DEAD Series [Books 1-12]

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DEAD Series [Books 1-12] Page 196

by Brown, TW

  Eventually, the foursome were on the road headed west once more. A couple of miles later they passed another site of a large fire. However, this had been some sort of plant or processing station. There were no readable signs, but there were structures that at least hinted that something used to be made or stored here.

  This gave them an even greater idea of the oddity that they had witnessed at the cemetery. While the damage was complete and extensive, it was different. This fire had been a result of an accident of some sort. What they had witnessed back up the highway was something very deliberate.

  Nobody spoke all the rest of that day. Like Kevin, each was deep in thought. Only, not everybody was on the same wavelength. Kevin was once again torturing himself with thoughts of how he could have cared for his mother and sister. Heather was fuming over how easy they had simply walked away from those poor children. Aleah was wondering if her body might be trying to send her a signal; her last period had been several weeks ago. Catie was wondering if she might be just a little bit paranoid; she was almost positive that they were being followed. She could only hope that she was either wrong, or a few of those children had undergone a change of heart.

  As they made camp for the day, the introverted moods seemed to change to something a bit more sour. They had spotted an airport just off the highway and managed to gain entrance to one of the private jets that sat useless on the runway. By the time they had eaten a meal consisting of something that Catie had found while off hunting (but had skinned and gutted it before returning, so only she knew that it was possum), the glares and icy silence was becoming more than Kevin could bear. He knew from experience how fast things could go wrong when there was a problem with the group dynamic.

  “Okay, Heather,” he broke the uncomfortable silence as everybody sat in a chair by themselves not talking, “let’s hear it.”

  He had expected her to just sit there and continue glaring. Apparently she had been waiting for somebody to knock a small hole in her mental dam so that the flood waters could come with all their fury.

  “How can you just leave those children like that?” She stood up, fists clenched at her sides. “You know as well as anybody what is out there…what could be targeting them. I am pretty sure that Mr. Abernathy is not the only sick freak to survive this horror! If you came across somebody like how I was when you found me…would you just walk away?”

  “Completely different,” Kevin said. He held up his hand to stall her protest when she immediately opened her mouth. “You came of your own free will. Those children stayed of theirs. What did you expect me to do? Do you think I could just round them all up and drag them along? Those children have survived on their own this long. I am as perplexed in regards to how as you might be, but they are alive, they did not seem to be starving, and from what I saw, they were fairly well armed and not afraid to face any threat that comes their way.”

  “But they are only children…that oldest boy couldn’t be any older than thirteen or fourteen,” Heather insisted.

  “Yes, and I also think that something is going on with them…something more than meets the eye. Don’t you find it just a bit strange that there are so many? That they are staking claim in a freaking graveyard? I have no idea what they went through, but I imagine that whatever it was, it was nasty. However, they seem to have overcome it and are now very content to fend for themselves. They did not want or need our help. And in case you forgot, I was the one that was basically held hostage with a few dozen arrows poised to make me into a pin cushion.”

  “But that is twice,” Heather said as tears began to pour down her face. “Two times we have seen people that we could help and both times you just decided that we should walk away.”

  Kevin was silent for a moment. He wanted to blow up. He wanted to yell and scream at this girl. Didn’t she think that he knew what they had done…what he had done? However, the truth was that there was nothing in either of those cases that they could have done. The one group was hopelessly surrounded and as for those children, they would have reacted badly if he had tried to force them to do anything.

  Once he felt he could speak without being too much of an ass, Kevin said, “We can’t save everybody, Heather. The best thing that we can do is get to South Dakota and get our place set up. We will make it so that, when people do come, we will be able to take them in and make them part of things. But the harsh reality is that we are very limited with what we can do. I am working on one leg.

  “We have very limited ammunition for the only gun that we do still have bullets for. And I might add that the gun in question is Catie’s. As for food, we have used almost all of our supplies and have to forage or hunt if we want to eat. Things are just too rough right now. Brining in others would do nothing but add to our troubles.” Kevin glanced over at Aleah and Catie who both seemed to be nodding their heads at least a little.

  “So we are just out for ourselves now?” Heather asked. It wasn’t asked in anger, merely as a very direct question.

  “Absolutely not,” Kevin said. “But the reality is that we will have to make sure that we have ourselves taken care of first. Before we can help others, we must be able to tend to our own needs.”

  Heather looked at the others. The nods were slight, but she saw them. That didn’t mean she had to like it. It had never been a thought that they would reach a point where they would not be able to help others.

  “We have come across some people that have been on the verge of starvation since this all of this began,” Kevin spoke, holding his plate out for her to see. “Tonight’s dinner was some form of mystery meat that Catie was kind enough, not to mention skilled enough, to bring us for dinner. Were it not for that, we would have been scraping the bottom of our stores barrel and still going to bed very hungry. It is going to get worse before it gets better.”

  Heather still didn’t look convinced. Kevin had another thing to add, but he didn’t think that it would do any better than anything else he had said up to this point.

  “The larger our group is…the slower we move. If we don’t get to our destination before spring is in full swing, it may be for nothing because we might all end up starving to death.”

  Kevin could tell that Heather didn’t like his explanation. However, she seemed content to remain quiet about the subject. Everybody finished their meager meal and then then went to sleep. Since they were up in an airplane and Kevin had pulled the detachable ladder inside with them, there was no need for a watch to be posted.

  In the middle of the night, Kevin woke with a start. He had been having a nightmare about his sister. She was being torn apart by zombies and asking him why he didn’t love her any more. The nightmare was even more upsetting due to the fact that the zombies were all people that he knew: Shari, Mike, Cary, Dr. Peter King, Willa, and his mom.

  He jolted awake and felt Aleah’s body stir beside him. It was almost pitch black inside the plane when they had gone to bed and he had eventually fallen asleep. That is why he was puzzled by the way the entire inside of the plane seemed to be bathed in a soft blue-white light. But it wasn’t a light as much as it was a glow. Looking around, it only took him a few seconds to discover the source.

  The door to the plane was wide open.

  Scrambling out of the sleeping bag, Kevin already knew what he would find before it was officially confirmed. Aleah was right where she had been. When he moved a little towards the back of the plane, he could make out Catie’s small form tucked and curled in between the two rows of seats that were actually in the cabin.

  All of Heather’s stuff was gone. There was no sleeping bag, no pack, and more importantly, no Heather. Hurrying to the open door, Kevin scanned the tarmac in hopes that it had been her departure that woke him. He was praying that he would spy her moving across the open ground in the silvery moonlight. No such luck.

  He had no idea how long she had been gone, but he was pretty sure that he knew where she was headed. A voice in his head that he had not heard in quite a
while was the first to chime in.

  Just let her go. You can’t save everybody. You said it yourself, the voice of the ‘old’ Kevin urged.

  He had thought that he’d put that voice to rest once and for all. Oh well…

  He limped over to his sleeping bag and knelt beside Aleah. He brushed her cheek with his hand. If he were not lacking his foot, he would have considered just leaving a note and going after the girl on his own. Not for the first, and not for the last time, he cursed his limitations.


  Nasty Surprises

  “Make sure that you have all of your protective gear,” Jon said as we started loading our field packs into the back of the truck.

  I had already double-checked everything, so I just tossed my pack in and climbed in behind it. This was an important run. Jake said that this was probably the last time that we could count on having a vehicle. They had managed somehow to scavenge enough diesel fuel to fill the tank and a half dozen five-gallon spares. But I guess gas goes bad over time and we were at the end of that rope. I never really thought about things like that before.

  Billy,” Jon called, motioning me over. I had actually been waiting for this.

  “Yeah?” I almost thought that I had managed to dodge this bullet. Here we were, loading the truck and getting ready to leave in a few minutes…and now he was finally getting to what I had to assume would be an ass chewing.

  “I don’t know what has been going on while I was gone, and I have no idea what is going on between you and that girl, but if she screws up, this will be on you. I hope that you are ready for that sort of consequence.”

  “Consequence?” I was not all that sure what he was getting at. And as for what was going on between me and Shelly…well that was easy. Nothing. She was like thirty years old!

  “If she turns on our group or kills somebody while we are out in the field, this will be all on your shoulders. You want to be a man, be ready for the repercussions when you make a bad decision?” Jon said in a voice that made me suddenly feel like I had done something terribly wrong.

  “Why would she turn on us?” I seriously have no idea where that question came from or how it got out of my mouth before I could bite my tongue. “She has been one of the few people who has been helping while you were gone…gone on a trip that you told nobody about, I might add.” Shut up, Billy!

  “So who should I report to?” Jon asked. “I have been telling Dr. Zahn for a few weeks that we had to make the most of things now if this group is going to try and take that place in La Grande. She insists on waiting for one person to have a baby. You think everybody here is worth that risk?”

  “Why are we so dead set on leaving what we have here?” I asked. Seriously, I had no idea where this extra backbone was coming from. A month ago I would not dare speak to Jon like this, and now I was actually questioning him.

  “We have several groups ready to join us. We can actually take a city!” Jon got right in my face. “Do you want to keep simply trying to survive…or are you ready to live?”

  “Why do we have to take anything?”

  Seriously, hadn’t we seen enough death and fighting? A giant reset button had been pressed, but as long as we continued on the same path, we were wasting our chance. I’m not some sort of idealist. I’m eighteen for crying out loud. However, I was tired of the loss, the death, and all this power struggle crap.

  “You’ve been out there, Billy, you’ve seen what is going on. There is no order, and if we want safety and the ability to live in peace with some sense of normalcy, then we are going to have to carve it out for ourselves. Funny thing is, your little girlfriend already knows this—”

  “She’s not my girlfriend,” I snapped, cutting Jon off for what I am pretty sure is the first time ever. “But she is a person and just wants the chance to live, as you put it, without dirty looks and people blaming her for everything.”

  Jon wasn’t the only person who kept a cold shoulder towards Shelly. From the way Melissa acted, you would think that Shelly had been the person to actually kill Steve. I didn’t get it. Sure, she had been part of that group, but did anybody know who did what exactly? She was paying for everything that happened that day.

  “How long you two been hooking up?” Jon asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Hooking up!” I sputtered. “I’m not hooking up with anybody. I just think that we should treat people based on who they are now…not something from the past.”

  “The past!” Jon exploded. “It wasn’t years ago that she was part of a group of raiders that hit our home and caused the deaths of several people.”

  “And she told us her side of it…and since she came back after being let go,” I made sure to emphasize that bit, “she has helped in every aspect of life here including security, including keeping everybody safe.”

  “All I’m saying is that if something goes wrong out there where there is even less margin for error as there is here at the cabin, she could cause a lot of damage. If that happens, it is on your head.”

  Jon walked away signaling an end to our little conversation. I had not said a word about the reason why Shelly wanted to come…how she was hoping to not return with us. How she hoping to find a group of others who are immune just like her and stay with them. Of course I also had kept the fact that she was immune to the bite a secret as well. I figured it was her business. The fact that she had shared it with me was one thing, but she was now the second person that I knew who was keeping that same secret.

  And since Jon had not bothered to share the fact that Jake was immune with anybody—especially Dr. Zahn—I felt obliged to keep Shelly’s secret. I wasn’t sure why, but I had a feeling that this was some good old fashioned pre-apocalypse paranoia.

  Eventually everybody was loaded up that would be making this trip. It would consist of Jon and Jake, obviously. In addition to me, there was Shelly, and Jamal Lockett. The others were all from some of the new arrivals and were the first to step forward when Jon said he had an important but dangerous mission that he needed volunteers for; Jerri Pierce—Jerri was easily in her thirties and complained at least twenty times a day about not being able to smoke anymore; Erik Herd—he was what we used to refer to as a “nerd” or a “geek” back in the high school days that seem a lifetime ago. And Carol Wills—easily the last person that you would expect to step forward.

  Here is the thing about Ms. Wills. She has to be at least sixty. She apparently decided to take a do-over in life. I’ve heard bits and pieces of her story, which she loves to tell to whoever is sitting beside her at dinner. Her husband apparently was some sort of adventure junkie who decided to sail around the world about ten years ago; I guess he didn’t make it. Anyways, she had all this gear and was about to have a huge garage sale when she found an envelope with what was supposed to be her anniversary present that year: skydiving lessons. It seems that her husband had tried to get her to partake in his adventures every year to no avail.

  Did I fail to mention the fact that they were wealthy and owned a really successful local restaurant chain? I knew of the place enough to know that my family could have never afforded to actually eat there.

  Anyways, she decided to honor her husband by using the certificate. She got hooked and became an adrenaline junkie. Pretty soon she was learning martial arts stuff and I guess even sponsored some cage fighter with the stipulation that he train her!

  Now, I have never seen her in action, but her group that she arrived with vouches for the fact that she is a certified bad ass. I guess I will find out for myself soon enough.

  And that is the group that rolled out in the truck. I stared out the back as we left and waved at Thalia as she jogged along behind us until we reached the end of the parking lot.

  Seeing the group all standing out front of the cabin as we rounded the corner, I wondered if Jon realized that we were not just surviving here. We were living. We were building a community. Sure we’d suffered a setback, but we also rebounded. And pretty soon, we
would be welcoming a new life to the group. What about that does not constitute living?


  Looking down into the small town that nobody knew the name of, the train sat there beckoning. Of course, there were several hundred zombies down there as well.

  “We pull this off and we can basically march into La Grande. Everybody there will fall in with us. Maybe out of fear at first, but eventually they will come to see that it was the right choice,” Jon announced to the group.

  “But what is keeping the undead down there?” Jamal asked the question we were all thinking.

  Zombies have no real focus. Except for those creepy child-zombies, they seemed to act on the last thing to get their attention. This was simply not typical zombie behavior. A terrible thought came to me. What if they were somehow learning or changing? Nothing good could come from something like that.

  “We just don’t know,” Jon answered. “In fact, when we found this little gold mine, I had Jake go down to the far side of town where the remains of a makeshift barricade sits across the only road on that end. The hope was to lure them that way while I went in to take a look.

  “They reacted typically at first. Jake pounded on a big piece of sheet metal and they started to wander off to investigate. I moved in and had just opened the rear car when Jake started banging out S-O-S. I jumped out of the car and was ready to rush to his aid when I came face-to-face with a walker. The entire herd was coming back!”

  I had to admit, that was some freaky behavior for a zombie. The one thing that we had always been able to rely on was the fact that they were predictable. They reacted to the newest stimuli which was something that we were always able to use to our advantage.

  “How come you didn’t say anything about the tanks?” Jerri asked as she studied the train with her binoculars. “Those would be awesome!”


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