The Right Side of Memphis

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The Right Side of Memphis Page 5

by Jennifer Scott

Lana was busy rehearsing her final scenes. When she returned to her dressing room, Billie was standing there. Lana spoke, “Don't I know you from some place? Yes, you're the journalist that was looking for me the other day. I apologize for missing the opportunity to talk to you.”

  Billie responded, “Well, that's one of the reasons that I am here now. Do you have time to talk?”

  Lana claimed, “I'm afraid not. We're real busy finishing up the last details of the film. You know how it is.”

  Chris came out and said, “Yes, I know how it is. Why don't you tell us your side of it? Doesn't Ms. Howard have the time for any one these days?”

  Lana snapped, “Chris, don't make the situation harder than it already is. Please go.”

  He announced, “I just came here today to prove that I am over you. I have someone who really cares for me. More than you ever did.” He put his arm around Billie, which took her by surprise.

  Lana uttered, “Maybe she can work miracles. You certainly need the help when it comes to relationships. I have some advice for you, Billie. Don't let him push you around. And, don't let him near a bottle. It's his true addiction and true love. It will come between you.”

  Lana received word from one of the producers that they needed her on the set. She left without saying another word. Billie looked at Chris and said, “Why would she tell me a thing like that? What I've been hearing all along, is it true?”

  He mumbled, “I guess she got what she wanted. She loves to cause trouble. She is famous for it. It wasn't the best idea of mine to come here today.”

  Billie claimed, “I think she was trying to be sincere.”

  He argued, “She wasn't trying her best. She only does that on her backside. That's also how she gets lead roles in movies.” Billie knew that was uncalled for, but he was upset with Lana for what she had said.

  Billie acknowledged, “She also doesn't know that you are getting help for your alcohol abuse. You are a better man than before, in my opinion.”

  He expressed, “I've always been a perfect gentleman to Lana. I've never hurt her. She is just making me look bad to you. I had a drink once in a while and just to relax me. If you had to live with her, it would drive you to drink, too.”

  Billie feared, “I guess I'll never get to interview her.”

  Chris grunted, “What for? You see how she really is. That's all you need to know. She holds grudges as you can tell, so it is very unlikely that you'll be speaking to her again. If it were in my power, no one would ever talk to her again.” Billie wondered if that was a threat or a promise.

  Billie wanted to ask Chris about the suitcase. But, she figured it was none of her business and she'd just forget about it. He asked her, “Are you going to print anything that went on today?”

  She assured, “No. That's the side of the story the public doesn't need to know. That's rather personal. They won't know about us either. That could cause more problems.”

  Chris inquired, “What makes you say that? A conflict of interest?”

  Billie responded, “A reporter and a superstar? Definitely a subject of conversation. I wouldn't want the whole world to know about it.”

  He warned, “Well, that is rather selfish of you. You print the lives of people like me every day, but you wouldn't let the world know of your own life? I hate to be the one to have to break it to you, but they know all there is to know about me and they will find out about you eventually.”

  She observed, “What is that supposed to do, scare me out of seeing you?”

  He claimed, “I never stay where I'm not wanted, so I don't believe you should either.” She asked if that may have been a recommendation and he said, “No, I'm not ready for another bad goodbye. All joking aside, I am serious about you. If you were to leave me now, I'd lose it.” Billie had no idea he had fallen so hard for her. She couldn't help but to think of the consequences if she did want to get out of it.

  Chapter 5

  Billie went to work, hoping for a change of subject, only to find out the recent gossip. She heard that Lana might put a restraining order on Chris. Billie knew he wouldn’t think that was necessary. As far as she knew, he hadn’t seen her that much. The only time she could recall was the day before, and she was with them. She thought about Chris' possible reaction. It would infuriate him, for sure. When she took her break, she contacted him. As she suspected, he was highly ticked. He told Billie that he had just finished talking to Lana’s lawyer. He was fed up. The divorce had been taking it far enough, now to add to this only made his troubles heavier. Billie didn’t want this to get out of hand, so she thought of something that would lift his spirits a bit. She explained it in detail and he seemed to like the idea.

  Billie got off work, not too long after rush hour. She had thoughts running around in her head of the upcoming event. She had been walking around about half an hour, around the block from where she parked her car. She suddenly had a feeling that she was being followed. But, she knew if she turned around, she wouldn’t see the person. So, she just kept on walking, continuing to look straight ahead. Billie’s heels echoed on the pavement. She wondered if the noise would attract the person and make them follow her even further. She didn’t have to see them to know that they were there. She tried to dodge them down a dark alley. It was completely pitch black, but suddenly she was no longer afraid.

  She stood under the nearest street light and turned to see who had been pursuing her. As he crossed the path in front of her, the muscles in his back rippled. Walking over to her, he took her up in his powerful arms and pressed his soft lips over hers. They continued to do so up against the brick wall. There were many distractions, such as a cat jumping out of a trash can and papers blowing in the wind. But, they were more like whispers compared to the heavy breathing between them. Suddenly, his cell phone rang, and he said, “This helped me to forget my problems momentarily.”

  Billie replied, “Aren’t you glad no one saw us, Chris?”

  While Chris was busy trying to get Lana to drop her ridiculous charges, Billie was spending time with one of her favorite female country singers, Maria Dawson. They had become real good friends, thanks to Chris. He had reintroduced them at a recent songwriter’s awards ceremony. Maria already knew about Billie’s admiration for her. She was always helpful whenever Billie needed an interview, or even some advice. They were almost like best friends. They couldn’t hang out that much because of Maria’s busy tour schedule and her family. Billie made sure to let her know that she would babysit for her, too.

  One day, Maria was talking to Billie on the phone about relationships. Maria’s was well known, but, Billie’s was not really open for discussion, or public knowledge. She could trust her with her secret. She was going to keep her affair with Bobby Douglas private though. She swore to never tell a soul about what happened with him. Maria wasn’t surprised about her and Chris. She figured something was going on between them. Billie asked, “Do you think we’re doing the right thing by keeping this quiet?”

  Maria insisted, “Certainly. Being in the spotlight isn’t always great. Just look at how rumors get started and can wreck marriages. Chris is a good buddy of mine and he needs someone in his life right now. I think you are good for him. Maybe you can help him forget all about blondie.” They laughed.

  Billie had always been the pessimistic type. She had been insecure most of her life. She wasn’t eager to open her heart to just anyone…especially to such a rich, famous, and gorgeous man going through a terrible divorce. It was not the challenge she had in mind. She promised herself she wouldn’t tell him that she loved him unless he said it first. She had to be sure that he was truly in love with her and that she was sure herself of her feelings. She was successful, admired in her field, independent, and well educated. As for her physical attributes, she kept her hair short like a bob cut, she had a slim figure, hazel eyes, and lips that were natural but sometimes thought to be enhanced. She used to hate being petite in stature, but it didn’t bother the guys she were with lat
ely. Chris was not that much taller than her, but Bobby towered over her in comparison. He was used to it though.

  Chris surprised Billie for their five month anniversary. He fixed one of her favorite dishes, vegetarian pizza. As they proposed a toast, her conversation with Maria flashed before her eyes. Chris told Billie, “Being with you has helped me consciously and subconsciously. I have a clear head now that I have stopped drinking. I’ve made a decision that I think you will approve of. I have decided not to leave the music business after all.” Billie was so happy that she hugged and kissed him. Colby started barking and wagging his tail. Chris laughed, “Yes, Colby. You can take some of the credit. You were also an inspiration…fleas and all.”

  Billie exclaimed, “I’m so proud of you for all that you have done and your commitment to your dream. You knew it wasn’t over. I am just glad that the public didn’t discover your plans. What really made you change your mind?”

  Chris answered, “It’s amazing what a conversation with your mom can do. She reminded me of a story she read to me when I was a child. It was about a boy following his heart. Every one told him he wouldn’t succeed. He proved them all wrong. He vowed to always be true to himself. He did not give up, even when the world was coming down on him. Maybe there is more to it than that, but I do believe it is my destiny. Don’t you?” Billie thought of her belief of fate and destiny. She knew Chris was right. She worried once again that he would change his mind in an instant because of Lana, since she was out to ruin his clean cut image.

  They went out to see a movie afterwards to celebrate. Billie’s suggestion was the drive in, she loved them as a child. She had wanted to go there for a while, but had not gotten around to it. The movie that was playing was a love and murder mystery. Billie liked it, but wasn’t as interested in it as Chris seemed to be. Billie joked with him and said, “Are you waiting to see Lana in this movie or something?”

  He acted as if he were upset, but replied, “No, it’s just a good movie.”

  Billie inquired, “But, you know that no one could get away with it in real life, don’t you?” He only grinned.

  For such a joyous occasion, they weren’t in the best of spirits. The night had taken a sudden turn for the worse. As soon as they returned, Billie decided she would go home. Chris was in a grumpy mood and she didn’t want to be around him. She told him she was leaving, and he didn’t try to stop her. She wasn’t leaving for good. They just needed to be apart, to avoid getting on each other’s nerves. Billie had only been gone for a few minutes, when she realized she had left her work portfolio. She went back to get it. She went in the front door and saw it on the bar. When she picked it up, that is when she saw the suitcase. It was cracked open on the table and she was curious to find out what it was. It was a gun. She recognized the bullets, they were armor piercing. As she shut the lid, she heard someone behind her clearing their throat. She turned around and said the first thing that came to her mind. “Planning on a hunting trip?”

  Chris then said, “You know, curiosity killed the cat.”

  Billie noted, “Well, I’m not a cat.”

  Thinking of someone you care about with a loaded weapon usually gives you nightmares. It made Billie lose her concentration at work. She needed someone to talk to, as always. The opportunity presented itself that very same day. Her old partner in crime, Bobby Douglas, just happened to be on her agenda for an update to her story. He was in the news for a charity benefit. He was the sponsor. He would be starting a tour in the spring. When she arrived, he saw her and gave her a hug. He questioned, “Where have you been hiding?”

  Billie boasted, “I’ve been busy, in a way. Sorry I’ve been such a stranger. I would have visited sooner, but I figured you and Kelly needed time to yourselves. How is everything?”

  He grinned, “Couldn’t be better. I hate to say it, but I think what happened added a little spice to our life. My son asked about you the other day.”

  Billie added, “I miss them. I can’t believe he remembers me. I wouldn’t mind seeing them again.”

  He suggested, “It’s time to make a date to get together…unless you’re going to be uncomfortable.”

  "Billie be uncomfortable, never. Maybe if you locked her in a room full of cockroaches,” announced a voice just a few feet away.

  Bobby shouted, “Hello, Mr. Brady. It’s been ages. What brings you here?”

  Chris relayed, “Didn’t you know? I’m also a sponsor. I plan on making quite a large donation. I’m surprised I have money left over from my blood sucking wife and the lawyers. What was I interrupting?”

  Bobby assured, “Just a conversation among friends. Catching up on old times. You know Billie, don’t you?”

  Chris grinned, “As a matter of fact...”

  Billie interrupted, “Yes, Chris and I go way back.”

  Chris added, “To about five months, to be precise.”

  Billie reminded, “You remember the time we met at the Nashville bar and grill? Don’t you Bobby?”

  Bobby admitted, “Yes, around the time I patched things up with my wife. I can’t believe time has passed so quickly.”

  Chris declared, “It was the turning point in my divorce, a new lease on life and my short lived bachelor days.”

  While Chris was busy spinning yarns of his turbulent times, Billie was beginning to wonder what his point might be. Or what he was really up to. She taunted, “I hate to break up this wonderful conversation, but I did come here to interview BOBBY.”

  Chris replied, “I am sorry. I guess that is my cue. But, please be sure and interview me before you leave.”

  He left the room and Bobby made a strange face. He joked, “He’s not the same person, is he? Does he have an evil twin we’re not aware of?”

  Billie thought, “Maybe he’s possessed.”

  Billie was planning on letting Chris take a chill pill. She’d look at both sides of the story closely. She thought she may have been too hard on him. Then, he shows up at her place. She was ready to apologize, and then she noticed the smell of alcohol. She wanted to cry, but she started yelling at him. He pleaded, “I had to get drunk. It’s everything that is happening, like with Lana.”

  Billie screamed, “Get over her! She is a page in your past. She is beginning to cause us problems.”

  He mumbled, “How well I know. That’s one story without a happy ending.”

  Billie warned, “If you are not careful, we’ll be in the same exact situation. Do you really want that?”

  He inquired, “I need to know the truth about something. I get the feeling there is more to your friendship with Bobby Douglas. Were you responsible for them breaking up?”

  Billie hesitated, after a moment of silence, “Haven’t we been through this before? Bobby and I are just good friends.”

  Chris grilled, “Then, why did you try to cover up the fact about us dating? Are you afraid of him finding out?”

  She argued, “I guess you only hear what you want to hear. We are to remain a secret for as long as it is possible. Besides, it would not look good in the public eye since you are going through a divorce. Lana already knows, and I am surprised she hasn’t tried to use it against you in court. She could turn this all around on you. Last, but not least, do you enjoy having your name and picture in every sleazy tabloid?”

  He estimated, “You sure are feisty when I am wasted. I wonder how you are when I am sober.”

  Billie responded, “I don’t think I should give you the chance to find out. You’ve let me down, as well as yourself. I thought your recovery was going fine and you liked yourself better. I turn my back for a moment and you have fallen off of the wagon.”

  He commented, “Give me one more shot. Pardon the pun.”

  Billie demanded, “Try and be serious for once in your life, please. We just celebrated your return to your singing career and also our five month anniversary. This is no way to be carrying on.”

  He answered, “Please forgive me. I’ll make it up to you, I promise. Will

  She bargained, “Okay, I’ll use feline theories on you this time. You had nine lives, now you have eight…even though I don’t know for sure if I could forgive you eight more times.”

  He agreed, “Only if they are minor offenses, right? That is my promise, not to drink. Now, you have to make a promise to stop treating me like you are my mother.”

  Billie asserted, “I think you have me confused with someone else, like your ex-wife, maybe. Since we are making some kind of negotiation, it’s only fair to warn you that we can’t get started on it right away. We need a little more time apart. It’s only then that we will realize how important we are to each other. I can’t tell you where I am going either. I’ll just have to contact you when I get back. I think it will work.”

  He didn’t really agree with her plan, but he couldn’t stop her. Billie wished him the best with his current project. He planned on writing some new songs to reflect his new life. He told her that she would be his inspiration. Billie wasn’t sure if she were worthy of the compliment. Now, Billie had to think of a destination for her getaway. What she had told Chris was only a spur of the moment idea. She wanted to stay in town, so she could continue to work at the same time. That was when she figured it out. Bobby Douglas called her. He wanted to find out what happened with Chris. It was the perfect chance for her to ask him about visiting his kids. Bobby told Billie that she was welcome to stay. She had explained to him already about Chris, even though she hadn’t planned on telling too many people. But, like Maria, she could trust Bobby.

  She packed light because she wouldn’t be going too far. When she arrived at Bobby’s, she noticed that Kelly’s car was not in the driveway. She went inside and the kids ran up to her. Bobby remarked, “See, I told you they missed you.”

  Billie questioned, “Where’s Kelly?”

  He acknowledged, “I forgot to mention it on the phone. She went to visit her mother. She’s in the hospital, but it's nothing serious. She’ll be back in a week or two.”

  Billie quizzed, “Why didn’t you go with her?”


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