Awakening - The Morrigan Chronicles

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Awakening - The Morrigan Chronicles Page 4

by N. A. Montgomery

  He looked back over his shoulder at me. “I understand.”

  “Good,” I said. “Your power comes from here.” I used my hands on his hips to swivel them slightly until he mimicked the movement on his own. “Your hips and core will help you to move quicker, block impossibly hard hits, and attack with accuracy and strength.”

  I released my hands and walked in front of him. We began slowly, with me showing where I would punch or kick him and then showing him the appropriate block. I was impressed at how quickly he learned. His movements were becoming more and more fluid.

  Several hours passed and I felt my hunger growing. “Let’s take a break and get some lunch.”

  Neil rubbed the front of his left shoulder and nodded. “Good, I could use a break.”

  Before he could finish speaking I moved his hand away from his shoulder and felt it. Thick solid muscle enlarged from use. I used my thumb to press into the spot where the front shoulder muscle attached to the bone and he winced slightly. “It’s inflamed a little. Ice it while we eat and make sure to tonight as well.”

  I still had my hands on his shoulder and that awkward moment of realizing I was close to him hit me. The warmness of his eyes held me there longer than I meant to stay. Pulling away, I turned to leave, breaking the moment.

  “How’s it going?” Emrys said, strolling towards me. I could see by the smirk on his face he had witnessed what had just happened and the warmth from my cheeks betrayed every word out of my mouth.

  “We’re just getting started, you needn’t worry,” I snipped.

  I walked past him and never looked back.

  I ate quickly and mostly listened to others talk but didn’t add much to the conversation. The dining hall was full and today the energy buzzed with excitement. Tuatha, Druids and Knight descendants were intermixed in their seating. Laughter and camaraderie filled the room. Neil sat next to me and mostly spoke to Treasach. They laughed a few times at my expense, comparing the horrible training experiences I’d subjected them to.

  I raised my eyebrow as Treasach rose, he kissed the top of my head then winked at Neil. “Listen to her and you’ll have nothing to worry about. She trained me. She’s the best.” Then he headed off.

  “The King’s children love you,” Neil said as a statement, not a question.

  “And I love them with all of my heart,” I replied. “Time to practice attacking, so finish up.”

  We went back to the stables and practiced until evening, followed by dinner with everyone else. We stuck to this schedule for two months. Run in the morning. Defensive training before lunch, attack training after and then dinner. My evenings were spent with Emrys and the King debriefing them on how the day went.

  Chapter 7

  The past two months had been grueling. Physically Neil did great, but I could tell the monotony and constant training was mentally draining him.

  We chatted with the King’s children throughout breakfast. Neil sat on one side of me and Emrys on the other while the children sat opposite of us. Emrys always liked to stir up whatever he could to cause someone embarrassment. Today he was directing his mischief towards Alastar, the strongest of the three and ornery in his own right. I loved when Emrys picked on him because it would end with Alastar chasing him and Emrys barely escaping. Tears streamed down my face as I laughed when Emrys tripped over Aine’s foot that had suddenly shot out and Alastar began giving him a noogie.

  I slapped my hand on Neil’s back. “Come on, let’s head to the stables. I have a surprise for you today.”

  Neil had been the perfect student the past couple of months. He was true to his word. He’d listened, practiced, and given his full effort every single day. I respected that in him.

  The jovial mood from breakfast still held in my heart and I cupped my hands over his eyes as we walked into the arena. I kept stumbling on his heels, walking so close behind with my arms around his head, giggling at my own clumsiness.

  I could feel his cheeks rise in a smile as he spoke. “I sure hope you got me new boots, because you’ve probably ruined mine stepping on my feet this much.”

  “Even better, I promise,” I whispered into his ear.

  “Keep your eyes closed,” I said, almost singing, releasing my hands. I grabbed his hands and placed my gift into them. He held the gift and I knew he recognized what it was but he held on to my hand. Softly stroking the back of it.

  My heart raced at his touch. It annoyed me a couple of months ago that he had this effect on me but now I smiled at giving in to it. I stared at him. His eyes remained closed. His hand was wrapped around mine. My breath was tight in my chest. My anticipation of giving Neil the gift mixed with his touch made my emotions swirl.

  Gathering every ounce of composure I had while suppressing the rush of hormones, I took his hand that held mind and wrapped it around his gift. “Okay… open.”

  His caramel eyes held mine. His hands held the sword that was his gift. He didn’t look away from me.

  Though I liked the intensity of his look, worry grew in the pit of my stomach that maybe he didn’t like the sword or care about it. “I personally forged that sword. I made it for you.”

  Still looking deep into my eyes he didn’t hesitate. “Absolutely beautiful. What’s not to love?”

  I had to lighten the mood, and do it quickly. The intensity of what I felt, what I knew he felt, needed to be put aside… for now at least. “You haven’t even looked at it,” I chided.

  His warm genuine smile shattered any doubt I had as he finally shifted his gaze from me to the sword. “The sword is beautiful, too. And I love it.” He paused to look up and gauge my reaction.

  I put on my most playful face but said nothing.

  He continued, “I love it even more because you made it. Made it for me.”

  He paused and I was speechless.

  “So… does this mean you’ll finally start teaching me how to use it?” My smile widened at his question. As eager as I was to teach him I was pleased to see how excited he was to learn.

  “Yes, I think you’re ready to begin using the sword.” I took a step closer. “But before we begin, I think we need a little change in our schedule. Just for today at least.”

  “Please tell me we can skip the running. It’s the middle of February and not exactly ideal.”

  “Well…” I pretend to ponder his request. “Just for today we’ll forgo the running. How do you feel about horseback riding?”

  He laughed. “Once again you have me at a disadvantage. I haven’t been on a horse since I was a kid.”

  I slinked a step and then another step closer. My voice was huskier than I meant. “I suppose I am used to having you at a disadvantage.”

  He winked at me playfully. “I have no complaints.”

  I grabbed his sword and slid it into his sheath. “We’re taking swords. Little bit of fun, little bit of work.”

  Neil helped me saddle two horses. I took the big black gelding that I’d been riding the past month and had taken to calling Halo. Neil took a sorrel gelding named Buck that was actually the gentlest of the small herd.

  We rode in silence through the snow for several miles. Flakes fell lightly from the sky and the thick forest of trees opened up to a field.

  He looked comfortable in the saddle. Even confident. “I see why you enjoy riding so much.”

  “Something about being in nature is calming. Riding through the countryside. I suppose it reminds me of home.” I was surprised at how at ease I was with him.

  Nestled up against the edge of the next stretch of forest was an abandoned barn and cabin I had found on one of my rides.

  “There’s a wood burning stove in the cabin. I’ll start a fire and once we’re warm we can begin training in the barn. It’s completely empty.”

  I dismounted from Halo and took the reins from Neil as he dismounted. “I’m from South Dakota. If there’s anything I know it’s how to start a fire. Why don’t you let me do that and I’ll let you do whatever it is
that you do with horses.”

  “Fair enough.” I walked the horses over to the old trough where a hand pump to a deep well still worked. Once the horses had their fill of rwater I took them to the small corral attached to the barn.

  I walked into the cabin and instantly warmed. Neil sat in front of the now piping hot stove.

  “I found a blanket. Come sit down and get warm.” He had removed his coat and only wore his leathers. His chest and arms rippled with muscles that I was constantly aware of. I’d already conceded to giving in to what I felt. So I knelt down.

  He reached up and removed my coat. He brought his face to mine. I felt the heat radiate from his skin. His eyes went from mine to my mouth. My breath hitched and at that moment he kissed me. My hands slid his leathers off as he removed mine. Not a spot on either one of our bodies went unexplored. There was a ravenous hunger that had been building for months.

  Time was suspended and when we finally lay still Neil rolled me to my back, stroking the hair away from my face. “I love you, Morrigan. I’ve loved you from the moment I saw you. I was drawn to you the instant I saw the Earth open up and you walked out. As long as I live I am yours. My heart is yours.”

  I’ve been in love before. A very, very long time ago. My body was starved for attention and Neil fulfilled my desires. My heart had been closed off for so long. Until this instant I hadn’t realized how much so.

  “I love you too, Neil.” And I kissed him once again.

  Chapter 8

  We didn’t get to begin our sword training but neither of us had any regrets. We spent the rest of the day and night in the cabin and I was glad I brought more food than we actually needed. It was long overdue for both of us. Emrys was going to be disappointed and King Conall would be livid. Fuck it, I deserved to be happy, even if it was just for a little while. Neil is human and will age while I will not. But hell, we could all be dead in a year’s time. I thought I had a happily ever after before and it turned out I was wrong. I will take the little pieces of happiness that I can get when they come along. That’s what I’ve learned after living this long.

  The next day, as promised, we began with a run. The energy between us was magnetic and we laughed and talked the entire ten miles. Just like when we began hand-to-hand training, I started with simple defensive blocks with the long sword. Neil was a very quick study and so we began sword strategy and attacks.

  We fell into a perfect rhythm. I would slash and he would block, followed by him striking at me while I deflected. His footwork was impeccable. He held the sword I forged for him with strength and grace. Not stiff and rigid like most men did when starting out.

  “Very impressive.” I still made sure to build his confidence. This man was a king and was beginning to believe it. I now needed him to be absolute in knowing that he could defeat a God.

  “Well I’ve been fortunate enough to have a very good teacher.” He winked and even though I saw it coming I let him sweep my legs, landing me on my back. He grinned triumphantly.

  We began most days like this one. A long run followed with training in the stable in the morning. After lunch we began training with the others where he quickly earned their respect and adoration. I spent a few hours with Emrys and King Conall discussing the day then a bit of time with the King’s children, catching up. When I returned to my room Neil would be there and we would make love and watch television. I had loads to catch up on and he enjoyed showing his world to me.

  The days turned into weeks and weeks into months. Winter had turned into spring and with it the hope that only new life brings. A day came when I woke early, before Neil. Our legs were intertwined and his arm was over me. The cool breeze coming through the window and the sweet smell of morning dew and flowers pulled me out of bed. I got dressed and headed out for a walk by myself.

  I realized this was the first time I’d been alone in quite some time. I was either with friends or Neil at all times. I was blissfully happy, but the realization I’d allowed myself to get wrapped up and lost in someone did annoy me. Though I loved to be with others I cherished my time alone and I had forgotten that.

  The sun was beginning to crest the hill when from behind a tree stepped Emrys.

  “Looking lovely as ever this morning.” He nodded at me.

  “Did you wake me and lure me here?” I eyed him suspiciously.

  “Can’t I just have accidentally run into you on such a glorious day?” He evaded my eyes.

  I knew at that moment he had. “Jerk.” Though I couldn’t help but laugh.

  He grabbed my hand and we continued on our morning stroll.

  “So is this an intervention? Are you worried about me?” I braced myself for his response. I loved Emrys and knew he always had my best interest at heart, which is why I hated when he told me something I didn’t want to hear.

  His hearty laugh caused his massive chest to bounce up and down. “No, no, no, nothing like that, love. I just wanted some time with you.”

  I knew Emrys better than that, and I knew he had an agenda.

  “How much about you have you shared with him?”

  And there it was. Didn’t have to wait long. Had anyone else approached me I would have struck them down, but my dearest friend I managed to answer without trying to take his head. “We have enough to do and talk about other than my past, Druid history or anything about the Tuatha. I tell you the truth. Now report it back to King Conall and let’s be done with this nonsense.”

  “Of course, Morrigan. I meant no offense.” He smiled, melting me.

  I leaned my head against him, soaking his essence up as much as possible. The grass had greened and the fruit trees were all in bloom. Birds sang in a symphony that energized the soul.

  “I’ve not spoken to the King yet, but I will when we meet this evening. I wanted to talk with you first so that you can ponder this and possibly add some insight.” I tuned out the song of the birds and perked up, completely focused.

  He continued, “I’ve traveled each night through the Great Oak to most of the large cities around the world. I spent most of my time before you arrived searching for how to awaken the Tuatha and didn’t pay much attention to anything else.”

  He paused and my mind reeled at where this was going. “I’ve made a couple of observations. How is it that there has been no Tuatha for over a thousand years and yet I’ve not found many demons? Make no mistake, I’ve found plenty but not nearly as many as one would think. What I have found is a shit ton of vampires and werewolves.”

  The lack of demons was disturbing. It made no sense and I felt we were lacking a lot of information. I’d been so engrossed in training Neil, and let’s face it, my love life, that I’d let the big picture slip away. While that nagged at me, I was surprised most about the vampires and werewolves. I’d been watching the movies pop culture was so enamored with and was surprised to find they were real, though I kept my face blank and said nothing.

  Emrys, seeing I was not responding elaborated. “Vampires and werewolves have been engineered, Morrigan. They are a cross of several kinds of demons and somehow, someone, or something, has managed to fuse them with humans. Best I can figure it began about five hundred years after we went to sleep.”

  I finally interjected, “Wouldn’t, statistically speaking, this have spread to all the humans in this amount of time?”

  He nodded and I could tell he had already considered this. “I thought the same thing. I’ve caught and questioned a few in the last couple of months.”

  “So that’s what you do all day,” I interrupted.

  He laughed but otherwise ignored that. “They’re highly organized and are not capable of creating new vampires or werewolves on their own. They answer to a king. None I have met know who the king is. They are pretty compartmentalized.”

  The thought of battling creatures I’d never met filled me with adrenaline. “I think we need to start doing a little recon, then.”

  Chapter 9

  I went back to the room and Nei
l was sitting up in bed.

  “Come here.” He extended his hands towards me.

  I fastened my long sword down the center of my back with my two medium swords crossing over it. I preferred the medium ones and with two swords, there was nothing that was a match for me.

  I leaned down and kissed Neil, but pulled away. “I’m sorry my love, I can’t. Change of plans for today. You’ll be training with Brian and the group of Knights he’s been working with. It’s time you begin to learn to fight as a team. To lead them.”

  I tried to make it sound like it was my plan all along but wasn’t sure he bought it. It was a good reason as any, though, and it would be useful for him to begin training with others and not just me.

  “What are you going to be doing? I’ve never seen you use those smaller swords. Why do you have them on?” He was up and getting dressed, the muscles of his body slightly distracting my thoughts.

  “I’ve got some recon to do. I’m not sure when I’ll be back. Probably gone a few days. A week at most.” I continued placing various knives into my boots.

  “Morrigan.” He turned me so I faced him. “You’re arming yourself like you’re going into World War III. What’s going on? And don’t say recon. Something’s up.”

  I was going to speak with King Conall and gather a few of my fellow Teulu. Once I had the king’s approval, Emrys could take us to these creatures and we could find out what was going on. I loved Neil and I trusted him. But I needed him to focus on his task, which was to learn as much as he could. Not worrying about me.

  “Neil, it’s all precautionary. I’m more than capable of handling a situation if it should arise. I’ll tell you everything when I get back. I love you.” And with that I kissed him and walked out, heading to the King’s quarters.


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