Until death?

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Until death? Page 2

by Andur

  Laying waste to a world surely didn't look good either uuh. I mean, I met them only once, when they enslave... erm were so nice to give a proper occupation to a being like me.

  Sure I killed a lot of innocent bystanders in that fight. But shit happens!

  Don't expect that nothing bad will happen, when two divine beings trade blows with each other.

  We cultivated our hate for each other over several hundreds of years.

  Better for it to happen sooner than later. Bwhahaha, and I will never forget his face, when he got that last fireball to the chest.

  Stood there like he could take it without problems. Never underestimate a God.

  It was more like a nuke, that blew him to tiny pieces.

  Self-righteous bastard underestimated me.

  Unfortunately he had already made a bag, with all too many holes, out of me by that time.

  But I really get tired by now. Hey, mother! Stop that swaying thing you are doing with me, I still have to tell about......*zzzzzz*

  3 - All my relatives?

  “Oh, my. And this is Nicosar the 8th little one. Its your grandfather! He is currently inspecting the borders to Stricc.”, the Queen is carrying me along a hallway with many portraits of my relatives and shows them to me.

  Isn't that nice? Obviously I will have to know them all by full name later! All 47 of them, that includes also all cousins and uncles and so on.

  Family seems to be important around here. What a pain! I hope I don't have to remember all the dead ones too.

  Sigh, and just to inform you.

  Mother really is one of THOSE parents. I am stuck to her from morning till night. No chance of being left alone, to think for a second.

  It's been a month since I was born. Lets say that I find the way, mother is treating me a little strange.

  Normally I would expect someone to treat a baby like.... well like a baby you know?

  But she started teaching me right off the start. Not treating me like a baby and instead like I would understand every word.

  Hell, the way she talks to me feels like she expects me to start asking questions every second now.

  Well, sorry for not fulfilling your expectations. Forming a word that doesn't sound like baby talk, with this body its just a no go.

  She also doesn't like to let go of me. When there is an important meeting, Head Maid has to be in my room all the time.

  You can leave small children alone for an hour or two, if someone is close enough to hear them screaming.

  Taking care of them twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week will just spoil them.

  Once another Maid had to take care of me, because head maid wasn't available.

  She was a nice girl and read books to me, but something came up and she had to go out for a short while.

  Fate had it, that mother came back just that moment and found me alone in the room.

  From her aura I almost expected, that the poor maid would be a head shorter the next day. But I got her to calm down by playing the happy child. Wow, I hope I manage to never arise her ire like that.

  The Maid is still working here but she didn't get to take care of me any more. It's a pity, she was my type.

  I wont complain, but it still creeps me out! Let us hope that she isn't delusional.

  There are many diseases of the mind, that can catch you on the wrong foot.

  At least I learned this worlds circumstances this way.

  Being around the country’s leader all day, gives you all opportunities you need to pick up the most important stuff.

  It seems that this world has just one single great continent. It is divided into two great Empires.

  The East is occupied by the Stricc-Nation and West belongs to the Tirna Kingdom, which I am currently in.

  There are various races all over the place, like our head maid, who is an Elf.

  There are so many different types of chimeras here I am starting to believe, that this world is currently mixing all types of races together into one. Strangely enough there seems to be no discrimination against races.

  That caught me off guard.

  Almost every world, with that kind of setting, that I can think of has at least some kind of mistreatment for people who look different.

  But here its zero, nada! At least I didn't come across it until now.

  Mothers name is Ireth of Tirna the first, 24 years old. I didn't realize it at first, but mother seems to be some sort of demon!

  At first I thought those dragon like horns beside her head were some sort of royal tiara. Sure looks that way.

  They are black and polished to the point, that they are sparkling.

  If you don't look out for it, you think of them as some sort of semi-precious stones.

  In combination with her black hair, almost white skin and those red eyes, she can look really frightening when she is angry.

  But she didn't change or take it off, for a whole month now, so I guess they are really horns. Though they look cool in way?

  What made me sure of my deduction in any case, was that she scooped me up with her tail one day,

  when she was in a hurry and had her hands full with documents. Made my heart almost stop, because I didn't expect that.

  She always wears long dresses, so no chance I could see it before. And if you ask why I didn't see it while she was changing.

  First I have at least some decency and ogling for my own mother is the last thing I would do! Breastfeeding time is bad enough in my opinion.

  Second is that if you get put down on your back somewhere with a newborn body, the most you can do is to count the dots on the ceiling.

  Head maid followed us with tears in her eyes, while complaining that this wasn't the proper way to show up at the throne room.

  I was with her on that one and started to cry. Letting other people see you carrying your baby UPSIDE DOWN doesn't make you look like a good,

  loving parent.

  Have some sense mother, please don't go down the path of the mad king!

  Fathers name is Nicol of Tirna the 5th,, 26 years old. He is mostly human. I think at least? I have seen him pat one of the guards on the back once.

  The guard flew 5 meters, before a wall stopped him. He is still on a sick leave by the way. So I am not all that sure about dad.

  Gulp, I am happy he didn't crush me on accident, by now.

  I am now called Angrod of Tirna the first, by the way.

  Head maid seems to be an elf. Her name is Rose. Nothing out of the ordinary for an elf as far as I can see.

  And as for other persons: there are some, but no really important ones as far as I can tell.

  I wasn't really introduced to society yet and most of the people I have seen so far were one time faces.

  But this world isn't perfect.

  Tirna and Stricc were fighting a bitter war over resources and ideology.

  There are some rare minerals and crystals directly at the border in the center of the continent.

  There is much volcanic activity there. So the whole continent is divided by a mountainrange of volcanoes.

  I guess the tectonic plates are colliding there and that leads to much volcanic activity. Like a natural border.

  No wonder the nations developed like that.

  Tirna needs those minerals for our magic devices, while Stricc uses them for their magic ceremonies to control the weather.

  It seems, that without them Stricc would be mostly a desert.

  So at some point they started fighting over mining rights and borders.

  That was over a hundred years ago and no one remembers or knows who fired the first shot that started the war.

  However, it got really messy and they went at each others throats like mad.

  Hmmm, I feel for them, seems similar to the circumstances which brought me here.

  But in their case, they managed to make peace again, just a month before my birth. By now they are dividing the resources half for each.

nbsp; But its still dangerous, the cold blood of such a long war doesn't go away over night.

  There are also many parties who are very unhappy with the treaty.

  By now I am pretty sure, that Seria must have fucked up. Come on, there are places out there which would really be punishment. This here is a joke.

  Maybe the last time she checked this realm, they were fighting their war and she didn't bother to check again before tossing my soul to this realm?

  A nice life as a prince. Yeah, wouldn't that be nice?

  Mother is almost at the end of the hall by now and we are before a big picture with her and father.

  Each of them holds a little child in their arms. By the look of it, they are four or five years old. Hey I have siblings?

  Why didn't I meet them by now?

  “And those are your big sister and brother. They would have been 6 and 7 by now. If they weren't assassinated by some bastard.

  But I will never let that happen again little one. If I get my hands on them, they will wish they were never born!” - Mother

  “Here. Your Majesty wipe your tears.” - Head Maid


  I guess I will be quiet for now and not protest for being almost crushed at her chest. I guess that's a good reason for being an overly caring parent.

  It would be a good time to stop my inner monologue. I will never complain to mother about her not letting go of me.

  Good thing I couldn't talk yet, I would have surely said something that would hurt her.

  4 - A visit at the temple!

  I am a year old by now. Sorry, but I wont go into the details here. That's mainly because nothing worthwhile happened.

  When I started to speak, mother and father were overjoyed of course.

  But I try to hide that I could probably govern the country by now. If they would let me give the orders of course.

  I keep my conversations down single words and very short sentences.

  My mother probably has an idea that I am not a normal baby by now .

  That's because I made the words “Mom, Book!” my speciality. Mom still sticks to me like chewing gum.

  So there is no way to hide that I am really reading those books. When I turn the pages in an orderly manner she has to get an idea of what's going on.

  I have learned my fair amount of common knowledge by now. Mostly history, geography and other basic stuff.

  Its not like this world could teach me much terms of math, physics and magic.

  Well, “Father, stop!” is second on the list. It's my only form of self defence against roller-coaster dad!

  Other children may like being thrown up into the air until they almost hit the ceiling.

  I any case, I have a huge dislike to being suddenly moved in unexpected directions. And I have confirmed that my magic works. Though I am nowhere as powerful as I have been.

  When you get granted divinity as a god it comes with huge boost to your mental resources and capabilities. You get access to a lot of free mana in other words. My power is down to that of an average mage I guess.

  I will have to do a lot of training again in that regard. The perk is that you can't train your mana without casting the spells for real.

  And I have a permanent observer glued to me, so its not easy to play the normal baby. Well, not that I am really dependent on having a huge mana pool by myself.

  I know a lot of ways to steal mana, or to use mana that's lingering around in the environment. Before I became a god I specialized in mind and soul magic.

  That's a given if you try to understand the whole incarnation process. Mom would get a huge shock if I were to pull a magical baby stunt. Fly baby! Fly! Evade the roller-coaster dad and cast some candy creation magic.

  Now that I imagine it, it freaks even me out?

  I am inside Mothers office and she is managing her letters. First thing I do in this world will be to invent a computer! Stupid handwriting.

  You should never underestimate the stupidity of most realities with access to magic!

  They have the most easiest way to get everything you could want, to have a good life, but the most basic items don't get thought of.

  Well at least there is something like cars here and less smelly horses. All in all it feels like a world at the beginning of the industrialisation process.

  There are magic devices for many things, but most of the work is still done by manual labour.

  “Its here! The letter from the temple came! Oh I am so excited little one.” - Mother

  She now waves a letter into my face. Hold still, who can read like that!? Hah, let's try another way.


  “Its temple little one! It's the place where we pray to the great goddess Seria who governs life and death.” Mother smiles at me while I go stiff. That name....

  “Haha. No need to be frightened. Everyone gets taken there when they are one year old. As soon as you have visited it, you get recognized as a proper member of society.

  You will also be given a proper judgement of your potential by the gods in a ceremony!”

  She pauses.

  “And if you get lucky, the goddess herself will give you a prophecy of your future! When I was there I got told by the goddess herself, that my third child will have a great destiny.

  Your father got the same prophecy, so I am almost sure that something good will happen!”

  Mother gives me big hug and the gears in my head slowly begin to turn again. I tried my best to put up a smiling face to her.

  But I think I have gotten a lot paler in the process of that explanation.

  So that's what the whole “hero and saviour shit” was about at my birth.

  “Come up! We will get father. The sooner we are at the temple the better.” - Mother

  I get picked up again and mother carries me to the throne room where father should be. Oi, give me some time here!

  I have to think about this. This could have a huge impact on my life you know? Should I start speaking and complain?

  AW! That could lead to more negative outcomes! I can't make up my mind here! This develops too fast.

  “Darling! We got the invitation from the temple! Send the ministers away, you can have them do their work by themselves for a day.”,

  Mother grabs dad by the hand and pulls him out of the chair.

  “Yes. Yes, Darling you don't have to pull. My dignity!”, the king stumbles after her.

  I learned that mother also has some freakish strength. She doesn't really have to hide behind the mad king. But she is much better at controlling it. I got born into a family of monsters.

  Minutes later we are in a car and on our way to the temple. In front and behind us drive two cars which are stuffed with guards.

  Not bad, its the first time I get a close up look at this world. Before, I had to be happy with a view out of a palace window.

  The streets are clean and the buildings are well maintained.

  Unless there is some kind of slum hidden somewhere, I would say this is a prosperous country.

  Almost impossible to believe that there was a brutal war just over a year ago. The destructions must have never come close to the capital city.

  Or the people got really good at construction during the war, that's far more likely. I read that both country's have some serious long range bombardment capabilities.

  Man, what am I thinking about? There far more pressing matters than pondering the circumstances of this state!

  I guess, I will go with the flow now. Keep your options open if you don't know the correct path.

  After a few minutes the car stopped at a huge dome like building. The guards got off and cleared a safety zone to the temple.

  “Here we go!”, this time its dad who carries me.

  There is a huge doorway into the temple.

  Everything is interlayed with precious materials. Very nice craftsmanship, I have to admit it. Not even the palace has this kind of art.

  An old man in l
ong white robes awaits us.

  “My King! My Queen! Everything is taken care of. Please feel free to proceed to the great hall. I take it that you know the procedure already.”

  The guy bows to us and leads us into the temple.

  We enter the dome and there is a big statue of Seria in the centre of it. Some priestesses are singing a nice song which gets amplified by the dome.

  This has a very nice holy atmosphere I must say. Seria has a strong cult going. Before the statue is an altar out of stone with a very important looking priestess behind it.


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