Until death?

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Until death? Page 58

by Andur

  Before he can get up his skull is crushed under the sole of my foot. Haaah! I like it to ~crush~ bad guys.

  Picking up the mace, I turn to finish off my first opponent / ~victim~. He is still on his knees while the mace comes down on his neck and ends his miserable existence.

  Having dealt with the disturbance, I concentrate my full attention on singing again. With the enhanced strength and agility our close combat fighters manage to deal with their enemies rather easily.

  Then they advance towards the shackled group and start a bloody execution.

  I turn my attention to the lifting smoke screen and realize that something bad happened on Sondo's side.

  There are orks emerging out of the smoke. I switch my aria to a song which weakens enemies. The orks fall to their knees with strained expressions on their faces.

  Spellweaving is a very powerful art, but it comes with a price. Spells which affect such a huge area come with a hefty consumption of mana. Mana is a power within ones soul. It's directly connected with your ability to concentrate and your life force.

  And I feel my reserves dwindle! Singing so many powerful spells is using almost my entire power. The last song is especially difficult because I have to suppress all enemies affected by it.

  I feel my concentration wavering while I try to use every ounce of power within me. I have to do this! Thirty enemies at the same time are too much for this group!

  Pearls of sweat are forming on my forehead while I feel the last of my power disappearing. But there has to be more! I continue to sing while I search within myself for anything besides my own life force.

  But scraping a bit off of my own life is better than dying? Isn't it? I continue to sing while my comrades finish the last of the shackled opponents and advance towards the main group.

  My voice starts to waver while my life diminishes with each word. But I have to hold on.

  When my life is almost gone, I suddenly realize a small spark of power within myself. It is so small. I would have never felt it if I hadn't drained my reserves to that extend!

  Like someone dying of thirst, I grab for that small spark of power and suddenly an unbelievable force floods through my entire being!

  There is so much mana! More than I ever felt before. It shakes my entire being. A white nothingness of pure power is all around me and I become aware of streams of pure energy through all my surroundings.

  I never felt them before. I never realized that there was so much power everywhere all along! Then I am overwhelmed by this new realization of reality and everything goes dark.





  A slow swaying motion wakes me up and I open my eyes. A slight pain stings into them, as I am blinded by the light. “Ouch! Too bright!”

  “Sharid? You are awake? Thank the gods! Ron, set her down!” Maxime's voice reaches my ears.

  “What happened?” I blink as I am helped off of Ron. Looks like he carried me on his back.

  “You were out cold for a day. We are almost out of the forest!” Sondo looks at me with a worried face. He has a pretty big bump on his forehead. Did he run into a tree?

  “Ngh! I am so sorry! You guys had to carry me all the way?” I get to my feet. Somehow I feel light!

  “Careful! You don't have to apologize. You saved us all with that last song. To hold down that many orks. I am sorry. You even used your own life force! Are you sure you are able to stand?” Iris gives me another worried look.

  “It's okay! I never felt better! What's wrong with you guys?” I smile at them.

  “Um... your hair...” Ron points at me with an awkward expression.

  I pull my hair into my view and become aware of a pure white strand. It seems to origin from my left temple. “Hm. Does it look cool? It gives me a villain look doesn't it? Can you tell me what happened?”

  Iris takes the lead in explaining things. “After you started that last song, we hurried to deal with the paralysed orks. We realized that you started to burn your own life to keep them in check and worked as fast as we could.”

  She takes a breath.

  “But when we were halfway done, you suddenly emitted this light and your whole body started glowing. You sang and sang. It was like a messenger of the gods came to the mortal realm. And then you suddenly dropped to the ground and were unconscious. Nothing we did could wake you up and so we carried you all the way here.”

  “Ah. I see.... thank you guys. Looks like I was a burden in the end.” I bow to them.

  “No way! Without you we would have been goners! When those orks broke our line of defence you stepped in front of Maxime. From which spell did you get that barbarous strength!?” Ron bursts out.

  “Barbarous?” I pout my lips and Iris cuffs Ron into the side. “I was just training in the mountains with my master. He didn't allow me weapons and so I had to deal with various wild beasts just by using my fists. There were snow pumas, bears and mountain gorillas. But especially the most problematic ones, which are the cave trolls. Those are really strong fellows! Dealing with an ork is like kicking a child compared to them.”

  The group stares at me with astounded expressions. “And it's good if a supporter can take care of himself in case something gets past the front lines!”

  Iris shakes her head. “I thought she was the delicate type. From tomorrow on, I will fight a bear bare handed every day!”

  “I will go and train alone in the mountains after this.” Ron kicks a pebble on the roadside.

  “I will join you!” Maxime calls out towards Ron.

  “Next time I will prepare more smoke bombs!” Sondo is the only one who makes the smart choice.

  With this our group parts at the next city. They still thanked me quite a few times for saving them till we parted.

  Then I start to stroll in awe through the town. I am bewitched by my new senses and those streams of power everywhere.

  If I concentrate, I can sense them. They are everywhere! They run through the earth, the air and the sky! A gigantic endless network! And this limitless power I feel within myself!

  Out of curiosity I try to grab one of the small and weak streams of power. Before I know it, I stand on the grassy field in front of the town. How did I get here? I was inside the town a second ago!

  “Feels cool to be a god, heh?” Nazareth's voice comes from my left knee and turn towards him.

  “~Master!~” I grab the little gnome and hug him tightly. “Did I make it!”

  “Gah! That's enough! Let me down! I will suffocate!” Nazareth wriggles out of my grasp.

  Is he embarrassed? Oh, now I know how to deal him a blow!

  “Listen! Young god! I suggest you travel through the multiverse from now on and learn everything of interest.” -Nazareth

  “Multiverse?” I arch my eyebrows.

  “Oh. You see those strings of power everywhere? By grabbing one and holding onto them you can travel to different worlds and realities. It's a unique ability of us gods. Like that huge mana pool. But be careful! You can still die if you take a fatal wound. But by emitting your mana as an aura you can become almost invincible.” -Nazareth

  “Invincible?” I feel like a fool to ask like that.

  “Yes. But don't overvalue it. Other gods can still hurt you. Oh, and thanks to that huge mana pool, you have an effectively limitless lifespan now. And now for the rules!” Nazareth points a finger at me.

  “Since when have gods rules?” I am completely baffled now.

  “There are! First. Don't fight with other gods! It always ends bad! Second! Don't play too much with mortals! If you mess with them too much the big societies will punish you. Third! If you ever meet a newly born god, you have to give him directions.” -Nazareth

  “Societies?” Aw! I fell back into that shema!

  “There are multiple big societies of gods. They are similar to nations.” Nazareth sits down on a small rock. “The biggest ones are as following. First the Perseides Allianc
e, they created their own world for gods and like it to keep to their own kind. They protect the planets under their jurisdiction like bloodhounds. Don't mess with one of their toys or you will have a bad time.”

  “They created their own world!?” I have to see that!

  “Yeah. But access isn't free. You have to be a member of their club.” Nazareth shoots me immediately down. “Then there is the Arcane Community. They have their base on an artificial moon. They are all science nerds. If you don't talk in formulas, you shouldn't waste your time with them.” -Nazareth

  “There is also the Gaian Pact. All of them are nature freaks. They want to keep the multiverse healthy or something like that. I am a god of nature myself, but they are on another level. I can't really associate with them. They are all around the multiverse. You are sure to run into one of them sooner or later.” Nazareth folds his hands.

  “The Unity is also a group of oddballs with their own world. They are shutting themselves in their world and try to live normal lifes. As far as it is possible for gods.” -Nazareth

  “Is there a problem?” I look into his disturbed face.

  “Well that brings me to rule number four. It isn't really a rule but you should follow it for your own good. Don't have children. They will be mortal and grow old and die under your eyes. Pretty depressing if you make that mistake too often.” -Nazareth

  “Ow.” That's a disturbing thought.

  “Unless you join one of the big societies of course. Those with planets have a way to have children who are gods too. But like I said, you have to join the club.” Nazareth shrugs his shoulders.

  “The Unity is another group with their own planet. They keep to themselves for most of the time. Though they are always trying to find new gods to join their ranks.”

  “The Carne Empire has a planet too. It's lead by some kind of legendary harem king. Keep away from there for your own good!”

  “That one was a pretty short introduction?” -Me

  “So you want to join a harem? I didn't realize that you swing that way. You will have no problems then, he takes....” But Nazareth gets interrupted by me.

  “Continue! What about Angrod!” He is right! I don't want to hear it! I want to know where I have to go to give him a beating!

  “You should go and contact Miruliru from The Path first. She told me to give you her invitation to visit her for tea. The Path is the next big faction. They are firm believers that gods should try to get as many mortal worshippers as possible. It's their opinion that gods should guide the mortals under them” Nazareth ignores my question.

  “So this world belongs to The Path?” This is getting really complicated. I should pay Miruliru a visit. She saved me twice.

  “This world is neutral. But it's under the supervision of the Chimerans. Angrod is their king and if you would have to put them into a power ranking with the other societies, they are the strongest force. They also have their own planet and are a closed society. In case that a demon outbreak occurs, they will come and interfere.” -Nazareth

  “That brings me to to the last point. If you ever come across a crystalline sphere, blue, about a metre big, levitating in the air and spinning like crazy. Crush it immediately with all your power. It's a gateway for soul eating demons. They can eat gods too. They are remnants from a long war against a great evil.” Nazarath smiles at me while my jaw drops.

  “Now for directions. See that very big fat pathway in the sky? That one leads to Asheim. It's a place for all powers to meet and talk. If you get lost, that one always leads there. So it's very convenient for you!” He grins at me. “But the Chimerans are in charge of Asheim, just for the information. And that other big one left on the horizon to that mountain? That one brings you directly to The Path! And you don't have to touch a pathway in order to use it. Just concentrating on it is enough.”

  Nazareth folds his arms behind his back and looks at me with expectant eyes.

  “Uuh. I guess it's time to thank you for everything then?” I smile at master.

  “No problem. It's an honour to help the finest twin mountains I have ever seen.” The gnome grins at me while my expression drops.

  “In the name of everything you have done for me. I will not ~execute~ you for that remark.” -Me

  After a last wave at my master, I turn around to take a look at this ~multiverse~!

  Another realm and a group of gods

  “You have done it! You are a genius Nazareth! To lead her back to godhood within a few years! Freedom!” -lesser deity

  “And now she is gone and we are free!” -Nazareth

  “PARTY! Three years of guarding her every step from dying of hunger in the wild.” - minor god

  “Why do you look so sad Nuin?” -Zenial, High goddess of the moon

  “I just thought that I would have to peek on lesser girls from now on...... it's lucky that I took a few pictures before she left.” -Nuin, High god of the sun

  “I get your troubles.....” -Nazareth

  “All the years I had to look at those superior tits of hers!” -minor deity

  “PERVERTS!” -Zenial, High goddess of the moon

  “Anyone thought about what would happen if Angrod ever remembered about her and asked us where she is?” -minor goddess

  “...” -Silence

  “Find her!” “But she is out there in the multiverse!” “Impossible!” “She will get lost at the first corner!” “Save her!” “AAAAH!” “We are doomed!” “Don't burn my pictures!” “Because of them you didn't do your job!” …..





  94 - Being a daddy! And teatime?

  “He ran away!? Why didn't you stop him Seria?” Dad calls out in a surprised voice while sitting on his throne.

  “Geez! Don't call it running away. He just wanted to travel the multiverse and have a little bit of fun. It isn't like he won't come back at all.” I try to calm dad down.

  “Hmpf. I wanted to give him a few jobs. Maybe retiring completely if he proved to be a good leader.” Dad seems a little down.

  “Maybe it isn't so bad if he takes a good look at the multiverse first.” I smile at dad.

  “Haah. There goes my vacation. Well, I am willing to let him run amok until it gets boring. It can't take more than a few years.” Dad leans back in his throne with a grumpy expression.

  “Ahaha. Don't be so negative! If it gets out of hand I will drag him home.” I am confident to set him right if the need should arise.

  “At least my cute little daughter is reliable! How about trying your luck as an envoy in Asheim?” Father has a dirty expression on his face!

  “Dad! You have that grin again...... what's the other side of the coin?” I have to probe for more information.

  Dad slumps down on his chair. “You will have to deal with all those pests from the other powers.”

  I grin at Angrod with a bright expression. “Then I will have to show them who the boss is!”

  “.... actually. It might not be such a good idea. Do you want to have a political marriage instead? *Urgh* *Cough* *Cough*” -Angrod

  I immediately jumped at that idiot father and gave him a flying knee into the belly. “What day and age are you from!?”

  “Thanks to you, your parents had also a political marriage! It would be fair to have you experience the same fate!” -Angrod


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