Until death?

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Until death? Page 35

by Andur

  In the meanwhile the screams have taken another dimension. “Okay! If my cute little granddaughter asks me like that, we will save your brother.”

  She walks over and grabs Aengus at the neck to drag him over to the close fountain..... and pushes his face under water.

  “Blerhg BbllBLblbB”

  A long and nasty fight for life and death starts. Aengus is trying to cast a spell to breathe under water but Ireth cancels it. Various other attempts to escape are also prevented.

  After long and gruesome ten minutes Aengus's movements are just mere twitches. It's really hard to drown a god, even if he is a child.

  Seria is just standing besides Ireth with an unbelieving expression on her face while she watches the entire procedure.

  When Aengus stops to move, Ireth pulls him out and casts a mid-level healing spell on him. This has the benefit of not waking him up again.

  “See? Easy, isn't it?” Ireth asks Seria with a bright smile. Then she lays Aengus on the ground and folds his hands on his chest like you would do with a dead person.

  The little sister of Aengus just nods with a pale face and a very forced smile. Then she walks over to us with dead eyes. “Mommy, daddy, I am sorry. Aengus is right. I really created hell.”

  We both just grin at her and say nothing.

  That's when Rose arrives with a plate of new drinks and sets them onto the ground besides Celes. “Um, everyone. There is something I want to ask. Would it be a problem if I took a leave for the rest of the day?”

  “No, But if it comes from you, I have to know why. Otherwise I would die of curiosity.” I answer with a stern voice and Rose starts to fidget.

  “Rose has something on her heart! What's it? I want to know!” Celes sits straight up and looks at Rose who turns red.

  “You know... originally I thought it would never happen. But with us becoming gods. And the much longer lifespan. There were suddenly so many new options! It kinda happened before I knew it.”

  Oh, no! It can't happen! The good soul of the household! Don't tell me you want to quit!

  “I have a date!”

  Puh. Wait! “Who!?”

  “His name is Drem and he is the captain of the guard.” Rose smiles at us while Celes spits her juice over the ground.

  “The bear!?” Ireth shouts out.

  “..... I am trying to imagine the fragile slender elf-body of Rose besides that muscle monster Snowden but the picture is just too hilarious....” I mutter while my fantasies are running wild.

  “It's the first date?” Celes asks Rose.

  “Um, yes?” -Rose

  Celes jumps up and runs into the house. A few seconds later she comes back with a little box and shoves it into Rose's hands. “Give him that when you are alone.”

  “What is it?” Rose asks with a curious voice.

  “Just a little help, you have to go now. It's better if you find it out yourself.” Celes urges Rose to take her leave and Rose nods.

  Then Rose teleports away.

  “What's inside the box?” Ireth asks Celes.

  “Nothing, just a little chocolate.” Celes has a wide grin on her face.

  I have to warn him! I close my eyes and concentrate myself and establish a mental connection.

  -Drem! Drem do you hear me? It's important!-

  -Your Majesty? Is something wrong? It's rare for you to call me.-

  -Nothing is wrong. But it's important, don't eat the chocolate!-




  “Ow!” I rub my head. “You tried to tell him didn't you?” Celes looms over me. Did she interrupt the connection? Did Drem get the important part?

  “Did daddy do something bad?” Seria hops up and down besides Celes.

  “Yes, he tried to tell on a woman's secret plans.” Celes pats Seria's head. “He was a veeeery bad daddy and mommy will have to punish him!”

  “How can you punish daddy? I need to know too!” Seria is such a smart child! She knows what's really important.

  “That's not for children to see! Stay here and keep watch over your brother.” Then Celes grabs my hand and drags me to the house.

  Noooo! Snowden! I hope my sacrifice wasn't in vain....

  “That's the same thing you always tell me Sandra! I am sure you will just drag him to the bedroom and do this and that......... why are you looking at me like that?” Seria became aware of our frozen state and looks at us.

  Celes drops me and kneels down in front of Seria. “You just called me Sandra.”

  “Did I?” Seria smiles at Celes. If this were a comic I could probably see small pearls of sweat forming on her forehead.

  “You totally did! What else do you remember!” Celes grabs Seria at her cheeks and starts to twist.


  “I said many times that if you remember something you have to tell! How much did you hide!” Seria gets grabbed by Celes's tail at one leg and is lifted into the air.

  “Do you remember how to travel the void Seria?” I ask her with a smile on my face.

  “No? I thought we already confirmed that I only have memories of more recent events?” Her smile becomes wide and shiny. Hah! I remember! She always did that when she lied as Sofie!

  “You just called your mom, Sandra. That memory should be quite old.” I point out her mistake.

  “Do you see your brother lying there?” Celes asks with a sweet voice.

  Seria looks into the asked direction and nods her head.

  “Right now, he has the bliss of unconsciousness. But if you don't spit it out, I will see to it that you are awake and aware the entire time when it's your turn. You wont even have the mercy to faint from exhaustion! I will personally see to it.” She grins at Seria who becomes as pale as the moon.

  “Uwaaah! I just didn't want to tell that I remembered more! You and daddy will go off to war if you know how to travel the void. I didn't want that! I want things to be like now forever. I will tell! Please hit me unconscious when it's my turn!”

  60 - Hide and seek?

  “Big bro, it's scary here.” I tug at Aengus's sleeve while I take a look around. The room is dark and many technical devices are blinking and beeping all over the place.

  “I know Seria, but it's also exciting! How often do you have the chance to take a look at the lab of a mad scientist?” Aengus pulls me with him to explore the room.

  We are at the Cygnus property. Our parents -disposed- of us here. They had too much work to do after I told daddy what I knew about the void, which wasn't much. He ran off and wasn't seen since.

  Mom also wasn't able to keep an eye on us. Neither were our grandparents. Seems like planning an all out war is really time consuming. So Celes dropped us off at the Cygnus property for Margerie to take care of us.

  Celes's isn't of the opinion that we could be left alone. Though I believe it would have been more safe at the palace....

  Right after we met Margerie, who really looks like a mad scientist, Aengus and I fled to inspect the big mansion.

  Margerie was busy with instructing an employee and we took the opportunity.

  It was really hard to evade all those servants and other people. It seems to be a busy place. Though we found a few deserted rooms which seem to function as a research lab.

  “Look! That device looks cool, doesn't it?” Aengus grabs something which looks like a mechanical spider from a table.

  “I wouldn't touch anything in here. It could be dangerous.” I warn my brother, who seems a little impulsive to me. I know, I lost many of my memories and my parents think that I am childish. But I still have my head together!

  “Booh. Cheapskate. I can't believe I have a little sister like that....” Aengus puts the spider back.

  “To imagine that I would be called little sister...... I am the BIG SIS!” It's humiliating! I am surely older than this upstart youngster!

  “Oooh? But I am a year older than you!” Aengus answers high and mighty.

; “That's just physical. What's important is the mental age! And from that perspective you are looking at one of the oldest beings in the multiverse! Be honoured!” I refuse to give up an inch of my dignity!

  “Oh? Being that old doesn't really count if you don't remember much of it.” Aengus makes a point.

  “I remember at least the important stuff! For example that you promised to help me if I would save you. So where is your respect to your saviour high and mighty hero?” I look up into my brother's eyes without flinching.

  “Urgh... you won that one, but don't overdo it!” -Aengus

  We continue to inspect the room, but there is just too much stuff here. It's more like a mountain of collected garbage.

  Suddenly the door flies open and Margerie storms inside. “Found you!”

  “Run Bro! Whoever gets caught is a slow turtle!” I storm up to Margerie, who tries to catch me, but I drop myself to the floor and slide over the ground. Margerie tries to grab me but she is too slow. Aengus uses the distraction to slip past her and the next second we are outside and on the run.

  “Hold it! No running in the corridors!” Margerie calls after us but she is too slow.

  Suddenly a big busted rabbit girl appears out of nothing before me and I collide with her leg. “Ouf!” I am thrown backwards and land on my ass.

  “So cute! It's a little version of Celes! Too bad that you don't have the horns and the tail yet.” I get grabbed by the girl and hugged to her chest. What's wrong with those things! Does she have a little bit of cow in her genes too!?

  I try to fight myself free but then I realize that Aengus got caught by a cat-woman and dangles in the air, held by the neck.

  “They tricked us sis! This was a pre-planned ambush!” -Aengus

  Seconds later Margerie arrives at the scene, panting like dying any moment. “......Sandra..... Tanja..... good.... that..... you.... caught.... them.”

  “Seriously Margerie? Why did you agree to babysit for people whose children have higher physical abilities than you?” Tanja complains about Margeries lack of forethought.

  “....but …. that's.... why ….. I …. invited.... you...” Margerie lies down on the floor to catch her breath.

  “Seriously! But it's still nice to meet the offspring of our old school comrades. They were so busy in the recent time. I would have liked it if we had seen each other more often.” Sandra hugs me even tighter.

  “I always wanted to meet the goddess Seria. That's why I came.” Tanja goes with the blunt truth.

  “I am not sure if I can really live up to that reputation.” I answer with a concerned voice.

  “Aw... no problem. I am Sandra Andros and that's Tanja Morden. We are friends of your parents. Say? Do you want to play with my kids? They are a little younger than you, but they are also an active bunch.” Sandra takes me under one arm and carries me off, without asking for my opinion.

  My captor starts to walk through the corridor while she talks about uninteresting stuff. After a few corners we arrive at the living room, where a blonde guy is waiting in a sofa.

  Five kids are playing cards on the ground. “Ah, I see you caught them!”

  We are put in front of the other kids, who stare at us.....

  Not being able to cope with the silence I try start a conversation. “Hi, I am Seria and that's my brother Aengus!” I introduce myself.

  “I am Yondus, and those are my brother and sisters Gustav, Monika, Evel and Sarah.” One of the kids takes the lead.

  “Wow... Quite the big family already? Your parents must be hard workers!” Aengus bursts out.

  But Yondus drops his head while the others put on a disturbed expression. “That's what everybody thinks, but it's a trait of our bloodline to have many children. In fact mom got all of us in the same go. Though normally it's just twins or triplets.”

  “Holy shit! Five at the same time! That must hurt like hell!” Now I burst out and everyone looks at me with a shocked expression.

  “What?” Don't look at me like that!

  “Oh, it's just that we had another image of the goddess in our heads. I am Sven by the way. I am Sandra's husband.”

  “Haven't I seen you guys at my parent's marriage? So what are you guys doing now? The last time I saw you, you just graduated.” The memory just came to me like a flashback.

  “Oh, Sven is in the army and in the process to work his way up. Tanja is doing something like spying and other secret activities. I am taking care of the kids while I manage my family's estate.”

  Sandra explains in short words.

  “And your brother Margerie? I think I saw him too at the party. Wasn't he with a nice little wolf-girl?” -Me

  Margerie answers with a disdainful voice. “He dropped the whole family business on me and ran off with that bitch. It's hard on a family if the only heir doesn't want to take responsibility and prefers to live in the woods with his girlfriend.”

  I nod. Obviously there is a more complicated story behind it, but Margerie doesn't want to talk about it.

  Then it hits me again and I point at Sandra and Sven. “Oh! Now I remember! I think I saw you guys at my parents marriage party! You were already so lovey dovey back then. I couldn't resist and blessed Sandra with fertility.”

  I hit my fist into my open palm.

  Now everyone’s mouth is standing open while they look at me.

  “What? I am a goddess of life and death. Doing stuff like that is my job.” I smirk at Sven who started to mutter incomprehensible stuff to himself.

  Sandra grins at me. “Oh, I have to thank you then. If it weren't for the children, he wouldn't have married me.”

  I give Sandra a thumbs up and smile at the quintuples, who are staring at me with big round eyes.

  61 - Sending a message?

  It's complete! “MWAHAHAHAHA!” Hrm! Luckily nobody heard that. I sounded like Margerie.

  When Seria explained the nature of the void to me, I had an enlightenment. She realized that the void isn't a space with no pathways at all.

  A pathway is a stream of energy and mana through the multiverse. Mortals often call them Ley lines, but they are only able to sense them in a very rudimentary way. A god can hop onto one of those streams and travel with them. They are able to do it because they can sense the fast moving current.

  Being able to do this is the most defining characteristic for being a god. It can't be done without aid by a soul which didn't ascend.

  By using this method, you can go anywhere you want at instant speed. That's why some mortals think of gods as omnipresent. Which we are not.

  Those currents flow extremely slow inside void zones. So an untrained individual can't sense them. That gives the impression of an empty space.

  After Seria had given me this hint, I ran back to my lab. It took me two sleepless days to complete the preparations and to instruct the palace to grow the necessary equipment.

  At the third day I fell asleep and when I woke up, the palace had completed it's task. Right now I have a small crystal in my hand.


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