Sweet Sacrifice

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Sweet Sacrifice Page 14

by Crystal V. Rhodes

  Brandon gave a wistful sigh. Looking up, he could see the formation of storm clouds over the ocean rapidly moving toward the estate. A rising wind was causing ripples in the ocean’s serenity. It occurred to him that the scene he was witnessing could be a preview of what was to come in his own life. Turning, he headed toward the house. There was just enough time to bathe, dress and meet Sash.

  Spurred by the rain shower that caught him before he could reach the main house, Brandon stepped into the nearest garden shower. He welcomed the tranquility of the shower’s interior. It was like stepping into a tropical jungle. Plants strategically placed in the structure’s enclosure, rose to the aged wood lattice ceiling that opened to the sky. Other plants hung from hooks attached to the lattice. Two of the shower’s four walls were covered with ivy. Another wall contained the shower and he couldn’t wait to savor its welcoming spray.

  Stepping into a pair of the disposable shower shoes placed in a neat row at the shower’s entrance, Brandon slipped out of his swim trunks and stood to venture farther into the structure. A startled cry halted his steps. He looked up to see Sash standing before him completely nude.

  She resembled a wood nymph standing there against the backdrop of forest greenery. Mist from the rain falling through the opened ceiling engulfed her frozen form. Her arms were crossed protectively across her breast. Her brown body was sleek, glistening with moisture. Brandon tried hard to keep his eyes focused on Sash’s face, but was unsuccessful as he stood speechless, immobile. However, the rest of his body failed to cooperate with his immobility. His member hardened immediately.

  “What are you doing here?” Sash’s voice was a high pitched shriek. Still reeling from the shock of Brandon intruding on her impromptu rain shower her chest heaved from indignation and embarrassment. It was clear that his body was ready for more than bathing and the look in his eyes warned her that he was capable of fulfilling his body’s desire.

  Brandon’s mouth was completely dry. He found it difficult to breathe. His lips moved but the words wouldn’t come. For what seemed like forever he stood mesmerized, drinking in the sight of Sash’s naked beauty. Finally he managed to croak. “Sorry.” The voice sounded nothing like his.

  The silence that followed his apology was interrupted only by the sound of the rain. Thunder rumbled in the distance, lightening illuminated the darkened sky. Rain drops danced off their naked bodies as Brandon and Sash stood nude in the forest like setting—Adam and Eve in paradise, alone in the garden, and tempted.

  Sash watched and waited. Her breathing becoming labored as the heat of desire spiraled through her. It was if she was possessed. Who was this wanton woman standing naked before this man as the rain turned to steam against her heated body? She should make a hasty retreat and run as far and as fast as her legs could take her. Yet, she stood there as still as stone, smothering under his gaze.

  The pounding of Brandon’s heart beat to the rhythm of the rain against his naked body. His brain implored his body to move but his body refused to listen. In a fog, he watched as Sash grabbed a towel from a brass hook, covered her nudity and floated silently toward him. Her eyes never left his. She passed him preparing to exit and her body heat singed him. Gingerly, he reached out and plucked the towel from her body.

  As if in a trance Sash turned to face Brandon and with that single movement a mutual decision was made. Their eyes held. He drew her to him. Flesh met flesh as his lips took possession of her mouth and Brandon staked his claim.

  Fissions of heat snaked without detour straight to Sash’s core. Brandon pressed his firm erection against her and deepened the kiss. It became wild, fiery. Sash moaned her pleasure. Tearing his lips from hers, the tip of his tongue languidly encircled her nipple. It peaked. Lavishly, he suckled. Her moans of pleasure escalated, competing with splattering raindrops.

  Brandon’s nibble fingers snaked slowly down the length of her body and gripped her hips, drawing Sash closer and closer to him. He would allow nothing between them. His lips traveled up the slim column of Sash’s throat and returned to her mouth where he inhaled her, breathed life into her, then took it back again. The sensations passing between them were invigorating, stimulating. Shaken, Brandon broke the kiss and took a ragged breath. He let his head fall limply in the cotton softness of Sash’s wet hair. He reveled in the feel of her shapely, water soaked body against his own. This woman was an enchantress weaving a spell over him. What he was feeling for Sash was far more dangerous than lust. As he struggled to breathe and to regain hold of his erratic emotions, all of the pent up desire for the woman in his arms was expressed in the exhalation of one breathless word, “Sash.”

  She felt boneless as she lay against Brandon’s broad chest listening to his rapid heartbeat. Her body trembled from his erotic assault. She sought to answer the need that she heard echoed in the whisper of her name. With confident fingers she lifted his face to hers and with lips of equal fire she laid her own claim and opened her heart to the possibilities. Maybe it could work. Maybe they could make it. Maybe they could be good together.

  Sash’s tongue glided smoothly to music composed by her body’s creation while her hand took possession of Brandon’s engorged shaft and created rhythms that made him dance to her command. It was Brandon’s turn to moan. She deepened the kiss and increased the pressure. Brandon growled and backed Sash against the garden wall. She broke the kiss in an effort to exhale, but her effort was short-lived. With shaking hands Brandon removed Sash’s deadly hand from his throbbing shaft and reigned kisses down the path of her heated body to the entrance to paradise. His hands played duets on the twin mounds of her hardened nipples while his tongue dabbled skillfully. The sound of his name, screamed in sweet completion, joined the roar of thunder rumbling across the sky. Sash’s knees buckled. Strong arms were there to catch her as Brandon swept her up into his arms and carried her to the main house.

  Once inside Brandon placed her on the bed. Abandoning her for even a second was excruciating but necessary. He locked the door and then hurried to the wicker dresser near the bed. Jerking the drawers open, Brandon tossed sheets, blankets and towels aside until he found the foil pouches that he had been seeking. Tearing one open, he covered his shaft before returning to her. Sash greeted him with eyes burning as bright as the desire in his own.

  Their eyes held as he knelt above her. She reached up and nipped his nipple, then laved it lovingly with her tongue. Brandon swayed. “I can’t take much more, Sash,” he moaned.

  She gave him a mysterious smile and proceeded to test his resolve. One renegade finger zigzagged slowly through the hair on his chest to rest once more on his hardened member. There an oval shaped fingernail drew skillful circles that brought groans of delight. Brandon shuttered and nearly lost it. Inhaling deeply, it took Herculean effort to maintain self-control. Opening glazed eyes, he brought the talented finger to his lips and placed a kiss on its tip. He planted a second kiss in the palm of Sash’s hand. Then kneeing her legs apart he placed her hot little hand on his throbbing shaft once again. Together they guided his manhood into her inner sanctum.

  Brandon felt Sash tense as he started to enter her body. “Talk to me, Sash,” his voice implored as his eyes bored into her.

  The entreaty reached Sash’s muddled brain as she tried to make sense of what he was saying. Talk? She could hardly breathe. “It’s been a while,” she managed to mumble.

  Brandon understood. “Tell me how you feel.” He moved slowly within her. “Are you all right?”

  “Good,” came her strangled reply.

  Brandon increased the tempo making it better.

  “So good.” It was a declaration shouted to the stormy sky.

  Sash arched her back and Brandon plunged deeper within her, their bodies moving in perfect union, having found their rhythm. Sash felt the fire of their union burning within her. Brandon rocked his hips and stiffened and she felt the power, his power, her power their power rising to the surface like a bubbling caldron of lava flowin
g from its volcanic source—hot, sizzling and ready to explode.


  Brandon lay in a daze in the afterglow of having made love to Sash. His limbs were quaking from the intensity of their union. Before they made love he had wondered if Sash had bewitched him. Now, he had no doubt about it.

  He was an experienced man, in control of every aspect of his life. Yet, looking down at Sash’s sienna brown beauty he wondered how she could sleep so peacefully after she had sent his world spinning off its axis. Didn’t she realize that she had stolen his heart? As he lay beside her, still hot and throbbing, he wasn’t so sure that she didn’t own his body as well.

  A restless Sash stirred and Brandon drew her closer to him. He placed a kiss on one sculptured cheekbone. She threw a leg across his body and rubbed against him. Brandon’s member rose in response. Need shot through him with the impact of a cannon. He ran a gentle finger down one soft cheek and with purpose, coaxed her awake with feathered kisses.

  Slowly, Sash opened sparkling eyes as her rich, full lips bestowed on him a heart-stopping smile. It was replaced by a satisfied groan as Brandon turned his attention to her turgid breast. Sparked by his loving, Sash’s nipples reawakened as her body welcomed him anew.

  Brandon made love to her with everything he had to give, and Sash responded to him in return. It was at that moment that he made a solemn vow. He would do everything he could to make Sash Adams his.


  The enamored lovers wanted to languish in bed forever, sharing the wonder of their newfound relationship, but there was a small child in the house who had other ideas. By the time Sash left Brandon’s bedroom, bathed away the vestiges of their lovemaking and dressed, Sweet had awakened and was looking for playmates. She and Brandon happily complied.

  The three of them roamed the island on bicycles, stopping occasionally to explore uncharted territory. Later, at dinner Sweet chattered incessantly recounting the day’s adventures, while the adults listened attentively with what appeared to be permanent smiles etched on their faces. They had experienced quite an adventurous day themselves, one that neither one of them could forget.

  As the shadows of the day’s end settled on the island, Brandon and Sweet ended it by playing a spirited game of checkers. The game was interrupted by a telephone call to Brandon. It was from John Nathan.

  While Brandon was talking to John, Sash put an end to the checker game and coaxed a resistant Sweet to the guesthouse to ready him for bed. After completing his telephone call Brandon joined her and tucked Sweet in for the night. As he read him a bedtime story, enhanced with action, Sash studied Brandon. He was exuberant, animated. There seemed to be a quiet excitement radiating from him that she hadn’t noticed before. Was it a result of what was developing between them? She wasn’t certain how he defined the feelings he was experiencing, but she was certain of what she felt. It was love, and it had hit her hard and fast.

  Who would have thought that she could ever have fallen for this man, with all of his complexities? But she had. She could feel his essence down to her toes. Making love with him had been the most sensuous experience that she had ever had. She had never been so wanton. She had given herself to Brandon completely, more than she had to anyone before. It had shaken her. It also frightened her. This feeling for Brandon was deep. It had sneaked up on her quickly, unexpectedly and it made her feel vulnerable. Earlier that morning she had awakened as a solo act. Was she now one half of a pair? That’s how she felt, not half of a person, but part of a whole. It was a strange feeling, but she knew that what happened between the two of them had been more than a brief interlude.

  After they left Sweet’s room Brandon took her in his arms and placed a kiss on her lips. “Come on. Let’s go talk.”

  They strolled back to the main house hand in hand and sat cuddled together on the sofa in his spectacular living room. Brandon wasted no time getting to what he wanted to discuss.

  “I’m not a man who expresses his feelings easily, Sash, I think you know that by now. But I want to let you know that what I feel for you runs deep.” His voice was husky. His look was intent. “I don’t do casual sex, and I can tell you that making love with you earlier meant a lot to me and I hope that it meant the same to you, too.”

  Sash looked into Brandon’s eyes and saw the truth in his words. What he was saying and doing was significant for him. He was opening himself up to her and she could do no less. “It does, Brandon. Believe me it does. I care about you very much, but…”

  Brandon stiffened, “But what?”

  Reluctantly, Sash peeled herself from Brandon’s arms to face him. She wanted no misunderstanding about what she was about to say.

  “But you must understand that whatever decisions that I make in my life I always have to think about what’s best for Sweet.”

  Brandon gave an audible sigh of relief. The turn in the conversation was perfect. “I have no doubt about that, Sash. I’ve been a living witness to how much you love your brother and I’ve make no secret that I’m crazy about him, too. I’ve come to love him as much as I’ve come to—” Brandon caught himself, surprised at what he was about to say. He cleared his throat. “Believe me, when it comes to Sweet and his welfare you’ll never have to worry as far as I’m concerned. As a matter of fact, it’s Sweet I need to talk to you about.”

  “Oh? What about him?”

  A kaleidoscope of emotions danced across Brandon’s face. He sat back and took a deep breath before speaking. “Well, I think that if you and I got together it would be very good for him.”

  Surprised, Sash cocked her head and looked at Brandon. “Oh, really?”

  “Yes, really.” Brandon’s eyes glowed with excitement. “Let me show you something.” He withdrew a leather wallet from the pocket of his khaki shorts and removed a small photograph. He handed it to Sash.

  At first glance it appeared to be a photograph of Sweet grinning at the camera. There was no threat to the life of this child. His eyes were sparkling with mischief. His face was alive with hope. Sash examined the photo closer. The child did look a lot like her brother, but the boy in the photo wasn’t Sweet. An unsettling feeling formed in the pit of Sash’s stomach. Her eyes slowly rose to meet Brandon’s eyes.

  “Who is this?”

  “My brother, Brice.” Brandon paused and looked at Sash steadily. “My father’s nickname for him was Buddy.”

  Sash’s stomach dropped. She closed her eyes to regroup.

  “Are you all right?” Brandon sounded anxious.

  Opening her eyes, Sash nodded. The final pieces of the puzzle were beginning to fit. “Go on.” Her voice was hollow.

  “The kidnappers knew so much, about Brice, his nickname, even about the butterfly tattoo.”

  “Butterfly? I remember that. But what’s this about a tattoo?”

  “Our birthmarks. Brice and I both were born with birthmarks on our shoulders. His was shaped like a butterfly and Dad used to call it his butterfly tattoo.” Brandon swallowed the emotions that renewed themselves at the memory.

  “So you recognized those things from what I told you and from my notebook. That’s why you changed your mind about helping me.” Her mind raced. “You asked me about his adoption. Do you think that Sweet is related to you?”

  “I think he’s my nephew.”

  “How can that be? Sweet’s biological father’s last name was…”


  “Yes. I told you that before.”

  “I remember, but you can see the resemblance. As soon as I saw the picture you gave me, I thought about this one.” He took the photograph from Sash’s hand and studied it. “It was like looking at Brice all over again. He and I were five years old when we took these school pictures. Our mother left with him the next day.” There was a catch in Brandon’s voice.

  Carefully, he tucked the picture back in his wallet. The action gave him time to regain a semblance of control. Running his hand over his face, he tried to wipe away the painful me
mories; but he had tried most of his life and failed. “When she left Dad and took one of his sons it nearly killed my father. I don’t think that he ever really recovered from her deception. He spent most of his life and most of his money looking for her and Brice. I believe that if Dad had found her he would have begged her to come back to him. He loved her that much. He never said one negative word to me about her, even though she left him for another man. Later we discovered that’s why he couldn’t find her. She had changed her last name and Brice’s to her lover’s last name. She started calling Brice by his middle name.” Brandon paused, his eyes boring into Sash’s eyes.

  “Her lover’s last name was Raymond. My brother’s name was changed from Brice Leon Plaine to Leon Raymond.”

  “My stepsister’s husband.” The air sucked from Sash’s lungs. The full scope of the unfolding scenario sent a chill through her body. “Did you know for certain that Sweet might be your nephew when I told you about Shirley?”

  “I knew that the name fit, but I still wasn’t certain. As far as I knew Brice and Shirley didn’t have any children.” Brandon took Sash’s hand in his. It was cold. “Actually, I knew very little about my brother. You see he was out of my life for thirteen years. Then one day he popped up at my father’s office and announced that our mother was dead. He told us that after our mother died his stepfather, who he thought was his biological father, told him about Dad and me. It seems that our mother and her lover hadn’t done as well as they thought they would together. This Raymond character sought comfort in a bottle and our mother kept him company. They both were drunks.”

  Brandon dropped Sash’s hands, stood and jammed his hands in his pocket. He wandered the room as he spoke. The anger and bitterness was as fresh as if it were yesterday.

  “I like to think that she took to the bottle because of a guilty conscience. I often wonder if she knew what she’d done to me and Dad. Or did she even care.” He stopped pacing momentarily to stare into the past before shaking himself back to the present.


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