Dark Side

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by Zenina Masters

  Half-fey and half not have been her legacy, but being pulled in as a court musician leads her down paths of nightmares and Crossroads.

  Elly’s exposure as a half-fey was a shock to all around her. Her attempts to hide her ears and the change in her reality were foiled by class bullies. The next thing she knew she was being whisked away to a private school that catered exclusively to the half-breeds left behind by fey who travelled in the human world. On her first day at the school, she learns what she is and what kind of magic runs in her family. It will take a while before she actually meets her family.

  Years later, she has completed her training, and she has not only learned what she is capable of, but she has learned what she can withstand and her personal strengths. She will need them all as she goes from being a master musician to the court’s main entertainment. After five more years, she is sent out on loan to the Crossroads, but leaving the court is dangerous. Five years’ worth of cursed nightmares are following Elly, and she will be lucky to make it out alive.

  Eric is in charge of the nightmares and their discharge of their duties. A clerical anomaly points him in the direction of the Crossroads, and it is a point of honour that he will keep Elenora alive. He will hold her hand through the terror and help her to the other side. Perhaps then, they can grab a burger.

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  Dark Side

  Copyright © 2018 Zenina Masters

  ISBN: 978-1-4874-1856-4

  Cover art by Angela Waters

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  Dark Side

  Shifting Crossroads Book 46


  Zenina Masters

  Chapter One

  Elenora sat in the office and waited for an eternity. Her knit hat was pulled tight around her head and nearly down to her chin.

  Mrs. Kleg, the receptionist, appeared in front of her and knelt with a cup of hot chocolate in one hand. “Here you go, Elly. I am sure everything will be fine.”

  Elly looked at her with defeat in every bone of her body. “I really don’t think it will, Mrs. Kleg.”

  The older woman was one of the best parts of being at the St. Agnes School for Girls. While the principal was stalwart, it was Mrs. Kleg that had the gentle hand and treats that made a miserable day tolerable.

  Elly had waited in the office for three hours already. The girl who had assaulted her had been given her punishment in the form of essays on community and respect for others.

  Just as she was nearing the bottom of the hot chocolate, Principal Eddings returned, and he wasn’t alone.

  Mrs. Kleg remained behind her desk and didn’t make eye contact with anyone.

  The elf next to Principal Eddings had long dark hair and a calculating look in his eyes. “This one?”

  Principal Eddings nodded. “Elenora Yarrow. She came to us when it became apparent that all of her family was deceased. Well, all that the authorities were aware of.”

  The elf walked up to her, his precisely tailored suit was probably worth more than the principal’s annual income, but he still crouched gracefully in front of her and stared into her eyes.

  She looked back and tried to keep herself calm. Yesterday—last night in fact—she had gone through puberty. Not only had her period started, but her ears had also shot upward into points, her hair had been threaded with golden strands, and her hazel eyes had a metallic gold centre that hadn’t been there before.

  She was a half-elf.

  “Please, remove your cap, miss.”

  She sighed and pulled the knit cap off. Trying to wear it in class had only caused Judith to pull it off her scalp, and that had caused the fight that ended in the principal’s office.

  The elf smiled slightly. “Harper family then. You have a marked resemblance to them with your hat off.”

  She blinked. “You know who my father is?”

  “I know which clan he belongs to. Your transfer is going through, and Jiadoro Academy will have the privilege of tutoring you into adulthood.”

  She stared. “Can’t I stay here? I am sure I can wear a headband or something.”

  He smiled and shook his head. “No, you can’t. The pain would be incredible. Don’t you even have a headache now?”

  She scowled. “I did, but now... oh.”

  “Exactly. I will complete the transfer with the principal; please, go and pack your bags. We are leaving within the hour.”

  Mrs. Kleg got to her feet. “I will help Elly pack.”

  Principal Eddings nodded.

  Soon, Elly was in her room, packing up everything she had and putting it into two small duffel bags. She wouldn’t need her school uniforms. Jiadoro Academy would have its own uniforms, and her trust account would pay for them.

  The packing only took five minutes. Elly didn’t have much. She picked up the bags and carried them down to the office where a strange man was with the elf and her principal.

  The man glanced at her, and his eyes widened. “Right. You were not kidding. Damn. All right. Custody and guardianship to Jiadoro Academy with the understanding that all effort will be made to find and unite her with the elf portion of her family.”

  “We will make every effort to locate her clan.” The elf smiled slightly, and the other man looked dazzled.

  He had to be a judge. No one else could hand children around like that.

  A signature, a flourish, and a seal later, and Elly was being escorted out of St. Agnes’ and into a long black limo.

  She stared around her and kept her hands on her knees after buckling up.

  “So, what do you enjoy doing at school?”

  The car slowly pulled out and away from her home.

  “Um, I like English and math. I am not a fan of gym class, and social studies seem counter-intuitive. History is interesting, but I like to plan things.”

  He nodded. “You are young. History gains popularity as you age. What about music?”

  “St. Agnes’s doesn’t have a music program. They can’t afford the extra teacher.”

  He lifted a slim object from his armrest, and he spoke quietly in a liquid language.

  When he finished speaking, he settled back again. “It is a long drive. Feel free to nod off.”

  For the next thirty minutes, she sat still, perfectly still.

  “Why are you so tense, Elenora?”

  She blushed scarlet. “I... my... time of the month, I guess? I need a ladies room.”

  He nodded and whistled sharply. “Rest stop.”

  The driver nodded, and while Elly was crimson with misery, the vehicle pulled into a clean and attractive rest stop.

  Elly fumbled at the door, but the
elf touched her arm. “I will open it, miss.”

  He got out and stepped around, opening her door. “I will remain nearby. Just call out if you need me.”

  She wanted to ask his name, but she really needed the restroom. She went inside and made a beeline for the familiar signage.

  In the early afternoon, there weren’t many people there, so she was able to take care of things in the restroom, using her small amount of pocket change in the machine.

  Relieved and prepared for the next few hours, she washed her hands and jolted with surprise when she saw her face in the mirror. Elly wasn’t sure how long it would take for her to get used to her new look, but she knew it would take a while.

  She was just about to head out of the ladies room when a gaggle of girls from what must have been a nearby high school came in. They stopped and stared; she stopped and stared, and finally, she moved past them, running for the front of the store.

  Her escort was waiting near the door, and he opened it as she sprinted past him.

  “Did something surprise you?”

  “Yes. No. They were staring.”

  He chuckled. “They will stare. For the rest of your life, they will stare.”

  He had bags dangling from his fingers, and he placed them into her side of the limo before closing the door and walking around to his side.

  She stared at the bags as if they were going to go off. “You did some fast shopping?”

  “You are entering a school where most of the young women have grown up there, knowing that they were half-fey. I have acquired bribes for you and some feminine supplies so that you don’t need to worry until you are set up at the school.”

  Elly stared at him. “What may I call you?” The blurt came out, and she couldn’t stop it.

  He chuckled. “I am Instructor M’wellin. I teach gym and equestrian training.”

  She blinked, laughed and extended her hand. “Pleased to meet you. I am Elly.”

  He took her hand carefully. “I am happy to meet you, Elly. I am glad that your guardians were respectable people who had your best interest at heart. It is rare that we get the call so swiftly.”

  “They are good people. I was lucky to end up there.”

  “Did they enforce a religion?”

  “They encouraged, but we were allowed our own path.”

  “That is a relief. The fey society is not the human society, and you need to be able to view them both dispassionately to make the correct choice for you.”

  She sat back, relieved and a lot more relaxed than she had been. A man who was willing to shop for a teen’s first menstrual supplies with a casual attitude had better things to do than be creepy. He was working on her comfort, and she appreciated it.

  When they finally reached Jiadoro Academy, she wasn’t under any misapprehension that this wasn’t a serious matter. The guards at the gate checked them both with a spell. Elly blinked in surprise as the tingling light lit her up with a vivid gold. The guard smiled at her and waved her and the instructor on.

  The drive went along for another ten minutes before the grand building came into view.

  “We have fourteen students and eight instructors. You will have a number of folk to come to if you have any concerns.”

  She was astonished. “That whole building is for fourteen students?”

  “Fifteen with you, but there have been as many as twenty in residence.”

  “Am I going to be accepted?”

  “Yes, as long as you embrace your magical side.” His smile was slight. “I have called ahead, and you are going to the music centre to determine what instrument you are most capable with. You can learn to play them all, but it will take time.”

  “What if I am not good at any particular instrument?”

  “Then, we will look for your people in a different branch of the fey. Do not worry. I know you are one of us, and so did the guard at the gate. If you have made it this far, you will fit in just fine.”

  She nodded and watched the building get larger. She quickly asked, “Instructor, are you a full-blooded fey?”

  “I am. Not all of us linger at court.”

  She nodded. “Thank you. Just checking.”

  He smiled slightly. “You don’t know what you look like to others yet, do you?”

  She sighed. “I don’t even recognize myself in the mirror.”

  “That will pass. Now, this is Instructor Nidiada; she is in charge of the music program. She will take you around and get you familiar with the premises after your fitting with the instruments.”

  The limo rolled to a halt, and the driver got out to open Elly’s door.

  The female elf walked toward her, her dress flowing, and a small thread of bright chain woven in her hair. “Elenora, we are very happy to have you here. Come with me, and we will take a quick run through the music centre to see if you are drawn to anything.”

  The instructor took Elly’s hand, and a warm tingle went through her body.

  “Pleased to meet you, Instructor Nidiada.” Elly didn’t get to retrieve her hand, the instructor held it as she led Elly into the building.

  It was time to find out how good M’wellin was when it came to instinct.

  Nidiada sat and grinned as Elly tore through the instruments, sitting and getting a feel for them before picking out some simple tunes. With every instrument, the instructor’s grin got wider until it seemed that even her pointed ears wriggled.

  “Well, M’wellin was right. You have music magic in you. This is going to be a delight. I haven’t had a music talent in twenty years. You are going to do very well here.”

  Elly smiled in anticipation, and then, she saw a small black case. “May I try that?”

  Nidiada nodded. “Of course. It was donated to the collection by a previous student.”

  Elly opened up the case, removed the violin and unlatched the bow. It was an instinct that she had no idea she had as she tightened the bow and tuned the strings into a high pitch that seemed right.

  She ran the bow along the strings tentatively, and then, she pulled, letting a clear note ring in the air. “That is definitely interesting.”

  “Try it some more.”

  A few clearer notes were picked out, her fingers were arched, and her fingertips found their position. She regretfully lowered the violin and set it back the way she had found it. “I think that is enough for today.”

  “I agree. I will take you on a tour, get you measured for some uniforms and introduce you to the other students. Your future begins today, Elenora.”

  She latched the case and smiled as she ran her hand along the leather. “Please, call me Elly.”

  Chapter Two

  Six years at Jiadoro Academy had taught Elly a lot. She was not a natural horsewoman, though she could manage, she still didn’t like social studies, but the fey version was more titillating, and half-elves were just as bitchy as humans. Music was the best part of her education.

  She sat out in the meadow, and she played for the horses one last time.

  M’wellin rode up on his favourite horse, Dekko, and he stopped and listened as she played. When she stopped, he exhaled slowly. “So, have you gotten your assignment?”

  “Yeah. I am going to court. Apparently, my father is ready to claim me.”

  M’wellin dismounted and crouched next to her. “He claimed you four years ago when we first located him. He just didn’t want to upset your education.”


  “You heard me. His clan has their own tutors. You would have been taken to court and played until the rich and bored were tired of your efforts. Now, you can go there as a master of your craft. You only play for exorbitant fees. That is our contribution to your situation.”

  She nodded. “That was what I learned in history. So, because Nidiada is the talent sorcerer for the court, I get master status and a hefty pay schedule?”

  He grinned. “You read that as well?”

  “Norfolk’s history of the fey. She is in a portrait, standing next to the king.”

  “Ah. See, history is good for something.”

  She smiled and looked around. “I am going to miss it here.”

  “You are welcome to return whenever you like. I would love to hear of your adventures.”

  Elly nodded. “I just have one more question.”


  “What did you do to get stuck here educating the bastards of the nobility? And why did you come and retrieve me? The musicians are not nobility. They mix with humans all the time. No one takes care of the by-blows.”

  “You did do your research.”

  “Of course. So, what happened, and why me?”

  “I attempted to pursue a lady above my status, and her fiancé was not happy. As for you, the fey have seers, and they told us that you were on the way. We came to get you because we were told to.”

  She blinked and set her violin back in its case. “So, the only answer I get there is if I go and ask them.”

  “They are under a lot of security, so you might not gain access.”

  Elly locked the case. “I am getting the feeling that they want me somewhere, so they are going to have to talk to me about it.”

  He grinned. “Just don’t get into trouble. The court has regulations.”

  “I know. I do far better with curtsies than I do with horses.” She stuck out her hand. “Thanks. For everything.”

  He grinned and took her hand, pressing a kiss to the back of it. “You are welcome, young lady.”

  She inclined her head and withdrew her fingers from his. “Please, sir, my family has not authorized our interaction.”

  He leaned back and laughed. “Yes, you have definitely paid attention.”

  She was transported directly to the court, and she met her fey family for the first time.

  The man who stepped forward had golden hair and gleaming eyes that she was now used to seeing in the mirror.


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