sat at the front of the bar in his peripheral vision.

  "Hiking sounds like fun," Nionis said, eyes lit with mischief.

  Quinn glanced at Jackie. "What color are your eyes? I don't think I've ever seen that color?" he asked before his brain connected to his mouth. What the hell was he doing? He never talked to humans like this.

  She chuckled, a cute sound that hit him in his gut, twisted him in knots and refused to let him go. This wasn't good.

  "Blue and green. They change based on circumstances." She pulled a few strands of hair behind her ear and looked over his shoulder. "We've walked around the amusement park already, any suggestions which is the best trail for hiking?"

  He spewed off a few that were in all the brochures away from the ranch.

  "Thanks," she said as he retrieved his to-go items and paid his bill.

  "Want to join us?" Nionis asked, her tone daring him to say no.

  Paula walked in, saw him and waved. "Sorry, I can't. I have a prior engagement."

  One of the full-bloods stood in front of Paula and then looked over his shoulder at Quinn with murder in his eyes. Quinn held the man's gaze for a few seconds and then looked at Paula who stared at the full-blood with her mouth opened and eyes wide. She threw her arms around the giant and they walked out without a backward glance.

  "What the hell just happened?" he whispered. "That was my date." He took a few steps in Paula's direction.

  "Whoa, buddy." Nionis grabbed his arm. "Don't do it. Whatever she was to you is in the past, Tango will rip you apart if you go near her again."

  Frowning, he stared at her. "Why? We've known each other for years."

  Nionis leaned close to his ear. "That's his wife, mate. They've been looking for each other for years and just found each other."

  "Wife?" The word mate screamed at him. The rest of her explanation was for any of his kind listening and thinking him human. Still, he couldn't believe Paula's luck. She was a nice person and he wished her the best.

  Nionis nodded, watching him closely.

  "Didn't know she was married. Thanks for letting me know." He nodded at Nionis and met Jackie's calm gaze. "Nice meeting you, enjoy your visit." Would you be willing to take Paula's place? he thought, hoping his boner would soften so he could walk without discomfort. Quinn nodded to the women and walked off.

  Outside, he cleared his nostrils but couldn't shake the pleasure he'd felt standing next to Jackie. It was electric. He scoffed at the poetic nature of his words as he headed toward the parking area to his truck.

  "Quinn," Paula called from the other side of the street standing next to her glaring mate.

  "Be happy." He waved, glad to see the smile light her face as she snuggled closer to the wolf. When he reached his vehicle, he hesitated. Jackie. He rolled her name on his tongue and smiled at the delightful tingles. She was the first human to ever hold his attention. Not that he'd do more than think about her. Humans didn't interest him, at least until now.

  Jackie watched the human swagger out the restaurant with mixed feelings. That she had feelings at all surprised her.

  "What did you think?" Nionis asked.

  "About you throwing us at him?" Jackie asked as they turned to leave. Chip led and another security person took up the rear.

  "Kind of reminds you of David, doesn't he?"

  Jackie jerked. "My brother David?"

  Nionis nodded.

  "Not at all. David wouldn't have given you his name or talked to you." Her brother wasn't stuck up but he wasn't friendly either. You had to warm up to him or he had to warm up to you, before you saw the person his siblings and close friends saw.

  "Exactly how he acted until you showed up. That's why I called you over." She bumped Jackie with her hips. "You got skills, loosened his tongue. Poor thing probably didn't realize he said what he did."

  Secretly pleased, Jackie shook her head. "Wasn't me who got him talking, girl. That was all you. Wanna bet he had plans with Tango's mate?"

  "Nope, you'd win. Bet you'll have a new security person here before we leave Gatlinburg. No way his mate will stomach him being around a single bitch." She winked at Jackie.

  "That's not a bet, it's a statement of fact." She waved at Tango. He walked over to them.

  "Ladies this is Paula Bronson, my mate. Paula this is Jackie." He pointed to her, it was decided to forgo last names and not broadcast her connection to La Patron. He pointed to Nionis and introduced her.

  "Hi Paula."

  "Hello,” the preppy looking blonde said with her hands wrapped around Tango's arm.

  "Tango I'm so happy for you. Alpha Theron is going to be happy," Jackie said and meaning it. Although wolves could have long relationships and pups with either half-bloods, full-bloods or human breeders, having a mate-bond was the gold ring.

  He nodded and kissed Paula
's temple. "Earlier I thought I sensed her ... but I wasn't sure and couldn't go look. But the Goddess smiled on me and sent this little one to me."

  "Not to you," Jackie thought keeping her smile in place.

  "Chip, we want another helicopter ride," Nionis said. Chip nodded and left.

  "Going back in the air?" Tango asked concerned.

  Nionis shrugged. "We're not going to hike, might as well see all we can." She faced Paula. "Does Quinn live in the mountains?"

  "Nionis," Jackie snapped, even though she was interested in Paula's response.

  Tango stiffened and then eased up a bit.

  "I thought he lived in Knoxville or somewhere like that," Paula said. "I only see him when he comes to town."

  "Why Knoxville?" Nionis asked.

  Jackie wanted to know as well.

  Paula shrugged. "Just the way he speaks, his manners, real polite, smart, quirky sense of humor. He won't start trouble but if trouble finds him, he'll finish it. He's got that kind of vibe." She rubbed Tango's arm. "But not as much as Tango."

  Jackie stopped her eye roll at Paula's attempt to ease Tango's wolf. Newly mated, Paula would learn how to handle Tango, few men, especially wolves were okay with their mates admiring anyone else. Her dad made that clear to their mom on a few occasions.

  "Let's go," Jackie told Nionis as she turned in the direction of the copter rentals leaving her friend behind. Out the corner of her eye she saw a small, grimy faced girl peek at her from the side of a building. Curious, she waved.

  The child ducked and disappeared. Jackie walked to the edge of the single-story building, looked down the length of the wall but it was empty.

  "I'm ready," Nionis said walking up to her. "What're you looking at?" She looked at the side of the building.

  "A little girl, at least I think it was a girl was hiding and watching us," Jackie said through their link to keep Tango and Chip from hearing them.

  Nionis walked to the side of the building and ran around back. Jackie pulled out her phone, took a few pictures of the building for reference. Nionis hadn't reappeared. Chip would return for them any minute. Pretending to read text messages, Jackie tapped her feet wishing she could join her friend but knew it would draw more attention to the child and Nionis' mission.


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