Until death?

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Until death? Page 19

by Andur

  “Good! Looks nice now come, we don't have much time.” Celes leads me outside, where Rose is waiting with the car.

  We enter and Rose starts the car.

  “Can you explain what's going on?” I ask Celes.

  “Can't you remember? We promised to make peace and work on understanding each other! You are locking yourself in your room for about a week now! Unless for school you don't come out.” Celes answers me.

  “I don't get it. What does that have to do with the current situation?” -Me

  “We will start to work harder on our relationship from now on. So we will go on dates every week!” Celes smiles at me.

  “Hahaha, oh the benefits of youth!” Rose enters the conversation.

  “Date? I have no time for dates!” I answer.

  “You are the one who proposed them. Can't you remember our promise? You were the one, who insisted on a normal relationship and dates. So we will go on dates every week from now on! Today we will visit a musical!” Celes nods and smiles even brighter.

  “Uhm... . Now that you mention it. I really said something like that?” I have a dark memory of this somewhere in my head. She tricked me that time!

  “I think it will be nice. The musical has a nice plot. I think even Angrod could find it interesting.” Rose drives around another corner and stops the car in front of a big building.

  “Have fun!”

  “Wh.. What about security?” -Me

  “This place is for the higher society. It's guarded and the danger has lessened since the opinion of the public is in our favour.” Celes explains to me, while pulling me outside.

  The door gets closed and Rose drives off.

  Celes links arms with me and leads me to the entrance where she shows the guard two cards and we enter.

  Just now I realize that she is wearing a dress, which is similar to mine. A waitress leads us to a row of seats with a very good view.

  It is a big hall with a stage a few levels below us. There are amplifiers all over the place to guarantee a good sound for everyone.

  “It is like you're hijacking me. How did you get the idea so suddenly.” I ask Celes

  “Mmmm. It is because I planned it of course! I had this on my list for quite some time now.” She pulls out a highly used looking list and checks an item. I haven't seen that thing for a long time now.

  “First date at fifteen, done.” She smiles and looks happy.

  “You realize that you are carrying that thing around for years already?” I ask her.

  “No problem, even if it is a little bit tattered. It still does the job.” She hides it again inside her dress.

  At that moment the musical starts and Celes grabs my arm to lean onto me. Oh! Don't use your chest like that! This isn't fair play!

  Celes has done quite some development in the past years. She will become a real beauty like her mother in another three or four years.

  Though she has a nice look already. If it wasn't for that personality!

  We sit in silence and watch the musical. It is about the creation of this world. How the Goddess Seria created the world and it's people. And about a hero, who went on an epic quest to make the dangerous continent a safe place for everyone.

  It has a nice story and the songs are good. Though the tightness of Celes's grip on me is a little uncomfortable. We are about halfway into the performance, when Celes tugs at my sleeve and I look down at her.

  Celes's face is a little bit cramped with a forced smile. “Can you bring me to the toilets?”

  “Ahem. Aren't you old enough to go by yourself. I don't think a guy should... You are a little bit pale, are you okay?” I ask.

  “It just hurts a bit, so give me a little walking aid.” -Celes

  “It hurts? Are you wounded or sick? I can heal you.” -Me

  “I am just bleeding a little, it is nothing serious.” -Celes

  “You are bleeding!? Where, I will heal you!” -Me

  “SShut up! That'S nothing you can heal IDIOT! SSo bring me there now!” Celes hisses at me with tears in her eyes.

  Ah!? No she can't mean? For real!?

  I pick her up in a princess carry and run to the toilets.

  34 - The past always returns?

  We are sitting on a bench in front of the musical building and waiting for Rose to get us. I feel horrible.

  “*Sniff* I am so sorry. I messed up our first date. All because I didn't keep track of such a basic thing.” It's all my fault.

  “It's okay. I know how it feels. You don't have to blame yourself.” Angrod tries to comfort me, but it's a lame attempt.

  “You are a guy! You have no idea, what you're talking about!” -Me

  “I was female too in some reincarnations. So I think I am allowed to say that! You should have been a guy one time or the other too.” -Angrod

  “Pff. You as a girl. That must have been quite the view.” Somehow I can't imagine the hermit as a girl.

  “Don't laugh, those weren't exactly my best times. Though I think, you didn't have a problem when a reincarnation messed with your gender. You would be a perfect muscle guy.” -Angrod

  I will get you for this! Fear the might of a female!

  “*Hic..* You really don't ….. don't think of me as a woman at aaallllll.” It's easy to cry when you feel horrible anyway.

  “It's... It's okay! Don't cry! You are a fine woman now! No need to feel anything about it.” Angrod answers with a flustered voice.

  Ah, so nostalgic. My Johann back then was also weak to the crying me. Tehe... I grab my Johann tight and hug him without giving an answer.

  “It …. It's really no problem. The important part of the story was already told. All that was left of the story was a stupid fight with the last boss anyway. Those stories always follow the same set of rules.” -Angrod

  At this moment Rose stops her car in front of us. “Did you two have a nice evening?” She gets out and smiles at us.

  Tch! Just a few more minutes and I would have had him eating out of my hands! It's no use, I will have to give him my present inside the car.

  “Unfortunately Celes had a small mishap. And we didn't see the end of the performance.” -Angrod

  Ahhh! Don't tell her about a women's problems. She will pester me about it!

  “Oh. You have to watch it again then. The end is the best part! Celes is everything okay now?” -Rose

  “It's okay now. I just had a minor problem and missed the last part, while being on the toilet.” -Me

  “Oh, my. Too bad. Just get in, I will bring you home.” -Rose

  We enter the car and Rose closes the door.

  “Um. Celes. Why are you sticking to me like that?” Angrod asks with a disturbed voice.

  Since I hugged him earlier, I didn't let go. It makes me feel at ease. I don't know why and I don't care.

  I grab box out of my pocket and shove it onto him to shut him up.

  “That's for not being a total douche bag. Though you didn't manage completely in the end, I will grant this to you if you shut up.” I use him as a pillow again, while he opens the box.

  Yes, chocolate always works on that guy. At least that trait of his character didn't get lost. It's nice to know an easy way to please someone.

  It's best if they don't make too much work. I lean onto him, while falling asleep....


  I carried Celes into her room. She was sleeping like a log and didn't wake up, even when I shook her.

  Afterwards I went to work again. Though there isn't much I can do. Everything is set up. The automatic factory is working and my employees know their jobs.

  All I can do is to check the progress. If I am lucky, everything will be ready in time.

  *Knock* *Knock*

  “Yes?” I answer and Ireth enters the room.

  “Angrod, I know that you are trying to break that shield spell, but something came up.” -Ireth

  “Why do you sound like something horrible will happen?” I ask my mother.

/>   “It's this stupid law stuff! You see, your father has a brother.” My mother says it like everything is clear with that.

  “Uh... you know that I don't like this law issue. So why don't you start at the beginning? I totally don't get what you are talking about.” -Me

  “I am talking about your birthday in a few months! You will turn sixteen and with that, you will have to succeed the throne of Tirna. Your father is dead after all.” Ireth sighs.

  “I can't give the boring stuff into yours and grandpa's hands any more?” I ask.

  “Yes. You have to take over the throne, although we will still be able to help you.” -Ireth

  “So where does my father's brother come into this?” -Me

  “When the crown goes to the next heir, everyone who is able to succeed the throne can challenge him for the crown. This was established to make sure that a strong king is in power.” -Ireth

  “So you believe that my father's brother will make an entrance. Whom I have never heard of by the way?” -Me

  “He challenged your father for the throne when he took over and married me at eighteen. Your father crippled him in the following fight. Then your uncle went into exile by his own choice.” -Ireth

  “So you think that he still has a grudge and is striving for power. So why didn't he jump at the chance when father died?” -Me

  “I am pretty sure of that. And he didn't act, because he doesn't have any legal claim. I am ruling the country -in absentia- of your father, because you are not allowed to take the crown yet. But with sixteen you will have to.” -Ireth

  “So how did you just remember someone, who disappeared years ago?” I am a little confused.

  “Two days ago, he appeared in town with someone who was introduced as his son. He claimed a few old favours from some nobles. Some of them saw a problem with him and informed me.” -Ireth

  “This joke is getting old. The Meltheims tried that already.” -Me

  “Yes, unfortunately I believe that this is another attempt by them. Just in disguise.” Ireth shakes her head.

  “Oh?” -Me

  “When the Meltheims locked themselves up in the City of Seria, they still had a big amount of money in various banks and institutions. We tried to trace it down, but most of it just disappeared.” -Ireth

  “And let me guess. My uncle is throwing around with money left and right and nobody has a clue where it came from.” -Me

  Ireth nods with a sad expression. “We don't have any evidence, so we can't stop him. The exile was of his own choice, so we can't send him away either.”

  “So you think he will send that son of his against me?” -Me

  “That's likely. He even signed him up for your school.” -Ireth

  “Wonderful, so I will have to endure a pest similar to the Meltheim brothers in school, until I am challenged at my coronation.” This gets less and less funny with every word.

  “Your uncle's name is Seredorn of Tirna and his son is named Markorn of Tirna.” -Ireth

  “Hmm. What about the mother? Or did my uncle just use cell division to sprout an heir?” I throw my arms into the air and my mother has to smirk.

  “We don't have any clue on her. Your uncle just showed up with his supposed son and set up his residence.” -Ireth

  “Is he even his real son?” I doubt it somehow.

  “We are investigating. When it comes to the rank of succession, things have to be clear without a doubt. But so far we couldn't find a clue against it. He looks similar enough to his father from what I heard. And they came with a lot of servants who confirm their story. Right now a few investigators are on their way to your uncles previous residence. But I have my doubts that they will come to a different result. If your uncle could be caught with such simple measures, I doubt that he would have made an effort to pull a stunt like this.” -Ireth

  “You sound like you know him in that regard?” -Me

  “Before he challenged your father, he tried several times to get his hands on me. He was always smart enough to leave no evidence. So it was always his word against mine. And he had a really good relationship with his brother. Your father didn't believe me that he had ulterior motives. Until the challenge, he was the nice brother of the heir to everyone.”

  I nod. “Then we will have no other choice than to keep being on alert. Don't fear for me, I can take care of myself. And thanks for the warning.”

  Ireth hugs me with tears in her eyes. “Don't do anything dangerous. I lost so many of my family already. Any more and I wouldn't be able to go on.”

  I hug her too with a grim expression on my face.

  35 - A nice greeting!

  “I can't believe this! Didn't we have enough trouble already?” Celes is complaining after I communicated my mothers warning to her. Right now we are on our way to school.

  “I hope the little masters are careful today. I have heard some disturbing things about that new student. Yesterday after he was registered to school, he went to the fighting class and picked a fight with a whole group of students. He beat them up badly.” Rose warns us.

  “So we will have to deal with him in special class for sure. That's great!” Celes complains even more.

  “Hmmm. So who should beat him up if he picks a fight?” I ask Celes.

  “If you would do me the honour. I don't feel like breaking bones today.” Celes watches out of the window.

  “You still have trouble with your hormones? It feels like you are a little more edgy than usual.” She was like this since breakfast.

  “I am fine. I just need a little space for myself.” Celes answers and I keep my mouth shut.

  Obviously she is still pissed from yesterday's date. She had something else in mind, but nature blew a hole into her plans. Well, she deserves no less for ignoring her body.

  Though I think it could have happened to me too. The multiverse gets your gender right in about ninety-nine out of a hundred reincarnations. Every hundredth reincarnation it fucks up and you end up in a body of the opposite gender.

  It has something to do with the compatibility between body and soul. The soul sticks to the first body, which is a match. For some strange reason, some body's are compatible with almost every soul.

  I never really understood the reason for this. Probably just a sick joke of the multiverse. Everyone has to laugh once in a while.

  After a few minutes, we arrive at the school and silently make our way to the first class. Celes is still pissed at herself and the world. I can't do anything about it. If I talk to her, I will probably just become the target of her anger.

  That's how this stuff works in my opinion. If a woman is angry, you hide somewhere and keep out of sight until the storm is over.

  If you give her a present or try to cheer her up, you have a fifty fifty chance. In the first case you manage it, then you are the hero. In the second you will be a nuisance and treated accordingly.

  Some hours later, the dreaded special class is on the list. When we arrive at the meeting place, which is the same open area it always was, we find Stephen and Iris. The others are also present.


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