Sweet Sacrifice

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Sweet Sacrifice Page 6

by Crystal V. Rhodes

  Brandon looked at Sash’s thunderous expression and gave a frustrated sigh. This was the most obstinate woman on earth. One would think that it was him asking her for a million dollars worth of help, not vice versa. No, two million dollars worth!

  He filled her in on the telephone call from the kidnappers and the additional monetary demand. He watched her expression carefully as he paused to let his words sink in. She appeared to be as stunned by this latest development as he had been. He continued. “As for why we’re going to this party it’s like I said. I might be able to get the rest of the money for your brother’s release at the party since I can’t reach my contacts. Now, if you’re through playing twenty questions go get your shoes on. Our ride is here.”


  The ride turned out to be a limousine that was to take them to the dance, but first there was a detour to the House of Isis. On the way Brandon explained the reason for both detours.

  “There’s this guy I know, Sinclair Reasoner. He and his wife are giving this bash tonight to honor the people who volunteer for the foundation he founded. I got the invitation weeks ago, but I hadn’t planned on going. Now I feel that he might be able to lend me the money. So I want to talk to him face to face.”

  Sash fought her rising panic. “You’re not going to tell him why you need the money are you?”

  “I’ll be as vague as possible…”

  “I don’t care how vague you’re going to be. There’s no way of asking someone for that kind of money without them asking why.”

  “Whatever I borrow from him, he knows I’m good for it. I won’t have to go into a lot of explanations.”

  “Let me get this straight. You’re going to borrow close to a million dollars from this man and you’re not going to tell him why, and he won’t ask?” Sash didn’t hide her skepticism. “Anyway, what makes you think he’s got that kind of money lying around? You don’t.”

  Brandon bristled at Sash’s dig. He wasn’t used to being questioned. “Do you have a better plan? If so, let me know. Remember it was you who told me to channel my energy in a new direction.” He turned to look at the passing scenery.

  Sash recognized her own words being flung back at her and she knew that her criticism upset Brandon. That had not been her intention. She had known this man for less than 24 hours and had been forced to put more trust in him than she had put in any man. He was making every effort to help her despite his doubts. Yet, over the past few hours she hadn’t done much to show her gratitude.

  Touching his arm, she waited until Brandon turned to her before speaking. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound so ungrateful. But a thought just occurred to me that might help. Some banks have branches in grocery stores that are open on Sunday…”

  “My bank doesn’t.”

  “Oh,” Sash’s shoulders slumped even as her mind raced. “Maybe we can stall them until Monday, when you can get to your funds.”

  “I doubt it. Besides, I would think that you would want your brother back as soon as possible.”

  He was right. She didn’t want Sweet to be endangered one more day than necessary.

  “All right. We’ll do it your way. Now tell me about this House of Isis.”

  Appeased, Brandon’s mood brightened. “It’s one of those places where women can get the full works, including buying clothes in the boutique. So I’ll outfit you from head to toe.”

  “And I’ll repay you.”

  Brandon started to protest, but stopped himself. “I called the owner and she’s opening the shop for me. I told her we don’t have much time, so she said that she can throw you together in about an hour.”

  “Throw me together?” Sash was amused at the description.. “All right, we’ll see how well she can throw me together.”


  An hour and a half later as Brandon and Sash stood in the entrance of the posh hotel ballroom where the dinner dance was being held, Sash assumed that she had been thrown together well judging from the looks that Brandon was giving her. She was pleased with the results. Her dreadlocks had been swept upward into a sleek, sophisticated hairstyle that did wonders for her appearance. The floor length gown she wore was simply cut and fitted her as if it were made for her. The tiny diamond earrings in her pierced ears along with the matching necklace both sparkled brightly against the contrast of her brown skin. Her makeup had been applied with such expertise that Sash looked and felt beautiful. Brandon’s eyes had nearly popped out of his head when he first saw her and even now he couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off of her. She felt pretty and it felt good. After the horror of these past few days she had never expected to feel good again until Sweet was back in her arms. Yet, she also felt guilty for feeling anything but sadness about the circumstances that brought them to this social event, and Sash fought the temptation of enjoying the moment.

  As Brandon and Sash entered the ballroom in search of Sinclair Reasoner, he felt like an adolescent fool at the way he was ogling Sash. She had cleaned up well, very well and when she stepped into the lobby of the House of Isis where he had been waiting she had nearly taken his breath away. The gown that she wore was simple--white satin floor-length, with a fitted cut that accentuated her small waist and curvaceous hips. The bodice was cut off of one shoulder revealing a smooth expanse of brown skin. A woman whom Brandon had viewed as a moody, argumentative eccentric had been transformed into a gorgeous enchantress with the poise and grace of an African queen. It caught Brandon completely off guard.

  It seemed as though Sash Adams was a chameleon, and if he could ever untie his tongue and regain control of his rising libido he could appreciate the fact. As for now, he had to keep reminding himself of the reason why they were at this gathering.

  Tearing his eyes from Sash, Brandon scanned the ballroom as he searched the crowd of bejeweled ladies and tuxedoed men. This gathering was far from the little bash that Brandon had expected it to be. Linen draped tables were scattered throughout the large room. Each table was adorned with fresh flower centerpieces and lighted candelabras. The band was live and scores of people were on the dance floor enjoying themselves. It was crowded.

  “Do you see Mr. Reasoner?”

  Sash’s question brought Brandon’s attention back to her. “No, I don’t see him.” Surveying the room once again, his eyes fell on a line of people at the buffet table. The rumble of his stomach reminded him of how long it had been since either of them had eaten. “Are you hungry?”

  Sash was famished. Food had been all but forgotten during the course of her ordeal. “Yes, I am, but I don’t think that we have time to…”

  “Yes, we do.” Brandon interrupted. He guided her further into the room toward the buffet line. “Neither one of us will be any good to your brother if we starve to death.”

  On the way to the buffet table Brandon was warmly greeted numerous times by party guest. Everyone seemed to know him.

  “You certainly seem popular,” Sash noted as they slipped into the back of the serving line.

  “Not popular, just rich.” Brandon’s tone was flat.

  Surprised by his statement Sash attempted to read his expression, but his face was blank. “So money can’t buy friends, huh?”

  Brandon raised a brow. “You’d be surprise what money can’t buy.”

  No, she wouldn’t be surprised. She had witnessed first hand the power of money when she was with Michael. What she had witnessed she hadn’t always liked; but for now money was the only way out of her dilemma.


  The sound of his name brought the attention of both Brandon and Sash to the caramel colored beauty making her way through the crowd. As she floated toward the two of them dressed in a sea of blue chiffon, her light brown, shoulder length tresses danced on bare shoulders covered by delicate netting. Eyes nearly the same shade as her creamy complexion sparkled unabashedly at the sight of the man on whom all of her attention was focused. Reaching Brandon, she caressed his face fondly with manicured fingers and placed
a familiar kiss on his lips.

  “I didn’t know that you would be here. I heard through the grapevine that you weren’t coming.” Her welcoming smile told of her pleasure at his having reversed his decision.

  “Valerie.” Brandon’s greeting was less than enthusiastic, but it didn’t seem to faze her. The expression on her face never changed.

  “How have you been?” Valerie’s inquiry appeared to be sincere.

  Brandon knew better and wanted to rail at her and ask her what did she care? They had parted months ago under less then amicable circumstances. There wasn’t a person in this room who was more of an example of what money could buy. Three divorces from very wealthy husbands could attest to that. She had targeted Brandon as husband number four, but he had not minced words when he informed her that marriage between them wasn’t going to happen. Her response had been less than lady like.

  The unexpected kiss that she had bestowed on him in greeting was both unwelcomed and unwanted. He had enough on his hands at the moment. Right now his fondest wish was that Valerie Simmons would simply vanish back into the crowd.

  As Brandon and the woman stood gawking at each other, Sash could feel the tension between them. The cause wasn’t difficult to discern. The woman wanted Brandon, but he didn’t want her. Apparently this woman didn’t get the message. It would have been fun standing there and watching the interaction between them, but unfortunately Sash couldn’t afford the indulgence. She had more important things on her mind. She cleared her throat drawing attention from both parties. Brandon did the introductions

  “Valerie, this is Sash Adams. Sash, Valerie Simmons.”

  Flashing a friendly smile, Sash extended her hand. “Nice meeting you, Valerie. I like your dress.”

  Valerie looked from Sash to Brandon quickly assessing the situation between the two of them before switching her attention back to Sash. She raised a disapproving brow at the locked tresses piled atop Sash’s head then limply shook her outstretched hand.

  “Hello.” Her greeting for Sash was about as enthusiastic as the one Valerie had received from Brandon. If she had deemed it important Sash would have subtly reassured Valerie that she was no threat to her regarding Brandon, but time was short. Perhaps Valerie could serve a better purpose.

  “Valerie, maybe you can help us. I’m anxious to meet the man who is hosting this lovely affair. Do you know Mr. Reasoner?”

  “Of course I do.” Valerie looked at Sash as if she couldn’t believe she could ask such a stupid question. “I know Sinclair and his wife, Nedra. Brandon hasn’t introduced you?” She looked at Brandon questioningly. He answered her look with a nonchalant shrug.

  “Well have you seen him around here anyplace?” Sash refocused Valerie’s attention, anxious to get to Reasoner. “If so, perhaps you can point him out.”

  “I just spoke to Sinclair and Nedra. I passed them going out on the patio a few minutes ago.” Valerie delivered the information with an air of superiority that changed to one of surprise as Sash and Brandon offered their thanks then abruptly took off across the room.


  Sash sat at the table opposite Nedra Reasoner and tried to be attentive. This beautiful woman with the striking beige eyes had been nothing less than kind since Brandon had introduced Sash to her and her husband, Sinclair. That had been thirty minutes ago. She and Brandon had tracked the couple down and found them in an isolated section of the garden engaged in a passionate embrace. Presently, Brandon and Sinclair were still there talking. Nedra had invited Sash to join her at her table after Brandon unceremoniously dismissed Sash from the garden. Wanting to be a part of the conversation, she had been stung by his dismissal. She had wanted to assure herself that Brandon would reveal nothing that might endanger Sweet’s life. Nevertheless, his overbearing attitude was an issue between them and it was one she was determined to address.

  “You haven’t eaten much,” Nedra noted as she glanced at Sash’s plate. “Brandon said that you were half starved.”

  She gave her hostess a small smile. “Well actually he’s right. I am hungry.” Sash took her fork, speared a broccoli flower and popped it in her mouth.

  Nedra returned her smile. “I hope that you weren’t embarrassed by what happened in the garden.”

  Sash furrowed her brows in silent question, wondering if Nedra too had been disturbed by Brandon’s abrupt dismissal of her from the garden. Nedra saw the question in her expression.

  “I’m talking about my husband and me getting caught making out,” she explained. “I guess we should be the ones embarrassed.”

  Sash grinned. “I’m guessing that you’re not.” She and Brandon had offered profound apologies at their interruption of the intimate moment, but the couple hadn’t seemed too disturbed.

  Nedra shrugged. “Nope! The man is fine as he wants to be and I love him to death. Girl, I can’t keep my hands off of him.”

  The two women shared a hearty laugh. It felt good to Sash. For a moment her mind was not preoccupied with what was happening in the garden.


  “Man, I can help you out with about $100,000 immediately,” Sinclair said to Brandon. “But let me make a few phone calls and I should be able to raise a bit more. How much do you need to close this business deal?”

  “Close to a million.”

  “A million, huh? Well, I never thought I’d need that much money this weekend.” Sinclair Reasoner’s handsome face lit up in amusement at his attempt at humor.

  “Neither did I,” Brandon concurred dryly. “But this deal came up unexpectedly and like I said, I can’t get access to my accounts until Monday. I don’t want the deal to fall through. It’s very important.”

  Sinclair shook his head in empathy and then quietly studied Brandon. The two men sat across from each other on stone benches in a secluded section of the fragrant flower garden. A haunting melody drifted from the hotel ballroom. Sinclair’s attention shifted to the music for a moment before he transferred it back to Brandon.

  “What’s really up, man?” he asked looking Brandon in the eye. “I sense that there’s more behind your needing this money than what you’re telling me. Are you in some kind of trouble?”

  Brandon was impressed by his intuitiveness. He liked and respected this man. In addition, he trusted him. Much of his adult life, Brandon had isolated himself from personal involvement. He had experienced too much betrayal in his life to become overly involved with others, and he didn’t trust too many people. Given the present situation that he found himself in with Sash he needed to talk to someone. If she was involved in trying to swindle money from him maybe an objective party could sort out her story and see things more clearly than he. Maybe if he shared this situation with…

  Brandon took a deep breath. “Sin,” he started, addressing his friend by his nickname, “You and Nedra have three kids and you love them. Right?”

  “We would die for them.”

  “Suppose you had to depend on a perfect stranger to save the life of one of your kids?”

  Sinclair frowned. “What do you mean? Like with an organ transplant or something?”

  “No, nothing like that.” Brandon paused, uncertain as to how he should proceed. Would what he was about to reveal sound as incredulous to Sinclair as it did to him? Yet, he was living the incredible and the burden of this child’s life possibly being in his hands spurred him on. “You see, earlier today…”


  Brandon started at the sound of Sash’s voice. He looked up to see her standing on the paved pathway leading into the garden area where he and Sinclair sat talking.

  “I’m sorry. Did I disturb you?” Her voice was steady as she glared at Brandon suspiciously.

  “No, we were just winding up.” Brandon returned her malevolent scowl. She wasn’t going to make him feel guilty.

  Brandon and Sinclair rose as Sash drew closer. Her eyes darted from one man to another. “Is everything all right?” There was subtext in her question that Bran
don caught immediately.

  “Everything is just fine,” he reassured her.

  Brandon came to her and placed a hand on the small of her back, momentarily distracting her. She inhaled and regained her focus. She had the disquieting feeling when she approached the two men that she had interrupted an important moment. She hoped it wasn’t what she feared.

  While sitting in the ballroom Sash had become increasingly apprehensive about the meeting that was taking place in the garden. The fact that Brandon had to go to someone else for the needed funds already increased the chance of revelation. She simply didn’t trust Brandon not to tell his friend about the abduction and ransom demand. With that in mind she had made her appearance in the garden. She didn’t care whether Brandon liked it or not. Sometimes she couldn’t believe her bad luck. Who on earth but her would have to depend on a multi-millionaire who couldn’t get his hands on an extra million dollars?

  Brandon started to escort Sash from the garden. Sinclair called after them, “Stop by my place at 8:00 tomorrow morning and I’ll have that information for you.” Brandon thanked him.

  As they entered the ballroom, Sash could tell that Brandon was disturbed by her sudden appearance in the garden. But if she interrupted his little tryst with Sinclair before he spilled the beans she was glad that she did it.

  They worked their way through the ballroom toward the entrance as the band started playing a popular love song that brought those seated at the tables up on their feet. Sash and Brandon found themselves swept up in the momentum and ended up on the dance floor. With an accepting shrug, Brandon turned and gathered Sash in his arms. She resisted.

  “What are you doing? We’ve got to go.”

  “And do what?” Brandon tightened his hold, drawing her close. “Nothing else can be done until tomorrow anyway. Just relax.”

  Sash looked at Brandon and rolled her eyes. That was easier said than done. She was in the bowels of hell barely holding on to her sanity and he wanted to stop for a dance. She wanted to talk to him about what he said to Reasoner. It was clear that his friend was going to loan him the money, but she had to know exactly what Brandon had told him about his need for the money.


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