Sweet Southern Secrets (Georgia Peaches Book 1)

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Sweet Southern Secrets (Georgia Peaches Book 1) Page 15

by Colbie Kay

  “Uh, hey Bear. Where’s Jacey?”

  “You got a problem with me being here, rockstar?” His huge arms cross over his huge chest, one brow cocks and a deeper frown forms on his already unhappy face.

  “Look, I’m sorry, okay? We got off on the wrong foot. If I would have known who she was, I would never have spoken to her like that.” I stare Bear down, not letting him intimidate me. On the inside though I’m shaking like a leaf and ready to shit my pants. The dude is like ten times my size and I have no doubt he could break me like a twig with his bare hands.

  “Fine. My Ol’ Lady said to play nice and I do what I have to do to make my woman happy. So as long as you know your place, then we won’t have problems. Some shit went down I’m not discussing with you and she’ll be out for a couple of weeks. I’ll be here, or one of my brothers will be. She told me everything that needs to get done so we will take care of it. Your interviews start in half an hour so get your asses downstairs.” Giving a tight nod, I follow behind the rest of the guys as we walk into the building. I swear I heard a growl come out of his mouth as I walked by. The dude hates me! It wouldn’t surprise me if he had already thought of ten different ways to kill me.

  As we open the door at the bottom of the steps, I look around the studio. Shit, this is nice with all the new equipment, the black leather couches, and it looks like the place has been newly remodeled with the red and gray paint. There are separate rooms: one with the recording equipment, one with instruments set up and a microphone so we can record, and one with toys I’m assuming for Bear and Jacey’s son.

  “Alright guys, like Jacey said, we need to choose wisely and we need to take this seriously. We don’t want some fucktwat manager that we can’t work with,” Colton tells us as he gets into his business mode.

  We choose to sit on one of the black leather couches, placing a rolling chair across from us so the interviewers can have a seat. We wait for the first person to show up. To say I’m nervous is an understatement, and I don’t know if it’s more from just the possibility of finding someone or to actually find the right one. I rub my sweaty palms on my jean-covered thighs as we wait. My pulse is racing with the anticipation of who we’ll be meeting. Trust is a rough thing to give, and we gave it to Jacey, so she better not let us down.

  Footsteps sound on the stairs and then the door opens. In walks a short, old, fat bastard with gray hair on the sides of his head and none on top. The dark blue suit he has on looks about two sizes too small, and I’m afraid one of those buttons on his shirt is about to pop right off, hitting one of us in the eye. What in the actual fuck? Where the hell did Jacey find this guy? The sweat rolls down his forehead and makes his too big glasses slip down his nose. I tried not to laugh, I really fucking tried, but when I looked at my brothers, I fucking lost it. Their heads are down, arms folded across their chests, and all of their shoulders are shaking with silent laughter. I couldn’t help it, I busted a gut at this poor bastard’s expense.

  He pulls out a handkerchief that was tucked into his suit jacket and dabs at his forehead. He holds his free hand out for us to shake, but none of us take the offered hand. “Hi gentleman. My name is Gary...” I get my laughter under control by the time he makes it to the chair that is positioned in front of us.

  Trying to be polite, I stop him from going any further. “Yeah, hey Gary, you’re not gonna work out for us, but thank you for coming.” There’s really no point in wasting anyone’s time when it won’t be him we choose.

  “But you haven’t even heard why I should be your manager!” A frustrated expression plays on his face, matching the tone of his voice.

  “We don’t need to hear it. We already know you aren’t a good fit for us. So thank you for coming. Goodbye,” I tell Gary as he huffs out a breath and shows himself to the door.

  Next came an old bossy bitch. When she first walked in, we thought she might work until she started telling us to sit up straighter. Then suggested if we are doing interviews, we should dress more business-like instead of in our jeans and t-shirts. As far as we were concerned, the interview was over so we kicked her out.

  An hour went by before the next applicant showed up. Her footsteps were so quiet that we didn’t even hear her come down until the door opened. The girl that stepped through the doorway almost made me flip shit because of how much she looked like Grace when I first met her. She introduced herself as Jamie and that’s all I heard. She had the nerdy glasses, the long blonde braids, the long sleeves and long skirt covering every inch of her skin. Her voice was soft spoken and she kept her head down. I couldn’t take it, I had to leave the room. I felt like I was being strangled, I couldn’t fucking breathe. I was suffocating and the walls were closing in on me. I ran up the stairs like I was in a marathon, taking in quick short breaths of air, my forehead drenched in sweat and vision blurry. I damn near passed the fuck out before I made it all the way upstairs, and didn’t return into the studio until I knew she was gone.

  “Absolutely not! Do not even fucking suggest her!” I told all of the guys, the seriousness deep in my tone so they know I’m not fucking around with this.

  “She wasn’t that bad, just a little shy maybe,” Rico chimed in, being the only stupid one to reply as the others kept their heads down. He can’t be serious right now!

  I stand toe to toe with him and point my finger in his face. “No! You want me to be okay with this bullshit, then not her. No fucking way!” Dropping my hand back down and taking a few steps back, I continue on while looking around at each of my brothers. “When I was upstairs, Bear said we had a couple more people to interview.” I try to calm myself, I’m still reeling from the panic attack.

  The next girl came in looking like the typical groupie, with the too small dress that barely covers anything. Huge fake tits that didn’t match the straight-as-a-board backside. The way she was chewing on that piece of gum she had in her mouth, you’d of thought that was the only thing she had consumed in days. Her finger twisted around her bottle bleached hair and she had a voice that could break windows, the way she would screech in happiness at being here. Oh my God! I’m in front of The Betrayed. Oh my God, you are so hot! Gah, don’t even get me started on the ditziness and the dumber-than-a-box-of-rocks answers she gave. For example, when we asked how well she could multitask her answer was Well, I am talking to the four of you so I think I multitask pretty good. Yeah, that was the end of her interview. Then to top it off, before she left she had to tell us how much she loved us and wanted to have our babies. Can you say ‘bitch is crazy’? I’m still wondering where the fuck Jacey found these people and why she would even consider them.

  We’ve been sitting here, waiting for an hour and a half for the next person to show up, and I’m pretty sure they’re late. It’s already afternoon, we’re all starving and ready to go. Right when I’m about to ask if the guys are ready, you can hear the sound of heels hitting the steps. The door opens and my heart stops. She must have lost her balance because it isn’t a graceful entrance by any means, it’s more like she barreled her way through the door. Thank God she caught herself before face-planting the floor in front of all of us. I hear Shiiit! from my brothers, but I can’t even attempt to pull my eyes away.

  Fire engine dyed red hair sits on the top of her head in big curls. Her knee length navy blue and white polka dotted dress hugs her body perfectly. The fuck-me red heels she has on make her legs look like they go on for days. The swell of her breasts tell me she’s a good C cup, and combined with the luscious curves of her hips and tiny little waist, she has the perfect hourglass figure. Both of her arms, from wrists to shoulders, are covered in beautiful tattoos, along with one that goes across her chest. She looks like a vamped up, pinup style Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. “Fuck me! This girl cannot become our manager,” I whisper under my breath so no one can hear me.

  She rushes into the room. “Motherfucking sonofabitch! C
an it get any fucking worse?” The explicit words fall from her bright red full lips that contrast with her cream colored skin. Her emerald green eyes meet my stormy grays, and I swear her face turns the same shade as her fire engine red hair. “I’m sorry I’m late. My name’s Emery Ashland. And I’m sorry for my colorful language back there.” She takes the chair that sits across from us and plops down, panting heavily like she had to run here.

  “I don’t know and don’t care why you are late, let’s just get this over with. I’m Dawson Gates, lead singer.” I shake her hand and feel my anger rising towards the pinup beauty in front of me. The guys introduce themselves and we start the interview.

  “So Emery how well do you multitask?” Colton asks from his seat on the couch. When I glance over at him he is bent forward with his elbows resting on his knees with his hands hanging between his legs.

  Crossing one leg over the other and entwining her fingers, placing them on her top thigh, my cock starts to twitch at the sight. Her dress has risen up, showing off more of her bare, pale skin. “Well, I have experience in office work so while being on the phone taking calls, I had to file records, keep appointments straight, check people in, and do billing.” Shit, she sounds like she knows what she’s doing. Not good for me.

  “How do you feel about living on a bus for months with the four of us?” Rico is the next to ask, while sitting up straighter. Is he trying to impress her? I don’t fucking think so, brother.

  “As long as I get the bedroom, and because I know every tour bus has one, we should be fine. If you guys are going to be doing what most rockers do on tour, I don’t wanna be in the room nor do I wanna hear that shit. Also, clean up after yourselves and we won’t have a problem.” Fuck me she has a smart, sassy mouth too. Definitely not good for me. The others laugh at what she said, but I narrow my eyes on her.

  I’ve been around this woman five fucking minutes and she is already affecting me. I have to keep changing positions on the couch because my jeans are growing tighter by the second listening to her musical voice and just being in her presence. Thank God no one is paying attention to me, I’d never live this shit down.

  “Are you single?” Elijah questions from his spot next to me, but he is slouched back, one arm stretched out on the back of the couch, the smile in place that all the ladies love.

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business and it has nothing to do with my job as your manager.” Now her eyes are narrowing, matching my own. Oh did he strike a nerve, honey? As stunning as Emery is, I don’t know how she could be single.

  “Have you heard our music?” Is my question. I fold my arms across my chest, glaring at the woman while waiting for her answer.

  Knowing my anger is visible, she doesn’t back down. Instead, she mimics my expression and answers with a damn good response. “Honestly, I had never heard of you guys until Jacey called me. Then I looked on YouTube, watched your videos, and I have to say, I think you guys are really good. You have a lot of raw talent and it’s refreshing to hear. I think we would work well together if you guys pick me to be your manager.” God help me, she is perfect. This is fucking terrible for me.

  “You’re hired!” my three brothers reply immediately. I think I just gave myself whiplash with how fast my head snapped in their direction. Fuck me! I can’t work with this chick. I know exactly what’s going to happen and I can’t let it. I won’t let it.

  Emery’s mouth drops open, then closes like she’s a damn fish. I’d like to fill that pretty mouth so she better just keep it closed. Quit fucking thinking about her like that, I tell myself but it’s really not working. She needs to get out of here and out of my fucking line of sight. “What? Really? You’re not fucking with me?” she questions before I witness the most beautiful smile in God’s creation. It reaches all the way to her eyes, letting me know that it’s real and true. Her straight white teeth shine and I have yet to find one flaw about this woman.

  “Yes really, and no we aren’t fucking with you,” Rico answers while they all laugh again, except for me. I’m not finding this shit funny in the least bit.

  “Thank you so much! It was really nice meeting you guys, and I’ll be in touch with Jacey for what happens now.” We all stand and I tuck my hands in the front pockets of my jeans while she shakes hands with my brothers. When Emery is in front of me, she says, “It was nice meeting you Dawson, even if you seem to be a little angry with me.” She dips her head down, but not before I caught those teeth sinking into her bottom lip. The dimples from her pierced cheeks make her look fucking adorable. Finally she heads for the door and I can breathe again. Emery Ashland stole my breath from the moment she stumbled through the door, not just from the sight of her, but her smell too. Vanilla. So fucking good, my favorite flavor.

  “Shit, she’s fucking beautiful.” Colton’s remark pisses me off further.

  “Shut the fuck up, Colt. And what the hell was that you’re hired stunt? Shouldn’t we talk about it first?” I ask, glaring at the three of them with their shit-eating grins.

  “Don’t take it out on us that Mr. Woody couldn’t peck his way out to play with the bombshell,” Elijah says with a knowing grin while eyeing my crotch.

  “Stop looking at my dick, Eli! Fuck, I didn’t think anyone was paying attention. You assholes all know this is gonna end badly.” I run my hand over my hair that’s pulled back in the man bun. I’ve noticed it’s the in thing with chicks, they’ve been digging it lately. Doesn’t really matter to me though, it’s not like I’m taking any of them home.

  “Nah, we didn’t notice. I think we all just had the same reaction to her. Fuck, she was hot! It doesn’t have to end badly if you don’t let it.” Colton’s brow cocks with that evil smile still on his smug face.

  “Off fucking limits! You hear me?” I respond to Colton’s statement that just pissed me off even more. They are egging me on and they know it. They better not touch her or even think about touching her. I’ll break their fucking fingers if they do.

  “Yeah, we hear ya, and no, we didn’t need to discuss it. Don’t be a shithead, you know she was the best one for us,” Rico tells me as I follow them up the stairs.

  “So did you guys pick?” Bear questions as soon as the door to the downstairs is shut behind me. He’s a big sonofabitch with his arms crossed over his wide chest again. I swear they’re bigger than my head.

  “Yeah, we hired Emery,” Colton answers for us.

  Now Bear’s the one with a smirk. “Good choice, that must be why she looked so happy walking outta here. Jacey said if you guys were to pick then you needed to sign these contracts.”

  We spend the next thirty minutes in Jacey’s office reading over everything and then signing on every dotted line until our hands were cramped up.

  “Alright guys, welcome to J.R. Recordings. Here you go. Congratulations.” Bear hands us each an envelope with our names on them. No excitement in his rough voice. “Give it a couple weeks for my Ol’ Lady to be ready to come back and then you guys can start recording. Now get the fuck outta here, I’m ready to go home.” The grin twitches on his face and I think maybe he isn’t so bad after all. Yeah, right, he’d snap me like a twig if his woman would let him.

  We follow Bear outside, he locks up and we get in the Camaro. All of us open the envelopes to find checks wrote out to each of us for twenty-five thousand dollars. Holy fuck! A hundred grand between the four of us I never thought we would be here. The ride home was loud with all of the excitement.

  Over the next two weeks we worked on getting bank accounts, putting our songs together, and changing our looks to fit the rock star persona. The latter was Elijah’s idea for the ladies, like he needs help in that department.


  To my husband once again thank you for holding down the home life while I spent many late nights and much of my free time working on this book. Thank you for
supporting my passion for writing and for being a trooper through it all. I love you! – Colbie Kay

  To my hubby - Thank you for supporting me through this crazy adventure. I appreciate all you do for me. – Love Chianti

  Donna and Jill - Thank you both so much for the support during this adventure. You ladies have a piece of my heart. I will never be able to express the love and thanks big enough for the two of you. – Love Chianti

  Donna, Thank you for everything that you do for me and I love that I have been able to have you in my life. I can’t wait to see what swag you come up with for this one. –Colbie Kay

  Jill, Thank you for working so hard at trying to get this book out there for everyone to see. You are an amazing pimper! Hopefully one day I will get the pleasure of meeting you in person. – Colbie Kay

  Betas - You ladies kicked ass! Thank you for being a part of our team. – Chianti

  You ladies did an amazing job with this book making it the best it could be. I don’t know what I would have done without y’all. You rock so hard and I can’t wait for the next one. – Colbie Kay

  Randy and Michelle Sewell - Thank you for all of the support, laughs and one of the best photos captured. – Chianti


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