Desert Strike

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Desert Strike Page 17

by Leo Nix

  “I guess they've got none. That would've been the first thing to do. So no gas, no smoke and no grenades. It's a good sign, bud,” Pipeline replied.

  Staff Sergeant Obi-Wan peered inside the homestead and saw bodies lying on the floor. He called out, “Hey, you guys inside, what's you're status?”

  Martene called out in answer, “We're doing fine, we don't need you to rescue us.” She'd had a tough time and was in a bad mood. The Sisterhood started with two platoons and were now down to just the two girls standing.

  Riley called out to his special ops mates. “Obi-Wan, we've got wounded, serious wounded, we need help in here.”

  Pipeline continued firing as did Murphy. The two swapped position as each changed magazine allowing Fortune and Obi-Wan to crawl in through the window to provide first aid.

  The first thing they saw was the mess on the floor. There were pools of blood, empty cartridge cases, bodies and the smell of blood and cordite was overpowering. What affected them the most was the sight of Bongo cradling a girl in his arms, he was sobbing quietly. Obi-Wan summed it up, he could tell these people were ineffective and out of the fight.

  There were still rounds going in and out of the windows. Roo and Riley had positioned themselves to take turns firing through a small crack in the wall. So far the enemy hadn't noticed it.

  Just then Riley cried out, “Roo, I'm out, they're all yours cuz!”

  Fortune called to his mates outside. “We're ineffective here. We'll stick around and provide first aid, you guys will have to carry us for a while.”

  Obi-Wan nodded at Fortune and took one of the windows. He then became business-like, doing what he did best, protecting his buddies.

  The Ravens Claws assaulted the left flank again and again only to be confronted by a staunch Lucy and her team. She held the high ground and beat the now cowed terrorists back to their sand dune cover at the front of the homestead. The Sundown Commando squad's final defense was with their pistols having run out of automatic rifle ammunition some time earlier.

  The terrorists next tried to get around the right flank but an angry Nulla and his reinforced team fought them back. Reduced to only a dozen men the Ravens Claws were now sent reeling at each turn.

  There came three shrill blasts from a whistle and the incoming fire from the Ravens Claws ceased. Murphy looked at his partner, he nodded then together they leaped towards the sound of vehicles starting up from behind the sand dune.

  There were two, four wheel drives, just starting to move when they arrived. While Murphy and Pipeline opened up on them with their automatics Obi-Wan raced across and popped a precious 40 mm grenade into his launch tube and fired. It exploded beside the front vehicle sending the second one accelerating into it.

  The special ops poured fire into the two vehicles until all movement ceased. They carefully walked around the battle scene to make sure not one Ravens Claw survived.

  Halo, Assassin and Cambra had raced across the sand dunes when they heard the whistle blasts and the cars revving up. They missed the opportunity to fire on the escaping vehicles, the special ops had completed the mission for them. The boys watched the precision and professionalism of the three American warriors from the top of the sand dune.

  Holding his broken hand, Halo said, “Did you guys see what I just saw? Now that's better soldiering than Halo4 any day. Way better than any Assassin Creed game too. These guys are good.”

  Obi-Wan looked up to see his three commando friends and waved for them to join them. “Hey, how's things up there, any trouble?” he asked grimly.

  “All cleaned up, Obi. We'll go back and check again but that was some shooting you did here,” said Assassin taking over now that Halo was struggling and in pain. Cambra stood silent with his own thoughts.

  “What about the other flank? Can one of you go and check for me please?” he asked Assassin.

  The cherub faced commando noticed that Cambra was not in such a good place. It was prudent to give him a job to prevent him breaking down. “Cambra, can you go and check Sundown's squad, mate?”

  Cambra looked up then nodded, he loped off while Halo squatted down and tried to wrap his hand in his bandage. “Give me a hand will ya, Obi,” he called to his special ops mate. Obi-Wan took the bandage from Halo and wrapped his friend's hand for him.

  “That's ugly bud, looks like a rattlesnake bite. How'd it swell up like that?” asked the Ranger Staff Sergeant.

  “Ravens Claws have hard heads.” Halo grunted between gritted teeth as Obi-Wan wrapped the bandage tight over the fast swelling hand.

  “I'd get the nurses to take a look at that when we get back to camp. It might need plaster, if you guys have any that is,” said the Ranger.

  No one ventured inside the homestead until the perimeter was checked and double checked. Obi-Wan took command of the clean up. When he was satisfied he called for Pellino to climb onto the homestead roof to keep a look out while they helped the girls inside.

  “Hey! Hey, you guys! We're coming out, don't shoot us, OK?” came a strong female voice from inside.

  Bongo had just exited the homestead. His tear streaked face reflected just how exhausted they all were. Everyone looked pale, completely done-in.

  “Come out without your weapons and your hands in the air, or we'll shoot!” called Lucy with an authority that seemed to come easily to her.

  “The girls inside are Crusaders, Lucy. They could have killed us when they arrived, instead they told us to leave. We agreed to stay and help them against the Ravens Claws. They're now our friends. Don't hurt them.” Bongo looked at the hard faces in front of him and continued. “If anyone has a problem with that you'll have to kill me before I let anyone harm a hair on their heads,” he said, his grim face showed he was serious, deadly serious.

  Riley came out at that moment and stood beside his scout mate. “As Bongo said, these girls are our friends, we stayed to help them. They're now our blood sisters, friends, and I'll die beside Bongo to defend them too.” He saw the hard looks soften and some of them nodded approval. “They're badly shot up and need medical help.” He waved to Assassin and Cambra. “Come on, Soldier of Fortune needs help with them.”

  Those gathered at the homestead looked at each other and began to move towards the entrance. Bongo took that for a yes and called into the single roomed homestead, “Martene, bring your girls out.”

  “You won't shoot us will you?” came the commanding female voice again.

  “No, of course we won't bloody shoot you,” answered Lucy in a slightly softer but firm voice.

  The door was in pieces and fell apart as the first Crusader exited the building. She carried a bloodied red haired girl gently in her arms. Captain Martene was followed by one other also carrying one of their Sisterhood.

  Obi-Wan tapped Beamy on the arm. He was dazed and drifting off somewhere in his mind but the tap brought him back to the present. The two went over to help the wounded girls.

  “Would someone tell me what's going on here? Sundown's going to want a few answers,” said Assassin easing one of the wounded girls onto her side as Pipeline and Obi-Wan began first aid.

  Martene put her hands on her hips, she was so exhausted she could barely stand. But she wouldn't let her girls down and spoke up with pride, clear and strong.

  “The Ravens Claws attacked us last night while we were on a training and clean up patrol. They chased us here this morning. Our sister platoon is completely wiped out and I've lost almost my entire platoon. We cut them up bad last night in a counter attack, we knocked them down from company size to what you saw here.” The captain was shaking as she pulled a packet of cigarettes from her shirt pocket. She tapped it vigorously but it was empty. The other Crusader, a woman of even more mature years, handed her one of her own cigarettes.

  After a few seconds Captain Martene spoke again. The Commando members noticed she wore the insignia of an officer in the Crusader's of Light Battalion and had the bearing of a thoroughly formidable warrior. “Young m
an, you said 'Sundown' am I right?”

  Obi-Wan and Pipeline bandaged the wounded girl's thigh. She was barely conscious and groaned as they tightened it to stop the blood flow. Assassin tried to help but was just in the way so he stood up to answer Martene's question.

  “Sure did, ma'am, I mean, Captain. Sundown's just over there.” He pointed towards the sand dune. Sundown was still concussed and quite incapable of greeting his guests. “We're Sundown's Commando, ma'am. We would like to offer you our hospitality, I think you need it.” Assassin nodded to Jaina who only now put her pistol into it's holster. She then went over to help with the wounded. Shadow was checking on Sundown.

  When Halo returned from the homestead he said, “There's not much ammunition left there, captain. You were in luck this morning, we were thinking of heading home tomorrow.”

  “I don't think luck had much to do with it. We've been fighting a running retreat into this damn desert all night sonny-boy. We would have been throwing rocks in another ten minutes. Our Lord saw we had honour and those Ravens Claws had none, so he put you here to help us,” explained Martene. She looked haggard and the only thing keeping her from collapse was the cigarette in her hand.

  She turned to Bongo. “If it had clicked that you were Sundown's Commando, I might not have allowed you to stay and play with us.”

  “That's what I was thinking.” He smiled as he held Denise's hand between his own.

  “Now where's Pedro young man, did you say you knew him?” asked the captain of the Warrior Sisterhood as the rest of the commando gathered to help where they could.

  Shadow had walked over and was carefully observing Martene, she stepped forward. “Captain Martene, are you with us or against us? I need to know so we don't spill the beans on some of our secrets. You know the rules.” It was apparent that Shadow was on Sundown's leadership committee for her brains, as well as her talent for killing terrorists.

  “So Pedro's a secret then?” Martene asked with a chuckle deep in her throat.

  Just then one of the special ops soldiers came out of the homestead and walked up to Martene. “I'm sorry, ma'am, but the others inside are dead. I wish we'd been able to get here earlier. I'm sorry.” It was Soldier of Fortune, the special ops medic, his drawn face reflected his grief.

  “You said you fought the Ravens Claws, a company? And with just platoon strength? You're quite an officer lady,” said Obi-Wan, the respect reflected in his eyes.

  The other aged Crusader survivor answered. “Captain Martene's one of our best. The Ravens Claws ambushed us on the Diamantina nature reserve while we were cleaning up after the Thunderdome Cup. They didn't win this time so they declared war on us, without even telling us either. Captain Martene led the withdrawal and ambushes all the way here. Those Ravens Claws really wanted to get their hands on her. She's the one that led the assault on the Brisbane church headquarters and stopped them killing and harassing our farmers. Yes, she's one of our very best.”

  Martene offered more information as Sue-Ellen and Nulla came over to join them. “We're the Warrior Sisterhood, personal bodyguards to the Abbess Leonie, of Longreach. I'd like to extend the hand of friendship to whoever runs this outfit. I see Sundown's unwell but I still can't see Pedro. So who's going to shake my hand?”

  “Pedro?” said Halo looking directly at Nulla. “Where's Pedro, Nulla?”

  Cambra was standing beside Halo and his face turned white. He did a quick head count then said hurriedly. “And where's my girls? Where's Lulu and Danni? We've got to find them Nulla.” His face ceased in fear and he started to fret.

  “Oh, shit!” exclaimed Nulla. As he turned he grabbed at Jaina's arm and ran back to where they'd been fighting. He called over his shoulder, “I'll shake your hand madam but right now I'm busy.”

  Sue-Ellen was exhausted, the eight hundred metre run and the fight took it out of her. She was no longer a tanned and toned twenty year old she decided.

  “Captain Martene is it? I'm Commander Sue-Ellen Cullen. It is my pleasure to meet you and I would like to welcome you to Sundown's Commando. Sadly I hear that Sundown is unwell, he received a blow to the head and is currently throwing up his intestines. Best we leave him to it for a while, we don't want to embarrass him.”

  Martene couldn't help but like this woman. She looked tough as nails but she had a nice smile and manner. With a loud sigh she said, “I'd like a cup of tea if you don't mind - thick, dark and strong, just how I like my men.” She paused then looked down on Bongo sitting beside Denise at their feet. He held the girl's head gently in his arms and was speaking softly to her. Her eyes were open and she had a wan smile on her face.

  Martene could see what was happening and it warmed her heart. In the midst of this madness her daughter just might have found herself a hero who truly deserved her.

  “But first I'd like my daughter here and her two wounded cousins taken to your camp. They're not doing too well and I don't want to lose them.” Sue-Ellen heard the tight strain in her voice and knew Martene was fighting exhaustion.

  “Sure, my boys will organise that,” she said gently then turned and called to her special ops troops. “Let's get these stretchered and out of here.” Soldier of Fortune looked up and nodded to Murphy who loped off to find a couple of stretchers from among the terrorist vehicles.

  Turning, Sue-Ellen noticed Blondie lying on the front porch of the homestead. Her shoulder was bandaged and she appeared to be sleeping. Looking at the wounded commandos she said, “Halo, you, Blondie and Roo better go with the wounded Sisterhood girls.”

  There came a roar of a four wheel truck from behind the sand dune where the Ravens Claws had parked their vehicles. “It seems Murphy's found a vehicle. He can drive us all back to the camp site.”

  Lucy wasn't quite finished with her mission that day. She leaned down to pull a fresh magazine from one of the dead terrorists as she walked over to Sue-Ellen. “Sue-Ellen, I need to check for wounded Raven's Claws.”

  Sue-Ellen was still recovering from the long run and the vicious fire-fight, she just nodded her head in exhaustion.

  Through his nausea, Sundown knew they had won the battle, but he could still hear gunfire. It was a single shot AK47 and he wondered who it was and what they were doing. There was movement to his left and he turned his head painfully to see.

  It was Lucy, he watched as she carelessly walked over to a wounded terrorist squirming on the ground. Putting her booted foot on his chest to hold him still she raised her weapon. With his mind screaming for her to stop she fired a single shot into the terrorist's forehead.

  Chapter 17 - Treaty

  Nulla directed Jaina to stand on the top of the sand dune to watch for movement. Cambra checked to make sure there were no terrorists before walking along the top looking for Pedro and his girls. Nulla now examined the ground until he cut Pedro's crawl marks. It was easy then. He followed the tracks and noted first the tin legs, then his M21 sniper rifle, lying at the base of the sand dune. Surely that was where Pedro would be, on the other side.

  He felt a sinking feeling in his chest as he climbed to the top of the dune. Even though he didn't want to, he looked down. There he saw Pedro with the two girls. They appeared to be snuggled up and asleep, like small children in his arms.

  “Pedro, are the girls OK?” he called tentatively, quite uncertain of what he was seeing. Nulla shivered fearfully at what Pedro might answer.

  “Yes, matie, they're safe as houses,” came Pedro's very tired reply.

  Nulla heaved a huge sigh of relief as he waved for Jaina and Cambra to join him. They ran over as fast as they could in the deep sand. They slid straight down the dune and hugged the three survivors tightly. The old man began to cry again.

  “Damn it, I feel like a right boofhead I do. If I hadn't thrown me legs off when I did this might not be so…” he stopped talking and swallowed a choked sob.

  Cambra now began to sob too. His deep, heart-wrenching sobs upset Jaina. She fought hard not to show her tears of relie
f. Just then Danni opened her eyes and looked around.

  Sitting up with a start, she asked, “What's happening? Where's Lulu?”

  When she realised she was in Pedro's arms and lying next to her best friend, she relaxed, a little. “Is Lulu going to be all right, Pedro?” she asked in a small voice.

  “Yes Danni, she's fine,” he said smoothing her black hair with his hand. “I've checked her over. Those bastards didn't do anything unseemly but she's going to have a sore head.” Pedro absently wiped the tears from Danni's cheeks. “How's your throat, me little darlin'?”

  Danni reached her hand to the bruising on her neck and winced. “It's sore but I'm all right. I'm just worried about Lulu, I heard her screaming and it… it… it upset me.” Nulla decided it was time to move back to their camp site, before they all started crying again and he with them.

  He looked at the two dead bodies beside the commandos on the sand. “Pedro, we'd better get some help over here and head back. We're pretty knocked about but we survived.” He smiled as he added, “and Pedro old fella, we're proud of you.”

  Cambra was next to useless. All he could do was hold on to the girls and sob. The tension of the past twelve months had finally hit and it broken him. Nulla put his arm around his shoulders and sat with them while Jaina sought help to carry Pedro. She wasn't in the mood to carry him back to the camp site, so when she heard Murphy start the truck, she knew she was saved.

  Murphy found three of the vehicles, left behind by the Ravens Claws, were in serviceable condition. Martene's vehicle was trashed beyond any hope of repair. The engine and every panel had been ripped to shreds in the vicious fire-fight. The four special ops took turns to transport the wounded and exhausted troops to the main camp.

  Roo sat with Riley and Dog beside their two dead camels. They didn't speak, there were no words to describe their loss. It had been weeks of hard work to get to know these beautiful and sensitive beasts, now they were dead. Even Dog sensed their sadness and went from one to the other, licking their hands.


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